Game within game of online games

Chapter 1039 Analysis Materials

A hidden weapon of excellent grade can give the player an initial attribute of 40. A hidden weapon of outstanding grade can give the player an initial attribute of 60. A hidden weapon of excellent grade can give the player an initial attribute of 80. A hidden weapon of perfect grade can give the player an initial attribute of 80. , you can give the player an initial attribute of 100.

What does that mean? That is to say, doesn’t a hidden weapon gain a certain value of attributes every time it is upgraded? For example, the locust stone can gain five points of all attributes per level, and the plum blossom dart can gain 10 points of all attributes per level. And this attribute , it’s just the attribute of the hidden weapon itself, also known as the initial attribute. Does the hidden weapon add initial attributes to the player? If so, how much is added. This is related to the grade of the hidden weapon itself. The grade of the hidden weapon The higher the value, the higher the attributes it converts to players. There is a huge gap in the attributes converted to players between ordinary-grade hidden weapons and perfect-grade hidden weapons!

Let’s compare it with a level 70 hidden weapon. How many attributes can a perfect-level plum blossom dart give a player? 700 points for all attributes! Because the Plum Blossom Dart can gain 10 points of all attributes for each level up, and because its level is perfect, all initial attributes can be converted to the owner!

And what about a level 70 ordinary-grade locust stone? Since the locust stone can only increase five points of all attributes each time it is upgraded, a level 70 locust stone only has 350 full attribute points. Since its grade is an ordinary grade, these 350 points can only be used as the initial value. 20 of the attributes are converted to the owner. In other words, the owner can only get 70 points of full attributes from this level 70 locust stone!

One can convert 700 points of all attributes to the player, and the other can only convert 70 points of all attributes to the player. This is a tenfold difference! In other words, a player with a perfect plum blossom dart has 630 more attributes than ordinary players!

As an ordinary player, how many 630-point attributes can he have?

This is the meaning of Xuanyuan Aai's creation of Plum Blossom Dart. Since Xuanhao Jade is so rare and so priceless, why not find another way to obtain it through other channels? If Xuanyuan Aai can create plum blossom darts through independent research and development, how much Xuanhao Jade expenses will be saved! So what if the price is more expensive than twenty Xuanhao jade? You know, Xuanhao jade is not easy to buy!

Furthermore, the creation of hidden weapons is an unknown matter in itself. What if Xuanyuan Aai can affect the grade of hidden weapons? Wouldn’t that make a lot of money? You know, if you want to clean the concealed weapon, don’t you also need to consume the Hundred-Quenched Divine Jade and Thousand-Tempered Divine Jade? Doesn't this thing cost money? If you want to wash out a perfect-grade hidden weapon, you don’t have to spend hundreds of gold to even think about it!

At Xuanyuan Aai's request, Wei Bin found several locust stones, plum blossom darts and hundreds of Xuanhao jade for Xuanyuan Aai to study!

In Xuanyuan Aai's consciousness, the creation of the Plum Blossom Dart must be related to Xuanhao Jade, because whether it is a Plum Blossom Dart upgraded through Locust Stone or a Plum Blossom Dart directly exchanged, it is always inseparable from Xuanhao Jade. , let alone the plum blossom dart, the shadow of Xuanhao jade is everywhere in these five forms of hidden weapons. Therefore, if the plum blossom dart can really be obtained through crafting, then the plum blossom dart’s crafting materials must be inseparable from it. Open Xuanhao Jade!

Next, Xuanyuan Aai began to study the plum blossom dart. Her idea was the same as when she was studying and making equipment building diagrams before, that is, to analyze its composition through reverse thinking. If combined with the plum blossom dart, That is to melt the plum blossom dart, and analyze its composition through the melted product and the melting process!

First, Xuanyuan Aiai put a plum-blossom dart into the furnace, and gradually melted it into a liquid. Xuanyuan Aiai just stared at the whole melting process of the plum-blossom dart, and saw that in this process, the color of the plum-blossom dart changed. First, it changed from the original dark blue to black, cyan and red. The three colors are alternating, and they can be said to be distinct. The black places are only black, the red places are only red, and the cyan places are only cyan! In the end, these three alternating colors turned into a mixed color, which is the dark blue of the plum blossom dart, but its form changed from solid to liquid!

