Game, Second autumn
7 Big fear
-So, I will need to learn buffer magic earlier than I thought. You falling into illusions is going to be a problem to us in almost all battles against mages. Said Aki
-Wait, why would only you be ok?! Indignantly questioned Guilda.
-Because I am otaku, you think I can't differentiate illusions from reality? I've seen every kind of trap and battle tactics involving messing with your enemy, I am perfectly capable of… Started Aki
-Ok, ok, just shut it. Haaa… you're such a pain, you know? Interrupted Guilda.
-I mean, you were going to hell too. Retorted him.
-We don't know that! Said the atheist until recently.
-Anyway, there's no way I can simply learn that without practice, so let's just hope that happens before we reach the mountain. Carelessly said him.
-Isn't that kind of a big deal? Worryingly asked her.
-I mean, there's no other dungeon in these high leveled zones and it's not like there's a sign saying where to get treasure chests. I also don't think we can kill the dragon flying around, that's obviously the dungeon boss and at least level 100. He said while shrugging.
-Can't you do what you did with the wolves? I mean, it does drop around sometimes and I think I can throw you on its back… She tried to say.
-It will kill me. He said, matter of factly.
-What? How do you know if you haven't even tried, maybe if we just… She dejectedly tried to say.
-Guilda, listen to me! He stopped walking and caught her shoulders.
She was caught by surprise, but she could still free herself if she actually tried, since she did have more points in strength than Aki, it's just…
"So close!"
That succubus was toying with her a little by using the events from some time ago as bait.
-If we ever face a dragon, it won't be before we reach a much higher level than it or get lots of poisons. If from eating a dragon egg we got +1 every time we level up, them what guarantee do we have that it doesn't receive ten or twenty attribute points every level?! Those things are fast, smart and strong. We're not a match right now, so don't go throwing your life away for nothing!
"Was he always this manly and tall?"
Guilda flusteredly thought.
"Nah, It was just the moment and the bridge effect. That's it." Guilda resolved.
-Even I am not that dense. Right? Worryingly muttered the slack faced succubus.
-Uh? Where am I? Aki looked around and all he could see was an hotel room. He was naked, his phone on the nightstand on his left. He checked it and the date was May 11th, two weeks before his sister's birthday. The day after his flight. His flight. The turbulence. They had to make a urgent stop in the US. The company arranged room. I had money and time…
He looked at his right and saw a red haired beauty sleeping peacefully by his side. It was Guilda. She had some light freckles on her shoulders, a pair of shapely breasts, strong arms, a fit belly, narrow waist and a big rack supplemented by thighs that just demanded attention.
While Aki was poetically describing her in his mind, she actually woke up. Looking flustered by the stare, but she soon noticed he looked at her like a piece of art. Appreciating beauty and without lust. At least the former was much bigger than the latter it would seem.
-You're not allowed to stare like that, you know? She pinched his thigh while showing a seducing smile.
-You sure? I didn't see that on the cite. He said with curiosity.
-I mean, you only payed for the night, so if you make me attack you we will have a problem. She said while getting on top of his seated position in one move, breasts jiggling on his face.
-Is there no other way then? He asked while moving his gaze to her face
-Well, I am sure we can get to an agreement. Her voice sweet and seducing.
-You sure you prefer to do so while using Guilda's form? He asked without changing his tone and expression.
-As expected, you noticed. Her voice changing to a deeper one, her form more voluptuous, her long black hair cascading down her back, her face sharper and cold.
-Would you mind telling me what gave it away? She asked.
-You can't read in dreams, so when I looked at my phone I knew it was a dream. Also, even if I didn't check my phone, if I had called a prostitute to my room, she would be a brunette and most likely not a woman who is totally my type. He said, and then started fondling her butt cheeks.
-I can't do anything now that you found me because of some rules, so my answer to that is no. She said after feeling the thing between her thighs.
-That a shame, you don't seem that bad for a succubus. Your personality I mean. Anyway, did you need something? Is Guilda… He said with a serious tone, moving his hand to her waist and getting his invitation back. It is a dream, so he can at least do that much without problem.
-She will die at that mountain. She said matter of factly.
