Seeing that the situation was over, Xiong Ba finally gave the order to retreat as a last resort!

"I just thought of running away now! Haha, it's too late!" Wei Bin activated the acceleration skill Mo Shanhangxing and pursued the AoShi players in the direction of escape. By the time the acceleration skill ended, there were only two players left in AoShi. Both of these two people teleported to the ground, directly beyond the range of Wei Bin's Sky Breaking Style. Wei Bin, who had no long-range attack methods, naturally couldn't attack them!

But just because they can't attack doesn't mean that Wei Bin can't do anything to them. Wei Bin's three control skills are the ability to explore the camp, the first-level strong control skill, and the Chonglou Jie ground sealing skill. They are all remote control skills. Two of them are easy to control. After being thrown away, the two never woke up again...

"Everyone is wiped out? Damn it! What a nigga!" The big dog swallowed suddenly, he really couldn't believe it!

"Are the players sent by Aoshi a Max 5 player? Why do I look like a Max 3 player? Oh no, they look like ordinary players without any gems! A Max 5 player abuses those ordinary players without any gems. Players are not as relaxed as Gang Leader Wei. He can kill several people instantly with just one strike. How does this look like a player with a maximum limit of five? Ao Shi is not deliberately letting the water go, is Ao Shi? Does Ao Shi want to help Gang Leader Wei become famous in one battle? " The dog really couldn't believe that Wei Bin could crush the chicken to death and easily kill five players with the maximum limit in one instant!

"Ordinary players? Don't be ridiculous. Ordinary players, let alone persisting under the raids of the Japanese pirate warriors, were taken away by ordinary Japanese pirates on the road before they could even reach a place 3,000 meters away from the city!"

"Hey, it's so annoying to compare people to each other. Why is Wei Bin's combat power so high? He kills five players with the limit like a dog butcher?"

"Big Dog has a saying that is right. The leader of the Wei Gang will definitely become famous in one battle today. In the past, no player with a limit of five or more could do anything about other's unspoken rules. They are destined to become history!"

In the Tianlong circle, there has always been an unwritten unwritten rule, that is, between gem players of the same level, except for sneak attacks, if two players of the same strength confront each other, as long as one of them wants to run away, the other will It's hard to kill him! Because everyone is equally powerful, you simply don’t have the ability to kill each other instantly! Even the Tang Sect is the same. As soon as the opponent sees your movements, they will know that you are suppressing the double state. It is impossible for the opponent to let you out of the state and then be killed by you instantly. The opponent will definitely control you while you are suppressing the state. , then runs away, and will come back to kill you after your dual state is over. Tang Clan does not have control-free skills. The only baby that can be exempted from environmental control is Tang Clan, and no one in Tang Clan is willing to learn to dispel it. You must use bloodthirsty skills!

After today's battle, history will surely be rewritten. Why players of the same strength cannot kill each other? As long as the other party wants to run away, you will definitely not be able to kill the other party. It is all nonsense! How do you explain what Wei Bin did just now? Even if Wei Bin is a player with a limit of six, how much stronger can his strength exceed that of a player with a limit of five? You must know that Aoshi has 50 players with a limit of five or more! I have never heard of a player with a limit of six or above being able to chase down 50 players with a limit of five or more! Under normal circumstances, a player with a maximum limit of six cannot even defeat ten players with a maximum of five. Ten players with a maximum of five can defeat a player with a maximum of six called grandpa! After all, the production cost is different, and the number of skills is even more disparate. How can a player with a limit of six or more beat ten players with a limit of five or more?

But what about now? Wei Bin did it. Not only did he do it, but he also crushed it with an overwhelming advantage. He directly killed more than 20 people in an instant, and then killed a dozen more people in an instant. How could this be possible?

At this moment, not far from Wei Bin, several invisible Tianshan players came over. When they saw Wei Bin, they subconsciously turned to the side and passed by Wei Bin!

They were afraid. They just came to steal equipment, but what they wanted to steal was only the equipment left before Aoshi. Even if they were killed, they would not dare to do anything to the equipment around Wei Bin.


I have an idea, who is Wei Bin? They all saw Wei Bin's fighting prowess, and they didn't dare to provoke Wei Bin. If Wei Bin discovered that one of the equipment on the ground disappeared out of thin air while they were stealing equipment, they would definitely die. They had no doubt that Wei Bin would use a group attack to kill him instantly on the spot!

Therefore, although the equipment around Wei Bin were the most luxurious equipment dropped during this battle, none of them dared to fight them. Their idea was very simple, that is, to go to Aoshi and Nirvana to fight against the Japanese pirate warriors. In that area, go pick up some equipment that no one wants. After all, that is equipment dropped by 10,000 people. There are only more than 40 people left in Nirvana. Even if the backpack is full, you can’t pick it all up! They would rather pick up a few more pieces of equipment that reach level 3 than dare to take the risk of stealing an equipment that reaches level 5 from Wei Bin. In their eyes, Wei Bin has become a symbol of the God of Death and has become synonymous with the God of Death...