"It seems that the Plum Blossom Dart is made of three materials in total. The red color should be Xuanhao Jade, and its color is exactly the same as Xuanhao Jade! But what are the other two colors?" Xuanyuan Ai Ai. analyzed.

"Is this black black iron? Why does it look like the color of black iron? Try some black iron, but what is this cyan thing?" Xuanyuan Aai asked in confusion.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanyuan Aai opened the website and began to search for cyan solids, trying to find one suitable for making plum blossom darts from the cyan solids on the pictures on the website!

"Red onions, seaweed? What the hell are these? Ferrous chloride, copper hydroxide? Basic copper carbonate? These things are pretty much the same, but they are just pure substances. Where can I find these pure substances? By the way. , ore! The ore is a mixture, and the mixture must contain these things! In other words, you only need to find this cyan ore! Although this black thing may be black iron, it is also very likely No, because there are many solid things, and black iron is just the most commonly used one!" Xuanyuan Aai continued to analyze.

"Yes! Wouldn't it be enough to find a few more mixed minerals? See which minerals will develop in the direction of plum blossom darts after being blended with Xuanhao jade. In this way, we can determine the two minerals needed to make plum blossom darts. There are three elements contained in this ore. Next, we only need to analyze what pure substances are contained in this ore, and judge from the colors of these pure substances which two substances they are!" Xuanyuan Ai Ai! thought.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanyuan Aai asked Wei Bin to send her a large amount of ore. These ores covered almost all the ores that players at the current stage can mine. This shows how strong Wei Bin's support for Xuanyuan Aai is. !

At the beginning, Xuanyuan Aai put ten kinds of ores into the furnace at one time, that's right! She does not invest one kind of thing, but ten kinds of investments. The reason is very simple. The two substances she needs do not necessarily come from the same ore! Is it possible that no ore contains both substances? If this is possible, does it mean that if Xuanyuan Aai throws ores into it one by one, then she will never be able to find these two kinds of ores in her life!

But if ten kinds of ores are put in together, it will be different. The substances she needs are very likely to be contained in these ten kinds of ores. If there is some kind of reaction between these ten kinds of ores and Xuanhao Jade, Let its products develop in the direction of plum blossom darts, which means that the two substances needed to make plum blossom darts are contained in these ten kinds of ores. Next, Xuanyuan Aiai can lock the range, and she can use them one by one. The elimination method is to remove certain types of ores in sequence. For example, number these ten types of ores in sequence. Remove the No. 10 ore first, and then fuse the remaining nine types of ores with Xuanhao Jade. If No. 10 is removed If the experiment after the ore is still developing in the direction of the plum blossom dart, it means that the No. 10 ore does not contain the materials needed for Xuanyuan Aai!

And if after removing the No. 10 ore, this experiment no longer merges in the direction of the plum blossom dart, it means that the No. 10 ore contains the kind of material Xuanyuan Aiai needs! Next, conduct the next experiment, which is to remove No. 9 ore, and based on the results, determine whether No. 9 ore contains the kind of material Xuanyuan Aiai needs!

If after proposing the No. 9 ore, the experiment also converges in the direction of the plum blossom dart, it means that the No. 9 ore is useless, and then we will eliminate the other No. 9 ores one by one! If after removing the No. 9 ore, the fusion result is still developing in the direction of the Plum Blossom Dart, it means that the No. 9 ore may also contain the kind of ore Xuanyuan Aai needs. Wouldn’t this mean that the No. 9 ore Is it locked with Ore No. 10? Then just analyze the components of No. 9 ore and No. 10 ore to see which component is black or cyan. The final material will be natural.


That’s it for sure!

And what if these 10 ores are fused with Xuanhao Jade and do not merge in the direction of the Plum Blossom Dart? That means that among these ten kinds of ores, there is no or only one kind of material that Xuanyuan Ai Ai needs! Yes, there are two possibilities, because only when those two materials and Xuanhao Jade exist at the same time, can it develop in the direction of the Plum Blossom Dart!

