Game within game of online games

Chapter 753 A large number of players poured in

Why is Wei Bin not afraid of purple lightning, but only afraid of the death sickle? It's because this skill loses blood based on a percentage!

If Wei Bin is hit by this skill when his health is 50, he will finally lose 150, which will then be multiplied by 1. 1 health, which means that he will lose 55 health, which means , even if he hits this skill with half health, he will definitely die, not to mention that he still has 10 health left!

If he hits this skill when he has 10 health left, he will lose 901.1 health in the end, which is 99 health. He only has 10 health left, and in the end he still owes Yamakimon 89 With his blood volume, can he survive?

This is why Wei Bin is afraid of this green sickle skill!

Just when Wei Bin was about to leave his body in seconds, use the locator to go to the teleportation array, and rejoin the battlefield, something unexpected happened!

"Strange, why am I not dead yet?" Wei Bin expressed great surprise!

"You? Not dead?" At the same time, Yamakimon also made a sound of surprise.

1. The 5-second stun time has passed. Logically speaking, it is time to calculate the damage. Why is Wei Bin, who only has 10 HP left, still standing here alive?

Wei Bin didn't have time to think about this problem. No matter what reason he survived, for now, he only had one idea, and that was to run!

Wei Bin turned around and flew towards a Japanese pirate warrior in the direction of the large army with a Ling Shen move. Then, he teleported into the large army with a Ling Bo move!

Seeing Wei Bin suddenly appear beside them, the Emei people quickly started to add blood to him! After adding blood, Wei Bin finally realized that it was Chonglou Jia's passive skill that probably saved him!

Chongloujia has a skill that passively resists control skills. After entering the battle, it will resist control skills for you every 20 seconds!

Obviously, although the Death Scythe has its own damage, it is also a control skill. As long as it is a control skill, regardless of whether you carry damage, the Chonglou Armor can resist this skill. It was this skill of the Chonglou Armor that saved him. Life, if there is no Chongloujia, he still owes Yamakimon 89 blood...

"Wei Bin! You deserve to die, all of you deserve to die!!!" Yaqimon could no longer bear the anger in his heart. Its two strongest single-target ultimate moves were given to one person at the same time. Finally, You haven't been able to kill this person yet? How could it not be angry?

"Let's adjust our direction and head towards the teleportation array!" Wei Bin said.

This so-called adjustment is not actually a change of his plan. This step is actually part of his plan, but the implementation time needs to be determined based on the actual situation. At the moment, all the Japanese warriors at the teleportation formation have been attracted to them. Coming over, the teleportation array has been flashing with light frequently, and many players have teleported over from other cities!

What are these people here for?

Obviously, they are here to pick up the damage!

Because a month ago, when the Stone Forest Kingdom released the task of conquering the Yaqi Beast, it also announced the reward content. This reward is not only for who kills the Yaqi Beast. This reward is actually divided into many categories. , and the award will be finally given based on the damage caused to Yaqimon. That is to say, the person with the highest damage can get the first prize, and the person with the second highest damage can get the second prize. Finally, Even if you only cause a little forced damage to Yamatamon in this battle, you can still get rewards, but the rewards will be smaller!

It is precisely because of this mechanism of awarding rewards based on damage ranking that it has attracted the covetousness of the majority of players. These people have been watching the live broadcast. If Nirvana is not capable of defeating Yamatamon, it will not be able to defeat them even if they are killed. Come here to fish in troubled waters. You must know that only players who participated in the battle to kill the Yamatomon can get rewards. If the Yamatomon is not dead, then it will be useless even if you cause 100 million points of damage! And they are here now, exactly


Because they felt that Yamatomon had lost more than 30% of its health, they thought that Nirvana had a high chance of defeating Yamatomon, so they came out one by one, trying to take advantage of the troubled waters. , cause more damage to Yamatamon, and get some rewards at the end!

Of course, not everyone thinks this way. Some people found a place to get mad after teleporting here. These people are Tianshan sect players. They don’t want to get rewards in this battle. They want to After Yamatamon dies, he takes advantage of the situation and snatches away the items dropped by Yamatamon. This is Yamatamon. With so many magical skills, how many divine items will it drop? They are not afraid of offending Wei Bin because of this. If they pick up even one of these props, their trip will be worthwhile and it will be worth their risk! So these days after Tianshan was teleported to the border city, he did not immediately join the battlefield. Instead, he found an inconspicuous place to hide, and later decided whether to go forward to snatch the dropped items depending on the situation!

Wei Bin's idea is also very simple. He knows that after the battle reaches a certain level, a large number of neutral players will come to fish in troubled waters, because the reward mechanism determines that there will definitely be a large number of bargain-hunting players. These are the people in front of him. Wait eight seconds. The HP of the Qi Beast is getting less and less, and more players will come here to pick up bargains. Wei Bin wants to guide the Qi Beast in the direction of these players, hoping to reduce the losses of the Nirvana people by letting these neutral players share the damage. , of course, mitigating Nirvana's losses is only one aspect, the most important thing is to ensure that Nirvana can capture the Yamatomon. If there are no neutral players to share the damage, Nirvana can also capture the Yamatomon, then Wei Bin will definitely not Choose to let these neutral players share the damage, because there are too many variables, and it is inevitable that some will grab equipment!

