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Chapter 1040 Perfect Grade Plum Blossom Dart

What Xuanyuan Aai needs to do is to find the precise weight of the various materials needed to create a perfect-grade plum blossom dart! As long as she masters this precise weight, wouldn't it be possible to mass-produce perfect-grade plum blossom darts in the future?

Why does Xuanyuan Aai believe so firmly in his ideas? Because in the process of their group experiments, when they tentatively adjusted these proportions, they adjusted them in steps of one gram, that is, if there are 14 grams of black substance No. 1, 20 grams of black substance No. 2, and 15 grams of black substance No. If you cannot make a plum blossom dart with this ratio of cyan substance No. 1 and 20 grams cyan substance No. 2, then adjust 14 grams of black substance No. 1 to 15 grams, or adjust 20 grams of black substance No. 2 to 21 Gram, that's probably what it means. When they were doing experiments, the weight was gradually tried in steps of one gram!

Now what Xuanyuan Aai wants to do is to reduce the span, because only when the span is reduced can the grade of the plum blossom dart be changed. For example, if you want to build a plum blossom dart, you need to put in the four materials The ratio is 141,159 grams of No. 1 black substance, 191,209 grams of No. 2 black substance, 141,159 grams of No. 1 cyan substance, and 191,209 grams of No. 2 cyan substance. They got this range right before, so they successfully created the Plum Blossom Dart. If they still increase or decrease materials according to the original span, they will definitely fail next time because the span is too large and directly exceeds the range!

But what if the span is reduced to 01 grams? That's different. Why does there exist a range? Isn't it just for the sake of excellence? Isn't it set up to create a high-quality plum blossom dart? As long as Xuanyuan Aai narrows the span of adding and subtracting materials, then creating a perfect plum blossom dart will be just around the corner!

Finally, after another day of hard work, excellent and outstanding plum blossom darts came out one after another, and at the end, Xuanyuan Ai Ai finally developed an excellent plum blossom dart! You know, this is the plum blossom dart closest to the perfect level!

However, after she developed an excellent-grade plum-blossom dart, she did not let the people below stop. Instead, she continued to move forward until the group of people who had developed an excellent-grade plum-blossom dart created an outstanding-grade plum-blossom dart. When the plum blossom darts came up, Xuanyuan Ai Ai stopped!

That's right, she is in the perfect plum blossom dart range!

It turns out that her guess was completely correct!

Xuanyuan Aai made a diagram of this manufacturing process, and the results of this diagram are displayed in the form of a parabola. These experimental data show that when the proportion of materials they input reaches a certain value, the quality of the plum blossom dart changes from ordinary to normal. became excellent. As the experiments of increasing and decreasing materials continued, plum blossom darts of outstanding quality were also developed. With the deepening of the experiment, they finally developed plum blossom darts of excellent quality. Next, following Xuanyuan As Aa Aa's thoughts continued to move forward, Plum Blossom Dart's rank suddenly dropped to Outstanding!

What does this mean? It shows that Xuanyuan Aai’s idea is completely correct! As they control the weight ratio of the input materials, the closer they are to a certain fixed value, the higher the quality of the concealed weapon. On the contrary, when the weight ratio of the input materials exceeds this fixed value, the quality of the plum blossom dart will be lower. Instead, the level has become lower. Doesn't this just mean that this fixed unknown number is the precise value required to create a perfect level plum blossom dart?

But now, Xuanyuan Ai Ai just needs to find this precise value! As long as she masters this precise value, she can mass-produce perfect-grade plum blossom darts according to this precise value!

The reason why Xuanyuan Aai didn't stop them just now when they developed the first excellent-grade plum blossom dart was because Xuanyuan Aai wanted to determine what range this perfect value was in! Only within this range can she find this specific perfect value through continued experiments!