If these 10 ores are not fused in the direction of plum blossom dart after being fused with Xuanhao Jade, it doesn't matter. Change to the next set of ores. Now so many kinds of ores have been developed in Middle-earth, each Let’s touch them in groups of ten. What if any group of ores really succeeds?

What if in the end, all the groups Xuanyuan Aai was divided into failed to succeed?

That doesn't matter. After trying all the ores, although they were unsuccessful, it does not mean that these ores do not contain the two materials Xuanyuan Aai needs. This can only mean that Xuanyuan Aai does not have Just assign the two kinds of ores to the same group. After all, Xuanyuan Aai assigned them randomly when he grouped them. Next, Xuanyuan Aai only needs to rearrange the ores into groups. After regrouping, he can follow the previous steps. That method should be tried in groups of ten. As long as the two materials Xuanyuan Aai needs are contained in these ores, then as the Xuanyuan Aai experiment proceeds, eventually, the two materials will be able to be locked through experiments. Ore grower!

The above is the first step in Xuanyuan Aai's plan, to lock in the ore!

Next, you can proceed to the second step. Since any ore is a mixture, and one ore contains various substances, Xuanyuan Aiai needs to analyze the substances in the two ores and conduct chemical experiments. To identify the black substance and cyan substance contained in these two ores, if these two ores only contain one cyan substance and one black substance, it would be simple, then it must be this There are two kinds of substances. Xuanyuan Ai Ai only needs to analyze what these two substances are through chemical experiments!

And what if these two ores contain more than one black substance and cyan substance? That doesn't matter, as long as these substances are locked, Xuanyuan Ai Ai only needs to eliminate them one by one!

For example, Xuanyuan Aai has screened out two cyan substances and two black substances from these two ores. Then she only needs to speed up these four substances from the ores that are rich in these four substances. Just one substance is enough, and then these four substances are fused in pairs to determine which combination it is!

As long as you determine which combination it is, doesn't it mean that the game is broken? Next, Xuanyuan Aai only needs to continue to extract these two substances from ores rich in these two substances, or simply purchase these two substances directly!

In short, as long as the two substances are determined, the second step is completed. The third step is the same as the previous development pattern. First determine the order in which the three substances are put into the furnace, and then Adjust the ratio of each substance through experiments, and finally, you're done!

Now that the idea is in place, the next step is to put it into practice. However, Xuanyuan Aiai doesn't plan to go it alone this time. When she was developing patterns before, the reason why she went it alone and didn't form her own team was because she just Even she had no ideas or experience, so she was crossing the river by feeling the stones! But it's different now. She already has the idea of ​​how to make plum blossom darts, and it seems more reasonable. In this case, there is no need for her to fight alone. This is really a waste of time. Since Others can do these tasks, so why should she do it alone?

So, Xuanyuan Aai asked Wei Bin for some people, and she herself acted as the commander-in-chief in this research and development project! Among this group of people, Wei Bin directly arranged for me to make money as her deputy. You know, I am a senior ore expert. Maybe in terms of scientific research, I am not as good as Xuanyuan. Ai ai, but if we talk about my understanding of ores, then if I want to make money, I can beat Xuanyuan ai ai 10086 streets!

As expected, Xuanyuan Aai's work progressed much smoothly after I wanted to make money to join him!

Xuanyuan Aai first numbered the one hundred types of ores sent by Wei Bin, each with a number of 1100. Next, he divided the one hundred types of ores into ten groups, each group worth ten pieces! Some people may ask, why not stew all the ores in one pot? In this way, we can at least determine whether these ores contain the two ores Xuanyuan Aai needs, right? If there is no ore that Xuanyuan Aai needs among these ores, wouldn’t Xuanyuan Aai’s hard work and wasted effort be in vain?

Xuanyuan Ai Ai also wants to stew it in one pot, but isn’t this not allowed by the smelting furnace? This furnace is so big, it has already reached its limit after holding ten pieces of ore. Do you think Xuanyuan Ai Ai doesn't want to? Isn't there no way around this? She can only try her best!

