Game, Second autumn
31 How to kill an immortal
-What are you doing!? Screamed the NEET before shooting a tentacle towards Aki.
-Killing you. Though that would be faster if you suicide, so please don't, I will take all of your suffering with pleasure. Attack me more, your despair is the best entertainment I will get for some time, so keep it up your faggot. Scream for me! He lashed out while tearing the tentacle out and getting the young boy next to him while piercing his abdomen with his fist.
-No, that's not quite right, maybe this. Aki rotated his arm and the flesh contorted, them started pulling the remaining lower half of his spine with quick pulls.
-Ghehaaa… he screeched.
-Now, that's it. That was a good start wasn't it? What should we do now, suppositories or insects? With that face I presume you never took it in even though you are so old, though that's admirable you just left more to play with. Let's see how many roches you can put up your ass until you start vomiting then, shaw we.
Aki was being a monster right now, yes, but how much torture do you think this millennium old bastard has conducted?
To the explanation them.
Right now Aki used something he likes to call pseudo arena of zero. References aside, he basically used everything he has to temporarily weaken the defenses of this guy's soul and penetrated it to destroy it from the inside, but that doesn't mean his consciousness can do as he wants without getting noticed, it actually means that he and this guy have to fight out to see who wins a battle of egos.
While this guy is certainly more powerful, he has no idea of how to use it in here. It's like the difference of a cop with a handgun and a thief with an RPG, who do you think will incapacitate the other faster?
For those that know the original technique you might have noticed the big advantage this version has. No one respawns in random places after "dying", so whoever had the advantage can keep attacking until his opponent gives out.
Though Aki won't simply get all this guy's memories after defeating him or something, he is most certainly able to read through his memories right now.
A good example of why this is useful is that he got to know this guy was trying to fuse with the soul of a lich so he could get part of it's status. He'd been doing it for five hundred years though. One of the reasons his mind is so weak right now, lack of use.
That, for the most useless it is to himself, it is also certainly something he can sell to Cleo.
So allow me to skip Aki's practice on skinning people alive, pinpoint needle work, tentacle ****, forging using dude's guts as the liquid metal holder and drowning training.
The vampire stopped reacting after the tentacles plugged into his mouth for the fifth minute, but he didn't vanish, so Aki kept going.
All in all they spent about twenty something hours in this soul realm. In reality that was equal to five hours of Elaine fervently gassing at the strange Wounds around the man's body.
The crawling small figures, the smalls holes, the big holes, the blood and bones, the shallow pain moans, the protuzions going up and down his anus and urethra…
She burned everything into her memory, no matter how disgusting. This was revenge for herself.
The slaves had already been killed without pain and she was the only one standing there. When he fell, she knew it had ended.
-What time is it? First time using this, so I have no idea how different my perception of time was in comparison to reality. By the way, from my point of view we spent about twenty hours there and he wasn't even responding anymore after some…
Aki was turning back into a man as he started talking and getting out of his knees, but then he noticed something important.
-You sure about "That"? I don't mind keeping you company, but I already have a partner and I don't think we can have a…
-Shut up and give it to me you faggot!
Yeah, the effect from a blood orgy can last for hours without stop, and guess who is the only other living person around the horny vampire.
… And can coincidentally resist most of her powers while still giving her the time of her life? Who cares for normal sex after all?
-I kind of just got why some people get into open relationships.
That was another fifteen hours, while his time perception was accelerated four times over in the soul "realm". Pretty slow, uh? "Luckily" Aki can also harness the energy of death around him in this closed space.
Elaine wasn't exactly conscious after that high, but she would be in fifteen minutes, so Aki just waited, thinking about how Mi would react if he suggested something like this to her. Not excluding Elaine of the picture, of course.
-Uhm, what? I just, ah…
-I think you meant "Where am I? Did I sleep with him again? Oh, it's that handsome guy who killed him, and he is alive." You didn't stop to think if I would survive all that, did you? He grinned at her.
