On the sea, there were dark clouds, the waves were rolling, and a strange atmosphere filled the battlefield.

Euron knelt devoutly on the bow of the Invincible Ironborn, with his only remaining eye staring viciously ahead, a ferocious expression on his face.

"Feel the fear, feel the terror of the Drowned God!"

"Whether it's the Redwyne fleet, or you, a boy who doesn't know how high the sky is, how vast the sea is, or even King's Landing, I will spread the terror of the Drowned God!"

Euron has absolute confidence in this sea monster.

After he was expelled from the Iron Islands by his brother King Balon, he has been wandering around the world. He is very smart, smarter than everyone else.

He learned the dark arts and emerged from the ruins of Valyria alive, something that few people have been able to do for thousands of years.

When Euron was satisfied and ready to return to the Iron Islands, he felt God's will during a voyage on the Serenity.

Euron's dark magic helped him establish a connection with the newly awakened Drowned God.

For some unknown reason, the Drowned God was willing to help him.

This made Euron omnipotent in various naval battles, directly forming a large fleet, and finally returned to the Iron Islands to seize power.

Euron believed that this time would be no different.

In the invisible reality of the sailors, black aura also emerged from their bodies, gathering into the depths of the sea just like Euron's.

Every time they lost a breath, they became sluggish, but no one noticed this abnormality. They were all attracted by the terrifying sight in front of them:

On the huge sea surface, several huge golden tentacles grew from the bottom of the sea.

It was so huge that when it emerged, the water it brought up and the fluctuations it caused made the crew think the weather suddenly turned into a storm.

The golden tentacles surrounded Robb's fleet, and with unrivaled momentum, they seemed to be beating all of Robb's fleet to the bottom of the sea.

Those tiny fleets were not worth mentioning in front of this huge tentacle, just like a few ants crawling in the palm of an adult.

"Long live the Drowned God!"

"Long live the Iron Islands, long live King Euron!"

“Accept the baptism of God and be reborn!”

This was not the first time that the ironmen had seen such a miracle, but they found that this time the miracle seemed to be more majestic and spectacular than before. It seemed...

The Drowned God takes this battle more seriously than ever before.

Euron also frowned and thought to himself: "Why did I absorb so much life essence this time? This crew needs to be replaced. Otherwise, if I call the Drowned God to help me next time, these people will die instantly!"

Although there was a strange feeling in his heart, Euron didn't show it at all on his face. To the outside world, he still looked confident.


Everyone in Robb's fleet was shocked by the scene before them. They looked at the huge tentacles surrounding their fleet and felt a sense of despair in their hearts.

Just seeing those tentacles made them feel sick and dizzy, and an indescribable strangeness hovered in their hearts, reminding them: Don't look directly!

Little Jon cursed and held up a huge shield in his hand: "Fuck grandma, these pirates really know how to play. Now we are all finished! Come here!"

Eddard Karstark, Clay Severn, Daisy Mormont and Greenbeard, several centurions understood Little Jon's intentions and found huge shields around them.

Clay Seven was cursing as he moved: "These pirates are dressed in rags, but they can still make such a big noise. In my next life, I will also be a sea monster, rape their Drowned God, and then use them to rag to wipe."

Daisy rolled her eyes at him when she heard this.

Several centurions came to Robb with shields: "Your Majesty, squat down quickly, we will hold you back!"

They wanted to lead people to form a shield array and protect Robb in the middle, so that when the tentacle was shot down, they could at least ensure that they would die in front of His Majesty.

Robb laughed: "It's useless for you guys to do this. Go back, remember your job, and command your soldiers well."

Eddard Karstark said anxiously: "Your Majesty!"

Robb didn't explain any more: "Just watch from behind."

Several centurions looked at each other and took a step back according to the order, but they all made up their minds that as long as their ship was attacked, they would take the lead to protect His Majesty's safety.

Robb ignored them and came to the bow of the ship with his staff in hand, squinting at the sea.

The tentacles that popped out were not the point, the key was what was hidden under the sea.

At this moment, the sky was already dark, the sea was turbulent, the ship was shaking, and the sea water in the sky was falling like raindrops.

It's like the end of the world!

The golden tentacles were getting closer and closer, and were about to attack the fleet.

Robb's narrowed eyes suddenly opened: Here!

Jumping up, Robb saw a tentacle slapping towards him. He calmly waved the staff in his hand, curling up like a baby. The white moonlight condensed together, and a full moon appeared on Robb's body. .

【Lelana's Full Moon】

The full moon broke away from Robb and collided with the tentacles that were flapping rapidly towards him.



It was as if the illusion was shattered and the mirror, flower, water, and moon were shattered. The full moon shattered instantly and turned into fragments and dissipated in mid-air.