To find this precise and perfect value, it is actually easy to say that it is simple, and it is also difficult to say that it is difficult. It is said to be simple because the research method is very clear, that is, once again narrowing the span of adding or subtracting materials. Currently, Hasn't the span been reduced to only 01 grams each time? If you want to reduce the span and bring the input amount closer to the perfect value, you have to reduce the span to 001 grams. This method has basically been established, which is why it is simple!

It is said to be difficult because materials with a large span are easier to operate. After all, the difficulty of adding one gram at a time is definitely very small. But as the span decreases, the operation becomes more and more difficult. It is easy to increase or decrease one gram. It is relatively easy to increase or decrease 01 grams, but how to increase or decrease 001 grams? Even if they have a precision load-bearing instrument that can support 001 grams of things, how do they put these 001 grams of material on this precision instrument?

For example, if you need 1501 grams of No. 1 black substance, it is very simple to put 15 grams of substance on the instrument. At worst, you need to put 14 grams more, first, and then put it up little by little. Finally, It reaches 15 grams, but how to put the remaining 001 grams? How do players know that they have taken 001 grams of materials from the material library? What if there are too many? What if there is less?

In short, everyone understands the truth and knows exactly how to operate it, but when it comes to specific operations, the difficulty level is very high!

Just when everyone was at a loss for words, Xuanyuan Aiai's mind suddenly seemed to open up!

"Yes! Why didn't I think of that?" Xuanyuan Aai suddenly realized.

Next, Xuanyuan Aai started rummaging around in the neutral forging room. Since plum blossom darts can be made in this intermediate forging room, it means that there must be the precision instruments needed to create a perfect plum blossom dart. The precision load-bearing just now Instruments are one of them!

In the past, when players were exploring the uses of these advanced forging rooms, didn't they discover some instruments and equipment of unknown purpose? Their guess at the time was that these instruments were used to build higher-level equipment, or to build other unknown equipment. In fact, this was indeed the case. These precision instruments were indeed used for this!

Soon, Xuanyuan Aiai found a very inconspicuous dropper from a corner. This dropper was so thin that everyone ignored it!

Why is this thing designed to be so detailed? Isn’t it because it is a precision instrument with very high precision? If the dropper is too thick, a lot of liquid will be sucked up at once, and the scale will become very large, one milliliter or ten milliliters. The thinner the dropper, the smaller the scale. , such as 01 ml or even 001 ml!

Obviously, that’s what this dropper is for!

Because the material they extracted from the ore exists in the form of liquid metal, although they can also solidify it, once it solidifies, it is not easy to measure it accurately. After all, how can you use such a hard thing? How about cutting it accurately?

But liquid metal is different. If it's too metallic, as long as you master its density, wouldn't it be easy to measure it accurately?

In this way, with the help of this precision dropper, Xuanyuan Aiai finally met the 001-gram accuracy requirement!

One day later, the first perfect plum blossom dart was successfully produced! The advent of this perfect-grade plum-blossom dart marks the coming of a new era and also kicks off the perfect-grade plum-blossom dart for all Nirvana members!

"Long live, ai ai, you are really invincible! Go to the Emperor's Pavilion tonight, I'll treat you! Everyone who meets you will have a share!" Wei Bin jumped up excitedly. I have to say, Xuanyuan ai ai is really awesome! Xuanyuan Aai is really a science student who was delayed by liberal arts students, a scientist who was delayed by the deputy gang leader!

"Okay, that's it. I leave the data to you. From now on, we will produce according to this data, and we can produce perfect quality plum blossom darts!"


Xuanyuan Aai handed over the final experimental data to Wei Bin. Although it was just a line of unremarkable numbers, the hard work of more than a hundred people for two months was put into this line of numbers! Its value is even more immeasurable. If this thing falls on the market, it will inevitably cause a bloody storm and disturb the peace of Middle-earth. I don’t know how many people will lose their lives because of this, and I don’t know how many gangs will be killed because of this. destruction!

