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Chapter 683 Provoking the Overlord

Just now, the audience of his live broadcast room has surpassed the peak period of number one in the rankings, and the number of fans has also surpassed the number one in the rankings. In other words, he has transformed and become the number one anchor in Tianlong. Got it! And all of this is thanks to Wei Bin. It was Wei Bin who took Nirvana deep into the hinterland of the Japanese pirates to kill monsters, which brought him a lot of popularity and made him jump to the second place in the rankings. Later, Ao Shi joined the camera. , the violent and bloody fighting scenes, and the intrigues between each other made him become the number one anchor. Obviously, he was very grateful to Wei Bin. Without Wei Bin, he would not be where he is today, so invisibly , he has already stood on the side of Nirvana, cheering for Nirvana and promoting justice for Nirvana!

"Damn it, Leader Wei is in trouble now. Xiong Ba is about to start a counterattack. Let's see how many seconds Leader Wei can hold out in the hands of these 50 players with the maximum limit of five! Alas, a generation of heroes has fallen!"

"It's really a pity. Looking at the first few operations of the leader of the Wei Gang, he took advantage of Xiongba's fear of starting a war and forcibly incorporated Nirvana's team into Aoshi's defense line. Later, he also used Xiongba's fear of starting a war to stimulate Xiongba's bottom line, these operations are almost perfect, but why did the leader of the Wei gang make such a mistake here? Why did Nirvana's team get out of touch? Why has it been out of touch for so long and the leader of the Wei gang hasn't discovered it yet? Hey, this mistake It’s really a low-level offense!”

"It's over. The leader of the Wei Gang made a miscalculation. What the leader of the Wei Gang must be thinking about is to stimulate Xiong Ba and want Xiong Ba to take the initiative to attack. Then the leader of the Wei Gang is defending himself. By then, Nirvana's cutting-edge combat power will most likely defeat Aoshi's cutting-edge combat power. , but, Leader of the Wei Gang, you have to be more careful, your teammates are not keeping up! Stop irritating Xiong Ba, it is important to save your life!" ??

All of a sudden, all kinds of players who were thinking about Wei Bin and anxious for Wei Bin all appeared. This is the anchor's guidance ability. During the live broadcast, if an anchor keeps promoting the positive image of a gang, he will To satirize the negative image of another gang, as a melon-eater, who would you choose to verbally help?

Xiongba gave the order, and countless control skills were thrown at him. After all, Wei Bin's dodge was very high. They would rather risk repeated control than let Wei Bin use control-free skills!

Wei Bin, on the other hand, didn't take it seriously and directly used a move from the gods to dispel the control effect on himself. He was immune to the control for the next 10 seconds, the attack distance increased to 5 meters, and the attack had a splash effect!

Then Super Bloodthirsty + Shifting Flowers + Sky-Breaking Style + Lingshen Style came out instantly and teleported directly into the crowd of proud people. Wei Bin's goal has never been to dominate, but to dominate the large army not far away. As long as the proud people All the troops have been killed, and even the tyrant can't escape! His set of skills is so powerful that ordinary people cannot resist it!

After teleporting into the crowd, Wei Bin decisively used force to counterattack. As a disciple of the Murong Sect who entered the enemy group alone, the first move must be to use force to counterattack, because you have fewer people and more people on the opposite side, and the opponent will definitely attack you. All attack skills are given to you immediately, they have no choice!

And as long as they give their skills to you, it will be their doom. The counter-attack chosen by Wei Bin can reflect the total damage suffered by Wei Bin in the past one second, and it is also the total initial damage. It is calculated by Wei Bin. Bin's initial damage before defense. This kind of guidance is best used in large-scale wars. As long as you can hold it, you don't have to do anything. Just keep running away. Someone will hit you. , because there are so many people, there will always be people who don’t know that you have activated Counterattack. As long as they touch you, they will definitely die!

And now, similar to the scene just described, Wei Bin goes deep alone. If the proud man doesn't fight Wei Bin, who will he fight? Because of this, Wei Bin must be the first to activate the counter-attack. At this moment, the counter-attack is more useful than any other skill! They all have to be awesome!



