Game, Second autumn
38 Roaches.
Uhm? What? They got to the fifth floor and I can't sleep through the combat with the giant horde of undead? K.
-The moment we step outside this safe zone the undead are going to attack, and by my magic's feedback, there should be twenty something stronger beings who are likely to summon more undead or resurrect the already defeated one's if I know what I am doing. Aki explained.
-And how the fuck am I supposed to help? Said Guilda while gesturing to the two hundred odd soldiers of normal level. She was obviously not equipped to deal with hordes of enemies that size.
-Easy peasy, I will just give you an aura of light, moving sanctuary and other such light spells meant to attract and kill undead while getting some mana batteries for you. When you finish dealing with your strong guys, I purify the whole room and we search for treasure. Aki said while taking lots of shiny things out of his inventory.
Not like those were that valuable though. They were just fist sized magic cores reflecting the light of the "sun". Any level 100 monster will drop this.
-Oh, yeah, the moment we step out, the thing illuminating the whole room is likely going to go out since undead have some problems with intense lights and it wouldn't be fair for them otherwise. Aki stated before starting to carve the crystals.
After giving about ten of said crystals to Guilda, the undead massacre began. At the soundtrack of "Seven nation army", because why the fuck not?
While the bass was still drumming in the undead's "ears" a roar joined the beat. Turning to see a red haired living woman brining with the power of light, the undead charged under the now moon filled sky while giving their own war cry of moans and rattles.
Whole bodies were flung away while Guilda charged deep inside the fearless army. Aki on the other hand, was ironically not any subtler than her.
Both were clad in light, with the difference that Aki was actually burning his flesh while surrounded by fire that seamed to seek it's own targets while causing little damage to him. And flying.
Which would be quite the correct assessment, since his heat resistance was about to level up to the second stage and he was always healing himself, while the undead also possessed mana if nothing else holding their decomposing bodies, perfect for magic fire to burn.
Essence steal also upped the amount of XP Aki got from almost every target he killed, but that is only the difference between one and two flies.
While there is no denying swarms are dangerous, two hundred thousand are not even close to get a level if the killer is a hundred levels higher than the flies.
Yes, this was actually the best Aki could think of instead of launching a spell to purify the whole room of what keeps these soulless skeletons moving.
In other words, The flood… or not. It's a monster called puppet master and it actually functions in a lesser way to the galatical parasite created by stupidity of a very "smart" race.
While it is a general consciousness that can learn, these are hardly what you'd call the smartest.
While the master can learn by absorbing your corpse, it can't mutate it's pawns or even perfectly mimic it's knowledge.
A true undead king is much scarier then these. If they resurect a sword Saint and get it to teach some death knights, it can keep a reasonable skill forever. It will let the knights generate more undead, level back up faster and a lot more.
Undead have lots of advantages, really. Never tire, never hunger, never fear.
Having an undead protag would be so much better. Why can't he be like sloth? Dude has been grinding from the beginning while always fighting a doomknight, of which none is lower than level 300!
You know how much more sleep, reading time and money for doing nothing I'd get?!
Arrows at amazing speed, dark spells of healing all over, massive fear, canceled buffs, fire balls… basically everything evaporated, passed through or hit Aki. Everything was basically ignored while he torched his way through.
A lich that was also aflame turned to cinders while trying to chase him.
Dead eyes, undead sharpshooters, got their heads blown away by a spell every time they tried to shot him.
Death knights couldn't reach him and were one sidedly bombarded.
Some things even tried to pounce at him, but they were burned immediately till their number couldn't do anything.
This idiot played so much 32 and 64 bits games that he'd be able to calmly pass through dark souls while laughing at the sudden deaths and impossible bosses that would make cleaning the controller a frequent thing because of all the sweat.
He'd still miserably die a ton of times though.
-A fucking sword to the dick, why am I not surprised? Aki mumbled while being thankful that he could turn his sense of pain off. "You finished Guilda?"
"Almost, but why are these midgets trying to stab my legs?" said Guilda while hacking some knights and seeing some monkey like thing that kept throwing themselves at her with their knifes, but kept dying ten meters away.
"They're not trying to stab your legs, but your pussy. These are very useful against mammals." Drily explained Aki while incinerating the ashes of the large sized monkey that stabbed him. That one wouldn't get resurected anymore.