-And what can I do? He grabbed her with more force and brought her face closer to his. His whole body was getting blurry.
-So you can only last this… She tried to mock.
-I am just having a hard time not showing my ugly side to a beautiful lady. He solidified again, now having shark teeth and being bigger. His hair also thrown back and pride on his eyes.
-Your inner demon, I see. You just need to strengthen her mind or convince my boss to let you pass the test for both of you. She said, not at all surprised by his sudden change.
-It gets bigger you know? Anyway, you just need to say that one human suffering for two will definitely end up in more than the sum. Even more if that human is someone like me. An aura leaving him as he said so. He pulled her even closer, their noses were even touching now. His breathing heavy.
-I see. For someone so sinful, we can certainly make an exception. They also seem to have started to grow, you are a perfect candidate for our project. She said, an air of excitement on her cold voice.
-That is good to hear, but I don't think I can hold on much longer. He seemed to be suffering while saying so.
-Do whatever you want. She said, as if it didn't mattered to her whatever he tried to do.
-Then, I shaw thank you for the meal! His eyes glazed. He grabbed her hair with one hand and shoved her head to the side, exposing more of her neck line, but getting no reaction from the demoness.
His teeth grew again and he bit her. Blood flowing in his mouth, flesh torn and devoured. The flesh grew back by the next moment, but the blood dripping from her shoulder and staining the sheets was proof that he actually ate something. One bite was not enough though.
His hands holding her with inhuman strength, massaging the tender and smooth demon skin.
-It certainly got bigger. If we're going to be here for some time them I might as well practice the ways of the vampires. You're gonna need at least this much mental fortitude to survive anyway. She said, not even flinching as her flesh and bone were torn apart.
He stopped for a moment and his hands started to wander, groping her backside strongly. He looked at her with serious eyes, as if saying "what are you waiting?".
She nodded and fangs grew on her mouth, poison dripping she bit down without any more excitation.
[Maximum experience reached. Mental resistance is now Lv 10. Charm resistance is now level 10.]
-I was actually expecting more levels, but oh well. He shrugged.
-You woke up already? There's still one hour until your shift. Guilda said to him.
-I will go to the river take a shower then. You can sleep when I come back. I won't take long.
-Who'd expect he even learned how to produce other types of poisons after just five minutes of feeling it on his body… well, it wasn't all that bad. I even got some good info out of it… Muttered the slack faced succubus.
"Guess I will just modify the test at once and post his excuse on the relatory." She decided.
(Your group has passed the test of great might. Damage grade: perfect. Group coordination grade: almost perfect. Adjusting rewards.)
(*Ding* This is a dungeon message: any challenger who wishes to proceed to the treasure chamber must first pass through the test of divine will! WARNING! Challenger may suffer a punishment much worse than death in case of failure, do you still wish to proceed? Yes/No)
-So I guess now is the great test. It having divine on it's name and all. Any tips? Said Guilda, gulping down from fear.
-Wish me luck. He said with an icy voice.
[Maximum experience reached. Fear resistance is now level 2.]
Guilda blinked. They were now inside a place filled with majestic beauty from nature, but she just couldn't focus over it.
-Oi! Wake up Aki! Is this the test?! Did something happen?! She was almost screaming from fear and shock.
-No, it is just that you already passed the test, while he is still in there. Half-lied the slack faced succubus.
They were out. There was a city in their vision already. Aki could already imagine, taste and feel how his… their adventures would be. How fulfilling, happy and challenging.
He felt it all and held the good and bad things to come with open mind and arms.
The city was beautiful, but it was also beautiful how it burned. He didn't know why they had to burn the city, but it was her request, so how could he question it?
He almost stumbled in the corpse of a little girl while looking for survivors, and instead of remorse, disgust or whatever else, he just thought he wanted to be able to raise a princesses and make her happy, while picturing his retired, laid back life together with her mother.
Was that Guilda? Who is Guilda? I am a loyal man and lover, shouldn't be thinking about other women while with my honey.
Time passed. They killed a lot, leaving their levels at the four digits.
-Hey, let's destroy this world, it isn't fun anymore. It will be beautiful when the fireworks start! She said.
