Game, Second autumn
39 Now this! is what they ment on the spider movie!
Aki had lots of scars over his body and Qi had waist long hair by now. Wind lifted the dirt of the "infinite" space and the scene forming was very theatric.
-It is finally the day for us to part ways brother.
-I shall cherish every moment.
-Stop talking and fight so we can go! Berated Guida to the two weeabos. It had only been a week since they entered the dungeon and they weren't really going to separate even after this.
Grinning at each other, they lunged forward and started trading slashes. Each blade movement lifted dust and shock waves to spread around when clashing.
A little latter they finished their greeting and started using spells.
Assassinate, pierce armor, brittle, bone corrosion, light grapeshot, cursed wounds, elemental blade, shadow puppet…
The skills were flaring and repeatedly being used, while spells were being flung.
Aki slightly leaned to the left and evaded an ice spike to the eye while catching an attacking dagger with one of his own and getting his kick with his right leg stopped.
Qi rapidly cut Aki's feet off and stepped back while making a water barrier between them. When it exploded the electricity stopped at the barrier, but a laser came from nowhere and perforated his shoulder.
A claw substituting his feet, Aki appeared above while doing a "roundhouse kick" that was more like rolling while on air and using a mutated leg as a weapon.
The fight kept going on like then for ten more minutes and then it happened. The light appeared from nowhere and cut both their upper torsos off while pulling their souls out forcefully.
The bearded serious asian man had a cold gaze and didn't react to his apparent success with anything but other spells of similar power levels, to only stop when he got his kill notification. After the tenth spell of the tenth element he used.
The soil that was destroyed before was totally turned into dust plus some more area.
[You have killed [Aki - Living shadow- Lv 166/ Arcane bookkeeper- Lv 160.]
That made him nod. He stopped floating and directed himself to the champion of blood. Her expression was dark and she held her eyes to the floor.
Like that our protagonist died. No, he can't be resurrected right now and although Cleo knows what just happened and is ready to kill that man repeatedly, she can't get in.
-He is dead. The system says so. He won't be coming back for ten years at the very least. Surrender. Said Ichi. Training in an accelerated time chamber had many advantages. Being a dungeon master also gave him other kind of bonuses for fighting inside his territory.
-... Blood was flowing out of Guilda's mouth, her teeth broken from the pressure she put on them. She knew very well she couldn't win and he was simply being restricted by rules. So she patiently awaited.
-I understand your frustration, but it is useless. To begin with we were all dead. We will die no matter the result of this game, our memories wiped and our souls sent back to the cycle of reincarnation. The demon's champions and all those who signed contracts with them will have to pass through a few cycles in their hands though. He sneered before continuing. This won't even change the world that much, merely a game in the eyes of higher beings. If you don't surrender now then I shall wait while…
-SHUT UP! Of course I know all those things jackass! Just stay still and stop talking while I destroy you! Said Guilda while throwing herself at the man while her axes and eyes turned void.
The man wasn't surprised, he'd been trying to make the woman furious so she'd attack him anyway. That gave him self-defense rights and now he was eligible to get the kill again. One of the drawbacks of his condition.
He didn't expect the magic he shot to not have any effect and even be cut down though. That made him lose a hand and further their distance. He wasn't followed though.
-I see. You have mastered the state of anti magic enough to retain consciousness while using it. Truly outstanding. His teachings must have been formidable as well to develop such strategies so fast. Said the man while trying to buy time and acquire information. He doubted this state could be kept for long and even that it was her's. An item made with alchemy and help from demons most likely.
The woman with flowing black hair threw herself at him again. Now her skin had started to turn pure black in some spots. That ment she was getting stronger and impervious to magic as well. He didn't worry though.
He could dodge by teleporting with the dungeon system. Them come back after she had turned back or loosened her guard. Even if she didn't and ended up consumed by the power, he could still use the points in reserve on the gacha till he got some beast to throw at her.
That wouldn't be happening though. He was receiving an attack from inside the core and his heart felt it.
-How...was all he could say before blood came to his throat. And dropped from his nostrils. And eyes. And ears. Full body failure starto!
Throwing away the avatar he couldn't maintain anymore, Ichi prayed and went to defend his core.
*buzz* "USE" *BUZZ* "... TIL" *BUZZZZZZZZ* Not like any of the present people would let the man get divine aid now though. Yes, I am including Cleo as present.