-You are knowledgeable enough to know this meant nothing. She tried to say while sitting and holding herself against the floor with one hand while ignoring her nakedness.
-But that you were horny after the ritual, yeah, I know. I am an ass, but hey, who never needed a hand? I won't hold it on you to take some kind of relationship with me nor suggest something like that. I don't know if you heard, but I do have a girlfriend. Before you look at me like that, she also sleeps with other men and I am totally fine with that. We're done with your confusing thoughts after obtaining your freedom? Yes? Wine? He offered.
She took it and drunk the glass in one gulp, just to look down to find Aki drinking directly from the bottle.
-What? I thought you'd let me drink some too. Here. He took the cup back and gave her the bottle.
She didn't know what to do at first, but then just gulped down a mouthful.
-This is the first time I actually liked drinking alcohol. She said with a smile.
-And I am sure you will like it on many more occasions. By the way, did you plan on doing something with the corpse? He pointed at her late husband.
-Many things, but from what I saw you can most definitely do better. She said without hesitation and waited for him to point his idea.
-That's perfect, you see, my red-haired friend has a class related to blood and fury, so eating him should be helpful for her skill grown. Maybe I could even extract your poison from his blood. Guilda's my sister by the way. Which remembers me, do your rooms have sound and smell blocking. He asked with a slightly worried face.
-Most of them do, yes. Are you worried someone is going to try and take her if…
-Yeah, no. She is perfectly able to kill the bastard before or during the intercourse from what I've seen around. I am more worried she got one of yours as her new fuck buddy and started a menage. He explained.
-That wouldn't be a problem from my part. She shrugged and took another swing.
-But I don't want to wait for her to shower in sunblock cream all the time, that is a thing by the way, and them hate me for whatever reason. He said. Before sighing and using her hand to slide the alcohol in the jar to his mouth.
-Why would she hate you? Asked the confused vampire. From her experience, this was as good any human male would get. Granted, he was the first she met on equal ground.
-Just a feeling of mine. Though I do tend to keep my distance from Guilda's current lover, that is mostly because I don't know how to interact with her. He said while looking her in the eyes to show his seriousness.
-Then ignore that and interact with her.
-You're terrible at this. I could seriously give you an hour long lecture on how bad an idea that'd be. She frowned at that.
-Then why are we talking?
-Didn't we turn friends already? He asked while raising a brown.
She blushed a little and he grinned.
-I will call! Aki said while frantically waving. -Like this. Remember that you can also can me for whatever reason, that's what friends are for! He said while laughing after dialing her soul number, which he had to teach her how to check.
Unexpectedly though, Guilda had had a menage with two vampires and one bunny girl, but it was apparently a one time thing and only on the other day they spent on the castle.
She had also gotten traumatized about whatever food Aki gave her, but he still made her eat the vampire lord.
Here is his current status.
Name: Aki
Age: 16
Race: Human
Gender: M
Unspent points: 0
Class: Living shadow Lv 146
Active skills:
-Assassinate II Lv8
-Poison making II Lv 4
-Abysmal counter II Lv 3
-Pierce armor Lv 19
-Shadow manipulation Lv 19
Passive skills:
-Blade dominance II Lv 4
-Smooth movements II Lv 4
-Persuasion Lv 11
-Trap dominance II Lv 2
-Debuff dominance II Lv 4
Subclass: Arcane bookkeeper Lv 140
Active skills:
-Mana missile Lv 15
-Telekinesis II Lv 10
-Essence steal II Lv 5
-Mana shield II Lv 4
Passive skills:
-Mana manipulation II Lv 9
-Ether absorption II Lv 4
-Energy conversion II Lv 4