-There you go again, making those plans that bring us trouble. Where would we live then? I thought that after we killed everything in this world maybe we could be Adam and Eve, make our love nest here! An older version of Aki sighed and said.
-It's not funny! Everything we kill those gods something else appears to take their place, how could we live like that? Said her, briming red with the idea of children and their current position.
-You're right. Maybe we could go to another planet them. I scried this solar system, and apparently there's two worlds where there are no gods. If it's there then we could stop any from getting near us. He answered.
And so they did. After swimming in the planet's nucleus, they destroyed it and moved to another mass of rock.
Time passed yet again. They had children.
-I don't know if I was ever this happy in my whole life! He sobbed while saying so, his beard making the baby cry.
-Come here. She said warmly.
-How do you want to call her? He said while snuggling to her while both tried to calm the baby.
-I don't know. Lily? Lily. She is such a cute little flower.
-You just couldn't think of anything better, could you? He teased.
-Shut up. It's not like you were thinking anything different. She pouted.
-True, I was also thinking of… calling her… Lily? Eh. Aki blinked. He questioned everything he had lived until now for the first time. All he saw in front of him was a clay doll holding a rock now.
He touched his face, tearing his jaw out by accident. He didn't feel a thing. He understood it all.
All this time was a lie. He cried. He cried a lot. For a long time. He cried so much that life started forming from his tears. His voice long gone.
Insects. Small animals. Larger builds. Men. He was considered a god. No meter how long it passed, he just cried.
Some tried to put him out of his misery. Some talked to him. Prayed to him. Made offerings to him.
The doll and rock were long gone. He just grew older as the time passed. Not changing one bit. Oblivious to the changes around him.
One day, in a age similar to the steam revolution from earth, a small girl sneaked into his shrine.
She was merely an orphan from war that thought the place the adults never went in was a safe place in the middle of all the shots, explosions and corpses.
There she sat and cried.
Then he woke up. He was furious. He destroyed everything from where he stood. He then realized what he had done. Looking at the ashes around him, he asked himself how much suffering he had caused in this… reality.
"Even inside a world of illusion I'm still shit um?"
And he broke out of it.
-Wait, why would only you be ok?! Indignantly questioned Guilda.
-Because I am otaku, you think I can't differentiate illusions from reality? I've seen every kind of trap and battle tactics involving messing with your enemy, I am perfectly capable of… Started Aki
-Ok, ok, just shut it. Haaa… you're such a pain, you know? Interrupted Guilda.
-I mean, you were going to hell too. Retorted him.
-We don't know that! Said the atheist until recently.
-Anyway, there's no way I can simply learn that without practice, so let's just hope that happens before we reach the mountain. Carelessly said him.
-Isn't that kind of a big deal? Worryingly asked her.
-I mean, there's no other dungeon in these high leveled zones and it's not like there's a sign saying where to get treasure chests. I also don't think we can kill the dragon flying around, that's obviously the dungeon boss and at least level 100. He said while shrugging.
-Can't you do what you did with the wolves? I mean, it does drop around sometimes and I think I can throw you on its back… She tried to say.
-It will kill me. He said, matter of factly.
-What? How do you know if you haven't even tried, maybe if we just… She dejectedly tried to say.
-Guilda, listen to me! He stopped walking and caught her shoulders.
She was caught by surprise, but she could still free herself if she actually tried, since she did have more points in strength than Aki, it's just…
"So close!"
That succubus was toying with her a little by using the events from some time ago as bait.
-If we ever face a dragon, it won't be before we reach a much higher level than it or get lots of poisons. If from eating a dragon egg we got +1 every time we level up, them what guarantee do we have that it doesn't receive ten or twenty attribute points every level?! Those things are fast, smart and strong. We're not a match right now, so don't go throwing your life away for nothing!
"Was he always this manly and tall?"
Guilda flusteredly thought.
"Nah, It was just the moment and the bridge effect. That's it." Guilda resolved.
-Even I am not that dense. Right? Worryingly muttered the slack faced succubus.