Because of the results brought by these data, the material cost required to create a perfect-grade plum blossom dart is no more than a hundred gold! This is hundreds of gold! Normally speaking, just using 20 Xuanhao Jade to exchange for Plum Blossom Darts would already reach 100 gold, because the price of one Xuanhao Jade is about 57 gold, and the grade of the exchanged Plum Blossom Darts is still random, ranging from ordinary to ordinary. The probability of getting a high-grade plum blossom dart is very high, and the cost of washing a high-grade plum blossom dart is a bottomless pit. A Thousand Tempering Divine Jade is worth dozens of gold, and if you want to wash out a perfect plum blossom dart, you have to spend at least A few hundred gold, how much does it cost?

And if it's just a cost difference, that's it. What's the real value of this data? The reason is that players can save the process of laundering the grade of concealed weapons, because Thousand-Quenched Divine Jade and Hundred-Quenched Divine Jade are simply not something you can buy unlimitedly if you have money. Such rare items are available in the market even if you have money. It is difficult to purchase in large quantities because there are so many rich people. Do you think you are the only one with money? Is this the only thing you need? Don’t others need to build themselves or build a team? The significance of these data is that it allows players to escape the constraints caused by these two props! Players no longer have to be constrained by the lack of these two props. Many rich people can exchange them for plum blossom darts and level up, but they just can't buy the Thousand Tempering Divine Jade. Who are you looking for? Reason?

"Just stay with me for now. I still need their help. If you want to mass-produce perfect plum blossom darts, just find someone else to produce them!" Xuanyuan Aiai said.

"How is this possible? Hey, this group of people can be experienced drivers who participated in the experiment. They are now able to produce plum blossom darts with ease. If I suddenly change people, the efficiency will be much lower! Besides, Okay, you have contracted the intermediate forging room in White Rock City. If you don’t give up these boxes, I won’t be able to mass-produce it! Nirvana City usually doesn’t use so many forging rooms, so I didn’t build too many at all. And the forging rooms opened by neutral players are all junior forging rooms. After all, no one cares about the intermediate forging rooms! Wait, why do you want to keep these people? You don't want to continue to do research, do you?" Wei Bin suddenly came to his senses. Now that the research has been completed, why does Xuanyuan Aai still keep these people?

"That's right! I want to study the Ice Soul Divine Needle!" Xuanyuan Aai said lightly.

"Ice Soul Divine Needle, is this the Ice Soul Divine Needle I'm wearing?" Wei Bin said in surprise. You know, the Ice Soul Divine Needle is an upgraded version of the Plum Blossom Dart!

Among the five forms of hidden weapons, from lowest to highest are locust stone, plum blossom dart, ice soul needle, golden wing feathers and peacock feathers! The Ice Soul Divine Needle is already considered the best among hidden weapons. Even in the later stages, those rich bosses only carry the Ice Soul Divine Needle. Only a few extremely rich and well-connected people carry it. There are golden wings and feathers, but as for peacock feathers, basically no one carries them!

Why do the higher the level of concealed weapons, the fewer people carry them? It's very simple, because the form of the hidden weapon is improved by using Xuan Hao Jade, and the scarcity of Xuan Hao Jade has been mentioned before. In fact, this thing is the same as the Thousand Tempering Divine Jade, which cannot be bought if you have money. The reason why they could not bring the top hidden weapons even in the later stages of the game was not because the players had no money, but because the amount of Xuan Hao Jade needed to upgrade the hidden weapons was too much. Xuan Hao Jade The changes simply cannot meet the needs of these rich people!

The above is the main reason. Secondly, there is another reason that restricts people from upgrading hidden weapons, and that is the cost-effectiveness issue. Let’s take a look at how many attributes more advanced hidden weapons can bring to players. Let’s take a look at the various attributes of perfect grades. For example, for hidden weapons in form, the Locust Stone can increase the player's all attributes by five points per level, the Plum Blossom Dart can increase the player's all attributes by 10 points per level, and the Ice Soul Needle can increase the player's attributes by 15 points per level. For all attributes, each level up of the Golden Wing Feather can add 20 points to the player's all attributes, and each level up to the Peacock Feather can add 25 points to the player's all attributes. What is the growth rate?

