Game within game of online games

Chapter 685: Capture the Border City

It has been more than 20 minutes since Yachimon led a large number of Japanese warriors to the border city. Judging from the size of the Japanese warriors, Yachimon's purpose is not just to sweep away players in the border areas, but its fundamental purpose It should be to occupy the border city. Maybe the players on the road will stop Yamakimon for a while, but it will definitely not be delayed for too long. Once the border city is captured by Yamakimon, it will be difficult for him to return to the city!

What he is afraid of is not the Japanese warriors. The Japanese warriors may pose a certain threat to them even in large numbers, but the Japanese warriors cannot kill them instantly. No matter how many Japanese warriors there are, they cannot easily unite them. Destroy them, they have a brilliant aura, as long as Emei does not die, as long as they are not tired, they will not be destroyed!

But Yamakimon is different. If Yamakimon guards the city gate, how will they enter the city? With the output of Yamatamon, not to mention ordinary Max 5 players, even their group of Max 5 players who have undergone reconstruction, dare not say that they can pass through the city gate without dying. Yachimon is really too powerful. , far beyond what they can compete with at this time!

Soon, everyone packed up their belongings and threw away all the non-essential items on their bodies to make room for picking up equipment. In the end, Nirvana picked up more than 2,000 pieces of equipment, most of which were over 4 years old. Level equipment, a small amount of equipment that reaches level five and equipment that reaches level three!

There is no way, there are not enough grids, so I have to give up the equipment that reaches level 3! Then everyone set off on their way home!

As we get closer to the city, the density of Japanese warriors increases. At first, there were only a few Japanese warriors. Gradually, groups of Japanese warriors began to appear. They were hunting and holding weapons and tried to resist the Japanese warriors, but they were eventually killed by the Japanese. Players defeated by the samurai!

After this battle, the players have completely understood that the Japanese warriors are definitely not something they can afford to offend. Even if there are four or more players, when they encounter the Japanese warriors, they must run away immediately and never try to challenge them. Otherwise, you won’t even know how you died in the end. This is true even for players who have reached 4 or above, let alone players who have reached 3. They have no chance of winning against the Japanese warriors, so only players with 5 or above are qualified to fight against the Japanese warriors. Once upon a time, they were the main force that had just resisted the Japanese pirate warriors!

But how many players are there in total if the limit reaches five? How many players have reached the limit of five who have come to this border city? The hunting team and defense line formed by the players before were defeated the moment they came into contact with the Japanese warriors. Only those players with a limit of five or more survived, and they are still struggling to this day. They seem to Their despair has reached the extreme, because drugs are banned here, and the remaining energy they have will be exhausted in a few more minutes at most. And as long as they run out of energy, they are not far from being wiped out!

With their strength, it is easy to deal with this group of Japanese warriors, but it is difficult to break through the siege and break through the blockade of this group of Japanese warriors. There are too many Japanese warriors here, and there are three floors. On the outer three levels, even if they concentrate their firepower to open a gap, it will soon be filled by the rest of the Japanese warriors. If you want to break through the siege, you must have extremely high large-scale burst skills!

As Wei Bin and others walked along, they could see everywhere the team of five players who were still struggling to support themselves. They were in a very embarrassed state. It was easy to see from their faces that they regretted it! They were too trusting and seriously underestimated the power of the Japanese warriors. If God gave them another chance to choose, they would not come to this border city even if they were killed! ??

However, at this moment, Wei Bin stopped!

"Gang leader, what's wrong?" Feng Yun Wuji asked.

"How about, let's help them!" Wei Bin said.

"Master, to be honest, along the way, there are more and more Japanese pirate warriors. We don't know what is going on ahead. It is very likely that we ourselves are in trouble. How can we still have the energy to save others?" Blood Sea Demon Jun said.

"Yes, Gang Leader, there are many


It is better to avoid one thing at a time. Every team of passers-by is surrounded by ten Japanese pirates. Even if we want to deal with these ten Japanese pirates, it will take a lot of effort. We are not always in an explosive state. Under normal circumstances, we must deal with these ten Japanese pirates. The group of Japanese pirate warriors are also very strenuous! "

"I think it's better for us to save their lives. This place is very close to the border city. Judging from the density of the Japanese warriors here, the Japanese warriors have probably occupied the border city. In this case , more people are more powerful, if we go with more people, our survival rate can be higher! Furthermore, all teams that are still struggling now are definitely players with a limit of five or more, and the following players have long been grouped Destroyed! These people are all people with high combat effectiveness. It is always a good thing for us to make friends with them. Moreover, now is their most difficult period. At this time, they must be extremely desperate. They are extremely eager to be able to Someone saves them from the fire and water! As the saying goes, it is better to provide icing on the cake than to provide help when they need it most. Can we win some people's hearts by standing up when they need help most? I don't expect them to repay us in the future. I only hope that in the next In a war, when both the enemy and ourselves have activated bounty orders, they can stand up to help us, at least not help each other! This is enough!" Wei Bin said righteously.