One second after Bin turned on Counterattack, a large number of people fell down in an instant. Visually, there were at least twenty of them. This is the power of Counterattack. Players with a limit of five or more will not be able to calculate Wei Bin's defense and resistance before The initial damage is at least 50,000 damage. Assume that 10 people attack Wei Bin in the first second. Then the total initial damage Wei Bin receives in this second is 500,000. Then in the second second, if 10 people attack Wei Bin Players will suffer 500,000 points of rebound damage. Who can bear this?

"Everyone, please stop, Wei Bin has activated the counter-injury skill!" One of them saw a large number of players falling down and immediately realized something. They had already suffered losses twice from Wei Bin's counter-injury skill, and both were This group of people, if they don’t have a long memory, they will have nothing to say!

As soon as this person reminded him, the others immediately reacted and stopped their attacks!

However, despite this, it is only those who have not yet taken action who have stopped their attacks. Those internal martial arts sects that have already sent out ballistics are in dire straits. Although they have stopped and will not launch the next round. Attacked, but their last round of attack projectiles had already been sent out, which could not be taken back, so even though they had stopped, they still fell to the ground! Aoshi lost seven or eight people again!

In contrast, the situation of melee players is much better, because melee players do not have the concept of ballistics. They cut with one knife and their knives are ballistic. As long as they want to stop, they can stop immediately. There is no long-range sect. The disadvantage of letting the projectile fly for a while is one of the reasons why the melee sect is slightly better than the long-range sect! There are not many places like this!

At this moment, although everyone in Aoshi has stopped, after the wave just now, there are only about twenty people left in Aoshi. This is already quite good. This is already the result of the extremely fast response of players in Aoshi. Well, if it were other players, even if there was no group destruction, it would be almost the same. This is the difference between masters and ordinary players!

"Damn it, what kind of skill is this for riding a horse? Killing more than twenty people in one instant? Is this the output of a god, Leader of the Wei Gang?"

"Haha, I know how the leader of the Wei gang could be so frivolous. How could he capsize in such a small ditch despite the strong winds and waves! In my opinion, the other people in Nirvana who fell behind were simply intentional. It was Wei Bin Instructing them to fall behind, because if they didn't fall behind, Xiongba would not dare to turn around and kill the leader of the Wei clan. The leader of the Wei clan would have been dead to Ao Shi. Even the fifty players of Ao Shi with a limit of five or more combined could not defeat the leader of the Wei clan alone. This is the strength of the leader of the Wei clan, the confidence of the leader of the Wei clan. It is too strong. To be able to defeat 50 people one at a time and not fall behind is so awesome!"

"Listening to what you said, it seems to make sense. The purpose of the leader of the Wei gang who provoked Xiong Ba for so long was to force Xiong Ba to take the initiative. The leader of the Wei gang wanted to defend himself and kill Ao Shi, but who knew that Xiong Ba didn't take the bait, so the leader of the Wei gang Only then did he come up with this trick, pretending to let his Nirvana teammates fall behind, and chase and scold Xiong Ba alone. When Xiong Ba saw that only the leader of the Wei gang was left alone, he would definitely turn around and kill the leader of the Wei gang. But who knows, Wei Gang leader The strength of the gang leader far exceeded Xiong Ba’s imagination. Xiong Ba thought that with fifty of them, they could kill Gang Leader Wei, but in the end, Gang Leader Wei killed half of them in one go. This was so exciting, haha!”

In an instant, Wei Bin's record of killing more than 20 people in the world immediately caused a stir in Big Dog's live broadcast room. What kind of incredible strength does it take to kill more than 20 people in an instant? The limit is five, even if the strength is No matter how powerful the Great Tianshan is, it is impossible. It is not that they have never seen the Great Tianshan, but no Great Tianshan can be as powerful as Wei Bin! How did they know that Wei Bin had already transferred to the Murong faction, and at the current stage?