When the last invisible Tianshan passed by Wei Bin, Wei Bin looked at this Tianshan. Wei Bin's jade unicorn had learned the super detection skill and could detect the invisible units around him. Previously, Wei Bin had seen through the big dog following him. During the live broadcast, you use your super detection skills to see through the invisible Big Dog anchor!

And the moment this Tianshan saw Wei Bin's eyes, his whole body went numb, his legs lost their intuition, and he didn't dare to go any further!

"Damn it, Wei Bin isn't going to kill me, is he? I just want to pick up some rags that you don't like and go home to celebrate the New Year! You don't want to take the rags with you, right? There are so many scavengers in front of you, you You won't ignore them and just kill me, right? Even if I don't pick up the rags, someone else will pick them up!" The invisible Tianshan player thought tremblingly, fearing that Wei Bin would be unhappy and kill him with a single blow. Own!

Seeing this invisible Tianshan staying in place, Wei Bin immediately understood what was going on. He didn't expect that others would be so afraid of him. He was really

So Wei Bin turned his body towards the camera of the big dog and yelled, "Scavengers, I'm treating you all to dinner today, and you can pick up any equipment there!"

Wei Bin pointed in the direction where they were fighting the Japanese warriors. Although he did not say that you should not touch the equipment under his feet, but judging from the scene where the Tianshan Mountains deliberately avoided him, he just let them pick it up. They don’t dare to pick it up either!

Hearing Wei Bin say this, the entire live broadcast room exploded again!

"What a mess! The scavengers are going to get rich today. A piece of equipment with three or more grades is worth 180 gold, which is 1.8 million federal coins. You can live happily until you are old even if you pick up a piece of equipment!"

"Hey, why am I not in the border city? I missed this opportunity to make a fortune!" Tears ran away.

"Guild Leader Wei loves me so much! I'm so generous that I'm willing to hand over so much valuable equipment to others!"

At this moment, all the players who are not in Border City are beating their chests and regretting it. It is definitely too late to rush to Border City now. Tens of millions of players are watching this live broadcast, plus the original players of Border City, waiting for them. I rushed over, I was afraid that the soup was gone! This is also the reason why Wei Bin didn't ask the Nirvana people to pick up the equipment. It was too late!

The so-called scavengers are those who pick up rags. Of course, people will not touch the worthless rags. In the current Middle-earth continent, every kingdom, every city, and even every map is killing people every day. Yes, after all, we are all in the same rivers and lakes. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Where there are rivers and lakes, there are battles. And where there are battles, there will be many combatants who have no time to pick up, or there will be drops that do not have backpacks to pick up. Objects, and scavengers go specifically for fighting. Wherever there is fighting, there are scavengers everywhere! Gradually, scavenging

The researcher evolved into a profession and even started a business! Because the vast majority of scavengers have professional ethics, they will not go up to pick up the dropped items in a combat situation. The outcome has not yet been decided, and you openly go forward to snatch the equipment and dropped items. Who is not allowed to hit you?

The time for scavengers to pick up dropped items is usually after the battle. The victor will pick up the dropped items. If they are not favored by the victor, or cannot be picked up because the backpack is full, or in other places It requires the support of the victor. The victor does not have time to pick up these dropped items. Only under these circumstances will the scavengers step forward to pick them up. In other words, the scavengers will not cause the combatants to suffer losses. After the victory, the scavengers will not let the combatants suffer losses. If Fang stops picking it up, they will pick it up again!

Even so, they often make a fortune. Although they can't pick up level 3 equipment, they may pick up a lot of ordinary equipment. The winning team doesn't like these equipment at all, but there are so many players in Tianlong. They don't like it, but there are always people who can. At worst, I sell it for one gold, which is also 10,000 federal coins. How can there be equipment with one gold at this stage?

Since the vast majority of scavengers are very professional and do not want to steal equipment during battles, scavengers gradually start to do business. Generally, these scavengers will get in touch with some high-combat players. Where are the high-combat players? They will be notified in advance of the battle. In this way, after the battle, if the high-combat players do not have enough backpacks to pick up the dropped items, these scavengers can pick them up. After the scavengers sell the money, the two Distributing the money!

In this way, high-combat players will not waste extra drops, and scavengers will save time looking for where to fight. After all, they do not have eyesight, so they usually rely on themselves to find locations! It can be said that this is a win-win situation!

The above is just a way for individual scavengers to make a fortune. Gradually, the scavengers also established an organization. The members of the organization are composed of scavengers and informants. The informants are ordinary players. They can organize fights with scavengers. information, and then get a commission from it. The amount of this commission depends on the degree of the fighting situation! After the scavenger organization gets the information, it will send scavengers to stay there, and after the battle is over, the scavengers will start picking up the drops!