Perhaps in the end, after unremitting efforts, she did not find the substance she needed, but this is what scientific research experiments are like. Who said that scientific research experiments can be 100% successful? On the contrary, in scientific research experiments, the vast majority of experiments are not successful. If it were that simple, would it still be called scientific research? The so-called scientific research is to summarize experience from countless experiments and accumulate experience to finally find the correct answer! Who says failed experiments are meaningless? At least the minefield has been eliminated. Although I don’t know what to do is right, at least I know what to do is wrong!

After giving names to the hundred kinds of ores, Xuanyuan Aai began to dispatch workers. She asked Wei Bin for a total of ten people. Among them, the first group was responsible for smelting the first group of ores, and the second group was responsible for smelting the first group of ores. Smelting the second set of ores, and so on, this is equivalent to reducing the research and development time to one-tenth!

After the smelting results of the ten groups came out, Xuanyuan Aiai looked at them one by one, and finally found that among the ten groups, none of them had successfully merged with Xuanhao Jade into the shape of a plum blossom dart, and even the prototype was not. No! The experiment shows that the two materials Xuanyuan Aai is looking for are not concentrated in a certain group. Of course, it is also possible that they do not exist in the existing ores at all!

Next, Xuanyuan Aai began to redistribute the composition of these ores. She asked one group of members to smelt No. 210 ore, plus No. 11 ore, and asked the second group of members to smelt No. 1220 ore plus No. 1 ore. To put it bluntly, these two groups They exchanged the No. 1 ore, and then the following groups did the same, asking them to exchange a piece of ore with each other. After the exchange, they smelted it again. Xuanyuan Aai's purpose of doing this was very simple, that is, to keep going. Arrange and combine different ores to smelt them together to try your luck! And Xuanyuan Aai's task is to record the smelting results of the various combinations she has tried! Avoid repeating experiments!

In the end, this round of experiments failed again!

Next, Xuanyuan Aai asked them to exchange No. 2 ore and No. 3 ore between the two groups.

After the two adjacent groups exchanged all ten ores with each other, they still couldn't find the ore combination she wanted!

The exchange work between the two adjacent groups has been completed, and the result has eliminated the possibility of 20 ores in each group. In other words, the correct answer may be between the four groups. Among the ten ores, next, just expand the range and let these forty ores collide with each other!

However, it is obvious that the workload is too great. If there are only ten groups of them, then they will have to experiment until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse? Because this is not the end yet, what if

Are these forty ores still unable to fuse? Then we have to fuse the 80 ores, and the workload will double again! This kind of task cannot be completed overnight!

Therefore, Xuanyuan Aai once again asked Wei Bin for 90 people. They were divided into a hundred teams and allowed one hundred teams to work at the same time. Wouldn't this be equivalent to increasing the experimental speed ten times?

Obviously, the more groups she is divided into, the busier Xuanyuan Aai becomes, because in order to ensure that her ideas are implemented, she must personally check the fusion results. It's not that she doesn't believe in these members, it's just because of this. She has to be cautious because of her big body. If something goes wrong in one step, all her experiments will be in vain! What if one of the groups had clearly got the right combination of ores, but didn't notice it because they were careless? Next, no matter how Xuanyuan Aai tries, it will be difficult for her to succeed again, because she has already missed the successful combination!

Therefore, in order to ensure that the fusion result of the ore is not missed, Xuanyuan Aai must verify the result in person!

And with the addition of these ninety groups of people, Xuanyuan Aai's next work will progress much faster. Isn't it now the turn of the first group and the third group to exchange ore combinations? After the exchange of this group of people is completed, the first group of people and the fourth group of people will exchange ores. Now that there are more people, there is no need for the first group of people to exchange with the fourth group of people, or even with the fifth group. People are exchanging ores. Is it inappropriate for these new people to directly carry out the exchange of ores? For example, the 11th group of people completes the exchange of the first group of ores and the fourth group of ores, and the 21st group of people completes the exchange of the first group of ores and the fifth group of ores. In this way, the workload is not large. Has it been drastically reduced?

The exchange of ores mentioned here does not really mean the exchange of ores, but the exchange of ore combinations. There can be thousands of combinations of ten groups of ores. Xuanyuan ai ai, as for following the rules and order, one Once the permutations and combinations are calculated, then let these 100 groups of people collect the ores according to different combinations!