This is the reason why Wei Bin moved in the direction away from the teleportation array from the beginning. If Wei Bin's tactics can be implemented perfectly, then he does not need these neutral players to share the damage at all. Wei Bin pulled Yaqimon away from the teleportation array. The formation is to guard against neutral players who grab equipment. You must know that there are a large number of Japanese pirate warriors around Yachimon. It is not easy for neutral players to reach the vicinity of Yachimon through the group of Japanese warriors!

Unfortunately, the most important team of four players in Wei Bin's plan was wiped out. Wei Bin felt that if this progress continued, they might not be able to capture the Yamatamon, so he had no choice but to use plan B to divert the disaster eastward. Let neutral players share the damage!

Since Nirvana's position at this time forms a right-angled triangle with the teleportation array and Yamakimon, and Yamagimon is standing at a right angle, so when Nirvana is heading towards the teleportation array, Yamakimon simply takes a shortcut to intercept Nirvana's troops!

Just a few dozen meters away from the teleportation array, Yamatomon successfully intercepted Nirvana. This time, Yamatomon was smarter. He no longer stared at Wei Bin to kill him. He knew that Wei Bin had teleportation skills. He is difficult to kill, so this time he specially picked the soft persimmons!

Every two heads of Yamatomon focus fire on one target. Two heads, that is, two projectiles. Players with a maximum limit of five cannot withstand two attacks from Yamatomon, so as long as they are not Nirvana members who have undergone reconstruction, As long as you are attacked twice, you will definitely die! Of course, there are exceptions for players who have triggered Unyielding and Self-reward!

As long as the two heads of Yamatomon attack one of them, regardless of whether he dies or not, Yamatomon will switch targets, because there are two possibilities for this person not to die. The first is that like Wei Bin, he is a rebuilder and has With a very thick blood volume, even if he fires another round of volleys, he can't kill this person! Another possibility is that like the full four players just now, they have a special life-saving method, and this life-saving method lasts for a long time. Even if he fires another round of volleys, he still can't kill this person! Therefore, Yamakimon simply attacks each target for one round, and will switch targets regardless of whether there is one or not!

Seeing how quickly Yamatamon adapted, Wei Bin decisively handed over the Chongloujie Acupoint Sealing Skill that had already cooled down.

, although it can only seal the acupuncture point for five seconds, it can save one person. These people here are the main force of Nirvana. Losing not one of them is a huge loss! The most important thing is that these people are all owners of the Halo of Heart, and at least one of them must survive. If all of them die, then they will have failed today, because players will no longer enjoy the Halo after they die and are resurrected. Got it!

Five seconds later, Yamatomon woke up and once again chased and beat everyone in Nirvana. When Nirvana was out of the attack range of Yamatomon, there were only more than twenty people left!

However, apart from the bad news, there is still good news. The first good news is that Nirvana has come into contact with the neutral players who came from the teleportation array. With the existence of these neutral players, Nirvana no longer has to be like before. , endured the endless fury of Yamatamon! The second good news is that after a long period of consumption, Yamakimon's blood volume has dropped to 30!

To be honest, it is precisely because of the number 30 that these neutral players have the courage to step forward. Although they have been teleported to the border city long ago, they have always maintained a safe distance from the Yamakimon and Japanese pirate warriors. , there was no real battle, I am not a fool, I rushed up to fight to the death with Yamatamon when it still had 60 to 70% HP. In that case, even if they caused some damage, , so what if you finally got some rewards? They will definitely die. As long as they die once, they will lose money! Because in addition to them, there will definitely be other players coming to deal damage later. If the damage ranking of the players behind them exceeds them, then they will lose!

But it's different now. Yachimon's blood loss is too fast. It loses 1 blood every three seconds. If this progress continues, Yachimon will die in more than a minute at most. , if they don’t take action at this time, they will have no chance! And as long as they take action now, as long as they fight faster, they can kill the Yaqi beast as soon as possible, so that those behind them have no chance to come up to deal damage. In this way, their ranking will be saved!

Little did they know, they could actually break through Yamakimon's defense? They only know that Nirvana can cause harm to Yamatomon, so they think they can also cause harm to Yamatomon. Little do they know that Nirvana relies on the aura of devotion to harm Yamatomon. If they knew this, they would be killed. They won't take the risk!