-Grimoire Lv 18
-Magic overcharge II Lv 2
General Skills:
Mental resistance Lv 19
Charm resistance II Lv 1
Massage Lv 5
Meditation II Lv 7
Pain resistance II Lv 8
Anger II Lv 7
Sleep resistance Lv 18
Demonology Lv 20
Disease resistance Lv 14
Identify Lv 8
Intimidate II Lv 7
Mana perception II Lv 16
Wind magic Lv 15
Fire magic Lv 15
Fear resistance Lv 15
Healing magic Lv 20
Earth magic Lv 15
Water magic Lv 16
Dark magic Lv 17
Thunder magic Lv 18
Time magic Lv 11
Demon summoning Lv 19
Light magic Lv 17
Enchanting Lv 20
Alchemy Lv 10
Space magic Lv 10
Steam magic Lv 12
Radiant magic Lv 13
Metal magic Lv 16
Ice magic Lv 16
Ooze magic Lv 12
Magma magic Lv 13
Smoke magic Lv 12
Water magic resistance Lv 15
Heat resistance Lv 19
Electricity resistance Lv 14
Curse resistance Lv 12
Adaptability Lv 14
Void magic Lv 9
Shadow magic resistance II Lv 1
Wind magic resistance Lv 13
Arcane magic resistance Lv 12
Earth magic resistance Lv 13
Pressure resistance Lv 11
Gravity magic resistance Lv 11
Light magic resistance Lv 14
Singing Lv 11
Sexual technique Lv 16
Drain resistance II Lv 1
Death Magic Lv 8
Life magic Lv 5
Artillery technique Lv4
Dancing Lv 8
Vitality: 226
Endurance: 231
Strength: 334
Dexterity: 339
Intelligence: 577
Wisdom: 577
Health: 2260/2260
Stamina: 2310/2310
Mana: 5770/5770
[Passive: Ether absorption II - Lv 4
Your body can absorb mana better. 107.5% (430% after buffs) more regeneration to all resources when in a mana abundant environment. Receives 107.5% (430% after buffs) more mana from all sources.
2° stage: being hit by an offensive spell will regenerate your mana by 23% of it's cost]
[Mana manipulation II - Lv 8
The energies of the world shall do your bidding.
2° stage: Your talents in the arcane have grown.]
[Passive: Energy conversion II - Lv 4
Your body is very familiar with mana operations. Capable of turning health and stamina into mana with 52.75% effectiveness. Capable of turning mana into health or Stamina points with 26.875% effectiveness.
2°stage: Your knowledge and affinity to all allow you to change the alignment of sources in direct contact with you.]
[Passive: Smooth movements II - Lv 4
You produce 107.5% (322.5% after bonuses) less noise.
2°stage: At the cost of the triple stamina you can move with twice the speed.]
[Passive: Blade dominance II - Lv 4
You deal 161.25% (483.75% after bonuses) more damage while using bladed objects
2° stage: You learn blade techniques 28.75% (86.25% after bonuses) faster]
[Active: Mana steal II - Lv 1
You can absorb your enemies' mana through touch with 100% effectiveness.
2°stage: Your vast experience in the absorption of mana allows you to temporarily double your absorption of magic] + Debuff mastery percentage
15s (1m after bonuses) +3s per level.
[Active: Life steal II - Lv 1
You can absorb your enemies' health and stamina through touch with 100% effectiveness.
2°stage: Killing an opponent with this spell will reward you with 50% more XP (this effect does not escalate with level)]
[Active: Assassinate II - Lv 8
Infuses mana into your attack when attacking from the back. 176.25% (528.25% after bonuses) more damage if undercover during attack.
2° stage: You have learned many of the ways of assassination. 33.75% (101.25% after bonuses) more damage when attacking a weak point.]
[Active: Poison making II - Lv 1
Coats something with any before known poison for 5m (20m after bonuses)
2°stage: "Too much of anything can be poison, but a little poison can be used as medicine". You are able to heal any poison inside your level of expertise.
Extra: Your poisonous constitution has alredy turned you immune to many poison, now you can use than as nourishment instead.] + Debuff mastery percentage.
+1m each level and +2 damage per 5 levels.
Damage: -100 hp/s for 100m ou 600k
(You might as well guess how much damage this does at this rate, because I don't have the patience to do so anymore. By the way, poison resistance fused into this skill after reaching its second stage.)