So, yeah, there's not much else I can tell about the fifth floor. Besides Aki's fire magic reaching level 20. And his flying ability finally appearing in his status.
-I mean, I get why I would look insecure and have freckles again, but why do you look like a badass devil? Said Guilda after both entered a room where they had to fight their innerselves in the tenth floor.
The seventh to nine were basically all repetitions of the undead floor but with more numbers and some new troops. From 200k to 1.6m.
They did get levels, but Aki was more focused on the loot from killing three million squeletons.
[General: Hunter - Lv 1
Slightly increases the experience received from killing monsters you Alredy fought wit before.]
-Because I am badass, you idiot. Answered the horned and more handsome version of Aki. It's not like he was another person, just with sharper features and a prideful smile. He was also wearing a white suit with a purple formal shirt tucked inside.
-So what jackass? What are we even supposed to do now? Retorted the insecure Guilda.
-"You could go with selfcest or something, after we do some QnA we will start killing each other."
*cofh cofh* The shy one started coughing and got red, but Guilda just looked like she was thinking.
-You can't seriously be thinking of actually doing what he said! Exclaimed the doppelganger.
-I was actually thinking this might be a great opportunity to train, but it's not like it's a bad idea to begin with… Said the idiot.
-"You really started to think with that dick I seeded into you even before it grew out, truly impressive. Aspargos." Said the two idiots.
-"With what!?" Said the pair of redheads for entirely different reasons. To which the two teenagers laughed their asses off.
-I didn't do anything, relax. Your unusual lust the last days is simply the result of dealing with assholes at work and having no other efficient scape valve. I heard Tina was absent every time you got out of that office, so I thought of a present for you and… As Aki sat himself, explained and did some hand gestures for the show, a grain of wheat appeared between his fingers.
So while on that he got on his knees and hit play on Zelda's treasure acquiring music that is so old by now. It was like he was doing a offering, really, but he had to paralyze his face so he wouldn't burst into laughter.
His doppelganger didn't have said problem so he went on to roll on the ground while laughing with various clones he made.
-We should start the battle. Said Guilda after kicking Aki's jaw off.
"You know, we actually need to stop killing for some time, and we just found the best partners, so why not stay here for some time? Also, there's a secret way to clear this room, and I would really appreciate it if we could get the bonus equipment that will most likely come with it."
Pleaded both Akis while hitting their heads on the ground.
-I may be able to take make a bodies for these two out of monster parts if I try hard enough, but they are the perfect partners for us to actually train with. Aki answered.
-What do you mean with that? Didn't you explain to me we'd be meeting monsters that were infused with our personality and I should adjust my mentality? Asked a bewildered Guilda.
-I mean that if you want you could even add that one to your still forming harem. Yeah, I know of the pretty harpy you meet every morning and the manager of the orphanage you regularly visit. The way they look at you, it won't be long before you have even more use for that seed. It also works if you have two of those, you know? Guhe. After he finished explaining, the blushing Guilda kicked his head into the ground.
"Worth it." said Aki while again being incapacitated of physically talking.
-Hundred violet thunder kicks!
-Thousand golden snakes!
-Ten thousand fiery hells!
-Hundred thousand violent threads!
-A million days of heavenly punishment!
Aki and Qi, Aki's doppelganger, were spouting lots of embarrassing technique names while trading kicks and threads attacks.
It's not like they can actually use those techniques, if they exist in the first place, they are just playing around.
After spending some more time ravaging the field, the two went back to the house to take a shower in their own bathrooms.
Even if his girlfriend was a succubus, it wasn't like Aki actively sought others to played with his ass either, so these two just turned fast friends.
After much insistence from Aki's side, Guilda and Joan are actually going on a date tonight. Allow me to finally show her more normal side now. Seriously, she is a galant and caring woman whenever not around Aki for the simplest reasons.
-Are you sure about this? While we are similar, we turned into different entities after I was formed. I am just a scared and small worth… unnn…
Guilda is most definitely a rotten perverted though. To stop Joan from insulting herself she kissed her instead of something else. It was sensual, definitely, but mostly pleasurable for the woman being kissed if her moans indicated anything.
-If you have such sweet mouth, how could you be worthless? Said Guilda while deeply gazing into her breathless doppelganger's eyes and holding her head between her hands.
