
The members of the Stark family returned to the peaceful times after a long absence.

Sansa counted every day and checked the bills with her brother's men and maesters. She became more and more skilled and handled things faster and faster.

Arya learned some combat skills from her brother every day, and then practiced the basics of swordsmanship with the hound in the arena.

The hound who practiced with her was dedicated. He could see Sansa for a while every day and was doing the work of protecting Sansa. His hope for life rose again in his heart.

He never expected to marry Sansa. He only hoped that when Robb married Sansa to a nobleman, he could go with her as a servant. Such a life would satisfy him.

The only one who was running around was Catelyn.

Under Brienne's protection, she now not only had to travel back and forth between Highgarden and worry about her son's marriage, but also had to take time to go to Riverrun to busy herself with her brother's marriage.

But she didn't feel tired at all. She was doing things that could make her family happier, and she could also feel happy from it.

And our King of the North, King of the Three Rivers, is working hard for his other nickname, 'Father of Dragons'.

Robb repeats the breath and the prayer of the Golden Law every day. Now the dragon egg in Robb's hand has completely changed.

"It has completely turned into a golden egg, and the breath it exudes is also very different from before. It is no longer a simple fire element. It feels very familiar."

Looking at the dragon egg in his hand, Robb is more and more looking forward to what this thing can hatch.

"Hatch it for about ten days, so it will be safer."

The dragon egg trembled slightly when it heard the word ten days.


King's Landing, after the Battle of Blackwater.

King Joffrey sat on the Iron Throne. The hard and cold iron made him fidget. He kept moving, but he could never find a comfortable angle.

He knew in his heart that it was not the sharp and painful Iron Throne that made him uncomfortable. The real culprit was the old man who rode a horse slowly into the hall in front of him.

But he didn't have the courage or self-esteem to admit it.

Tywin Lannister rode a tall horse, wearing gorgeous armor, a red cloak as bright as blood, and the connection on the chest was a lion-shaped gold. The horse's hooves made a clattering sound on the hall.

And stepped on everyone's heart.

He had just led the army to repel Stannis's attack and saved King's Landing in desperation. He was also the most powerful person in King's Landing at this time.

Tywin dismounted and saluted Joffrey on the Iron Throne without respect.

Cersei looked at her father and thought: No one dared to go against his will, never.

Joffrey stood up tremblingly: "In order to thank my grandfather, Duke Tywin for his outstanding contribution, I will grant him the honor of the savior of King's Landing and restore his position as the King's Hand."

The little devil looked at himself with some sadness. His journey as prime minister had come to an end. What Tywin gave him, he could naturally take back.

Tywin looked at Jaime, whose arm was broken, and his face showed no emotion: "Has Myrcella been sent to Dorne?"

Cersei said angrily: "She is only a teenager, you know how much Dorne hates us!"

Tywin said lightly: "They won't embarrass a little girl. If I send you or Jaime there, terrible things will happen.

And if you weren't so stupid that you couldn't watch over His Majesty, Eddard Stark would have returned to the North with his son and soldiers to starve! Your daughter doesn't need to be sent to Dorne!"

Joffrey sat on the throne, no longer arrogant and domineering, and dared not speak.

Thinking of Robb, Tywin's head hurt a little: "Who would have thought that he would conquer the Iron Islands and unite with Highgarden in such a short time? Now his power has surpassed ours, and we must unite with Dorne!"

The little devil looked at his father and found it funny.

He still remembered his father's evaluation of Robb. From a little devil who didn't understand that war was a massacre, to the most powerful king now, the young man has always given his father unexpected surprises.

Tywin looked at the ministers of the kingdom with disgust again: "Minister of Finance Littlefinger, Varys the Spider, Grand Maester Pycelle, my old friends, what are you doing, letting the king let the fearless Barristan go and kill the Warden of the North?"

The ministers who were named had their own ulterior motives, and no one dared to answer.

Littlefinger looked at Tywin's arrogant appearance, and his heart was full of resentment and longing. When would he become such a noble?

Thinking that he still had a trump card, Littlefinger suppressed his anger: Wait, there are plenty of opportunities.

Varys the Spider was thinking about Robb that Tywin said: Yes, now Robb is the most powerful force in the entire Westeros continent. Robb must be disintegrated first, and then consider the people in King's Landing...

Tywin sat in the seat of the King's Hand, and his thoughts began to surge.

Myrcella was sent to Dorne for marriage. I heard that Robb was also going to marry Highgarden, and so was Edmure...

Tywin looked at Joffrey, who was frightened and uncomfortable.

It's time to find a queen for our king.

Marriage, marriage, marriage everywhere...