-Uh? Where am I? Aki looked around and all he could see was an hotel room. He was naked, his phone on the nightstand on his left. He checked it and the date was May 11th, two weeks before his sister's birthday. The day after his flight. His flight. The turbulence. They had to make a urgent stop in the US. The company arranged room. I had money and time…
He looked at his right and saw a red haired beauty sleeping peacefully by his side. It was Guilda. She had some light freckles on her shoulders, a pair of shapely breasts, strong arms, a fit belly, narrow waist and a big rack supplemented by thighs that just demanded attention.
While Aki was poetically describing her in his mind, she actually woke up. Looking flustered by the stare, but she soon noticed he looked at her like a piece of art. Appreciating beauty and without lust. At least the former was much bigger than the latter it would seem.
-You're not allowed to stare like that, you know? She pinched his thigh while showing a seducing smile.
-You sure? I didn't see that on the cite. He said with curiosity.
-I mean, you only payed for the night, so if you make me attack you we will have a problem. She said while getting on top of his seated position in one move, breasts jiggling on his face.
-Is there no other way then? He asked while moving his gaze to her face
-Well, I am sure we can get to an agreement. Her voice sweet and seducing.
-You sure you prefer to do so while using Guilda's form? He asked without changing his tone and expression.
-As expected, you noticed. Her voice changing to a deeper one, her form more voluptuous, her long black hair cascading down her back, her face sharper and cold.
-Would you mind telling me what gave it away? She asked.
-You can't read in dreams, so when I looked at my phone I knew it was a dream. Also, even if I didn't check my phone, if I had called a prostitute to my room, she would be a brunette and most likely not a woman who is totally my type. He said, and then started fondling her butt cheeks.
-I can't do anything now that you found me because of some rules, so my answer to that is no. She said after feeling the thing between her thighs.
-That a shame, you don't seem that bad for a succubus. Your personality I mean. Anyway, did you need something? Is Guilda… He said with a serious tone, moving his hand to her waist and getting his invitation back. It is a dream, so he can at least do that much without problem.
-She will die at that mountain. She said matter of factly.
-And what can I do? He grabbed her with more force and brought her face closer to his. His whole body was getting blurry.
-So you can only last this… She tried to mock.
-I am just having a hard time not showing my ugly side to a beautiful lady. He solidified again, now having shark teeth and being bigger. His hair also thrown back and pride on his eyes.
-Your inner demon, I see. You just need to strengthen her mind or convince my boss to let you pass the test for both of you. She said, not at all surprised by his sudden change.
-It gets bigger you know? Anyway, you just need to say that one human suffering for two will definitely end up in more than the sum. Even more if that human is someone like me. An aura leaving him as he said so. He pulled her even closer, their noses were even touching now. His breathing heavy.
-I see. For someone so sinful, we can certainly make an exception. They also seem to have started to grow, you are a perfect candidate for our project. She said, an air of excitement on her cold voice.
-That is good to hear, but I don't think I can hold on much longer. He seemed to be suffering while saying so.
-Do whatever you want. She said, as if it didn't mattered to her whatever he tried to do.
-Then, I shaw thank you for the meal! His eyes glazed. He grabbed her hair with one hand and shoved her head to the side, exposing more of her neck line, but getting no reaction from the demoness.
His teeth grew again and he bit her. Blood flowing in his mouth, flesh torn and devoured. The flesh grew back by the next moment, but the blood dripping from her shoulder and staining the sheets was proof that he actually ate something. One bite was not enough though.
His hands holding her with inhuman strength, massaging the tender and smooth demon skin.
-It certainly got bigger. If we're going to be here for some time them I might as well practice the ways of the vampires. You're gonna need at least this much mental fortitude to survive anyway. She said, not even flinching as her flesh and bone were torn apart.
He stopped for a moment and his hands started to wander, groping her backside strongly. He looked at her with serious eyes, as if saying "what are you waiting?".
She nodded and fangs grew on her mouth, poison dripping she bit down without any more excitation.
[Maximum experience reached. Mental resistance is now Lv 10. Charm resistance is now level 10.]
-I was actually expecting more levels, but oh well. He shrugged.
-You woke up already? There's still one hour until your shift. Guilda said to him.