That's right!

It's not an exponential increase. A higher-level hidden weapon only has five more attributes per level than a lower-level hidden weapon!

And what about its cost?

Let’s not discuss the cost here, let’s just talk about the amount of Xuan Hao Jade consumed, because Xuan Hao Jade cannot be directly equated with money. After all, even if you have money, it is difficult to purchase this thing in large quantities!

It takes 50 Xuanhao Jade to upgrade the Locust Stone to the Plum Blossom Dart, and it takes 50 Xuanhao Jade to upgrade the Plum Blossom Dart to the Ice Soul Needle. Guess how many Xuanhao Jade it takes to upgrade?


That's right, it's 300 Xuanhao jade! This is not a simple multiple increase, it has doubled several times all of a sudden!

And what about the upgrade of the Ice Soul Divine Needle to the Golden Winged Feather? It needs to consume 1500 Xuan Hao Jade, nanny, who can withstand this? What can I do if I have these 1500 Xuan Hao Jade? Isn’t it delicious to create five Ice Soul Divine Needles? Building five people will bring more attributes to these five people than building one person, right? Its price/performance ratio is also much higher, right? I built five people, can't I beat you alone? It's just like gems. I spend the same money to create five players with a maximum of five, is it possible that they can't beat you, a player with a maximum of six? impossible!

The number of 1,500 Xuan Hao Jade is actually enough to explain why in the later period, those rich bosses only carried the Ice Soul Divine Needle! This number is really scary. Who can save so much Xuanhao Jade?

From here we can see the cost-effectiveness brought about by the improved form of the concealed weapon. It can be said that the further you go to the back, the lower the cost-effectiveness. This is exactly the same as gems!

If you want to compare the cost-effectiveness of improving the form of hidden weapons and improving the level of gems! That is, if the supply problem of Xuan Hao Jade is not considered, the cost-effectiveness of upgrading the form of a hidden weapon is higher than that of upgrading a fifth-level gem to a sixth-level gem. But if the supply problem of Xuan Hao Jade is also taken into account, then The cost-effectiveness of upgrading the form of a hidden weapon is lower than upgrading a level 5 gem to a level 6 gem, because so much Xuan Hao Jade is wasted here, it is really a waste!

But generally speaking, upgrading the form of hidden weapons before upgrading to golden wings and feathers is still extremely cost-effective. This is just like the first five levels of gems. The cost-effectiveness of upgrading level 4 gems to level 5 gems is very high. , similarly, the cost-effectiveness of upgrading Plum Blossom Darts to Golden Wings and Feathers is also very high, and its cost-effectiveness is even higher than that of upgrading level 4 gems to level 5 gems!

You must know that hidden weapons are attributes of players based on their level, grade, and form. To put it into perspective, if it is a level 70 perfect grade gold-winged feather, it can be given to the player at level 70. The player brings 1400 points of all attributes. What kind of magical attribute is this for riding a horse? You know, this is 1,400 points of all attributes, not just a single attribute! How many attributes can a level 6 gem increase? As far as rubies are concerned, a level 5 ruby ​​can increase physical strength by 120 points, which means that these 1,400 points of all attributes can be worth 58 level 5 gems, and a piece of equipment can be inlaid with 48 gems. In other words, a gold The attributes that Wings and Feathers bring to players are higher than the limit of five gems! And what about price? If the supply of Xuan Hao Jade is not taken into account, then it would cost 1850 Xuan Hao Jade to obtain a golden wing feather. If converted into gold coins, it would only cost more than 10,000 gold coins.