After several wars, the whole continent fell into a brief peace, and then all the nobles began to marry crazily and held weddings one after another.

Tywin frowned for a moment, then relaxed: weddings, marriages, don't seem to be a bad thing...



Dorne, located in the desert, has a beautiful scene: the Water Garden.

It is like spring here all year round, there is no wind and sand erosion, and there are fountains and playing children everywhere.

Countless blood oranges are already ripe and will soon fall from the trees and smash to pieces on the ground.

The Martell family has ruled here for countless years, because they are the only ones who have not been ruled by force by the Targaryen family riding dragons, nor have they surrendered, but are attached to the Targaryen family through marriage.

Therefore, the powerful ruler of the Martell family is not called a duke, but a prince.

At this time in the water garden, Red Viper and Prince Martell were sitting opposite each other, and the two brothers were discussing the current situation.

Prince Martell sat weakly on the chair. He was old and suffering from various diseases. His whole body ached when he moved a little: "In the War of Five Kings, Dorne was the only place without blood. I didn't know that this was mine." Glory or shame."

Because the Magic Mountain was killed, the Red Viper did not go to King's Landing at this time and was still accompanying his brother in the Water Garden.

"It's not a shame, nor an honor." The Red Viper was in the prime of his life, and his voice was strong and powerful: "The matter is not over yet, and it is not time to draw a conclusion yet."

Prince Martell sighed: "Our friends in King's Landing said that the Young Wolf in the north is now very powerful, and it is said that he can also perform various miracles. The situation is not optimistic."

The Red Viper also heard about the Young Wolf Lord's name: "I heard, his name is Robb Stark, right? It is said that he was only a teenager, and he had conquered the Riverlands and the Iron Islands. It's really surprising. Is Aegon really alive?

He has also gotten together with Highgarden, and the three principalities are on his side. It seems that we have to side with the Lannister first. It's disgusting. "

The Red Viper and Prince Martell never forgot their sister's death for a moment. Although the culprit, the Mountain, had been killed, they knew that the Mountain was just a dog, and it was the old guy Tywin who let the dog bite people.

"Ever since I heard about my sister's death, I haven't stopped thinking about murdering Tywin for a moment, but now we have to help him."

Red Viper comforted: "It's only temporary. We will have plenty of opportunities in the future."

Prince Martell looked at his younger brother: "I am not in good health, but Dorne needs someone who can speak well before the emperor. You have to go to King's Landing."

The Red Viper thought: "With me in King's Landing, maybe something will happen to that little bastard Joffrey, and after his death, his sister should inherit the throne."

Myrcella is older than Tommen.

Myrcella is now in Dorne's hands, and there is a lot of room for maneuver.

Martell shook his head: "It is the law of Dorne for women to succeed to the throne."

"Isn't there a Targaryen king who wanted to pass the throne to his daughter? Who is the Targaryen king..."

Prince Martell shook his head: "No, it didn't succeed in the end, because the resistance was too great.

Remember our goal, let Tywin think that we support him, Dorne will always be King's Landing's best friend, don't let that old guy doubt, we are developing smoothly in the east, don't do useless work and screw it up . "

When the Red Viper heard the news about his nephew, he expressed concern: "Quentin..."

Prince Martell nodded: "He is already the King's Hand of the Dragon Queen."

A smile appeared on the Red Viper's lips: "Okay, I'll go to King's Landing."


Stormlands, Storm's End.

Stannis, the second son of the Deer family, looked at the map and frowned, thinking about how to break the situation.

His army suffered heavy losses, Storm's End Castle was besieged, and many families in the Stormlands defected to King's Landing. The situation was not optimistic.

But he still has the red robe witch, who can continue to use that dark magic. If the Lannister people don't retreat, then...

Thinking of his poor daughter, Stannis felt a little cruel.

But everything is for one's own hegemony, this is a necessary sacrifice!

But what if we beat back the Lannister?

He still can't take down King's Landing, let alone the young wolf master who is in full swing.

Stannis felt a little powerless when he thought of Robb's army.

When the time comes, cast the red robe witch's spell again?

Toot toot.

There was a knock on the study door, and the attendant's voice came from outside: "Your Majesty, someone wants to see you."

Stannis's bored voice sounded: "Tell him to come in."

The sound of an attendant checking the body came from outside, and soon, a man with long hair who looked like he had been working at sea all year round walked in.

Stannis felt that the other person looked familiar, but he had no impression: "Who are you?"

The man said: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is who I am here to represent."

Stannis was impatient: "Speak quickly and stop farting."

"My master's name is Aegon."

When Stannis looked at the fool, the man added: "Six lives."

Thanks to [book friend 20230206211932741] for the reward

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