Neither of them said anything else while holding hands and going to the wooden hut Aki prepared and left food and lit candles in a table.
-So, what are we supposed to do in a date here? We know the other the best, so…
Joan, a version of Guilda with freckles, two centimeters shorter, one cup smaller, a body more lean then fit, she had an aura of fragility and her face was a little smaller.
A far shot from Aki's doppelganger.
-Well, Aki said to look below the plates and… here. This says that we are actually getting more and more apart by not fussing, but as individuals that should not cause a problem. He suggests we try everything we like and see if there's some kind of change in our perception. At worst we will have a good time, so why not?
Huge hamburgers, some comedy and drama movies later, they found out Joan actually has a heavier taste for food, cries after a character she likes dies and is a totally mindless berserker in a fight. Even more than Guilda.
-See, wasn't all that fun? Though for us…
-It's more like having a twin brother, you two can always go and flirt.
Said Aki followed perfectly by Qi.
-It looks more like you two are some kind of mutant freak. Retorted Guilda, while Joan meakly nodded.
Seriously, she is just too cute.
-You're just jealous because you don't have… Said Qi while timely crossing his leg at the same time as Aki.
-Someone who will bro it out for you. Seriously though, this is just so much fun. I always wanted a twin. Said Aki.
-And didn't at the same time. It's complicated. Not like it matters after getting to another world though. Said Qi.
-Wait, what do you mean it doesn't…
-"You will see in time." Both immediately said
-Just keep it to your pants you creeps. Guilda said that while going to the bathroom, so she didn't see the two looking at each other meaningfully and grinning when Joan followed her.
Guilda is definitely not the passive type, but she was going to train even if she didn't want to with this.
You see, isn't there that thing about a little angel and a little devil telling you to do or not do a thing when you have a hard decision? Imagine having Aki here in both jobs.
Anyone would make the bad decision even if not knowing. And it's not like being a good brother didn't entitle you to mess around like this.
After all, "may good dickings come your way, semen."
What? There were only hot girls around and Aki needed a test subject for all those aphrodisiacs getting dust in his storage together with the pseudo-proteses.
What did you think he uses alchemy for anyway? He generates poison and acid on touch by will! There would be no fun in spending time making those!
-The moment we step outside this safe zone the undead are going to attack, and by my magic's feedback, there should be twenty something stronger beings who are likely to summon more undead or resurrect the already defeated one's if I know what I am doing. Aki explained.
-And how the fuck am I supposed to help? Said Guilda while gesturing to the two hundred odd soldiers of normal level. She was obviously not equipped to deal with hordes of enemies that size.
-Easy peasy, I will just give you an aura of light, moving sanctuary and other such light spells meant to attract and kill undead while getting some mana batteries for you. When you finish dealing with your strong guys, I purify the whole room and we search for treasure. Aki said while taking lots of shiny things out of his inventory.
Not like those were that valuable though. They were just fist sized magic cores reflecting the light of the "sun". Any level 100 monster will drop this.
-Oh, yeah, the moment we step out, the thing illuminating the whole room is likely going to go out since undead have some problems with intense lights and it wouldn't be fair for them otherwise. Aki stated before starting to carve the crystals.
After giving about ten of said crystals to Guilda, the undead massacre began. At the soundtrack of "Seven nation army", because why the fuck not?
While the bass was still drumming in the undead's "ears" a roar joined the beat. Turning to see a red haired living woman brining with the power of light, the undead charged under the now moon filled sky while giving their own war cry of moans and rattles.
Whole bodies were flung away while Guilda charged deep inside the fearless army. Aki on the other hand, was ironically not any subtler than her.
Both were clad in light, with the difference that Aki was actually burning his flesh while surrounded by fire that seamed to seek it's own targets while causing little damage to him. And flying.
Which would be quite the correct assessment, since his heat resistance was about to level up to the second stage and he was always healing himself, while the undead also possessed mana if nothing else holding their decomposing bodies, perfect for magic fire to burn.
Essence steal also upped the amount of XP Aki got from almost every target he killed, but that is only the difference between one and two flies.
While there is no denying swarms are dangerous, two hundred thousand are not even close to get a level if the killer is a hundred levels higher than the flies.
Yes, this was actually the best Aki could think of instead of launching a spell to purify the whole room of what keeps these soulless skeletons moving.