How much does five gems cost? One level five gemstone is worth 1,500 gold, and 48 of them is worth 72,000 gold. Needless to say, this price-performance ratio is worth talking about, right? People only need more than 10,000 gold to get more attributes than your 72,000 gold. Is this price-performance ratio really worth it? The golden wings and feathers exploded with gems!

The same applies to level 6 gems. Level 6 gems only have a total attribute of 11,520 points. What about the peacock feather, the ultimate form of the hidden weapon? The total attributes are 8,750 points, but how much is the peacock feather worth? It takes 6,000 Xuanhao jade to upgrade the golden-winged feathers to peacock feathers. Including the 1,850 Xuanhao jade used to create the golden-winged feathers, that’s 7,850. If converted into gold coins, it’s only 40,000 to 50,000 gold. What about super gems? 360,000 gold!

Although the attributes of peacock feathers are lower than those of level six gems, it is only one-quarter lower, and the price of peacock feathers is only one-eighth of that of level six gems! The price-performance ratio of Peacock Ling can be said to be a gem!

Of course, all of this is just the price-performance gap without considering the supply of Xuan Hao Jade. What if the supply issue of Xuan Hao Jade should also be taken into account? That's a different matter. After all, not everyone can easily save thousands of Xuanhao jade!

As for the Ice Soul Divine Needle that Xuanyuan Aai wants to develop today, so far, not many people are wearing it, even in the entire Middle-earth continent. If Xuanyuan Aai really succeeds in developing it, what kind of international joke will it be? This is subversive equipment!

If this research and development formula comes out, if it spreads to the market, there will no longer be peace in the entire Middle-earth continent. This formula will definitely set off a war on a massive scale that no major force can escape. All life in Middle-earth will be destroyed!

There is no way, this formula is really awesome. Do you think that while most people are still wearing ordinary-grade locust stones, your whole gang is already wearing the Ice Soul Divine Needle? Is anyone else still playing nigga? Only the elites of the big forces are qualified to wear the equipment. Good guy, it's a good thing for you that even a little brat in the gang is wearing it! What kind of international joke are you kidding? How many more attributes does a perfect grade ice soul needle have than an ordinary locust stone?

A 70-level ordinary locust stone can only add 70 points of all attributes to the player, but a perfect level Ice Soul Needle can add 1050 points of all attributes to the player. The average of your group is better than Others have nearly 1,000 extra points in all attributes. Is this still fun? One piece of equipment has 1,000 more attributes than others? The total attributes of ordinary players cannot reach 2000 full attributes!

"That's right, I want to try it. Since the Plum Blossom Dart can be made by players, why can't the Ice Soul Divine Needle? When I develop the Plum Blossom Dart, I am actually laying the foundation for the development of the Ice Soul Divine Needle. After all, the Plum Blossom Dart is developed by The difficulty is definitely lower than the Ice Soul Divine Needle!" Xuanyuan Ai Ai directly admitted his intention!

"I understand!" Wei Bin's expression began to become serious. He knew that Xuanyuan Aai was serious. Compared with supporting Xuanyuan Aai in research and development, what does mass-producing plum blossom darts mean? If Wei Bin wants to mass-produce plum-blossom darts, then he just needs to find a group of people. Furthermore, Xuanyuan Aiai has begun to develop the Ice Soul Divine Needle. Why is he still mass-producing plum-blossom darts? Wouldn't it be nice to wait a few more months for Xuanyuan Aai to mass-produce the Bingso Divine Needle directly?

In this way, after leaving a sum of money to Xuanyuan Aai, Wei Bin left here. Although Wei Bin didn't say anything else, Xuanyuan Aai knew that Wei Bin would definitely support her unconditionally in the future. In time, all the resources of Nirvana will be tilted to her side!