In order to prevent the others from discovering that it was difficult for them to break through the defense of Yamatomon, Wei Bin once again returned to a place ten meters away from Yamatomon and used the aura of exhaustion to consume Yamatomon, because if he did not come back, Yamatomon would Qimon will no longer lose blood. If Yaqimon stops losing blood, other players who are eager to try, including those players who have not yet teleported over and are sitting back and watching what happens, will find that these people cannot break through Yaqimon's defense at all. Once they discover this, they will be in trouble. If they know that they can't break through the defense of Yamatamon, then who else will teleport to this border city, and who else will take the damage for Nirvana?

Furthermore, Wei Bin's intermediate goal is to capture the Yamatamon. If he doesn't step forward, how will he capture the Yamatamon? Are you counting on this group of neutral players who can't break through Yamakimon's defense?

Due to the participation of neutral players in the battle, Wei Bin did not attract any attacks from Yamatomon after he joined the battlefield. Yamatomon still prefers to be weak. Wei Bin can teleport, and Yamatomon also knows that it is difficult to kill him. Drop Wei Bin!

In this way, Yamakimon's blood volume steadily decreased.

Just when Yamakimon's blood volume was still 20, those players who had not yet teleported to the border city finally couldn't sit still. If they don't come to the border city now, they may not even be able to drink the soup. On!

Ever since, when Yamakimon's HP was still 20, a large number of players poured out from the teleportation array in the border city and joined the battlefield one after another. For a while, all kinds of amazing skills flew up!

"Huh? Why is it only a little forced to hurt?


Harmful? Can't break through the defense? "

"Holy shit, I can't break through Yamakimon's defense!"

The players who joined the battlefield were shocked. This was something they had never imagined before coming. They only saw that Yamatamon lost blood very quickly, which naturally gave them the assumption that Yamatamon's defense was not particularly high. That's why they joined the battlefield. It can be seen that Wei Bin's tactics were successful!

However, the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. Even though these people could not break through Yamakimon's defense, they still had no intention of retreating because they knew in their hearts that they could not break through Yamakimon's defense, and others could not break through Yamakimon's defense either. Qi Beast's defense, if everyone causes a little forced damage, then everyone will be fair to each other. Anyway, the final competition is the damage ranking. As long as they persist, attack a few more times, and win based on the number of attacks, whoever has more attacks will win. The more, the higher the ranking will be!

Thinking of this, these players no longer have any resistance. Since there are so many people here doing damage, will the attack of Yaqimon be their turn? It was this fluke mentality that fueled their determination to stay and attack Yamakimon with all their might!

When Yamakimon's HP is 15, more and more players come to take damage. At this time, the number of players has far exceeded the number of Japanese warriors. In their hearts, Nirvana may really be successful this time. Lost Yamatamon! If we don’t mess around now, when will we wait?

Waiting until the HP of the Yamatamon is 10, the number of players present has reached the peak of this battle. Looking around, the vast sea is full of human heads. The Yamamimon in front of you can't see the unscrupulous massacre of the past. The momentum of players in Border City? At this time, it is more like a street rat that everyone shouts and beats, waiting for the end of its life!

"What a shame! Me, me, me, I seem to be rich!"

"Hahahaha! I got rich. I bet a hundred gold on Nirvana to win, and I earned eight hundred gold in seconds. From then on, when I go out to drink soy milk, I have to buy two bowls, drink one bowl, and pour another bowl! Wait, I have it all I already have 9 million federal coins, but I’m still drinking Nimo’s soy milk?”

"Does winning eight hundred gold count as getting rich? I bet one thousand gold on Nirvana to win. Did I speak?"

"Hahahaha! Although I didn't bet on Nirvana to win, I'm just happy because I know some people will be slapped in the face soon!"

"Slap in the face? Yes, I remembered. I just framed Wei Bin, saying that Wei Bin had no real intention to rescue the trapped players in the Resurrection Temple. He said that Nirvana was only in name to fulfill its promise, so it only sent 100 I come here to express my opinion. Where is the person who said this? Where is he now? You should stand up!"

"That's it, what about those people who just said that Wei Bin only sent 100 people here to show off his promise? Didn't you say that Nirvana is not possible? You should come out and say something now!"

"That's right, you just screamed so fiercely, but now you come out and say something? What? Are you scared now? I don't believe you can survive everyone's saliva!"

Suddenly, the Big Dog live broadcast room exploded again, and the screen was instantly flooded by the real and fake fans of Nirvana!

"I was the one who sprayed it, what's wrong? Didn't you just spray Nirvana? Didn't you curse Nirvana and make you lose money? What? Now that Nirvana is improving, have you forgotten what you just said? "

"That's right! How can you be any better? Did you just say that Nirvana was a trader when you saw that only a hundred people came to Nirvana? You said that Wei Bin deliberately let the water go and bet all his belongings on himself to lose, so that he could take advantage of everyone. Money in hand??”

"That's right, we are just pretending to criticize Nirvana and don't want to really save the players who are besieged in the Resurrection Temple. What about you? You said that Nirvana is manipulating. Doesn't this slander Nirvana even more? You fake fans are really turning your back on each other. It’s so fast to turn the pages of the book!”

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