Now, if this had been any other place, this would have been much more difficult, but since dungeon cores tend to try and slave or consume souls in their territory automatically…
Let's just say there's nothing more Ichi can do. Dungeon-chan is dying. He tried, but between the two bitches hitting from both sides and the guy who got there the moment the system was shut down, who did ya think would win?
Seriously, Qi and Aki were surviving while being corroded and absorbed into the core, but still managed to keep their consciousnesses and started using hell magic together to destroy the world entity.
Kuu… Qi rapidly snatched the position left open by their attack to the dungeon system and started trying to negate Ichi's position as dungeon master. While at that Aki started to bombard the man with attacks.
Both knew how to fight with their souls, but Aki simply held the advantage, after all…
A void blade cut into the man's arm and ash formed all around, trying to bombard him from all sides in his salt confinement and the lightning tempest constantly shipping away his health.
Yeah, good luck fighting a guy that regenerates about 1.2% of his mana every second, knows all types of attacks that can fight a spirit and is able to make three more heads to coordinate all the spells he can cast.
The Gods they prayed to were just too different.
Seriously, just his level of absurdity would get him reincarnated yet again by any God that had the chance. In case of a magic emergency or will to get their world's magic better. Any other case would warrant his souls to be destroyed, fragmented and thrown all around the reincarnation systems.
He really couldn't kill Ichi though. Be it his soul or anything else, he didn't have the power to do more than hurt him. Not like that would stop him though.
A fifth head popped from Aki's shared cranium and started to repeatedly using the same darkness spell.
"Phantom pain. Phantom pain. Phantom pain. Phantom pain…"
The screams finally turned loud enough to be heard through the lightning.
And so this continued.
From Ichi's point of view it was the worst thing he'd experienced even when compared to being repeatedly eaten by beasts in the trials he faced. Death wasn't that scary. He wished for it. He started begging for it. His wails turned incoherent. Pain was his world. He was one with pain. Them it ceased.
He took a while to realize that. The one before him was still the same, but he now had horns and only one head. One with eight lustrous red eyes and many teeth, besides six arms and a gentle smile that didn't match the rest of his figure at all.
While he examined the figure slowly, he had forgot about attacking. Fifteen minutes seemed like an unidentifiable amount of time. There was only darkness and pain.
Qi opened his shark teethed mouth as if to talk, but them it started.
A calming light spread all over and blinded Ichi. He felt well. His consciousness back, he got confused, but knew he was still in danger.
The light got stronger, as if consuming all the darkness that had involved him before. That's because that was exactly what it was doing though, consuming.
He started to burn. He felt he had met another god for a second, but the presence was different. It was full of pity and compassion, but he couldn't help but feel it wanted to kill him.
He was right, because that was Qi. Ichi was pushed and pulled in all sides while passing through an acid light cleaning him of everything he had.
It didn't hurt for long this time though.
The fire got weaker and turned into a warm heat. It called him to sleep and be with its embrace.
The pain came back the second he thought to accept the offer with his dulled mind. He just wanted this to end.
Nothing was right. *$@%%%@&. The pain didn't matter. He had to fix it. There must be balance. He tried putting the energies into order, but failed to, resulting in more pain. He tried again though. And again. And again. Pain came to him every time he tried, but he didn't care for the patches of himself that were leaving going or disappearing anymore, he just wanted to find a way to make these beautiful energies of polar opposites turn stable so he could admire them forever.
He tried and tried again, but he never got it right until one moment… he actually found something he could do, but Qi ruined that.
He kept trying without minding though.
-Time to change again. Said Aki from inside the dungeon core.
-You sure you can't keep going? He is almost exhausting himself… reluctantly said Qi.
-Of course, if you want me to get mentally crippled than I have no problem with that. Retorted the the sarcastic teenager.
-Thank you. Said Qi with relief in his voice.
-Get here your lazy ass! Berated the robotic version of Aki's voice.
-Ok ok, no need to scream. Qi shrugged and changed places.
Aki couldn't simply keep the process going from where it left, so instead he started burning and freezing his target. The screams started again.
It took three more turns like these to get the divine spark out of Ichi's soul so it would not be able to keep healing his ego.
The moment the sphere of light showed itself, Aki stabbed it with a black dagger while shielding Qi from the godly power with a myriad of shields. Himself only able to ignore the rays of pure energy because the dagger in his hands greedily sucked whatever came in front of him.
His hands were rotting. He didn't have "hands" to be exact, but his soul was also slowly being devoured starting from where those should be.
