Game, Second autumn
6 Wolfies
A little after the sunrise.
-Don't you think we're going too deep? She asked with a worried voice.
-Nahh, we both have level 60 status at hand, so killing things on the other areas is quite easy. We're going to level our skills much faster fighting these things. He answered full of confidence.
A wolf lunged at him. It was going to be hit on the side of its face with knife, but it jumped again on the air and ended impaled by a spike that went out of the ground.
[*Ding* You have killed [Wind wolf] Level 86. For killing an opponent 50 or more levels above your own you will receive bonus XP]
[*Ding* Assassin is now level 30. 12 attribute points awarded.]
[*Ding* Arcane magician is now level 24. 12 attribute points awarded.]
-They're wind wolves. Don't put all your force into one attack, they are quite brittle, but are very fast. They can also cast wind magic while with their mouths open. He alerted
While five meters from one another, they were now encircled by twenty odd wolves minus one.
-What about the big guy? She asked.
-He will try to attack when we show an opening while fighting his minions. We pay attention to each other and it's all right. It should be a direwolf, so it's better than the rest in everything. Shield your ears.
While he was talking, the wolves started to howl and attacked in great number.
-THUNDER CLAP! Signal bolt! Magnetize! Water cutter!
A deafening sound reverberated at the clearing they were present, stunning all the wolves, making Aki's ears bleed and Guilda's ring.
As a result Aki started to scream his spells and in order, sent a bolt full of unstable energy and changed the polarities and charges of the wolves' pelts, making them attractive or repulsive to one another.
I don't have to explain how that is useful against a group of coordinated attackers or what a water cutter is.
The interesting part, is that since Aki isn't actually using a skill, he has no cool down time or limitations. Of course, he also, doesn't have the system's help in most of the process, so those spell names are purely BS.
The true thunderclap and magnetize spells are a lot more powerful. Everything being flown out by the pure power of sound. Bodies mashing and crashing together. Those are the real version.
By the way, if a true magician saw Aki's water cutter, they would call it sonic cutter instead. Which happens to be a stronger version of the water cutter spell, reason why it cut open three wolves and the trees behind them.
-Fuck, that took a fourth of my mana!
As the status window can be minimized to show just the resources and Aki has no one to tell him such things, he took thirty full minutes to find that out and set it at the upper left corner of his sight.
Fire balls started to be launched one after the other and all around. Six more wolves die. The Alpha attacked Aki.
There's now a cut on his spine.
Hurts. Hurts. It hurts! I hurt! Erase! Destroy! Revenge! Stop! Make it stop! Eat! Revenge!
[Maximum experience reached. Pain resistance is now level 7]
Three o'clock, thunderbolt, kill direwolf.
[*Ding* Your group has killed [Wind Direwolf] Level 88. For killing an opponent 50…]
Stand hand and grab. No? Paralysis? Telekinesis. Puppetry. Pain. Stop. Try. Pain. Try. Pain. Pain! PAIN!
[Maximum experience reached. Pain resistance is now level 8. Telekinesis is now level 10]
Bite! Absorb. Pain! Wolf! Kill! Blood! Blind? Clean. Pain. Heal. Help! Guilda! Help me! Promise! Traitor! Revenge!
[... Assassin is now level 33…]
[...Arcane magician is now level 27…]
-Out of the way.
Cold. Lonely. Move. Kill. Better.
Traitor. Attack. Hurt? Not her fault! Failure acceptable. Still friend. Won't let die!
Spell… death. Too much. Devour? Devour. Core? None? Hunt? No time. Too much blood.
Time! Not enough. Trees. Corpses. Grass. Soil. Hurts!
Construct. Not enough. Devour. None? Mater. Broke. Hurts. Impossible. Souls? None. Points. Wisdom 200. Order. Slowly heal.
-It will itch.
-Not bad.
"I truly didn't expect it to be that fast. Sorry, it seems we will both die because I can't ever do something… right? Eh"
Right before Aki being hit, Guilda was fending against five wolves, so when she noticed that the direwolf had disappeared it was already in front of her.
Her attack missed and again her stomach was cut open. The direwolf had used a ilusion to look like a normal wolf, took a hit that looked fatal, but actually mingled with the bodies to strike from the shadows.
The berserker didn't stand a chance.
While she fell on her back, she didn't utter a sound. When she finally saw it attacking Aki, she tried to scream, but no sound came.
"Damn magic!"
The direwolf slashed at his spine and assumed a posture as to howl in front of him. She didn't expect that right after he fell face first there would be a rock hand coming from the ground catching the direwolf.
Aki started to tremble, but didn't seem capable of moving with that wound on his back. At least it seemed so until his hand started to raise, stopped, and then caught one if the direwolf's paws.