Some people may ask, why don’t the informants pick up the scavengers themselves? Why do they tell your scavenger organization about this opportunity to make a fortune? Isn't that a fool?

wrong! And it's a big mistake, because the informant doesn't know how many dropped items will remain before the fight is over. Maybe the remaining dropped items are not as large as the commission received from the scavenger organization! The scavengers took advantage of this psychology to establish a cooperative relationship with the informant. In order to make a profit, the scavenger organization will only give the informant a commission when the scavenger members arrive on the battlefield and the battle has not ended. If the battle has already In the end, you said it is impossible to give them a commission. What if you have picked up all the valuable dropped items and left the scavengers with garbage all over the place? In short, the scavenger organization has many ways to ensure profits. For example, the informant must keep video recording to ensure that the informant does not pick up equipment privately. At the same time, the level of commission is determined by the fighting situation in the video!

And some people may ask, how to ensure that waste pickers will not line their own pockets, and what is the relationship between waste pickers and waste picker organizations?

First of all, scavengers must turn on the video during the entire process of picking up dropped objects to ensure that they do not enrich themselves. After picking up dropped objects, they must finally return them to the organization, and the organization will give you a certain amount of money. The share, to put it bluntly, is the information fee. The organization cannot give you the location information of the scavenger fight for free! Of course, as a scavenger, you can also enrich your own pockets and not return it to the organization, but you have to think about it. Once you do such a thing, you will no longer have a foothold in the entire Tianlong scavenging world. Earth, your name will be announced to the entire Tianlong. By then, not only will the scavenging world not be able to tolerate you,


Your character will cause others to distance themselves from you too! Therefore, unless the scavenger picks up a drop worth tens of thousands of gold and can directly retreat, what are the chances of this? You don’t see it even once a year!

The scavenger organization sometimes makes money and sometimes loses money. If there are a lot of people fighting in the informant's fighting place and it is very fierce, then the scavenger organization will naturally give the informant more commission. But in this case, if After the battle, the battlefield is very clean, so the scavenger's final income is likely to be less than the commission given. In this case, he will lose money!

Sometimes, the battle scene is very small, and the scavenger organization pays a small commission to the informant, but in the end, a lot of things are left behind that the victor did not pick up. In this case, the scavenger organization will make a lot of money!

Taking all the circumstances into account, the waste picker organization can still make a profit, otherwise the waste picker organization would not exist, and its existence is reasonable!

Seeing Wei Bin speak, he said that he would not touch those equipment with lower gem levels. Good guys, a group of scavengers came directly from not far away. These scavengers actually came together with the scavengers who just passed by Wei Bin. It's just that the scavengers in front were bolder. They just thought that Wei Bin and others didn't have enough backpacks to pick up these equipment, so they went directly. In this case, Wei Bin still couldn't say anything. You don’t have the space to pick it up, and you won’t let others pick it up, right? Wait until the system refreshes that area and feed all the equipment into the system?

The scavengers who did not go to pick up the equipment did so because they saw the scene where Wei Bin slaughtered the fifty players who reached the limit of five in the world. Wei Bin's image of a killing god made them take a breath of cold air. Their mouths were so cold that they felt the soles of their feet. They were afraid of Wei Bin and were afraid that Wei Bin would kill them, so they didn't dare to step forward to pick up the equipment! And what Wei Bin said just now completely liberated them. Wei Bin said, if you just pick up the equipment there, what else do you have to be afraid of?

For a time, hundreds of scavengers rushed towards the place where Aoshi and Nirvana had fought against the Japanese warriors. Some people even showed up directly in order to run faster, turning on the acceleration skills to run in which direction, The density of Japanese pirates here has been very low due to the slaughter of Aoshi and Nirvana. Even if they appear, they will not immediately attract Japanese warriors. Even if they encounter Japanese warriors in front of them, they can become invisible again and move forward invisibly!

Not long after, other people from Nirvana rushed over.

"Damn, so fast? Gang leader, you are not kind. To be honest, I haven't fought against players since the rebuilding. I originally thought that I could have a vigorous battle with Aoshi today, but I was beaten by the Japanese warriors. Stir up the situation!" He was cutting wires with a kitchen knife and rubbing his hands with his gun.

"Who says it's not the case? I've long wanted to find someone to fight with. Among us, only the three gang leaders, Binzi, Wuji, and Aai, have fought against others. My strength has increased so much, and yet I'm only Being able to compete with wild monsters is really uncomfortable! There is no sense of accomplishment at all!" The bug in Qian's eyes could not bear the loneliness in his heart.

"You want to fight so much? How about I plan a fight?" Wei Bin smiled knowingly, as if he already had a plan!

"What? Is it true?" Bing Xin said excitedly. Ever since she heard about Xuanyuan Ai Ai's back against the city gate, one man was able to block the barrier and no one could open it, and he fought against a group of proud players with a limit of five or more, she had been eager to give it a try. Well, although she is an Emei, her fierce personality is destined to make her unwilling to be behind others. She also wants to fight in the front like a warrior! Bing Xin is often called Bing Xin’s Little Pepper because of her fierce personality!

"We will discuss this matter in detail after we go back. The first priority is to quickly pick up the equipment that Ao Shi dropped, and then leave this place of right and wrong. I have a hunch that if we don't leave, we may not be able to leave!" Wei Bin looked in the direction of the border city with lingering fear!

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