-Just die already! A thousand times is more than enough to destroy this bastard's ego, so hell if I believe he was the one in control after the first half! Screamed Aki while advancing and ignoring most of the his essence being chewed away by the dagger.
-It is finally the day for us to part ways brother.
-I shall cherish every moment.
-Stop talking and fight so we can go! Berated Guida to the two weeabos. It had only been a week since they entered the dungeon and they weren't really going to separate even after this.
Grinning at each other, they lunged forward and started trading slashes. Each blade movement lifted dust and shock waves to spread around when clashing.
A little latter they finished their greeting and started using spells.
Assassinate, pierce armor, brittle, bone corrosion, light grapeshot, cursed wounds, elemental blade, shadow puppet…
The skills were flaring and repeatedly being used, while spells were being flung.
Aki slightly leaned to the left and evaded an ice spike to the eye while catching an attacking dagger with one of his own and getting his kick with his right leg stopped.
Qi rapidly cut Aki's feet off and stepped back while making a water barrier between them. When it exploded the electricity stopped at the barrier, but a laser came from nowhere and perforated his shoulder.
A claw substituting his feet, Aki appeared above while doing a "roundhouse kick" that was more like rolling while on air and using a mutated leg as a weapon.
The fight kept going on like then for ten more minutes and then it happened. The light appeared from nowhere and cut both their upper torsos off while pulling their souls out forcefully.
The bearded serious asian man had a cold gaze and didn't react to his apparent success with anything but other spells of similar power levels, to only stop when he got his kill notification. After the tenth spell of the tenth element he used.
The soil that was destroyed before was totally turned into dust plus some more area.
[You have killed [Aki - Living shadow- Lv 166/ Arcane bookkeeper- Lv 160.]
That made him nod. He stopped floating and directed himself to the champion of blood. Her expression was dark and she held her eyes to the floor.
Like that our protagonist died. No, he can't be resurrected right now and although Cleo knows what just happened and is ready to kill that man repeatedly, she can't get in.
-He is dead. The system says so. He won't be coming back for ten years at the very least. Surrender. Said Ichi. Training in an accelerated time chamber had many advantages. Being a dungeon master also gave him other kind of bonuses for fighting inside his territory.
-... Blood was flowing out of Guilda's mouth, her teeth broken from the pressure she put on them. She knew very well she couldn't win and he was simply being restricted by rules. So she patiently awaited.
-I understand your frustration, but it is useless. To begin with we were all dead. We will die no matter the result of this game, our memories wiped and our souls sent back to the cycle of reincarnation. The demon's champions and all those who signed contracts with them will have to pass through a few cycles in their hands though. He sneered before continuing. This won't even change the world that much, merely a game in the eyes of higher beings. If you don't surrender now then I shall wait while…
-SHUT UP! Of course I know all those things jackass! Just stay still and stop talking while I destroy you! Said Guilda while throwing herself at the man while her axes and eyes turned void.
The man wasn't surprised, he'd been trying to make the woman furious so she'd attack him anyway. That gave him self-defense rights and now he was eligible to get the kill again. One of the drawbacks of his condition.
He didn't expect the magic he shot to not have any effect and even be cut down though. That made him lose a hand and further their distance. He wasn't followed though.
-I see. You have mastered the state of anti magic enough to retain consciousness while using it. Truly outstanding. His teachings must have been formidable as well to develop such strategies so fast. Said the man while trying to buy time and acquire information. He doubted this state could be kept for long and even that it was her's. An item made with alchemy and help from demons most likely.
The woman with flowing black hair threw herself at him again. Now her skin had started to turn pure black in some spots. That ment she was getting stronger and impervious to magic as well. He didn't worry though.
He could dodge by teleporting with the dungeon system. Them come back after she had turned back or loosened her guard. Even if she didn't and ended up consumed by the power, he could still use the points in reserve on the gacha till he got some beast to throw at her.
That wouldn't be happening though. He was receiving an attack from inside the core and his heart felt it.
-How...was all he could say before blood came to his throat. And dropped from his nostrils. And eyes. And ears. Full body failure starto!
Throwing away the avatar he couldn't maintain anymore, Ichi prayed and went to defend his core.
*buzz* "USE" *BUZZ* "... TIL" *BUZZZZZZZZ* Not like any of the present people would let the man get divine aid now though. Yes, I am including Cleo as present.
Now, if this had been any other place, this would have been much more difficult, but since dungeon cores tend to try and slave or consume souls in their territory automatically…
Let's just say there's nothing more Ichi can do. Dungeon-chan is dying. He tried, but between the two bitches hitting from both sides and the guy who got there the moment the system was shut down, who did ya think would win?