In this way, Xuanyuan Aai's method really worked. Although there were many permutations and combinations of ores, the huge workload was shared by a hundred team members, and the results were soon obtained. Just one month after these experiments were carried out At that time, a group of experiments finally successfully merged! Because of this, Xuanyuan Aai finally locked the final result in these ten kinds of ores. The first step, the first step in her scientific research plan, is about to be completed! ??

Next, Xuanyuan Aai arranged for people to conduct experiments on the combination of ores with different names. To this end, Xuanyuan Aai renumbered the ten ores again. The first group of members went to fuse the No. 19 ore, and the second group Group members fuse No. 18 and No. 10 ore, and the third group fuses No. 17 and No. 910 ore, and so on!

Finally, Xuanyuan Aai once again narrowed the scope of the ore and locked it in Ore No. 14. Next, Xuanyuan Aai used the same method to narrow the scope again, and finally locked the target on two types of ores. The substances contained in this ore are exactly the two types of materials Xuanyuan Ai Ai needs!

The first step of the scientific research experiment was officially declared a success!

Next is the second step, extracting the black substance and cyan substance from these two ores.

Finally, through chemical experiments, Xuanyuan Aai determined that these two ores contained a total of three black substances and three cyan substances, and also knew their names!

However, although Xuanyuan Aiai has identified these three black substances and three cyan substances, Xuanyuan Aiai is still not sure which black substance and which cyan substance it is. She first needs to find out what these two substances are. Let’s talk about it after we finalize it!

And this is very simple, isn't it just permutation and combination? And it only takes 9 experiments to complete the arrangement and combination of six substances. Compared with the previous process of screening ores, this is already quite easy!

So, Xuanyuan Aiai started dispatching workers again. One group was responsible for the fusion experiment of black substance No. 1 and cyan substance No. 1, the second group was responsible for the fusion experiment of black substance No. 1 and cyan substance No. 2, and the third group was responsible for the fusion experiment of black substance No. 1. Fusion experiment with cyan substance No. 3, and so on!

After some experiments, Xuanyuan Aai finally identified this black substance and cyan substance!

Next, the team's task began again. Xuanyuan Aai was going to look for ores rich in these two substances, or finished products on the market, because among the two ores that Xuanyuan Aai finally determined, the content of these two substances was The content is not high. In nature, there must be ores or other things rich in these substances. If Xuanyuan Aai wants to conduct the next experiment, he must extract a large amount of these substances!

Someone may want to ask, since these two substances can be found in other ores, doesn't it mean that among the thousands of permutations and combinations made by Xuanyuan Aiai, there is more than one correct answer?

That's right! That's it. No matter what kind of ore it is, it is always a mixture, and it contains more than one kind of substance. Moreover, some of the types of substances contained in different ores may be the same. For example, the two substances Xuanyuan Aai needs may exist in No. 1 ore, maybe No. 15 ore also contains it, and maybe No. 50 ore also contains it. However, during the experiment, Xuanyuan Aai did not allow the experiment to be carried out. If there was confusion, she must have asked the people below to experiment one by one according to the rules and order of arrangement and combination. For example, in the end, Xuanyuan Aiai locked the two substances when No. 1 ore and No. 99 ore were in a group at the same time. If Xuanyuan Aiai had not locked it at this time, when the No. 15 ore and No. 99 ore arranged by her come together, they can also be locked, because No. 15 ore also contains the substance Xuanyuan Aiai needs. , that is to say, if Xuanyuan Aiai has summed up a total of 10,000 permutations and combinations, among them, there may be dozens of permutations and combinations that can allow her to lock these two substances. It just depends on which permutations and combinations of ores are in Xuanyuan Ai Ai only appears higher in the permutation list!

Although Xuanyuan Aiai has locked this combination, she knows that due to the interoperability between various ores, the content of the substance she needs may not necessarily be the highest in the ore she has locked. For the next experiment, and in order to be able to mass-produce plum blossom darts in the future, Xuanyuan Aai must screen out the ores that contain the most of these two substances! And this point of view is exactly what I want to make money for!

Finally, Huangtian paid off. Although she did not find the pure forms of these two substances, she found substitutes for their mixtures. Next, Xuanyuan Aai once again asked the team to extract these substances for the next step. Experiment in progress!