, although the Murong Sect has been born, its entry requirements are too high, even more stringent than the assessment standards of the Tang Sect. Most people cannot enter the Murong Sect at all, and even if a few outstanding players transfer to the Murong Sect, they will never be accepted. It will expose the skills of the Murong faction. Counterattack is a major weapon of the Murong faction. If this skill is not exposed, the players of the Murong faction can kill everyone. On the contrary, once the Murong faction's counterattack is exposed, , then everyone will be wary of the Murong Sect, and will stop immediately once they find something wrong. In this way, the Murong Sect's counterattack will basically be useless. Therefore, any Murong Sect player will definitely not He will make the secrets of his sect known to the public. Others have hidden them before it was too late. How could they be exposed? So the Murong sect has been born, but people are still very unfamiliar with this sect!

And the next scene was really bloody. Ao Shicai only had about twenty people left, how could he deal with Wei Bin? They had stopped, and they would not be killed by the rebound, but Wei Bin's explosive state was already activated, how could he spare them? At this moment, all the proud players from the internal martial arts sect have almost been lost. The vast majority of the remaining players are melee players and some Emei players. Wei Bin's favorite is the melee players. Most of the melee players are from the external martial arts sect and cannot break Wei Bin's Defense, and the attack range of Wei Bin's Sky-Breaking Style is only 15 meters, so it may not be able to hit those long-range martial arts, but it is different with the melee martial arts. With Wei Bin's body close to him, the attack distance is definitely no problem! Moreover, Wei Bin's attack range is only five meters in his god-like state. To fight against these melee sects, you don't need to move at all. You can just fire in place. If you are dealing with those long-range sects, you will inevitably have to get close to them before you can launch an attack!

Just like that, as the first sky-shattering giant sword landed, it opened directly in the crowd! Within the flowering range, no one will survive!

You know, how high is Wei Bin's attack power now?

In Wei Bin's normal state, the internal attack is as high as 47,000, and the super bloodthirsty increases the attack power by 100. The passive skill of the leader's Qibao Belt - Power of the Leader can increase the attack power of the members of the gang in the same map by 10. After these two bonuses Finally, Wei Bin's internal attack can reach 98700, but what about the internal defense of this group of proud players with a limit of 5? The maximum is 15,000, which means that the initial internal damage caused by Wei Bin to them is 83,700, and the Lingshen style increases the damage by 100. In other words, Wei Bin can eventually cause 83,7002167,400 internal damage to this group of people, and Wei Bin's will The heart is as high as 114. When attacking this group of people, there is about an 80 chance of triggering a knowing blow. In other words, the damage after the knowing blow is doubled to 334800!

What about attribute damage? Wei Bin's mysterious attribute attack is as high as 5760. The 10 additional attacks of the leader's Seven Treasure Belt include internal and external damage and attribute damage, so Wei Bin's attribute attack is as high as 57601. 16336, which can cause an initial mysterious attribute of 6336638016. In terms of damage, Wei Bin's Mystical Resistance reduction is as high as 900. Basically, he can reduce the resistance of all five players, which means that he can cause full Mystic attribute damage. In terms of Mystic attribute damage increase, in addition to enjoying the Ling Shen In addition to the Lingshen Style's damage increase of 100, he also enjoys the bonus of the Hidden Weapon's Xuan Skill, which increases damage by 30 to units with a HP greater than 70. In addition, Wei Bin's Heavy Tower Chain also has a passive skill that hits the enemy. Afterwards, the lower limit of the target's resistance is reduced by 10 points, which means that the attribute damage is increased by 10. After combining all the bonuses, the damage can be increased by 140, which means it can cause 380162.491238.4 mysterious attribute damage. After the knowing blow is doubled, it is 182476 mysterious damage!

And this is only Wei Bin's internal power damage and mysterious attribute damage. Wei Bin's Sky Breaking Style itself still does damage, and the damage of the Sky Breaking Style giant sword is still very high. If it is just an ordinary skill, it may cause damage to the body. Wei Bin's internal power damage and attribute damage are only a few thousand more damage, but the Heaven-breaking Style does not.


