Just as the two small fleets were passionately shooting at each other on the Trembling Sea, Jaehaerys drove Hela to the other side of the Narrow Sea, where Viserys' cremation ceremony was being held.

Rhaenys and Daenerys looked sad. They hated the living Viserys, but they still felt sad for their dead brother and uncle. He was great in life, but died in a cowardly way...

When Hela's wings raised a strong wind, and the flying sand and rocks made it impossible to open your eyes, Jaehaerys jumped from her head. The several meters high was nothing to him.

Viserys's remains had been taken care of by the yellow-robed temple priest of the Dragon Temple. The wound on his heart was mended with needle and thread, and after wiping off the blood, a layer of powder was applied to cover the blue skin.

"The assassin coated the sword with poison. Even if he didn't pierce the heart, he would still die from the poison!" Rhaenys whispered. What she didn't know was that the dragon statue amulet that Jaehaerys gave to each of them had magic power that could make them immune to most toxins. Even the poisons such as Lys's Tears and Strangler could at least protect the heart veins and prevent them from dying immediately.

Jaehaerys asked people to prepare yellow paper, red pen, wooden sword, and altar. He couldn't bring the dead back to life with his current strength, and he was even more powerless for a dead body like this. All he could do was to perform a ritual for Viserys so that his soul could be reborn in paradise and avoid the suffering of reincarnation.

"In the past, in the blue sky, the blue sky sang in the great land of Fuli. I was saved by Yuanshi, the immeasurable upper grade, Yuanshi Tianzun, and I should say this sutra..." The magnificent mantra sounded like heavenly music, and every syllable contained Jaehaerys's magic power, making everyone who listened to the recitation feel like they were bathed in holy light.

"Why did the Braavosi kill my brother?" Daenerys sobbed softly, "We never thought of threatening Braavosi!"

After reciting the "Taishang Dongxuan Lingbao Wuliangdu Ren Shangpin Miaojing", Jaehaerys frowned and ordered Hela to cremate Viserys's body.

Hela opened her mouth and spit out a red-gold flame mixed with a little white. The Targaryen family did not have the funeral custom of burying in the ground. They followed the ancient Valyrian Dragon King funeral - cremation.

"Rai Ni, Dany, you come back to Dragonstone with me!" Jaehaerys said, "I believe that the army here, Ser Red Darry will not let the Braavosi set foot in Andas..."

Andas is the vast new land north of Pentos and Fortelland, including the Velvet Hills and the west of the Rhoyne River. It borders the Norvos Hills in the east and the Braavos coast in the north. There are many bandits between the hills. They call themselves the King of Andas and the Lord of Andas.

As Viserys and Rhaenys led the army to destroy these wooden forts and earth ramparts with a ploughing force, the mountain people surrendered one after another.

Rhaella ordered the governors of the newly expanded land to move the mountain residents to the plains to engage in grazing and farming, and to build military fortresses in the dangerous places of Anders, but now they are still simple prototypes, far from permanent fortifications.

Sir Rayder Darry is the son of Governor William Darry. The loyal old lord's wife was unfortunately killed when King's Landing fell, and his eldest son also died heroically. Only the youngest son escaped in Darry City at that time.

After Dragonstone won the Battle of Shipwreck Bay, he collected the descendants of loyal ministers and war orphans and brought them back from Darry City. After several years of military school and military career, Sir Rayder has grown into a leader of the young generation in the army.

In the military operations against Pentos and the Anders Hills, he performed outstandingly and accumulated merits and was promoted to the title of Earl.

"I don't want to!" Rhaenys said unhappily. She finally got a chance to lead the army to war. She didn't want to give up halfway. Besides, she was different from Viserys. She was not so useless. "Let Dany go back!"

Daenerys has been quiet since she was a child. Even when the Dragon God taught her martial arts in her dream, she didn't practice very hard. She usually prefers to read books, especially those big books about dragons hundreds of years ago. When Rhaenys was tirelessly honing her martial arts in the martial arts training ground, she often did needlework with the ladies of noble families.

This surprised Jaehaerys after he came out of seclusion. In the series, Dany was the powerful and decisive mother of dragons!

But on second thought, this is also good. The safe external environment of Dragonstone allows the children of the Targaryen family to live in fear and escape, and there is basically no big problem with their mental development.

Compared with martial arts fanatics like Rhaenys, dandy princes like Viserys and sweet princesses like Daenerys are the normal appearance of royal children. Layla did not interfere too much. At least they did not develop arrogant and rude personalities, which was fortunate.

You see, Joffrey the Great, who is now on the Iron Throne, chopped off Eddard Stark's head after ascending the throne and stuck his head on the iron spear of Maegor's Holdfast. He handled political affairs coldly and cruelly, all according to his will, and would kill people if he was not satisfied.

The princes of the king's territory are now disunited. Many big princes have secretly sent a message to Dragonstone Island. As long as the Targaryen royal family attacks King's Landing, they will definitely raise troops to help.

However, as the art of war says, there can only be one main attack direction at the same time, so as not to disperse the troops. Although the war has been ignited on the continent of Westeros, Layla and Jaehaerys still insist on defeating Braavos first. As for whether they will miss the opportunity, they are not worried at all.

The decentralized power structure of Westeros, as well as Renly, Robb, Stannis, and Balon Greyjoy who have not yet become kings, are destined to be unable to be reconciled in a short period of time after the split. In the next one or two years, they will have their heads chopped into pieces.

In this life, with the secret plotting of Dragonstone, the situation is more complicated than in the plot. Dragonstone will not intervene directly for the time being, but it does not mean that it will do nothing.

Jaehaerys owes the Stark family two lives and is destined to repay them. Robb Stark died too casually in the original drama, otherwise how could Lannister win the War of the Five Kings so easily?

In addition, the Vale and Dorne want to stay out of it and sit on the mountain to watch the tigers fight. How can it be so simple? Jaehaerys has countless bad waters in his heart, and is gradually implementing them through the secret lines of the inner guards.


"This group of Braavosi people are really tenacious!" The first mate of the Queen's Spear of Leila couldn't help but sigh. After 2 hours of fierce fighting, the Dragonstone Fleet destroyed 15 Braavosi warships, and at least 300 Braavosi naval soldiers were buried in the sea, but they also lost two fleets and more than 50 soldiers died, and 100 soldiers were injured!

Saroyan Thorne hung one arm, and blood oozed out from under the white gauze. This was the damage caused by the Braavosi people through boarding operations after rushing through the dense firepower attack, but that was all.

When things were hopeless, the Braavosi people hastily abandoned the injured ships and soldiers, and gave up on them with the decisiveness of a gecko cutting off its tail to survive, thus allowing more than 10 warships to escape.

"Woo woo woo!" Three conch horns sounded, and the lookout shouted loudly: "A large number of enemy ships are attacking!"

Shaloyang quickly took the telescope and saw dense sails in front of him, blocking out the sky!

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