The successful extraction of these substances directly declared the success of the second step of the scientific research project. Xuanyuan Aai successfully advanced the scientific research to the third step, that is, following the previous research and development equipment drawings, through different delivery orders and proportions, experiments How on earth can we create a plum blossom dart!

The third step of the scientific research officially started. Xuanyuan Aai divided the group of people below into six groups. The first group put Xuanhao Jade first, then the black substance, and finally the cyan substance!

The second group of people put Xuanhao Jade first, then the cyan substance, and finally the black substance!

The third group of people put the cyan substance first, then Xuanhao Jade, and finally the black substance!

The fourth group of people put the cyan substance first, then the black substance, and finally Xuanhao Jade!

The fifth group of people put the black substance first, then Xuanhao Jade, and finally the cyan substance!

The sixth group of people put the black substance first, then the cyan substance, and finally Xuanhao Jade!

Of course, these are only six major groups. In fact, these six major groups will be further divided into several groups, and the principle of division is


It’s based on the difference in the proportion of items placed!

For example, the first group in the first group tried to put more Xuanhao jade, followed by black material, and the least cyan material in the fusion experiment, while the second group tried to put more black material, followed by Xuanhao jade, The fusion experiment with the least cyan substance, the third group tried to put more cyan substance, followed by Xuanhao Jade, with the least black substance! By analogy, Xuanyuan Aai directly planned the scope of the experiments they need to try for each group. Next, just wait and see the results!

After a few more days, everyone finally successfully completed the experiment arranged by Xuanyuan Aai, but it ended in failure!

Yes, although these materials are purified and not mixed with any other impurities, no matter which group of members they are, their experimental results are similar, and they can barely create a prototype of a concealed weapon. You can't make a finished plum blossom dart!

This result made Xuanyuan Aiai feel happy and hateful at the same time. She hated it because her team had been working hard for a month or two, but in the end they still failed to create a plum blossom dart! And she was happy because even though she failed, at least the prototype of the Plum Blossom Dart was created. As long as the prototype of the Plum Blossom Dart appeared, it meant that her research direction was in the right direction, but it was still lacking in details. That's all, there are still some factors she doesn't know that affect the birth of a finished plum blossom dart! As long as the general direction is right, everything will be easy!

"Why is this? We have obviously gathered the materials, and we have tried different proportions of materials, but why can't we still create a finished plum blossom dart?" Xuanyuan murmured to himself.

"Hey, do you think there is such a possibility? When we decomposed the plum blossom dart, the three materials it decomposed seemed to be three types on the surface, but in fact there might be multiple types? You know, due to the limitations of the system, we cannot identify those materials through chemical experiments. We can only distinguish them with the naked eye, but what if two substances of the same color are mixed together?" I want to make money.

"Yes, brother who makes money, why didn't I think of it? You are still smart!" When Xuanyuan Ai Ai heard this, he suddenly became enlightened, as if he had opened the door to a new world!

"No, I'm far behind you. It's just that I'm more sensitive to minerals!" I want to be humble enough to make money.

It can be said that the reminder that I want to make money is very important. Why do they insist that plum blossom darts are made of three materials? Isn't it because they saw three colors in the process of disassembling the plum blossom dart? The visual effects brought by the three colors directly created a psychological suggestion for the two of them, that is, each color represents a kind of material!

But in fact, the experimental results have shown that there are up to three types of substances of each color. Who can be sure that the black substance they saw when they decomposed the plum blossom dart was just one of these three black substances? Couldn't it be a mixture of two black substances? Couldn't it be a mixture of three black substances? This is entirely possible, because they are all black, and it is impossible to tell with the naked eye what materials they are made of!

The reminder that I wanted to make money made Xuanyuan Aia immediately clarify the direction of her research. Soon, she formulated the type of experiment. Since it might be a mixture, why not add another black substance?

The task of the first group is to conduct experiments on black substance No. 1, black substance No. 2, cyan substance No. 1 and Xuanhao Jade.

The task of the second largest group is to conduct experiments on black substance No. 1, black substance No. 3, cyan substance No. 1 and Xuanhao Jade.