-I will go to the river take a shower then. You can sleep when I come back. I won't take long.
-Who'd expect he even learned how to produce other types of poisons after just five minutes of feeling it on his body… well, it wasn't all that bad. I even got some good info out of it… Muttered the slack faced succubus.
"Guess I will just modify the test at once and post his excuse on the relatory." She decided.
(Your group has passed the test of great might. Damage grade: perfect. Group coordination grade: almost perfect. Adjusting rewards.)
(*Ding* This is a dungeon message: any challenger who wishes to proceed to the treasure chamber must first pass through the test of divine will! WARNING! Challenger may suffer a punishment much worse than death in case of failure, do you still wish to proceed? Yes/No)
-So I guess now is the great test. It having divine on it's name and all. Any tips? Said Guilda, gulping down from fear.
-Wish me luck. He said with an icy voice.
[Maximum experience reached. Fear resistance is now level 2.]
Guilda blinked. They were now inside a place filled with majestic beauty from nature, but she just couldn't focus over it.
-Oi! Wake up Aki! Is this the test?! Did something happen?! She was almost screaming from fear and shock.
-No, it is just that you already passed the test, while he is still in there. Half-lied the slack faced succubus.
They were out. There was a city in their vision already. Aki could already imagine, taste and feel how his… their adventures would be. How fulfilling, happy and challenging.
He felt it all and held the good and bad things to come with open mind and arms.
The city was beautiful, but it was also beautiful how it burned. He didn't know why they had to burn the city, but it was her request, so how could he question it?
He almost stumbled in the corpse of a little girl while looking for survivors, and instead of remorse, disgust or whatever else, he just thought he wanted to be able to raise a princesses and make her happy, while picturing his retired, laid back life together with her mother.
Was that Guilda? Who is Guilda? I am a loyal man and lover, shouldn't be thinking about other women while with my honey.
Time passed. They killed a lot, leaving their levels at the four digits.
-Hey, let's destroy this world, it isn't fun anymore. It will be beautiful when the fireworks start! She said.
-There you go again, making those plans that bring us trouble. Where would we live then? I thought that after we killed everything in this world maybe we could be Adam and Eve, make our love nest here! An older version of Aki sighed and said.
-It's not funny! Everything we kill those gods something else appears to take their place, how could we live like that? Said her, briming red with the idea of children and their current position.
-You're right. Maybe we could go to another planet them. I scried this solar system, and apparently there's two worlds where there are no gods. If it's there then we could stop any from getting near us. He answered.
And so they did. After swimming in the planet's nucleus, they destroyed it and moved to another mass of rock.
Time passed yet again. They had children.
-I don't know if I was ever this happy in my whole life! He sobbed while saying so, his beard making the baby cry.
-Come here. She said warmly.
-How do you want to call her? He said while snuggling to her while both tried to calm the baby.
-I don't know. Lily? Lily. She is such a cute little flower.
-You just couldn't think of anything better, could you? He teased.
-Shut up. It's not like you were thinking anything different. She pouted.
-True, I was also thinking of… calling her… Lily? Eh. Aki blinked. He questioned everything he had lived until now for the first time. All he saw in front of him was a clay doll holding a rock now.
He touched his face, tearing his jaw out by accident. He didn't feel a thing. He understood it all.
All this time was a lie. He cried. He cried a lot. For a long time. He cried so much that life started forming from his tears. His voice long gone.
Insects. Small animals. Larger builds. Men. He was considered a god. No meter how long it passed, he just cried.
Some tried to put him out of his misery. Some talked to him. Prayed to him. Made offerings to him.
The doll and rock were long gone. He just grew older as the time passed. Not changing one bit. Oblivious to the changes around him.
One day, in a age similar to the steam revolution from earth, a small girl sneaked into his shrine.
She was merely an orphan from war that thought the place the adults never went in was a safe place in the middle of all the shots, explosions and corpses.
There she sat and cried.
Then he woke up. He was furious. He destroyed everything from where he stood. He then realized what he had done. Looking at the ashes around him, he asked himself how much suffering he had caused in this… reality.
"Even inside a world of illusion I'm still shit um?"
And he broke out of it.
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