Then it started to deteriorate and rot. There's no other way say it other than that.
Aki's wounds started to heal at a visible rate, but the direwolf had died before he was finished. That didn't stop him from crushing the neck of another wolf and using telekinesis to get it closer when it tried to bite him
At that point he could already move without problem.
-Out of the way.
The wolves wanted to run, but during the time they took to notice their leader was totally dead, they had already all been caught by a telekinesis tendrils, keeping their pawns firm on the ground.
Aki turned around and looked for tracks of Guilda, finding her surrounded by five panicking wolves and bleeding on the ground. Two were biting her insides and another was trying to maw her throat, but all three were totally paralyzed.
He paused for a second and then the wolves biting her had their mouths extended. As in tore open in a way their jaws were torn off.
Sprinting a little, he got to her side and tried to cast a spell. It failed and his arm started turning bony.
Before it started rotting away he took another two wolves lives and made it come back to normal.
He decided on another spell and started casting it.
It failed. And failed. Twelve or so times before it actually succeeded. When it did, the system recognized Aki as having level 1 Time magic and Guilda started healing and woke up.
-It will itch.
-Not bad.
And then it came to her. An unbearable itch that makes one want to tear their flesh away and bite their bones off. Obviously Aki had to hold her down during the convulsions.
Until Guilda got herself together, Aki was already back to normal.
-You ok now? He asked worryingly
-Let me die next time. She said with ragged breath.
-No. Can you stand? He said matter of factly.
-I guess, but what the hell happened here? She took his hand and stood up, noticing the death around them.
-I sucked the life out of everything around so I could cast the spell to actually heal you, who had lost part of their intestines and had blood on your air tube. He stated.
-That is… thanks. She said, shocked.
-You welcome. Now, please take care of me while I pass out. He said, as if asking her the hour of the day.
-What?! She barely caught him after that.
Worried, she tried to check his vitals, but he started to snore before that.
If you're curious, here's his status.
Name: Aki
Age: 16
Race: Human
Gender: M
Unspent points: 19
Class: Assassin Lv 36
Active skills:
-Backstab Lv 7
-Poisoning Lv 4
-Parry Lv 4
Passive skills:
-Blade mastery Lv 6
-Smooth steps Lv 4
-Persuasion Lv 2
-Trap mastery Lv 4
Subclasse: Arcane mage Lv 31
Active skills:
-Arcane blast Lv 2
-Mana missile Lv 6
-Telekinesis Lv 11
-Mana steal Lv 6
-Life steal Lv 10
Passive skills:
-Mana manipulation Lv 11
-Mana absorption Lv 8
-Energy conversion Lv 7
General Skills:
Mental resistance Lv 7
Charm resistance Lv 6
Massage Lv 1
Meditation Lv 8
Pain resistance Lv 8
Anger Lv 7
Sleep resistance Lv 1
Demonology Lv 5
Disease resistance Lv 1
Identify Lv 1
Subterfuge Lv 5
Intimidate Lv 4
Mana perception Lv 12
Wind magic Lv 1
Fire magic Lv 3
Fear resistance Lv 1
Healing magic Lv 4
Earth magic Lv 2
Water magic Lv 3
Dark magic Lv 1
Thunder magic Lv 1
Time magic Lv 1
Vitality: 48
Endurance: 61
Strength: 100
Dexterity: 80
Intelligence: 70
Wisdom: 200
Health: 480/480
Stamina: 610/610
Mana: 2000/2000
[Active: Mana steal - Lv 6
You can absorb your enemies' mana through touch with 31.25% effectiveness]
[Active: Life steal - Lv 10
You can absorb your enemies' health and stamina through touch with 36.25% effectiveness]
[Passive: Energy conversion - Lv 7
Your body is very familiar with mana operations. Capable of turning health and stamina into mana with 32.5% effectiveness. Capable of turning mana into health or Stamina points with 16.25% effectiveness.]
Aren't those skills a little too developed? Well, I mean, he did absorb most of the energy in everything in a radius of 60 meters, including all the energy in the soil and the things living into it.
Please, do remember that this is a dungeon, a very mana rich ambient.
(Now that he stopped snoring and drooling, he kinda looks cute, strange.)
-Suck my dick. Said the slack faced succubus, receiving a scared and confused stare from her captives, who were mostly man and straight.
They were also traumatized with her torture, so there's that.
"I was just cursing." she felt ashamed such thing also counted toward her job's quota, measured by a technologic apparatus that calculates the punishment of the souls of the sinners under a certain demon.
Such tool is installed on a tablet… like device from the demons.
Right now that was minimized so it showed on the right upper corner of the screen, while she watched everything happening to Guilda.
Why? She is the responsible for her after all, why would she not be watching?
Also, of course succubus can have dicks if they want.