The golden tentacles seemed to have touched something terrifying and quickly retreated.

The faint golden light on the tentacles became dim, and the silver light was slightly revealed, as if covered with a thin veil by the moonlight.

The sea surface surged even more fiercely, and it seemed that a terrible monster was coming.

"Hmph, you dare to show your face!"

Robb snorted coldly, and the staff in his hand changed color, flashing with dark green light. Under the broken moonlight, it was no longer as cold as before, but exuded a more distant and violent aura!

The next second, a huge dark green light beam appeared on Robb's staff.

【Comet Yazle】

The torrent coming from the depths of the starry sky roared straight towards the bottom of the sea with terrifying power.

At the end of the rapids, a blurry dark green irregular sphere loomed. There was nothing to block in front of it. The sea water was separated and the air seemed to be torn apart.

It is the comet that landed on this continent!

The turbulent sea surface stagnated for a moment, and then a hole seemed to be torn open by a pair of invisible hands. The comet that was summoned and descended on the world rushed directly to the deepest part of the sea!

This is the spell with the longest range that Robb currently has. Even if the Drowned God is hiding under the sea, Robb is sure to hurt him!


Boom! Boom!

In the depths of the endless seabed, everyone heard the strange screams. Although they did not understand the meaning, they could feel that the screams were unusually angry, as well as...pain and fear!

All the tentacles extending out of the sea suddenly became restless and seemed to have lost control.

They began to swing wildly, began to attack indiscriminately on the surface of the sea, and quickly retracted to the depths of the seabed.

Seeing that his fleet was about to be affected, Robb immediately picked up the middle of the staff and made a bow and arrow shot in mid-air.

A dark blue bow transformed into Robb's hand. This magical bow looked bigger than a giant crossbow, and it continued to grow in Robb's hand.

Four magic arrows with the aura of death appeared on the magic bow.

【Loretta's unique skill】


Robb let out a low groan, and the magic arrow in his hand shot out instantly, flying towards the tentacle in the distance.

The four arrows drew a graceful arc in mid-air, finally gathered in one place, and struck hard on the torso of a tentacle.

The originally violent tentacles were instantly pierced, and then they seemed to lose their vitality and fell powerlessly to the bottom of the sea.

Three more tentacles came in like an overwhelming force.

Robb took out the ice, held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and held his breath. A cold white breath appeared. In Robb's hand, the ice grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a giant sword that only the legendary giant could wield. !

[Adura's Moonlight Sword]

Robb waved the cold giant sword transformed by magic, put one foot on the bow of the ship, jumped up high, saw the right moment, and swung out the sword.

The cold moonlight sword cut through butter like a hot knife, cutting off all the tentacles without any hindrance. Frost covered the cross section, freezing the wound.

Robb changed his body shape and used hound steps to shuttle back and forth across the bow of the ship. The moonlight sword in his hand danced back and forth, and all the tentacles near Robb's fleet were cut off!




The sounds coming from the bottom of the sea became more and more manic. It seemed that Robb's actions brought him great pain. On the sea, the tentacles waved more wildly, but this time, they no longer danced wildly beside Robb's fleet.

While they were retreating to all sides, they were rapidly shrinking towards the bottom of the sea.

Once the remaining tentacles were scattered, Euron's fleet suffered a disaster.

They were completely unable to resist the power of this ghost and god. With a single sweep of the huge tentacles, the iron fleet was swept away.

"Run away!"

"Why is the Drowned God attacking us?!"

"We have angered the Drowned God, run!"

"The Drowned God, I pray to you sincerely, your..."

The Iron Fleet instantly lost control. By the time the Drowned God's tentacles completely disappeared from the sea, the fleet that had been invincible just now had been swept to pieces.


The last tentacle of the Drowned God slammed into the Invincible Ironborn. Euron didn't even realize what happened, and was directly wrapped up by the tentacle and sank to the bottom of the sea.

"my darling!"

Euron had no time to react and reluctantly cast a black magic spell to summon the treasures in the captain's cabin.

"Two babies, why is one missing..."

Before Euron finished speaking, he sank directly to the bottom of the sea. The sea water of Gollum drowned him and he sank into the deepest darkness.

When the sea surface calmed down, the sky cleared up again, the sun shone on the sea, and the sea surface was sparkling again.

The Iron Fleet was in disarray, and the remaining captains and ironborn looked at each other in shock.

Everything happened so fast that they had no time to react. Even if they did, they could do nothing in the face of such a powerful force.


At this time, the waters of Pike City are not far away.

Earl Redwyne was on the bow of the Queen of the Arbor. He blushed, brandished a scimitar in his hand, and roared heartbreakingly: "For the King of the North, for the Redwyne Fleet, kill me!!!" "

Thanks to [book friend 20230206211932741] for the reward.

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