Seriously, Qi and Aki were surviving while being corroded and absorbed into the core, but still managed to keep their consciousnesses and started using hell magic together to destroy the world entity.
Kuu… Qi rapidly snatched the position left open by their attack to the dungeon system and started trying to negate Ichi's position as dungeon master. While at that Aki started to bombard the man with attacks.
Both knew how to fight with their souls, but Aki simply held the advantage, after all…
A void blade cut into the man's arm and ash formed all around, trying to bombard him from all sides in his salt confinement and the lightning tempest constantly shipping away his health.
Yeah, good luck fighting a guy that regenerates about 1.2% of his mana every second, knows all types of attacks that can fight a spirit and is able to make three more heads to coordinate all the spells he can cast.
The Gods they prayed to were just too different.
Seriously, just his level of absurdity would get him reincarnated yet again by any God that had the chance. In case of a magic emergency or will to get their world's magic better. Any other case would warrant his souls to be destroyed, fragmented and thrown all around the reincarnation systems.
He really couldn't kill Ichi though. Be it his soul or anything else, he didn't have the power to do more than hurt him. Not like that would stop him though.
A fifth head popped from Aki's shared cranium and started to repeatedly using the same darkness spell.
"Phantom pain. Phantom pain. Phantom pain. Phantom pain…"
The screams finally turned loud enough to be heard through the lightning.
And so this continued.
From Ichi's point of view it was the worst thing he'd experienced even when compared to being repeatedly eaten by beasts in the trials he faced. Death wasn't that scary. He wished for it. He started begging for it. His wails turned incoherent. Pain was his world. He was one with pain. Them it ceased.
He took a while to realize that. The one before him was still the same, but he now had horns and only one head. One with eight lustrous red eyes and many teeth, besides six arms and a gentle smile that didn't match the rest of his figure at all.
While he examined the figure slowly, he had forgot about attacking. Fifteen minutes seemed like an unidentifiable amount of time. There was only darkness and pain.
Qi opened his shark teethed mouth as if to talk, but them it started.
A calming light spread all over and blinded Ichi. He felt well. His consciousness back, he got confused, but knew he was still in danger.
The light got stronger, as if consuming all the darkness that had involved him before. That's because that was exactly what it was doing though, consuming.
He started to burn. He felt he had met another god for a second, but the presence was different. It was full of pity and compassion, but he couldn't help but feel it wanted to kill him.
He was right, because that was Qi. Ichi was pushed and pulled in all sides while passing through an acid light cleaning him of everything he had.
It didn't hurt for long this time though.
The fire got weaker and turned into a warm heat. It called him to sleep and be with its embrace.
The pain came back the second he thought to accept the offer with his dulled mind. He just wanted this to end.
Nothing was right. *$@%%%@&. The pain didn't matter. He had to fix it. There must be balance. He tried putting the energies into order, but failed to, resulting in more pain. He tried again though. And again. And again. Pain came to him every time he tried, but he didn't care for the patches of himself that were leaving going or disappearing anymore, he just wanted to find a way to make these beautiful energies of polar opposites turn stable so he could admire them forever.
He tried and tried again, but he never got it right until one moment… he actually found something he could do, but Qi ruined that.
He kept trying without minding though.
-Time to change again. Said Aki from inside the dungeon core.
-You sure you can't keep going? He is almost exhausting himself… reluctantly said Qi.
-Of course, if you want me to get mentally crippled than I have no problem with that. Retorted the the sarcastic teenager.
-Thank you. Said Qi with relief in his voice.
-Get here your lazy ass! Berated the robotic version of Aki's voice.
-Ok ok, no need to scream. Qi shrugged and changed places.
Aki couldn't simply keep the process going from where it left, so instead he started burning and freezing his target. The screams started again.
It took three more turns like these to get the divine spark out of Ichi's soul so it would not be able to keep healing his ego.
The moment the sphere of light showed itself, Aki stabbed it with a black dagger while shielding Qi from the godly power with a myriad of shields. Himself only able to ignore the rays of pure energy because the dagger in his hands greedily sucked whatever came in front of him.
His hands were rotting. He didn't have "hands" to be exact, but his soul was also slowly being devoured starting from where those should be.
-Just die already! A thousand times is more than enough to destroy this bastard's ego, so hell if I believe he was the one in control after the first half! Screamed Aki while advancing and ignoring most of the his essence being chewed away by the dagger.
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