[Active: Abysmal counter II- Lv 3
Damages the opponent's attack during a successful block and counters the attack with another. 105% (315% after bonuses) more damage towards weapons. 52.5% (157.5% after bonuses) of the original damage of any spells is added to your next attack in the same attribute.
2° stage: after acquiring knowledge in many , you have found many ways to destroy your enemies as well. Whenever you execute a successful counter, 22% (66% after bonuses) of your enemies' damage is added to your attack.]
[Passive: Trap dominance II - Lv 2
Traps and ambushes cause 153.75% (461.25% after bonuses) more damage.
2° stage: After countless succeeded tries at trapping others and using your enemies' strategies against themselves you've developed a perception for opportunities. Once per day your reflexes can slow your perception of time to a fifth of the norm during a perfect attack opportunity.]
[Passive: Debuff dominance II - Lv 4
All negative effects are 161.25% (645% after bonuses) more effective
2° stage: debuffs are 28.75% (86.25% after bonuses) less effective against you]
[Passive: Magic overcharge II - Lv 2
Makes it easier to understand magic composition and to overcharge it.
2°stage: As a master of the arcane, you learn any spells from any schools 10.5% faster.]
[Active: Essence steal II - Lv 1
Chips off parts of your target's essence and regenerates life and mana through absorbing it. Breaking the target's soul will liberate its energy and you will passively absorb said energy while in the area.
2° stage: Whenever you kill an opponent with this spell you will receive 75% more XP (this effect does not escalate with leve). You may triple your body's absorption temporarily in exchange for stamina.]
(Life steal, mana steal and soul break fused into this skill, which is normally possessed by vampires.)
And this is a generalization of the resistance skills.
[General: X resistance II - Lv 1
After constant exposure to X you have obtained a certain degree of resistance to it.
2° stage: Your resistance to X is so outstanding that you have developed a immunity. It's not perfect for now though.]
-Killing you. Though that would be faster if you suicide, so please don't, I will take all of your suffering with pleasure. Attack me more, your despair is the best entertainment I will get for some time, so keep it up your faggot. Scream for me! He lashed out while tearing the tentacle out and getting the young boy next to him while piercing his abdomen with his fist.
-No, that's not quite right, maybe this. Aki rotated his arm and the flesh contorted, them started pulling the remaining lower half of his spine with quick pulls.
-Ghehaaa… he screeched.
-Now, that's it. That was a good start wasn't it? What should we do now, suppositories or insects? With that face I presume you never took it in even though you are so old, though that's admirable you just left more to play with. Let's see how many roches you can put up your ass until you start vomiting then, shaw we.
Aki was being a monster right now, yes, but how much torture do you think this millennium old bastard has conducted?
To the explanation them.
Right now Aki used something he likes to call pseudo arena of zero. References aside, he basically used everything he has to temporarily weaken the defenses of this guy's soul and penetrated it to destroy it from the inside, but that doesn't mean his consciousness can do as he wants without getting noticed, it actually means that he and this guy have to fight out to see who wins a battle of egos.
While this guy is certainly more powerful, he has no idea of how to use it in here. It's like the difference of a cop with a handgun and a thief with an RPG, who do you think will incapacitate the other faster?
For those that know the original technique you might have noticed the big advantage this version has. No one respawns in random places after "dying", so whoever had the advantage can keep attacking until his opponent gives out.
Though Aki won't simply get all this guy's memories after defeating him or something, he is most certainly able to read through his memories right now.
A good example of why this is useful is that he got to know this guy was trying to fuse with the soul of a lich so he could get part of it's status. He'd been doing it for five hundred years though. One of the reasons his mind is so weak right now, lack of use.
That, for the most useless it is to himself, it is also certainly something he can sell to Cleo.
So allow me to skip Aki's practice on skinning people alive, pinpoint needle work, tentacle ****, forging using dude's guts as the liquid metal holder and drowning training.
The vampire stopped reacting after the tentacles plugged into his mouth for the fifth minute, but he didn't vanish, so Aki kept going.
