Game, Second autumn
30 Vampires
-Bitch, your fangs are so useless the only thing you know how to suck is a cock! Said Aki before taking a gut punch from the woman he was insulting.
Using the chance she broke his legs and arms, then hissed and bit his neck. Five seconds later Aki threw her corpse away.
-That's the fifth one, we done? Though I like the XP I have other things to do and my timetable is short. He asked while looking around. A gothic young woman appeared in front of him. She was blonde, a hot as hell, tall, a refined beauty and had red eyes. A true vampire queen.
Aki looked her up and down, them he stopped at her wrists.
-Why is it that you are the first person that would be younger than me in human years? No offense, but you shouldn't be older than me and that really intrigues me. He rapidly said
-I've lived for millenia, mortal. She replied while raising a brown.
-And if you take three zeros out of your age, is it bigger than sixteen? He replied to that statement, not a minute change to his expression.
-No. She frowned, used to being mocked by her elders.
-That is great. Now, totally different subject, but can we negotiate now? Please don't start that "I have no reason to negotiate with Inferior beings", I know I did you a favor by what those last two idiots said. The wails of their souls are still cursing the two of us right now. He said.
-Talk, but don't take for granted anything but what you have alredy been promised, for even that can be revoqued. She said autorativily, though Aki just thought she looked cute trying to imitate the elder's way of talking.
-It would be better if we can discuss this without prying eyes and ears, no? He suggested. With her nod they teleported to a office that looked very cozy, like those in the movies. Remember it's night and this is a castle in a mountain. Though it's concealed.
Aki wasn't surprised or intimidated, he just sniffed and looked at a tea set in her table.
-May I? Haven't had coffee in a month! He was trying to be polite by asking, because hell if he wasn't addicted to coffee.
-You are familiar with it? Serve yourself, though I wonder where you are from to know of the vampire's special product. She asked with a certain degree of curiosity while sitting herself and signaling him to do the same.
-Oh, I am from another world. *soundlessly seeping coffee* -Anyway, this is very good, do you guys produce it here or do you import it? He said without giving a shit about his "secret".
-You are… that explains somethings. We produce it ourselves. Now, tell me why I shouldn't kill and drain everything out of your very soul. Vampires can hear the beating of one's heart and discern if they are lying or not, don't even mention a queen.
-Because I have this thingy on my body that will mark the place where I die and immediately teleport a friend of mine that is more than five hundred level higher than me to it. Would you be willing to sell 10kg of these beans to me on a weekly basis? I really like coffee. He said as an answer to her treat.
-We don't have that many. She frowned seeing him say those words and noticing none of the signs of lying . Well, who wouldn't.
-Can you sell me that much now though, if it's about raising your production than we can discuss it later. You see, I actually came here so we could trade knowledge. He said and started taking some books out of his inventory.
She was surprised he had one to begin with, but the titles of the books were more surprising.
"Advanced necromancy. By: Jared Wins" That's the current leader of the necromantic tower.
"How to counter light magic, a study by the mageocracy" The last mageocracy was destroyed five hundred years ago.
"Guide through the negative planes" Places like hell.
"How to tame an astral familiar" That should be self explanatory about it's worth.
-And if these aren't enough I can give you a Yatagarasu.
That's a old bloodline of beast Kin that are skilled in light and fire magic. If a vampire drinks it's blood though, they will get immune to many of their weaknesses. Like the sun.
-What do you want? Even if she was older, I don't think many would blame her for losing her poker face there.
-And what does that have to do with me eating? Said an impatient Guilda who was on her third pot of soup. She didn't ask for a fourth though. -Aki, why did this soup give me status points and an achievement?
-Because you are now a sage level entity, congratulations! He clapped.
-What do you mean with that? She was worried and now started to wonder what she had ate.
-Well, you already got the notification, so I guess there won't be any harm done if I tell you that you just ate that girl we kidnapped before. No suffering or abuse on her though.
Is cannibalism wrong? Yes.
Is being a sociopath wrong? Yes.
That doesn't mean Aki gives a fuck if it goes like what he passes for justice or that Guilda didn't start throwing up the moment she heard that.
Ignoring the vomit, Aki went to the cauldron and started drinking from the giant spoon that was on it. The queen's poison was very tasty, and he actually quite liked the soup, it tasted like beef.
-And I thought I'd seen from everything.
Said the exhausted queen, who was sitting on the table with Aki and Guilda.
[The sage's broth has changed your body permanently. +23 Intelligence and wisdom.
Your magic potential grows.]