Next, Xuanyuan Aiai began the research and development process of the Ice Soul Divine Needle. However, the Ice Soul Divine Needle is one level higher than the Plum Blossom Dart after all, and its development difficulty is naturally very difficult. After several months of research, Xuanyuan Aiai Finally, six substances were locked, and these six substances are all relatively high-grade materials. Basically, only players above level 70 can collect them. Fortunately, Xuanyuan Aai has received strong support from Wei Bin. , even if it is ore that grows in the crater, Wei Bin will go to great lengths to help her get it!

Next, the order and weight ratio of the six materials made Xuanyuan scratch her head, because she found that no matter how she put these six materials, she could not create the Ice Soul Divine Needle. It’s just the prototype of the Ice Soul Divine Needle!

The names of these six materials are Cyan Substance No. 1, Cyan Substance No. 2 and Cyan Substance No. 3. These three substances are the same as the three substances used when making the plum blossom dart. This saves Xuanyuan Aia Ai. Son, and the other three substances are white substance No. 1, white substance No. 2, and white substance No. 3. Although these three substances took Xuanyuan Aai some effort, she finally figured it out, but right now In the process of fusing these six substances with Xuanhao Jade, she couldn't understand it at all!

Drawing on the experience from the last time he made a plum blossom dart, this time Xuanyuan Aai directly put in two substances of the same color, for example, No. 1 cyan substance, No. 2 cyan substance and No. 1 white substance, and No. 2 white substance. Fusion, because in Xuanyuan Aai's view, the Ice Soul Divine Needle is more advanced than the Plum Blossom Dart, so its composition will definitely not be simpler than the Plum Blossom Dart. When she was studying the Plum Blossom Dart, at the beginning, she used it as a single To fuse different kinds of materials, such as No. 1 black substance and No. 1 cyan substance. When Xuanyuan Aiai integrated all the combinations of these six substances, he found that it still didn't work. Later, when I reminded him that I wanted to make money, This time she directly skipped the fusion between single materials. Just like the Plum Blossom Dart, she chose two materials of each color to fuse with the materials of the other two colors. But in the end, Xuanyuan Aai failed, and Xuanyuan Aia was not discouraged by this failure, but she became even more determined, because she was almost certain that the way to create the Ice Soul Needle must require three materials of the same color, because the Ice Soul Needle It is more advanced than plum blossom darts, and its materials should be more complicated!

But then, Xuanyuan Aai tried some words, but ultimately failed!

How many combinations of three materials of the same color are there? Isn’t there only seven kinds in total?

Three cyan substances match white substance No. 1, white substance No. 2, three cyan substances match white substance No. 3, white substance No. 2, three cyan substances match white substance No. 1, white substance No. 3, three white substances match Cyan substance No. 1, cyan substance No. 2, three white substances are matched with cyan substance No. 1, cyan substance No. 3, three white substances are matched with cyan substance No. 3, cyan substance No. 2, and finally, three cyan substances are combined with three White substance.

There are only these seven methods in total. Isn't it easy to experiment?

But the result was a failure. No matter how Xuanyuan Aiai adjusted the ratio of various materials in these seven arrangements, he could not create the Ice Soul Divine Needle. This left Xuanyuan Aiai with nothing to say!

"Making money, what do you think is going on? Is there an eighth permutation and combination? Did I miss something?" Xuanyuan Aiai is going to discuss it with me to make money and see if he has any countermeasures!

"There should be no problem with the arrangement and combination. Is there a possibility that the span required to create the Ice Soul God Needle is relatively strict? Our span is measured in units of one gram. If the span accuracy requirements for the Ice Soul God are relatively high If it's high, then we're likely to cross it!" I said, wanting to make money.

"It makes sense, everyone, try again, this time reduce the span of adding or subtracting materials to 01 grams!" Xuanyuan Aiai said.