In other words, The flood… or not. It's a monster called puppet master and it actually functions in a lesser way to the galatical parasite created by stupidity of a very "smart" race.
While it is a general consciousness that can learn, these are hardly what you'd call the smartest.
While the master can learn by absorbing your corpse, it can't mutate it's pawns or even perfectly mimic it's knowledge.
A true undead king is much scarier then these. If they resurect a sword Saint and get it to teach some death knights, it can keep a reasonable skill forever. It will let the knights generate more undead, level back up faster and a lot more.
Undead have lots of advantages, really. Never tire, never hunger, never fear.
Having an undead protag would be so much better. Why can't he be like sloth? Dude has been grinding from the beginning while always fighting a doomknight, of which none is lower than level 300!
You know how much more sleep, reading time and money for doing nothing I'd get?!
Arrows at amazing speed, dark spells of healing all over, massive fear, canceled buffs, fire balls… basically everything evaporated, passed through or hit Aki. Everything was basically ignored while he torched his way through.
A lich that was also aflame turned to cinders while trying to chase him.
Dead eyes, undead sharpshooters, got their heads blown away by a spell every time they tried to shot him.
Death knights couldn't reach him and were one sidedly bombarded.
Some things even tried to pounce at him, but they were burned immediately till their number couldn't do anything.
This idiot played so much 32 and 64 bits games that he'd be able to calmly pass through dark souls while laughing at the sudden deaths and impossible bosses that would make cleaning the controller a frequent thing because of all the sweat.
He'd still miserably die a ton of times though.
-A fucking sword to the dick, why am I not surprised? Aki mumbled while being thankful that he could turn his sense of pain off. "You finished Guilda?"
"Almost, but why are these midgets trying to stab my legs?" said Guilda while hacking some knights and seeing some monkey like thing that kept throwing themselves at her with their knifes, but kept dying ten meters away.
"They're not trying to stab your legs, but your pussy. These are very useful against mammals." Drily explained Aki while incinerating the ashes of the large sized monkey that stabbed him. That one wouldn't get resurected anymore.
So, yeah, there's not much else I can tell about the fifth floor. Besides Aki's fire magic reaching level 20. And his flying ability finally appearing in his status.
-I mean, I get why I would look insecure and have freckles again, but why do you look like a badass devil? Said Guilda after both entered a room where they had to fight their innerselves in the tenth floor.
The seventh to nine were basically all repetitions of the undead floor but with more numbers and some new troops. From 200k to 1.6m.
They did get levels, but Aki was more focused on the loot from killing three million squeletons.
[General: Hunter - Lv 1
Slightly increases the experience received from killing monsters you Alredy fought wit before.]
-Because I am badass, you idiot. Answered the horned and more handsome version of Aki. It's not like he was another person, just with sharper features and a prideful smile. He was also wearing a white suit with a purple formal shirt tucked inside.
-So what jackass? What are we even supposed to do now? Retorted the insecure Guilda.
-"You could go with selfcest or something, after we do some QnA we will start killing each other."
*cofh cofh* The shy one started coughing and got red, but Guilda just looked like she was thinking.
-You can't seriously be thinking of actually doing what he said! Exclaimed the doppelganger.
-I was actually thinking this might be a great opportunity to train, but it's not like it's a bad idea to begin with… Said the idiot.
-"You really started to think with that dick I seeded into you even before it grew out, truly impressive. Aspargos." Said the two idiots.
-"With what!?" Said the pair of redheads for entirely different reasons. To which the two teenagers laughed their asses off.
-I didn't do anything, relax. Your unusual lust the last days is simply the result of dealing with assholes at work and having no other efficient scape valve. I heard Tina was absent every time you got out of that office, so I thought of a present for you and… As Aki sat himself, explained and did some hand gestures for the show, a grain of wheat appeared between his fingers.
So while on that he got on his knees and hit play on Zelda's treasure acquiring music that is so old by now. It was like he was doing a offering, really, but he had to paralyze his face so he wouldn't burst into laughter.
His doppelganger didn't have said problem so he went on to roll on the ground while laughing with various clones he made.
-We should start the battle. Said Guilda after kicking Aki's jaw off.