[*Ding* Feat of strength accomplished! Body of mana: Your body has reached a level of mana concentration so high that all your physic has changed for the better. +20 to Endurance and Vitality. +10 to Strength and Dexterity.]
-It seems this is all I can get out of it. Not like it's little though. You want some? He asked the queen while she massaged her wrists.
-Drinking my own poison… She started, apparently disgusted by the idea.
-I don't need to get status points to drink all of this. Though I will give one to Mina, Bea, Chris, Cleo… ok, I will just eat half and store the rest. He decided.
-You… said a slightly blushing queen.
-You make it look like I am harassing you, it's just… oh. Fuck me. He said when realization hit him.
-Like hell I would! She flipped.
-That's an expression. I didn't mean to take one of your poison sacks like this, but you still have the other, ri… Please say you're married to your loved one already. He paled. There would only be two results to this.
Luckily for his balls her face showed she wasn't happy with her marriage.
-I can most definitely kill your husband in a very tortuous way, just get him to feed on my blood. He hastly said.
-And how am I supposed to do that? Her embarrassment went away at the same moment and her face turned ice cold with seriousness.
Fixing shit he did was one of the things Aki was sure he would do until he died. And so they started the plan.
Yeah, ok, shill, I will explain.
Vampires can be categorized in three ways, low cast, lord and queen. The purity of blood matters, of course, but that is only for their power level.
Low cast drink blood from the fangs in their mouth.
Lords have bone spikes on their wrists that have a drug like substance that will make one automatically addicted and immediately want to be near the vampire in question.
Queens are much worse.
While lord's can vary from baron to archduke, as in blood purity, that again is related to their natural power, queens are always of the highest purity.
Their "fangs" are bigger, suck more, their poison can turn anyone into mindless slaves who simply love her till the day the queen dies, their magic potential is stupidly high…
Anyway, together with the poison in their spikes, a queen has sacks of poison near the same region, the wrists, which can make one immune to their poison, but cannot be regenerated. So they are given to their owner or loved one.
Luckily queens can only be born when both parents are vampires of a certain caliber, and that is in the chance of one in a million.
You may imagine the uses and reasons such evolutionary scale or godly plan came into existence, but that's not the point.
Aki just screwed her best chance of having a normal love partner. If she was ever able to destroy her current husband who is much stronger than her and geassed her into not harming him directly and other such things.
So, instead, she dressed in a very kinky way which left almost nothing to the imagination and brought twenty people over to his room, where he was currently sleeping.
-My love, it's been long, won't you feast with me? Yes, that way of talking is actually part of the geas.
The vampire Duke was a handsome man, long dark hair, the right amount of muscles, penetrating eyes, sharp features…
-Elaine, you come in good time. I should be able to master this technique in a few more years of reclusion, but I need to feed. He kissed her hand and felt her scent. -You are as lovely as always.
Now, this is something not very known, but when vampires mate, they cause bloodshed. And with that I mean their instincts kick in and they start a mating frenzy where they kill and force many partners, ultimately absorbing their energy and starting to a very drug like experience of perception climax. Where they finally start the deed between the couple.
They can, most obviously, learn how to do normal, hardcore sex like everyone else, but it would still involve lots of blood.
That is why, when the dick full of bulging veins appeared in front of Aki, he was very happy that would not be the thing actually penetrating him, but the bone spikes.
By the way, right now he has changed into Primus. And the vampire should be around… twenty something long. The moment the fangs penetrated his chest, both Aki and the vampire screamed.
While one screamed in despair, the other screamed in pleasure. Though it was Aki who was in pleasure, he was eating the vampire.
-Mourt. That was supposed to be him saying in a moan "more!" but the void does that to your voice, it's like it's sucking everything inside, so just talking is actually quite controversial.
The vampire tried to run, but it was like he was melded into the woman's flesh. No, he was sinking in. This feeling of loneliness, cold… it was like they were one and he couldn't feel them anymore, just this sudden tiredness that came from nowhere.
He wouldn't just give in though. He didn't survive death so many time to die like this. He didn't make this place from nothing for this. He…
-Uwa, who'd guess? You're also an otherworlder. Though what is with this get up? Socks, glasses, full of acne… tisk tisk, such a shame. You'd be ten times more handsome than this great father here if you took care of yourself. Wow, what is this? And I thought I had episodes…
-So your consciousness caught up, sorry, but this is gonna hurt. Though I am not sorry for a idiot and douche like you. Seriously, raping girls just because you have power, truly trash. I will try to end this the slowest possible way, you hear? Again said Aki. His mocking tone obvious as he used a holographic computer to search through this guy's memory.