What does it mean that I want to make money? What he means is that for example, the required range for making the Ice Soul Divine Needle is 101 grams and 105 grams of No. 1 cyan substance, but during Xuanyuan Aai and their experiments, the span of their material increase and decrease was only 1 gram. In other words, After they invested 10 grams of the No. 1 cyan substance, if they could not create the Ice Soul Divine Needle, then the next experiment


, they will increase the weight of the No. 1 cyan substance to 11 grams. The range of cyan substances required to successfully create the Ice Soul Divine Needle is 101105 grams. Now you have jumped from 10 grams to 11 grams, isn't it? Is this equivalent to skipping over the scope of success? So isn't it normal that they can't create the Ice Soul Divine Needle?

I have to say that my idea of ​​making money is indeed very insightful. You must know that the precision requirement for adding or subtracting materials in the process of making plum blossom darts is one gram, and the Ice Soul Divine Needle is a higher form of plum blossom darts. It is understandable that the accuracy requirements for adding and subtracting materials are higher!

After another month, Xuanyuan Aai finally failed!

That's right, she failed again, and this experiment took her a full month!

No way, as the accuracy increases, the progress of the experiment will definitely slow down. When you used to have a span of one gram, for example, you needed to try a total of 1,000 times, but now? Since the accuracy becomes 01 grams, your number of experiments will increase to 10,000!

Originally, it required ten experiments to go from 10 grams to 19 grams. Now, don't you have to do 100 experiments to go from 10 grams to 20 grams?

And this failure made Xuanyuan Aia feel like she had entered a certain bottleneck. She was stuck by some unknown information. She firmly believed that as long as she knew what this information was, everything would be solved. Got it!

"Holy shit, I really am." Xuanyuan Aai gave himself a loud slap in the face!

"What's wrong?" Xuanyuan Aia's slap in the face didn't knock Xuanyuan Aia out, but it made me want to make money. Is Xuanyuan Aia being forced to go insane? After all, she had been working on this project for several months, but no matter how hard she tried, the final result was failure. Anyone else would have suffered a nervous breakdown!

"We seem to have made a fundamental mistake!" Xuanyuan said speechlessly.

"What's going on?" I asked, wanting to make money.

"We are going in the wrong direction! To make money, do you think it is more difficult to fuse a single substance of the same color, or is it more difficult to fuse three substances of the same color?" Xuanyuan asked.

"I'll go, you mean" I want to make money and I immediately reacted!


If we talk about the difficulty of a single experiment, the difficulty of integrating three cyan substances and two or three white substances at the same time is definitely much greater than that of fusing one cyan substance and one white substance, because if six If two kinds of substances are fused, there will be six variables. During the experiment, you need to do an experiment on adjusting the weight of different substances. When adjusting the cyan substance No. 1, do an experiment, and when adjusting the cyan substance No. 2, do an experiment! A total of many experiments are needed to increase the increase span of matter to the next span! And if only a single type of cyan substance is fused with a single type of white substance, then there are only two variables. Adjust the cyan substance and do an experiment, and adjust the white substance and do another experiment! For example, when two kinds of materials are put into 10 grams each, you only need to do three experiments to increase the experimental substance to 11 grams. The three experiments are: 10 grams of cyan substance, 11 grams of white substance, 11 grams of white substance. Grams of cyan substance and 10 grams of white substance, and 11 grams of cyan substance and 11 grams of white substance!

If we talk about the number of experiments within each span, then the fusion method of these three materials will definitely require more experiments, more trouble, and greater difficulty. But if we talk about the arrangement and combination of the number of input materials, all three materials will be input There are only eight kinds of permutations and combinations. These eight kinds have been mentioned before, but there are nine kinds of permutations and combinations of a single material input, No. 1 cyan substance and No. 1 white substance, No. 1 cyan substance and No. 2 white substance, No. 1 cyan substance and No. 2 white substance. Cyan substance No. 3 and white substance No. 3, cyan substance No. 2 and white substance No. 1, cyan substance No. 2 and white substance No. 2, cyan substance No. 2 and white substance No. 3, cyan substance No. 3 and white substance No. 1, three Cyan substance No. 2 and white substance No. 2, cyan substance No. 3 and white substance No. 3. From the permutation and combination of the input materials, the difficulty of the latter is higher than that of the former!