All in all they spent about twenty something hours in this soul realm. In reality that was equal to five hours of Elaine fervently gassing at the strange Wounds around the man's body.
The crawling small figures, the smalls holes, the big holes, the blood and bones, the shallow pain moans, the protuzions going up and down his anus and urethra…
She burned everything into her memory, no matter how disgusting. This was revenge for herself.
The slaves had already been killed without pain and she was the only one standing there. When he fell, she knew it had ended.
-What time is it? First time using this, so I have no idea how different my perception of time was in comparison to reality. By the way, from my point of view we spent about twenty hours there and he wasn't even responding anymore after some…
Aki was turning back into a man as he started talking and getting out of his knees, but then he noticed something important.
-You sure about "That"? I don't mind keeping you company, but I already have a partner and I don't think we can have a…
-Shut up and give it to me you faggot!
Yeah, the effect from a blood orgy can last for hours without stop, and guess who is the only other living person around the horny vampire.
… And can coincidentally resist most of her powers while still giving her the time of her life? Who cares for normal sex after all?
-I kind of just got why some people get into open relationships.
That was another fifteen hours, while his time perception was accelerated four times over in the soul "realm". Pretty slow, uh? "Luckily" Aki can also harness the energy of death around him in this closed space.
Elaine wasn't exactly conscious after that high, but she would be in fifteen minutes, so Aki just waited, thinking about how Mi would react if he suggested something like this to her. Not excluding Elaine of the picture, of course.
-Uhm, what? I just, ah…
-I think you meant "Where am I? Did I sleep with him again? Oh, it's that handsome guy who killed him, and he is alive." You didn't stop to think if I would survive all that, did you? He grinned at her.
-You are knowledgeable enough to know this meant nothing. She tried to say while sitting and holding herself against the floor with one hand while ignoring her nakedness.
-But that you were horny after the ritual, yeah, I know. I am an ass, but hey, who never needed a hand? I won't hold it on you to take some kind of relationship with me nor suggest something like that. I don't know if you heard, but I do have a girlfriend. Before you look at me like that, she also sleeps with other men and I am totally fine with that. We're done with your confusing thoughts after obtaining your freedom? Yes? Wine? He offered.
She took it and drunk the glass in one gulp, just to look down to find Aki drinking directly from the bottle.
-What? I thought you'd let me drink some too. Here. He took the cup back and gave her the bottle.
She didn't know what to do at first, but then just gulped down a mouthful.
-This is the first time I actually liked drinking alcohol. She said with a smile.
-And I am sure you will like it on many more occasions. By the way, did you plan on doing something with the corpse? He pointed at her late husband.
-Many things, but from what I saw you can most definitely do better. She said without hesitation and waited for him to point his idea.
-That's perfect, you see, my red-haired friend has a class related to blood and fury, so eating him should be helpful for her skill grown. Maybe I could even extract your poison from his blood. Guilda's my sister by the way. Which remembers me, do your rooms have sound and smell blocking. He asked with a slightly worried face.
-Most of them do, yes. Are you worried someone is going to try and take her if…
-Yeah, no. She is perfectly able to kill the bastard before or during the intercourse from what I've seen around. I am more worried she got one of yours as her new fuck buddy and started a menage. He explained.
-That wouldn't be a problem from my part. She shrugged and took another swing.
-But I don't want to wait for her to shower in sunblock cream all the time, that is a thing by the way, and them hate me for whatever reason. He said. Before sighing and using her hand to slide the alcohol in the jar to his mouth.
-Why would she hate you? Asked the confused vampire. From her experience, this was as good any human male would get. Granted, he was the first she met on equal ground.
-Just a feeling of mine. Though I do tend to keep my distance from Guilda's current lover, that is mostly because I don't know how to interact with her. He said while looking her in the eyes to show his seriousness.
-Then ignore that and interact with her.
-You're terrible at this. I could seriously give you an hour long lecture on how bad an idea that'd be. She frowned at that.
-Then why are we talking?