"Maybe I should do that…"
-Don't you think we're going too deep? She asked with a worried voice.
-Nahh, we both have level 60 status at hand, so killing things on the other areas is quite easy. We're going to level our skills much faster fighting these things. He answered full of confidence.
A wolf lunged at him. It was going to be hit on the side of its face with knife, but it jumped again on the air and ended impaled by a spike that went out of the ground.
[*Ding* You have killed [Wind wolf] Level 86. For killing an opponent 50 or more levels above your own you will receive bonus XP]
[*Ding* Assassin is now level 30. 12 attribute points awarded.]
[*Ding* Arcane magician is now level 24. 12 attribute points awarded.]
-They're wind wolves. Don't put all your force into one attack, they are quite brittle, but are very fast. They can also cast wind magic while with their mouths open. He alerted
While five meters from one another, they were now encircled by twenty odd wolves minus one.
-What about the big guy? She asked.
-He will try to attack when we show an opening while fighting his minions. We pay attention to each other and it's all right. It should be a direwolf, so it's better than the rest in everything. Shield your ears.
While he was talking, the wolves started to howl and attacked in great number.
-THUNDER CLAP! Signal bolt! Magnetize! Water cutter!
A deafening sound reverberated at the clearing they were present, stunning all the wolves, making Aki's ears bleed and Guilda's ring.
As a result Aki started to scream his spells and in order, sent a bolt full of unstable energy and changed the polarities and charges of the wolves' pelts, making them attractive or repulsive to one another.
I don't have to explain how that is useful against a group of coordinated attackers or what a water cutter is.
The interesting part, is that since Aki isn't actually using a skill, he has no cool down time or limitations. Of course, he also, doesn't have the system's help in most of the process, so those spell names are purely BS.
The true thunderclap and magnetize spells are a lot more powerful. Everything being flown out by the pure power of sound. Bodies mashing and crashing together. Those are the real version.
By the way, if a true magician saw Aki's water cutter, they would call it sonic cutter instead. Which happens to be a stronger version of the water cutter spell, reason why it cut open three wolves and the trees behind them.
-Fuck, that took a fourth of my mana!
As the status window can be minimized to show just the resources and Aki has no one to tell him such things, he took thirty full minutes to find that out and set it at the upper left corner of his sight.
Fire balls started to be launched one after the other and all around. Six more wolves die. The Alpha attacked Aki.
There's now a cut on his spine.
Hurts. Hurts. It hurts! I hurt! Erase! Destroy! Revenge! Stop! Make it stop! Eat! Revenge!
[Maximum experience reached. Pain resistance is now level 7]
Three o'clock, thunderbolt, kill direwolf.
[*Ding* Your group has killed [Wind Direwolf] Level 88. For killing an opponent 50…]
Stand hand and grab. No? Paralysis? Telekinesis. Puppetry. Pain. Stop. Try. Pain. Try. Pain. Pain! PAIN!
[Maximum experience reached. Pain resistance is now level 8. Telekinesis is now level 10]
Bite! Absorb. Pain! Wolf! Kill! Blood! Blind? Clean. Pain. Heal. Help! Guilda! Help me! Promise! Traitor! Revenge!
[... Assassin is now level 33…]
[...Arcane magician is now level 27…]
-Out of the way.
Cold. Lonely. Move. Kill. Better.
Traitor. Attack. Hurt? Not her fault! Failure acceptable. Still friend. Won't let die!
Spell… death. Too much. Devour? Devour. Core? None? Hunt? No time. Too much blood.
Time! Not enough. Trees. Corpses. Grass. Soil. Hurts!
Construct. Not enough. Devour. None? Mater. Broke. Hurts. Impossible. Souls? None. Points. Wisdom 200. Order. Slowly heal.
-It will itch.
-Not bad.
"I truly didn't expect it to be that fast. Sorry, it seems we will both die because I can't ever do something… right? Eh"
Right before Aki being hit, Guilda was fending against five wolves, so when she noticed that the direwolf had disappeared it was already in front of her.
Her attack missed and again her stomach was cut open. The direwolf had used a ilusion to look like a normal wolf, took a hit that looked fatal, but actually mingled with the bodies to strike from the shadows.
The berserker didn't stand a chance.
While she fell on her back, she didn't utter a sound. When she finally saw it attacking Aki, she tried to scream, but no sound came.
"Damn magic!"
The direwolf slashed at his spine and assumed a posture as to howl in front of him. She didn't expect that right after he fell face first there would be a rock hand coming from the ground catching the direwolf.
Aki started to tremble, but didn't seem capable of moving with that wound on his back. At least it seemed so until his hand started to raise, stopped, and then caught one if the direwolf's paws.
Then it started to deteriorate and rot. There's no other way say it other than that.
