The choking smoke billowed, and the burnt-out hull of the ship floated on the gray-green sea. The sea surface within a league was covered with scattered wooden barrels, felt and other goods, as well as corpses lying on wooden boards.

Seabirds perched on the "islands" formed by corpses, occasionally lowering their heads to peck at them. The coagulated blood clots slid into the sea water, attracting the fierce fish in the sea to fight for them.

A Braavos warship with purple sails and brass bow rams lowered hundreds of oars. The wooden oars beat the sea water into tiny foams, emitting a disgusting salty smell.

"Which merchant ship is this?" asked Donald Godness, the commander of the Titan's Wrath.

"This is the ninth one!" The first mate replied in a deep voice. Since the Sea King decided to go to war, Dragonstone Island has been like crazy, sending hundreds of ships to attack Braavos merchant ships everywhere. Their ships are very fast, and the sharp bows break through the waves. Not to mention merchant ships, even ordinary fast-response warships can't catch up with them.

The fate of those merchant ships was doomed the moment they encountered the Dragonstone warships. For those who were willing to surrender, the crew on board were tied up, all the cargo was looted, and then the ship was burned.

For those who dared to resist, they would fire a terrible crossbow, which would quickly burn green flames as long as it touched the ship, and it would not be extinguished by water or sand, until the entire ship below the waterline was burned to ashes!

This substance is called wildfire, and only the alchemists of Sunset Continent have mastered its production process. Of course, Dragonstone is the most widely used.

His Majesty the Sea King has sent people to King's Landing to purchase it. As for whether it can be bought, or whether it can be shipped back in time after buying it, it is a question mark.

Someone suggested that they should subsidize the Iron Throne of Sunset Continent, so that they could rebuild a powerful naval fleet, break out of the blockade of Dragonstone Island from the mouth of the Blackwater River, and directly attack the Dragon Castle Lair...

The first mate didn't know how to comment. He heard that the old king of Sunset Continent died unexpectedly, and the current king was a young boy who cut off the Duke of the North as soon as he came to power. Now the North, the Riverlands, and the West have already fought. He wondered whether the child on the Iron Throne had enough ability to control the situation.

However, he didn't have time to think about it now. Soon the lookout on the mast blew the horn. One horn meant that everything was safe, two horns meant that they met friendly forces, and three horns... meant that the enemy appeared! Damn it! He cursed in his heart.

"Prepare for battle!" Donald Godness ordered the first mate to blow the battle horn to remind the warships behind to prepare to meet the enemy!

Everyone started to get busy. On the sea two miles away from them, a fleet with a three-headed dragon flag had appeared in the distance!

It was a small fleet of ten fast warships, the lead ship was a three-masted sailing ship, the white sails were like the flapping wings of a swan, they should have seen their huge fleet from afar, in the telescope, they were waving flags, transmitting information, and the sails began to turn...

Donald Godness was full of confidence, in the face of absolute strength, those fancy moves could only accelerate the defeat of this Targaryen fleet!

The Braavos people make a living by trade, these fleet soldiers and sailors have been living on the ship with their fathers, uncles or other relatives since childhood, until they were recruited into the army when they became adults, their sailing experience and tactical literacy are unmatched!

Sir Saroyan Thorne was excited, this was his first time as the commander of a small privateering fleet, due to the expansion of the army, many grassroots officers were promoted to the positions of captain, flag officer, and oar officer.

He was originally an outstanding student who graduated from the Royal Naval Academy. After boarding the ship, he quickly became the youngest oarsman in the Royal Fleet. In the process of fighting with the Blackwater River "fleet", he repeatedly made military achievements, so it was reasonable for him to be promoted to the commander of a small fleet.

"Pass my order, seize the T-head!" Sir Shaloyan said calmly. The flag officer conveyed his order to the warship behind through flag signals. The flag officers on the warships one after another waved their flags, and the fleet quickly turned against the wind.

They have cooperated in combat many times and have a tacit understanding with each other. The fleet drew a huge arc and quickly seized the horizontal head of the T. Ten warships were lined up.

The moisture-proof tarpaulin on the deck was lifted, and the crossbowmen took the bowstrings of the crossbows from the wooden boxes filled with dry straw and set them at both ends of the crossbow arms.

"Starboard ready! Bow and stern crossbows adjust firing angles! There are still 1,000 yards... 800 yards... 500 yards... 300 yards to reach the firing range! Fire on the first ship!" The herald carried out the fleet commander's order in an orderly manner!

Dozens of crossbows whistled towards the Braavos warships. According to combat tactics, each warship would not waste extra crossbows to attack other ships before solving its preset opponents, just to ensure the hit rate.

There is no way. Even if Jaehaerys proposed the concept of "shooting table" to greatly improve the hit rate of scorpion crossbows and ship crossbows, the hit rate of Dragonstone ship crossbows is still very touching between the turbulent Trembling Sea and the Narrow Sea!

At a distance of 500 yards, the hit rate of crossbows is almost zero. If one of the hundreds of crossbows can hit the enemy, it is already a blessing from the Dragon God!

At a distance of 300 yards, the hit rate can reach 5%... At 200 yards, this number can reach 20%!

However, at 200 yards, the sailors on both sides can see each other's faces clearly, and the enemy's crossbows and catapults will also play a role, so even if a lot of accuracy is sacrificed, the Dragonstone Fleet still formulates the rules of firing outside the enemy's range.

However, it is obvious that today is the lucky day of this small fleet. Their flagship "Queen Leila's Spear" first fired 32 crossbows on the starboard side, and 5 of them hit the preset target at the same time, and one of them hit the opponent's main sail!

The ceramic pillars on the wooden arrow shafts of the crossbows were shattered by the impact. The moment the sun-green kerosene came into contact with the air, it turned into a green fire snake, crawling along the mast, igniting everything that could burn along the way, even the steel nails and rigging were melted into a pool of molten iron!

The proud Braavos covered the burning area with sand. Although it could not extinguish the wildfire, it could prevent other parts from being ignited. The wildfire could only burn down continuously. After burning through two decks, it continued to go down and reached the hull...

The Braavos sailors used strong wooden boards and nails to block the burned hull until the wildfire burned out all its energy and extinguished helplessly!

At the same time, the Braavos people did not just take a beating without fighting back. Their warships were larger and more numerous! Tall trebuchets were arranged on the tall and protruding bows and sterns. The soldiers ignited the asphalt barrels in the throwing frame. As the wooden hammers hit, the counterweight frame filled with stones fell quickly, driving the throwing arm. With the blocking of the crossbeam, the burning asphalt barrels flew towards the Dragonstone fleet lined up due to inertia!

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