"You know, we actually need to stop killing for some time, and we just found the best partners, so why not stay here for some time? Also, there's a secret way to clear this room, and I would really appreciate it if we could get the bonus equipment that will most likely come with it."
Pleaded both Akis while hitting their heads on the ground.
-I may be able to take make a bodies for these two out of monster parts if I try hard enough, but they are the perfect partners for us to actually train with. Aki answered.
-What do you mean with that? Didn't you explain to me we'd be meeting monsters that were infused with our personality and I should adjust my mentality? Asked a bewildered Guilda.
-I mean that if you want you could even add that one to your still forming harem. Yeah, I know of the pretty harpy you meet every morning and the manager of the orphanage you regularly visit. The way they look at you, it won't be long before you have even more use for that seed. It also works if you have two of those, you know? Guhe. After he finished explaining, the blushing Guilda kicked his head into the ground.
"Worth it." said Aki while again being incapacitated of physically talking.
-Hundred violet thunder kicks!
-Thousand golden snakes!
-Ten thousand fiery hells!
-Hundred thousand violent threads!
-A million days of heavenly punishment!
Aki and Qi, Aki's doppelganger, were spouting lots of embarrassing technique names while trading kicks and threads attacks.
It's not like they can actually use those techniques, if they exist in the first place, they are just playing around.
After spending some more time ravaging the field, the two went back to the house to take a shower in their own bathrooms.
Even if his girlfriend was a succubus, it wasn't like Aki actively sought others to played with his ass either, so these two just turned fast friends.
After much insistence from Aki's side, Guilda and Joan are actually going on a date tonight. Allow me to finally show her more normal side now. Seriously, she is a galant and caring woman whenever not around Aki for the simplest reasons.
-Are you sure about this? While we are similar, we turned into different entities after I was formed. I am just a scared and small worth… unnn…
Guilda is most definitely a rotten perverted though. To stop Joan from insulting herself she kissed her instead of something else. It was sensual, definitely, but mostly pleasurable for the woman being kissed if her moans indicated anything.
-If you have such sweet mouth, how could you be worthless? Said Guilda while deeply gazing into her breathless doppelganger's eyes and holding her head between her hands.
Neither of them said anything else while holding hands and going to the wooden hut Aki prepared and left food and lit candles in a table.
-So, what are we supposed to do in a date here? We know the other the best, so…
Joan, a version of Guilda with freckles, two centimeters shorter, one cup smaller, a body more lean then fit, she had an aura of fragility and her face was a little smaller.
A far shot from Aki's doppelganger.
-Well, Aki said to look below the plates and… here. This says that we are actually getting more and more apart by not fussing, but as individuals that should not cause a problem. He suggests we try everything we like and see if there's some kind of change in our perception. At worst we will have a good time, so why not?
Huge hamburgers, some comedy and drama movies later, they found out Joan actually has a heavier taste for food, cries after a character she likes dies and is a totally mindless berserker in a fight. Even more than Guilda.
-See, wasn't all that fun? Though for us…
-It's more like having a twin brother, you two can always go and flirt.
Said Aki followed perfectly by Qi.
-It looks more like you two are some kind of mutant freak. Retorted Guilda, while Joan meakly nodded.
Seriously, she is just too cute.
-You're just jealous because you don't have… Said Qi while timely crossing his leg at the same time as Aki.
-Someone who will bro it out for you. Seriously though, this is just so much fun. I always wanted a twin. Said Aki.
-And didn't at the same time. It's complicated. Not like it matters after getting to another world though. Said Qi.
-Wait, what do you mean it doesn't…
-"You will see in time." Both immediately said
-Just keep it to your pants you creeps. Guilda said that while going to the bathroom, so she didn't see the two looking at each other meaningfully and grinning when Joan followed her.
Guilda is definitely not the passive type, but she was going to train even if she didn't want to with this.
You see, isn't there that thing about a little angel and a little devil telling you to do or not do a thing when you have a hard decision? Imagine having Aki here in both jobs.
Anyone would make the bad decision even if not knowing. And it's not like being a good brother didn't entitle you to mess around like this.
After all, "may good dickings come your way, semen."
What? There were only hot girls around and Aki needed a test subject for all those aphrodisiacs getting dust in his storage together with the pseudo-proteses.
What did you think he uses alchemy for anyway? He generates poison and acid on touch by will! There would be no fun in spending time making those!
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