Aki's wounds started to heal at a visible rate, but the direwolf had died before he was finished. That didn't stop him from crushing the neck of another wolf and using telekinesis to get it closer when it tried to bite him
At that point he could already move without problem.
-Out of the way.
The wolves wanted to run, but during the time they took to notice their leader was totally dead, they had already all been caught by a telekinesis tendrils, keeping their pawns firm on the ground.
Aki turned around and looked for tracks of Guilda, finding her surrounded by five panicking wolves and bleeding on the ground. Two were biting her insides and another was trying to maw her throat, but all three were totally paralyzed.
He paused for a second and then the wolves biting her had their mouths extended. As in tore open in a way their jaws were torn off.
Sprinting a little, he got to her side and tried to cast a spell. It failed and his arm started turning bony.
Before it started rotting away he took another two wolves lives and made it come back to normal.
He decided on another spell and started casting it.
It failed. And failed. Twelve or so times before it actually succeeded. When it did, the system recognized Aki as having level 1 Time magic and Guilda started healing and woke up.
-It will itch.
-Not bad.
And then it came to her. An unbearable itch that makes one want to tear their flesh away and bite their bones off. Obviously Aki had to hold her down during the convulsions.
Until Guilda got herself together, Aki was already back to normal.
-You ok now? He asked worryingly
-Let me die next time. She said with ragged breath.
-No. Can you stand? He said matter of factly.
-I guess, but what the hell happened here? She took his hand and stood up, noticing the death around them.
-I sucked the life out of everything around so I could cast the spell to actually heal you, who had lost part of their intestines and had blood on your air tube. He stated.
-That is… thanks. She said, shocked.
-You welcome. Now, please take care of me while I pass out. He said, as if asking her the hour of the day.
-What?! She barely caught him after that.
Worried, she tried to check his vitals, but he started to snore before that.
If you're curious, here's his status.
Name: Aki
Age: 16
Race: Human
Gender: M
Unspent points: 19
Class: Assassin Lv 36
Active skills:
-Backstab Lv 7
-Poisoning Lv 4
-Parry Lv 4
Passive skills:
-Blade mastery Lv 6
-Smooth steps Lv 4
-Persuasion Lv 2
-Trap mastery Lv 4
Subclasse: Arcane mage Lv 31
Active skills:
-Arcane blast Lv 2
-Mana missile Lv 6
-Telekinesis Lv 11
-Mana steal Lv 6
-Life steal Lv 10
Passive skills:
-Mana manipulation Lv 11
-Mana absorption Lv 8
-Energy conversion Lv 7
General Skills:
Mental resistance Lv 7
Charm resistance Lv 6
Massage Lv 1
Meditation Lv 8
Pain resistance Lv 8
Anger Lv 7
Sleep resistance Lv 1
Demonology Lv 5
Disease resistance Lv 1
Identify Lv 1
Subterfuge Lv 5
Intimidate Lv 4
Mana perception Lv 12
Wind magic Lv 1
Fire magic Lv 3
Fear resistance Lv 1
Healing magic Lv 4
Earth magic Lv 2
Water magic Lv 3
Dark magic Lv 1
Thunder magic Lv 1
Time magic Lv 1
Vitality: 48
Endurance: 61
Strength: 100
Dexterity: 80
Intelligence: 70
Wisdom: 200
Health: 480/480
Stamina: 610/610
Mana: 2000/2000
[Active: Mana steal - Lv 6
You can absorb your enemies' mana through touch with 31.25% effectiveness]
[Active: Life steal - Lv 10
You can absorb your enemies' health and stamina through touch with 36.25% effectiveness]
[Passive: Energy conversion - Lv 7
Your body is very familiar with mana operations. Capable of turning health and stamina into mana with 32.5% effectiveness. Capable of turning mana into health or Stamina points with 16.25% effectiveness.]
Aren't those skills a little too developed? Well, I mean, he did absorb most of the energy in everything in a radius of 60 meters, including all the energy in the soil and the things living into it.
Please, do remember that this is a dungeon, a very mana rich ambient.
(Now that he stopped snoring and drooling, he kinda looks cute, strange.)
-Suck my dick. Said the slack faced succubus, receiving a scared and confused stare from her captives, who were mostly man and straight.
They were also traumatized with her torture, so there's that.
"I was just cursing." she felt ashamed such thing also counted toward her job's quota, measured by a technologic apparatus that calculates the punishment of the souls of the sinners under a certain demon.
Such tool is installed on a tablet… like device from the demons.
Right now that was minimized so it showed on the right upper corner of the screen, while she watched everything happening to Guilda.
Why? She is the responsible for her after all, why would she not be watching?
Also, of course succubus can have dicks if they want.
"Maybe I should do that…"
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