The task of the third group is to conduct experiments on black substance No. 3, black substance No. 2, cyan substance No. 1 and Xuanhao Jade.

Finally, with the joint efforts of everyone, a finished plum blossom dart finally appeared in front of everyone!

"I'm going, it's done? Hey, you are definitely the greatest person in the world! You have really achieved the mass production of plum blossom darts!" I want to make money and said excitedly.

What is the concept of mass-produced plum blossom darts? If all members of Nirvana have one Plum Blossom Dart per person, then each member of Nirvana will have hundreds of points more attributes than others. Do we still need to question this improvement?

"It's not enough! Continue debugging!" Xuanyuan Ai Ai said.

"What else are you debugging? Isn't this already successful?" I asked because I wanted to make money.

"Look at the quality of this plum blossom dart!" Xuanyuan pointed at the plum blossom dart.

I want to make money and take a look at the ordinary grade. In an instant, he understood what Xuanyuan Ai Ai meant. Yes, although they have realized a homemade plum blossom dart, it is just an ordinary grade plum blossom dart. To be honest, there is not much difference in attributes between an ordinary Plum Blossom Dart and an ordinary Locust Stone. Although it is a twice the relationship, a level 70 Locust Stone can add 70 points of all attributes to the player. Ordinary plum blossom darts only add 140 points of all attributes to the player. The difference of only 70 points of all attributes is honestly not too much!

If you want to really rely on Plum Blossom Darts to widen the gap between Nirvana and other players, you have to rely on perfect quality Plum Blossom Darts. Plum Blossom Darts can indeed be used to remove heavy weights through the Hundred-Quenching Divine Jade and Thousand-Quenching Divine Jade. To wash the grade, the Hundred-Quenched Divine Jade and Thousand-Quenched Divine Jade are rare props in themselves. If it is only for a few people to wash the grade, then Nirvana is not a problem, but if you want to clean all the plum blossom darts in the entire gang, Nirvana cannot afford those who have reached the perfect level. Furthermore, the production of Hundred-Quenched Divine Jade and Thousand-Quenched Divine Jade cannot satisfy Nirvana’s hundreds of thousands of people!

Therefore, Xuanyuan Aai's meaning is very obvious, that is, she wants to develop a perfect-grade plum blossom dart. In her mind, since the plum blossom dart can be made by players, its grade is It must also be controlled by humans, but the difficulty is not yet known!

Xuanyuan Aiai believes that the grade of Plum Blossom Dart is just like the star rating of equipment players build. Some people can only create six-star equipment, but some people can create seven-star or even eight-star equipment. In the same way, plum blossom darts are made in the same way. Someone must be able to create a higher-grade plum blossom dart, and there must be a pattern to this!

"Now everyone starts to conduct experiments again based on the combination of this group of people," Xuanyuan Aiai arranged.

Although Xuanyuan Aai still doesn't know how to improve the grade of hidden weapons, she already has the idea and direction, and it is very clear, that is to accurately adjust the proportion of these substances!

The plum blossom dart just created was made by incorporating two Xuanhao jade, 15 grams of No. 1 black substance, 20 grams of No. 2 black substance, 15 grams of No. 1 cyan substance and 20 grams of No. 2 cyan substance. What Xuanyuan Aia means is to use this ratio as a reference, but fine-tune some of the data to get plum blossom darts of different grades!

Why do this?

Because Xuanyuan Aiai knows that materials of this proportion are definitely not the only materials of proportion. What does that mean? This means that as long as the ratio of these four materials is maintained within a certain range, a plum blossom dart can be created, and the grade of the plum blossom dart is related to the range position of this ratio!

For example, to make a plum blossom dart, you don't necessarily need 15 grams of No. 1 black substance, 20 grams of No. 2 black substance, 15 grams of No. 1 cyan substance and 20 grams of No. 2 cyan substance to make it. It doesn't matter if it's a little bit different. , you can also create it using 149 grams of No. 1 black substance, 201 grams of No. 2 black substance, 151 grams of No. 1 cyan substance and 201 grams of No. 2 cyan substance, because the difference is very small and does not affect the plum blossom at all. In the making of darts, these small differences only affect the grade of plum blossom darts!

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