-Didn't we turn friends already? He asked while raising a brown.
She blushed a little and he grinned.
-I will call! Aki said while frantically waving. -Like this. Remember that you can also can me for whatever reason, that's what friends are for! He said while laughing after dialing her soul number, which he had to teach her how to check.
Unexpectedly though, Guilda had had a menage with two vampires and one bunny girl, but it was apparently a one time thing and only on the other day they spent on the castle.
She had also gotten traumatized about whatever food Aki gave her, but he still made her eat the vampire lord.
Here is his current status.
Name: Aki
Age: 16
Race: Human
Gender: M
Unspent points: 0
Class: Living shadow Lv 146
Active skills:
-Assassinate II Lv8
-Poison making II Lv 4
-Abysmal counter II Lv 3
-Pierce armor Lv 19
-Shadow manipulation Lv 19
Passive skills:
-Blade dominance II Lv 4
-Smooth movements II Lv 4
-Persuasion Lv 11
-Trap dominance II Lv 2
-Debuff dominance II Lv 4
Subclass: Arcane bookkeeper Lv 140
Active skills:
-Mana missile Lv 15
-Telekinesis II Lv 10
-Essence steal II Lv 5
-Mana shield II Lv 4
Passive skills:
-Mana manipulation II Lv 9
-Ether absorption II Lv 4
-Energy conversion II Lv 4
-Grimoire Lv 18
-Magic overcharge II Lv 2
General Skills:
Mental resistance Lv 19
Charm resistance II Lv 1
Massage Lv 5
Meditation II Lv 7
Pain resistance II Lv 8
Anger II Lv 7
Sleep resistance Lv 18
Demonology Lv 20
Disease resistance Lv 14
Identify Lv 8
Intimidate II Lv 7
Mana perception II Lv 16
Wind magic Lv 15
Fire magic Lv 15
Fear resistance Lv 15
Healing magic Lv 20
Earth magic Lv 15
Water magic Lv 16
Dark magic Lv 17
Thunder magic Lv 18
Time magic Lv 11
Demon summoning Lv 19
Light magic Lv 17
Enchanting Lv 20
Alchemy Lv 10
Space magic Lv 10
Steam magic Lv 12
Radiant magic Lv 13
Metal magic Lv 16
Ice magic Lv 16
Ooze magic Lv 12
Magma magic Lv 13
Smoke magic Lv 12
Water magic resistance Lv 15
Heat resistance Lv 19
Electricity resistance Lv 14
Curse resistance Lv 12
Adaptability Lv 14
Void magic Lv 9
Shadow magic resistance II Lv 1
Wind magic resistance Lv 13
Arcane magic resistance Lv 12
Earth magic resistance Lv 13
Pressure resistance Lv 11
Gravity magic resistance Lv 11
Light magic resistance Lv 14
Singing Lv 11
Sexual technique Lv 16
Drain resistance II Lv 1
Death Magic Lv 8
Life magic Lv 5
Artillery technique Lv4
Dancing Lv 8
Vitality: 226
Endurance: 231
Strength: 334
Dexterity: 339
Intelligence: 577
Wisdom: 577
Health: 2260/2260
Stamina: 2310/2310
Mana: 5770/5770
[Passive: Ether absorption II - Lv 4
Your body can absorb mana better. 107.5% (430% after buffs) more regeneration to all resources when in a mana abundant environment. Receives 107.5% (430% after buffs) more mana from all sources.
2° stage: being hit by an offensive spell will regenerate your mana by 23% of it's cost]
[Mana manipulation II - Lv 8
The energies of the world shall do your bidding.
2° stage: Your talents in the arcane have grown.]
[Passive: Energy conversion II - Lv 4
Your body is very familiar with mana operations. Capable of turning health and stamina into mana with 52.75% effectiveness. Capable of turning mana into health or Stamina points with 26.875% effectiveness.
2°stage: Your knowledge and affinity to all allow you to change the alignment of sources in direct contact with you.]
