The most important thing the Hound wants to do in his life is to kill his brother and enemy, the Mountain.

However, his life goal disappeared not long ago, and was cruelly deprived by the man in front of him.

Not tall, not strong, how did he kill the Mountain?

The Hound looked at Robb, puzzled.

"Your Majesty, I have a name, Sandor Clegane."

When the Hound was a child, he took his brother the Mountain's toys, and the Mountain pressed his face into the brazier and burned it. From then on, he was left with a burn on half of his face and a psychological barrier of fear of fire.

When Stannis attacked King's Landing, the little devil used wildfire defense, and Joffrey forced the Hound to attack under the flames.

The Hound abandoned his duties and became a wandering knight. By chance, he met Arya, so he escorted Arya all the way to Riverrun.

At this time, he had no revenge target, and he also lost his duties as a Kingsguard, and he had become a stray dog.

Robb said indifferently: "Hound, your name is irrelevant to me. You sent my sister back. This is a favor. I will compensate you. Tell me, what do you want?"

"Brother..." cried Arya whispered, her eyes full of prayers, hoping that her brother would be kinder to the Hound.

Although the Hound was still on her death list a few days ago, Arya is safe now. She is not an unreasonable person and knows that the Hound has done her a favor.

Robb waved his hand: "Okay. I can give you a gold dragon to ensure your satisfaction, or I can provide you with a job to restore the honor of your Clegane family."

The Hound wanted to taunt: Yes, Golden Dragon, you have conquered so many gold mines in the West, and there should be countless gold coins in your family.

But for some reason, the warrior's instinct told him not to joke with the king in front of him like this, and not to disrespect the king.

The Hound felt uncomfortable for a while. Robb seemed to have an innate aura that forced people to bow down to him.

He was about to choose the golden dragon and then leave here to wander around.

At this moment, he saw a green figure in the corner of his eyes.

Sansa also got the good news that Arya returned safely. She put down her work and ran to the hall like a little blue bird, hugging her mother and sister.

"I'm sorry, sorry..." Sansa repeated the words of apology over and over again. She was apologizing for everything that happened in King's Landing before.

She was also ashamed that she was enjoying a comfortable life in Riverrun, wearing the gorgeous dress sent by her brother, while her sister was suffering outside.

"I forgive you..."

Arya had experienced King's Landing and the hardships along the way, and had long forgotten the previous quarrels between the two little girls, crying and shouting.

Catelyn was relieved to see that her two daughters could restore their feelings, and tears kept flowing down from the corners of her eyes.

How lucky, Ned, did you see it? I lost you, but our children are still fine, how lucky!

The Hound stared blankly at the scene of the family reunion in front of him. The green figure made his heart tighten, but he quickly looked away. He was a little embarrassed and didn't want others to see through his thoughts.

So he swallowed the words he was about to say: "I have no goals in life anymore. Let me swear allegiance to you, Your Majesty."

Robb saw through the Hound's thoughts. In fact, no one could see his thoughts except him and Sansa.

But the Hound was destined to be like the beautiful Brienne. His inherent inferiority and miserable childhood made them unable to have the ability to love and be loved normally.

But fate played a joke on them and made them meet the most special people in their lives.

However, no matter because of their appearance or identity, the most important thing is their own qualities, which made them only a guarding knight, but they could never get a lover.

For Brienne, revenge for her beloved Renly became her obsession to replace Renly.

For the Hound, his previous honor and duties had been abandoned. Now he had only one hope in life: to protect Sansa until he died.

Robb didn't like this kind of person very much, but he certainly didn't hate him.

"In this case, you will be responsible for protecting the safety of my two sisters. I want you to swear in the name of the King of the North and the King of the Three Rivers to be loyal to my two sisters and not let anyone hurt them."

The Hound knelt on the ground, without even looking at Sansa, and swore solemnly.

From today on, he is Arya's guardian knight, and Sansa.


Riverrun, garden.

The Stark family gathered together for a long time to chat.

Catelyn caressed Arya: "You came back just in time. Uncle Edmure's wedding is coming soon. You can have a good meal."

Arya looked at Robb: "I heard that my brother is getting married too."

"Yes, but your brother's marriage is a big deal. We will prepare for it for a long time. It will probably take two months for the wedding to be held."

Arya opened her mouth wide: "Two months of preparation for a wedding. What grand wedding would take so long to prepare? Aren't we still fighting? When will we go to King's Landing and kill Tywin and Cersei!"