The current situation is no longer what it was just now. Just now, Wei Bin didn't know how far the Japanese pirate warriors led by Yaqimon had progressed. He thought that there were so many players who were out hunting along the way that they could stop Yaqimon for a while. It's time!

But who would have expected that Yamakimon's progress was too fast and the combat effectiveness of this group of players was too weak. They actually captured the border city in just half an hour! Although Wei Bin has not seen the Yamakimon occupy the border city with his own eyes, judging from the density of Japanese pirate warriors here, it is already so close to the border city, and there are so many idle Japanese warriors. Isn't that enough to show that Yamakimon has occupied the border city? If Yamakimon hadn't occupied the border city yet, how could it have allowed so many Japanese warriors to wander around?

Today is different from the past, the situation has changed, and Wei Bin's strategy will naturally change accordingly. When he saw the group of hard-working Max 5 players along the way but with no hope of escape, he suddenly had an idea. The new plan is to form gangs and tide over the difficulties together. No one can tell what is going on in the border city now. What if the Yamakimon directly guards the city gate and prevents outside players from returning to the city? Then the players outside will undoubtedly die. Town return scrolls are banned in the Border City. If you want to leave here, there are only two ways. The first is to leave through the teleportation array inside the Border City, and the second is to leave on foot!

Let’s talk about the first one first, the teleportation array. There is a teleportation array in the border city. It is the one the players used when they came. When they leave, they must also use the teleportation array to leave. If Yamatomon has already After occupying the border city, there is no reason why the teleportation array should not be under the control of Yaqimon. With the strength of more than 40 of them, even if they break into the city, if they want to break through the siege and reach the teleportation array, if there is enough time , There is indeed no problem, but the Japanese pirates are intelligent creatures. During the advancement of Wei Bin and others, someone will definitely notify the Yamata Beast. As long as the Yamata Beast comes, except for their sixteen re-cultivators, who will Can you survive?

If he just died, that would be that! As long as they delay enough, the dropped objects they just picked up will not fall again, and their loss is only one level! However, this involves two ways to leave this border city!

Why is it that among these two paths, there is no way of leaving through resurrection after death?

To be precise, there is such a way to leave, but Nirvana members cannot leave through this way, because Nirvana came here by accepting tasks.

, in the mission mode, after death, you will automatically resurrect from the Resurrection Temple in the Border City. This is a bit troublesome. Although the Resurrection Temple is invincible, the Japanese warriors can't do anything to you, but similarly, you can't get out. , the entire border city is occupied by Japanese pirates, can you run from the Resurrection Temple to the teleportation array alive?


These one hundred people in Nirvana can only leave the border city through the above two ways, the teleportation array and walking!

Let’s talk about leaving on foot. This is not difficult to understand. Border City is a real map. Since it is a real map, it must be connected to other maps. As long as we can leave here safely and reach the next city, we will naturally You can use the Town Return Scroll to leave!

But can the group of people who were resurrected in the Resurrection Temple after Nirvana come out? You definitely can’t get out! As long as they cannot leave the Resurrection Temple, it is impossible to leave the Border City. Both methods are impossible!

In this case, the Nirvana players in the Resurrection Temple have only one way to leave the Border City, and that is to wait for the mission time limit to end. After the end, they will not be restricted by the resurrection scene. By that time, as long as they die again, Once, you can naturally be resurrected from Nirvana City! But they are the top combat power of Nirvana. They have already died once. If they die again, it will be a bit hurt! Therefore, Wei Bin does not intend to let them leave in this way. He will do his best to rescue his comrades with his own hands. He will never give up unless absolutely necessary! Not only does he want to take the living people around him away safely, he also wants to rescue many of the brothers who were trapped in the Resurrection Temple in Nirvana!

Compared with Nirvana, the situation of other players is much better, such as Aoshi, they are ambitious to hunt Nirvana, they brought 10,000 people, their self-esteem does not allow them to set up a resurrection point here specifically, in their In their eyes, this battle must be won, so there is no need to set up a resurrection point here. Because of this, their self-esteem saved them, because they will be resurrected in their original city after death and do not have to be trapped. The Resurrection Temple in this border city...

What does it mean to be trapped in the Temple of Resurrection in this border city? This means that they will not be able to go out for a long time in the future. The Japanese warriors are no better than the members of Nirvana. If they are trapped in the Resurrection Temple in Nirvana City, Xiongba can still discuss with Wei Bin and redeem them for some money. Go out, Yamakimon won't do your thing, will they ask for your money? They just want you to die! In other words, as long as you are imprisoned in the Resurrection Temple, they will never be able to come out again until the Yamatamon is captured! This is for everyone who sets their resurrection point in Border City!

It has to be said that their proud self-esteem saved them. If they are not confident at all and set the resurrection point in the border city, then you just wait. The Yamatamon is taken down in one month, and you will be taken down in one month. Come out, Yamakimon was taken down by someone in half a year, you can go online again in half a year!