[Passive: Smooth movements II - Lv 4
You produce 107.5% (322.5% after bonuses) less noise.
2°stage: At the cost of the triple stamina you can move with twice the speed.]
[Passive: Blade dominance II - Lv 4
You deal 161.25% (483.75% after bonuses) more damage while using bladed objects
2° stage: You learn blade techniques 28.75% (86.25% after bonuses) faster]
[Active: Mana steal II - Lv 1
You can absorb your enemies' mana through touch with 100% effectiveness.
2°stage: Your vast experience in the absorption of mana allows you to temporarily double your absorption of magic] + Debuff mastery percentage
15s (1m after bonuses) +3s per level.
[Active: Life steal II - Lv 1
You can absorb your enemies' health and stamina through touch with 100% effectiveness.
2°stage: Killing an opponent with this spell will reward you with 50% more XP (this effect does not escalate with level)]
[Active: Assassinate II - Lv 8
Infuses mana into your attack when attacking from the back. 176.25% (528.25% after bonuses) more damage if undercover during attack.
2° stage: You have learned many of the ways of assassination. 33.75% (101.25% after bonuses) more damage when attacking a weak point.]
[Active: Poison making II - Lv 1
Coats something with any before known poison for 5m (20m after bonuses)
2°stage: "Too much of anything can be poison, but a little poison can be used as medicine". You are able to heal any poison inside your level of expertise.
Extra: Your poisonous constitution has alredy turned you immune to many poison, now you can use than as nourishment instead.] + Debuff mastery percentage.
+1m each level and +2 damage per 5 levels.
Damage: -100 hp/s for 100m ou 600k
(You might as well guess how much damage this does at this rate, because I don't have the patience to do so anymore. By the way, poison resistance fused into this skill after reaching its second stage.)
[Active: Abysmal counter II- Lv 3
Damages the opponent's attack during a successful block and counters the attack with another. 105% (315% after bonuses) more damage towards weapons. 52.5% (157.5% after bonuses) of the original damage of any spells is added to your next attack in the same attribute.
2° stage: after acquiring knowledge in many , you have found many ways to destroy your enemies as well. Whenever you execute a successful counter, 22% (66% after bonuses) of your enemies' damage is added to your attack.]
[Passive: Trap dominance II - Lv 2
Traps and ambushes cause 153.75% (461.25% after bonuses) more damage.
2° stage: After countless succeeded tries at trapping others and using your enemies' strategies against themselves you've developed a perception for opportunities. Once per day your reflexes can slow your perception of time to a fifth of the norm during a perfect attack opportunity.]
[Passive: Debuff dominance II - Lv 4
All negative effects are 161.25% (645% after bonuses) more effective
2° stage: debuffs are 28.75% (86.25% after bonuses) less effective against you]
[Passive: Magic overcharge II - Lv 2
Makes it easier to understand magic composition and to overcharge it.
2°stage: As a master of the arcane, you learn any spells from any schools 10.5% faster.]
[Active: Essence steal II - Lv 1
Chips off parts of your target's essence and regenerates life and mana through absorbing it. Breaking the target's soul will liberate its energy and you will passively absorb said energy while in the area.
2° stage: Whenever you kill an opponent with this spell you will receive 75% more XP (this effect does not escalate with leve). You may triple your body's absorption temporarily in exchange for stamina.]
(Life steal, mana steal and soul break fused into this skill, which is normally possessed by vampires.)
And this is a generalization of the resistance skills.
[General: X resistance II - Lv 1
After constant exposure to X you have obtained a certain degree of resistance to it.
2° stage: Your resistance to X is so outstanding that you have developed a immunity. It's not perfect for now though.]
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Chapter 241 1 days ago -
My Doomsday Battleship RV
Chapter 197 1 days ago -
Naruto: If I ask you to be Naruto, you will become a yellow-haired person?
Chapter 124 1 days ago -
The Secret Way of Immortality
Chapter 659 1 days ago -
Lord of All People: Who the hell let the Zerg in?
Chapter 1290 1 days ago