Robb smiled: "Don't worry, we will definitely kill Lannister and avenge our father."

Sansa didn't expect her sister to become more like a boy than before, but this time, she would no longer scream Arya to stay a lady.

Arya was a little frustrated: "I don't want to eat and drink, I want to do something, but I have nothing to do here."

Now every Stark who is older than her has something to do. Her mother and sister are her brother's ministers, holding high positions of power. Countless nobles come to visit them every day to please them.

In Winterfell, her closest brother, Jon Snow, is in charge of Winterfell. It is strange to hear that Bran is learning magic!

Except for Rickon who is still ignorant, every Stark is doing something. Only Arya feels like she is doing nothing, which makes her a little uncomfortable. She also wants to do something to contribute to her father's revenge.

Robb touched her head: "You can learn some swordsmanship and fighting skills from me. I may not have so much time to teach you, but what I teach you will definitely be different from others.

While I'm away, you can ask Hound and Brienne to teach you basic skills. They are the strongest knights on the continent. "

Robb has already arranged the development path for his brothers and sisters. Arya has a talent for fighting, so he will not let Arya learn the skills of calculation from Sansa.

It just so happens that Bran is learning his magic and Arya is learning her combat skills. When the two of them join forces, they become a smaller version of themselves.

"Great!" Aria showed a delighted smile on her face.

Caitlin looked at her daughter who was devoted to learning martial arts, then looked at Robb, showing her mother's unique helpless smile.


While the members of the Stark family all had their own goals, Robb also received good news from his lords.

According to Robb's request, Greatjon and Rickard Karstark have completed recruiting troops and formed the first army belonging to Robb - the Blood Wolf Army.

This army group has a total of ten thousand people, fully armed, and they are all veterans who have seen blood. Their combat effectiveness is definitely the first among all Robb's men.

After the legion was established, Robb announced his personnel appointments:

Little Jon, leader of the Blood Wolf Army.

There are three deputy captains: Daisy Mormont, Eddard Karstark, and Greenbeard.

Chief of Staff of the Corps: Clay Severn.

After hearing His Majesty Robb's personnel appointment, Lord Rickard Karstark almost recited it in one breath: "Oh, why didn't I snatch it from you, old white-headed man?"

Great Jon laughed loudly: "It's my son who deserves the best!"

Robb made the appointment of the legion commander based on many considerations. Of course, the final deciding factor was loyalty.

In the original timeline, Robb was destroyed step by step, and betrayers and those who lost their loyalty appeared one after another around him, but Jon and Jon always stood firmly on the side of the Stark family and never lost their loyalty.

This is where the Karstark family is inferior to the Umber family.

Although all the families are closely united around Robb because of his winning streak, Robb still prefers the Amber family in his heart, so he chose Little Jon as the captain of the army.

As for the other loyal Severn family, Robb has always tried to keep their presence down.

Lord Meech Severn is the dark side of the Wolf Guard.

Cray Severn is Robb's adviser in the Blood Wolf Legion and his source of gossip.

The Severn family is deeply trusted by Robb, but they are not too conspicuous in the court. They have great power, but their reputational power is very small. This is the difference between Robb and the Severn family. tacit agreement.

After the Army matter was settled, Robb began to deal with the Navy matter.

He formally made Lord Redwyne of the Reach his Lord of the Admiralty.

Supplies from the Reach will be continuously transported to Riverrun by Lord Redwyne's fleet.

This is a tacit understanding between Robb and the Reach.

Wendell Mandler serves as Foreign Minister Catelyn's deputy, and he will return to White Harbor with Robb's naval fleet, preparing to start contact with the first Free Federation city on the Essos continent.


When things were almost busy, Robb started planning the next step in the repaired study.

The most important thing now is to deal with this old guy Tywin.

But before taking out Tywin, Robb had to do two things.

The first is to figure out how many nails Tywin has buried in his side, and pull them out first, otherwise Robb will be very uncomfortable.

The best way to find nails is not to look for them one by one, but to let the nails appear on their own.

The second is to integrate and digest the power and resources of the Reach. When he grows stronger, the people in the north can have enough to eat, and the logistics supplies can keep up with the army's departure, Robb will send troops again.

As it happens, both of these things can be solved with a wedding.

One was his uncle Edmure's wedding to Luanhe City, and the other was his wedding to the Reach.

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