In contrast, those players who have been hanging out in the Border City all year round are in a miserable situation. For the convenience of resurrection, they directly moved the resurrection point to the Border City. But now it is better. They originally wanted to make it more convenient. If you are trapped here, how can you still have fun riding a horse? Do you want me to hang up in the game? This is like falling into a game bug. Being trapped in one place and unable to get out?

And just when the players in the Resurrection Temple were crying and howling, a system announcement appeared!

Since the border city of our country has been captured by the Yamatamon, the system is now recruiting heroes from all walks of life to go to the border city, kill the Yamabimon, and liberate the border city. During this period, our country will open all major cities in the Middle-earth continent. Free teleportation channels between cities and border cities, and before the Yamatamon is conquered, the reputation gained from killing all Japanese pirates will be doubled. All players who participate in killing the Yamatamon will receive different rewards based on their contribution. Rewards, in order to motivate players,


The reward pool is hereby announced in advance

The damage caused by the Suppressor Medal 1 to Japanese pirates is increased by 30, the damage received from Japanese pirates is reduced by 30, the reputation gained from killing Japanese pirates is increased by 30, and a Suppressor halo is obtained. The halo is effective for the gang to which the holder belongs. Under this halo, Each player recovers 100 points of energy per second, which only takes effect in the Japanese pirate territory and the border between the Japanese pirates and the Middle-earth continent.

The skills of the Suppression Set 1 set will reduce the blood limit of all Japanese pirates within a range of 100 to 100 meters by 30.

The Little Boy bomb 1 can cause a devastating blow to Japanese pirates within a range of 10,000 meters. It can instantly kill Japanese warriors and Japanese pirates below, and in the next 24 hours, anyone who enters will be killed. Japanese warriors and Japanese pirates of lower level in this area die instantly. The little boy is only effective for the Japanese pirate family.

The Fat Man bomb 1 can carry out a devastating blow to the Japanese pirates within a range of 10,000 meters. It can instantly kill Japanese pirates of Japanese warriors and below, and in the next 24 hours, anyone who enters the area will be killed. Japanese warriors and Japanese pirates of lower level in the area will die instantly. The fat man is only effective for the Japanese pirate family.

The Suppression Potion Recipe 1 restores 100 points of gas per second and lasts for 60 minutes. It is only effective in the Japanese pirate territory and the border between the Japanese pirates and the Middle-earth continent. It requires licorice 5+honeysuckle 5 and a pharmaceutical level of 8.

As soon as this announcement came out, not to mention the Stone Forest Kingdom, the entire Middle-earth continent was boiling!

"What a shame, this reward is too perverted, isn't it? It seems that the invasion of Japanese pirates has really touched the bottom line of the Stone Forest Kingdom! Otherwise, we wouldn't have spent such a high price to recruit warriors!"

"Who says it's not the case? What's the biggest difficulty in being in the borderlands now? It's not about the formula for the suppressant potion. It's not the lack of combat power, it's the supply problem. As long as the supply problem can be solved, even three-year-old players can fight in the borderlands. They can defeat Japanese pirates with ease! Now why are Mansan players having difficulty establishing a foothold in the border areas and not daring to go deep into the hinterland of Japanese pirates? Are they afraid of Japanese pirates? Wrong! It’s not because their supply is a problem! If their supply problem is solved , then there will be a large number of Mansan players stationed in this border city. By then, the Japanese pirates will still be considered small, and the number of Japanese pirates in the Japanese pirates will not be as large as the players! And this pirate-suppressing potion formula perfectly solves this problem , as long as you have the anti-piracy potion, you are still walking sideways in the Japanese pirate territory? You can attack wherever you want?"

"The Suppression Potion? How can the Suppression Potion compare to the Little Boy and the Fat Man Bomb? Oh my god, these two bombs are so awesome. Although they are consumables, their characteristic of being completely barren within the range is really too great. It makes people greedy. If we encounter a situation like today, how many Japanese pirates will be killed with one shot? How much reputation will we gain? The most important thing is that this will not hurt our own people and is only effective for the Japanese pirate clan! "

"These two bombs? No matter how powerful they are, they are just one-time consumables. In my opinion, even if these two bombs are added together, they are not as powerful as this bandit-suppressing suit. Its attributes are equivalent to seven-star handmade equipment. The set skills It is even more terrifying. The blood limit of all Japanese pirates within a range of 100100 meters is reduced by 30. What does this mean? It means that the strength of these Japanese pirates will be reduced by 30. In the time it takes you to kill two Japanese pirates, I can kill three. My efficiency It’s 50 more than you, how can we still play this? This is simply a powerful tool to increase your reputation!”

"When it comes to tools for gaining reputation, which one is better than this Suppression of Bandits Medal? Such a prop should not exist in the world at all. Isn't it too buggy? The damage caused to Japanese pirates is increased by 30, and the damage taken from Japanese pirates is increased. Decrease by 30, and increase the reputation gained by killing Japanese pirates by 30. What is the concept of stepping on a horse? Even a Japanese warrior is as brittle as paper in front of the holder of the Suppressor Medal. If this is used to increase reputation, Not faster than your suit?”

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