At the same time, the Breaking Heaven Style is one of the only attack skills of the Murong Sect, and it is also one of the main output skills of the Murong Sect. The inherent damage of its giant sword alone is as high as 50,000. After experiencing the bonus of the Lingshen Style , directly becomes 100,000. If another knowing blow is triggered, it will be 200,000 sky-shattering damage!

Coupled with the previous internal damage and mysterious damage, the total damage is 717276. Let me ask, among the five players present, who has a health volume of more than 700,000? It doesn’t exist, not even for the Shaolin Sect! Even Wei Bin before the reconstruction couldn't reach it!

And the above is only the damage caused by Wei Bin's Breaking Heaven Style. You must know that Wei Bin uses Breaking Heaven Style + Transferring Flowers and Trees + God's Descending to Earth. Both Transferring Flowers and Trees and God's Descending to Earth have a sputtering effect. Take the God of Deity. In terms of descending to earth, the attack issued by the god when descending to earth can be splashed to everyone within a radius of five meters, and the person being splashed ignores defense. In other words, except for the players within the range of the sky-shattering giant sword, In addition to being damaged by the giant sword once, you also need to suffer splash damage from other players in the area who are attacked by the sky-shattering giant sword. If the giant sword hits only two people, then these two people , he will be harmed once by the giant sword, and then he will be harmed once by another person's splash! If there are three people within the range of the great sword, in addition to receiving one damage from the great sword, each person will also receive two splash damage from the other two players. In other words, for each additional person, they will receive more damage. If you receive damage once, the damage will be multiplied! This is only the sputtering when the god descends to earth, and the sputtering of the otherworldly things has not yet been counted! They can't even withstand one Skyshattering damage, how can they withstand additional splash damage? Even if Wei Bin didn't trigger the knowing blow, they would be blasted to pieces by Wei Bin's giant sword!

Therefore, very few people can withstand a blow from Wei Bin in full burst without dying!

After one giant sword fell to the ground, it took away seven or eight lives. Then the second giant sword fell and took away five more heads! At this time, everyone reacted! After all, only two seconds have passed!

Xiong Ba also woke up completely from his dream. He originally planned to hold 50 people to control Wei Bin until he died. Unexpectedly, Wei Bin had such strength. Instead of being held to death, he first killed more than 20 people, and then another Two giant swords took away more than a dozen heads. In just two seconds, Wei Bin killed most of the players who had reached the limit of five in Ao Shi, leaving less than ten people left!

How can I fight this nigga? We have seen Wei Bin's rebound and Heaven-shattering dominance before, and they lasted about seven or eight seconds. In other words, within these seven or eight seconds, they were only beaten in vain and could not fight back at all, and seven or eight seconds. Seconds later, can Ao Shi still beat Wei Bin? First of all, you must be able to survive these seven or eight seconds!

"Withdraw and fight another day!" Xiongba finally came to his senses and finally gritted his teeth and made a difficult decision. Although he didn't want to do this, he didn't think Aoshi would be able to kill him after seven or eight seconds. Wei Bin, even the eight or nine remaining people in Aoshi can survive for seven or eight seconds, but with the combat power of these seven or eight people, it is difficult to kill Wei Bin!

The most important thing is that just when he turned around and gave Wei Bin a heavy punch, dozens of figures appeared behind Wei Bin. Obviously, these were Nirvana's teammates. They did not fall behind, but deliberately followed him. Playing field of vision tactics, they deliberately left their field of vision. After receiving the system prompt of the Aoshi attack, they rushed over to help. All of this was Wei Bin's plan. Wei Bin wanted to show weakness to himself and force himself. Take action, and then Wei Bin can take the opportunity to kill him!

Xiongba, who has already understood Wei Bin's conspiracy, naturally cannot stay and wait for Wei Bin's rebound and sky-breaking style to end. Nirvana's teammates are rushing here, and Aoshi has no hope of destroying Wei Bin!

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