And what does Xuanyuan Ai Ai mean? What she meant was that they had always thought that putting in three materials of the same color would be more difficult than putting in two materials of the same color. In fact, this was indeed the case. But wouldn’t it be harder to put in one material than two materials? From a certain perspective, investing in one material is more difficult than investing in three materials!

The correct way to develop the Ice Soul Divine Needle is probably formulated in the direction of increasing difficulty!

Sure enough, after Xuanyuan Aai worked hard in this direction, Huangtian finally paid off. With Xuanyuan Aai's unremitting efforts, the overall appearance of the Ice Soul Needle was finally completed! Of course, the Ice Soul Needle at this time is the same as the previous Plum Blossom Dart, except that its appearance is exactly the same as the finished Ice Soul Needle. In fact, it has no attributes. In other words, this is not the finished Ice Soul Needle. Magic needle!

The real Ice Soul Divine Needle must be fine-tuned, that is to say, the span must be continued to be more refined, and since Xuanyuan Aai just added and subtracted materials based on one gram as a span, this time Xuanyuan Ai Ai Ai ai arrange them to add or subtract materials in steps of 01 grams like plum blossom darts!

However, after a series of experiments, the finished Ice Soul Divine Needle still has not come out. However, Xuanyuan Aiai is not discouraged, because now that the Ice Soul Divine Needle with the same appearance as the finished product has been released, it shows her direction. That's right, and the reason why she still failed to create the Ice Soul Divine Needle after adjusting the span to 01 grams was probably because the accuracy of 01 grams was still not enough, and the span of 01 grams was still too big. If the range of materials required to create the Ice Soul Divine Needle is within the 001 level, then if they experiment with 01 grams as a span, it is very likely that they can surpass this range!

The precision required when making a plum blossom dart is a span of 0.1 gram, and the Ice Soul Divine Needle is one level higher than the plum blossom dart, so is it any wonder that the difficulty of making it is also one level higher?

In this way, Xuanyuan Aai once again ordered the span to be reduced, reducing the span of each increase or decrease of materials to 001. Obviously, the smaller the accuracy, the longer the experiment took. Finally, after a few months, the entire center The first artificially crafted Ice Soul Needle on the Earth Continent was successfully launched!

However, Xuanyuan Aai did not stop experimenting just because the Ice Soul Divine Needle was successfully created, because the Ice Soul Divine Needle he had just created was just an ordinary-grade Ice Soul Divine Needle, and it could be as successful as the previous creation of the Plum Blossom Dart. There is actually a range for creating a finished Ice Soul Divine Needle, and within this range, the rise in its grade is shown in the form of a parabola!

For example, the area between 1001 grams and 1009 grams is the successful creation range of the Ice Soul Divine Needle. When the input materials are between 1001 grams and 1009 grams, the Ice Soul Divine Needle created will be The grade is the ordinary grade. If it is 1002 grams and 1008 grams, the grade of the Ice Soul Divine Needle created will be the excellent grade. If it is 1003 grams and 1007 grams, the Ice Soul Divine Needle created will be of excellent grade. The grade is the outstanding grade. If it is 1004 grams and 1006 grams, the grade of the ice soul needle created is the outstanding grade. If it is 1005 grams, the grade of the ice soul needle created is The perfect grade has a parabolic shape as a whole. The data on both sides of the perfect grade data is the excellent grade. The data on both sides of the excellent grade is the outstanding grade. The data on both sides of the outstanding grade is the excellent grade. , the data on both sides of the excellent grade are ordinary grades!

The grade of the Ice Soul Divine Needle they just created is an ordinary grade. In other words, if they continue to increase or decrease materials according to the plan, they can create an excellent grade, outstanding grade, and outstanding grade. The level up to the perfect level Ice Soul Divine Needle!

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