Using the chance she broke his legs and arms, then hissed and bit his neck. Five seconds later Aki threw her corpse away.
-That's the fifth one, we done? Though I like the XP I have other things to do and my timetable is short. He asked while looking around. A gothic young woman appeared in front of him. She was blonde, a hot as hell, tall, a refined beauty and had red eyes. A true vampire queen.
Aki looked her up and down, them he stopped at her wrists.
-Why is it that you are the first person that would be younger than me in human years? No offense, but you shouldn't be older than me and that really intrigues me. He rapidly said
-I've lived for millenia, mortal. She replied while raising a brown.
-And if you take three zeros out of your age, is it bigger than sixteen? He replied to that statement, not a minute change to his expression.
-No. She frowned, used to being mocked by her elders.
-That is great. Now, totally different subject, but can we negotiate now? Please don't start that "I have no reason to negotiate with Inferior beings", I know I did you a favor by what those last two idiots said. The wails of their souls are still cursing the two of us right now. He said.
-Talk, but don't take for granted anything but what you have alredy been promised, for even that can be revoqued. She said autorativily, though Aki just thought she looked cute trying to imitate the elder's way of talking.
-It would be better if we can discuss this without prying eyes and ears, no? He suggested. With her nod they teleported to a office that looked very cozy, like those in the movies. Remember it's night and this is a castle in a mountain. Though it's concealed.
Aki wasn't surprised or intimidated, he just sniffed and looked at a tea set in her table.
-May I? Haven't had coffee in a month! He was trying to be polite by asking, because hell if he wasn't addicted to coffee.
-You are familiar with it? Serve yourself, though I wonder where you are from to know of the vampire's special product. She asked with a certain degree of curiosity while sitting herself and signaling him to do the same.
-Oh, I am from another world. *soundlessly seeping coffee* -Anyway, this is very good, do you guys produce it here or do you import it? He said without giving a shit about his "secret".
-You are… that explains somethings. We produce it ourselves. Now, tell me why I shouldn't kill and drain everything out of your very soul. Vampires can hear the beating of one's heart and discern if they are lying or not, don't even mention a queen.
-Because I have this thingy on my body that will mark the place where I die and immediately teleport a friend of mine that is more than five hundred level higher than me to it. Would you be willing to sell 10kg of these beans to me on a weekly basis? I really like coffee. He said as an answer to her treat.
-We don't have that many. She frowned seeing him say those words and noticing none of the signs of lying . Well, who wouldn't.
-Can you sell me that much now though, if it's about raising your production than we can discuss it later. You see, I actually came here so we could trade knowledge. He said and started taking some books out of his inventory.
She was surprised he had one to begin with, but the titles of the books were more surprising.
"Advanced necromancy. By: Jared Wins" That's the current leader of the necromantic tower.
"How to counter light magic, a study by the mageocracy" The last mageocracy was destroyed five hundred years ago.
"Guide through the negative planes" Places like hell.
"How to tame an astral familiar" That should be self explanatory about it's worth.
-And if these aren't enough I can give you a Yatagarasu.
That's a old bloodline of beast Kin that are skilled in light and fire magic. If a vampire drinks it's blood though, they will get immune to many of their weaknesses. Like the sun.
-What do you want? Even if she was older, I don't think many would blame her for losing her poker face there.
-And what does that have to do with me eating? Said an impatient Guilda who was on her third pot of soup. She didn't ask for a fourth though. -Aki, why did this soup give me status points and an achievement?
-Because you are now a sage level entity, congratulations! He clapped.
-What do you mean with that? She was worried and now started to wonder what she had ate.
-Well, you already got the notification, so I guess there won't be any harm done if I tell you that you just ate that girl we kidnapped before. No suffering or abuse on her though.
Is cannibalism wrong? Yes.
Is being a sociopath wrong? Yes.
That doesn't mean Aki gives a fuck if it goes like what he passes for justice or that Guilda didn't start throwing up the moment she heard that.
Ignoring the vomit, Aki went to the cauldron and started drinking from the giant spoon that was on it. The queen's poison was very tasty, and he actually quite liked the soup, it tasted like beef.
-And I thought I'd seen from everything.
Said the exhausted queen, who was sitting on the table with Aki and Guilda.
[The sage's broth has changed your body permanently. +23 Intelligence and wisdom.
Your magic potential grows.]
[*Ding* Feat of strength accomplished! Body of mana: Your body has reached a level of mana concentration so high that all your physic has changed for the better. +20 to Endurance and Vitality. +10 to Strength and Dexterity.]
-It seems this is all I can get out of it. Not like it's little though. You want some? He asked the queen while she massaged her wrists.
-Drinking my own poison… She started, apparently disgusted by the idea.
-I don't need to get status points to drink all of this. Though I will give one to Mina, Bea, Chris, Cleo… ok, I will just eat half and store the rest. He decided.
-You… said a slightly blushing queen.
-You make it look like I am harassing you, it's just… oh. Fuck me. He said when realization hit him.
-Like hell I would! She flipped.
-That's an expression. I didn't mean to take one of your poison sacks like this, but you still have the other, ri… Please say you're married to your loved one already. He paled. There would only be two results to this.
Luckily for his balls her face showed she wasn't happy with her marriage.
-I can most definitely kill your husband in a very tortuous way, just get him to feed on my blood. He hastly said.
-And how am I supposed to do that? Her embarrassment went away at the same moment and her face turned ice cold with seriousness.
Fixing shit he did was one of the things Aki was sure he would do until he died. And so they started the plan.
Yeah, ok, shill, I will explain.
Vampires can be categorized in three ways, low cast, lord and queen. The purity of blood matters, of course, but that is only for their power level.
Low cast drink blood from the fangs in their mouth.
Lords have bone spikes on their wrists that have a drug like substance that will make one automatically addicted and immediately want to be near the vampire in question.
Queens are much worse.
While lord's can vary from baron to archduke, as in blood purity, that again is related to their natural power, queens are always of the highest purity.
Their "fangs" are bigger, suck more, their poison can turn anyone into mindless slaves who simply love her till the day the queen dies, their magic potential is stupidly high…
Anyway, together with the poison in their spikes, a queen has sacks of poison near the same region, the wrists, which can make one immune to their poison, but cannot be regenerated. So they are given to their owner or loved one.
Luckily queens can only be born when both parents are vampires of a certain caliber, and that is in the chance of one in a million.
You may imagine the uses and reasons such evolutionary scale or godly plan came into existence, but that's not the point.
Aki just screwed her best chance of having a normal love partner. If she was ever able to destroy her current husband who is much stronger than her and geassed her into not harming him directly and other such things.
So, instead, she dressed in a very kinky way which left almost nothing to the imagination and brought twenty people over to his room, where he was currently sleeping.
-My love, it's been long, won't you feast with me? Yes, that way of talking is actually part of the geas.
The vampire Duke was a handsome man, long dark hair, the right amount of muscles, penetrating eyes, sharp features…
-Elaine, you come in good time. I should be able to master this technique in a few more years of reclusion, but I need to feed. He kissed her hand and felt her scent. -You are as lovely as always.
Now, this is something not very known, but when vampires mate, they cause bloodshed. And with that I mean their instincts kick in and they start a mating frenzy where they kill and force many partners, ultimately absorbing their energy and starting to a very drug like experience of perception climax. Where they finally start the deed between the couple.
They can, most obviously, learn how to do normal, hardcore sex like everyone else, but it would still involve lots of blood.
That is why, when the dick full of bulging veins appeared in front of Aki, he was very happy that would not be the thing actually penetrating him, but the bone spikes.
By the way, right now he has changed into Primus. And the vampire should be around… twenty something long. The moment the fangs penetrated his chest, both Aki and the vampire screamed.
While one screamed in despair, the other screamed in pleasure. Though it was Aki who was in pleasure, he was eating the vampire.
-Mourt. That was supposed to be him saying in a moan "more!" but the void does that to your voice, it's like it's sucking everything inside, so just talking is actually quite controversial.
The vampire tried to run, but it was like he was melded into the woman's flesh. No, he was sinking in. This feeling of loneliness, cold… it was like they were one and he couldn't feel them anymore, just this sudden tiredness that came from nowhere.
He wouldn't just give in though. He didn't survive death so many time to die like this. He didn't make this place from nothing for this. He…
-Uwa, who'd guess? You're also an otherworlder. Though what is with this get up? Socks, glasses, full of acne… tisk tisk, such a shame. You'd be ten times more handsome than this great father here if you took care of yourself. Wow, what is this? And I thought I had episodes…
-So your consciousness caught up, sorry, but this is gonna hurt. Though I am not sorry for a idiot and douche like you. Seriously, raping girls just because you have power, truly trash. I will try to end this the slowest possible way, you hear? Again said Aki. His mocking tone obvious as he used a holographic computer to search through this guy's memory.
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