Game within game of online games

Chapter 754 War of words

Those people who complained about Nirvana's pretense began to fight back. I just said that Nirvana retreated when it was difficult. When Nirvana knew that Yamatamon could not be conquered, it stopped trying its best to conquer it. But what about you fake fans? You actually say that Nirvana is a trader and that Nirvana is stealing your money. Aren't your remarks even more abominable?

Most of the people who will win by buying Nirvana are fans of Nirvana, and as fans of Nirvana, you are so quick to betray Nirvana. Nirvana, isn’t it even more abominable?

"Those you are talking about are just fake fans of Nirvana. They only have money in their eyes. They just think Nirvana will win, or they just bet on Nirvana because they want to turn their bicycles into motorcycles. They are not real fans of Nirvana, so please People who insult Nirvana and say they don’t want to save people at all don’t want map cannons, don’t slap all Nirvana fans to death, and don’t let the black fans take the lead, okay?”

"It's just that the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. You can't treat those fake fans of Nirvana as our real fans. Aren't we putting ourselves at risk?"

Real fans of Nirvana couldn't sit still after hearing the players complaining about the map. For a while, a three-party melee started!

This scene is exactly what the Big Dog anchor wants to see. It is a good thing for someone to quarrel. The quarrel will bring him popularity. As long as there are quarrels in the live broadcast room, more and more people will come in to watch the fun!

Seeing that Yamakimon's blood volume is getting less and less, the players participating in the battle are becoming more and more excited, and the swords in their hands are slashing more vigorously! Every cut is a reward!


"Everyone, retreat immediately and occupy the high ground. The higher the place, the better!" Wei Bin ordered, and then Wei Bin also withdrew from the distance of ten meters from Yamatomon, making Yamatomon out of the coverage of Jiexin's halo. .

"Gang leader, there are too many people, we can't move!" Xuanyuan said.

Wei Bin looked back, "Hey guys, this crowded scene is probably only seen in tourist attractions during festivals, right?"

"Forget it, everyone turns on invincibility!" Wei Bin ordered again.

Wei Bin gave an order, and the baby's divine blessing skills instantly blessed every Nirvana player's body! Immediately afterwards, Wei Bin returned within ten meters of Yamatomon again, and once again covered Yamatomon's body with the halo of exhaustion!

There was a crash, and Yamakimon's blood volume was cleared.

"We won? We won? Hahaha, we won!"

"I wonder what kind of reward I can get for this output just now!"

"Hey, if I had known that this Yamatamon was so cowardly, I should have joined the battle for a while!"

Before the Nirvana man could be happy, these passers-by spoke first.

However, they were happy too early!

I saw the Yamaki beast crashing, and its blood volume was indeed cleared, but its body instantly turned into a vast ocean, and the raging waves attacked menacingly in all directions!

Where have these players seen such a famous scene? They only know that Yamakimon's blood volume has been cleared. As for what the water is used for, they have no idea! But they immediately knew what the water did!

As soon as the flood came into contact with these players, their blood volume instantly dropped at a rate of 100,000 per second.

"Damn it, this water is poisonous! What is this horse riding thing?"

However, the first player affected by the flood was submerged in the ocean before he finished speaking. How much health can he have? Two to three hundred thousand blood? How could he withstand the devastation of this flood? In the blink of an eye, this man's health bar was emptied and he went to the underworld to drink soup from Po Meng!

The fate of the others was also surprisingly similar. No one survived the flood!

At this time, those long-range sects have become somewhat popular. After all, they are relatively far away from Yamakimon and have a reaction time of three or four seconds, but let alone three or four seconds.


Okay, even thirty seconds won't help. Now in this crowded situation, where can they run?

In this situation, those players who are relatively close to the building are more popular. Among these players, there are some players with quick eyesight and quick hands. When they see the water rushing over, they immediately use various teleportation skills to teleport to the roof. , only then dodged a disaster!

"Damn it, what's going on with this horse rider? Why is he flooded all of a sudden?"

"Hahaha, it's a good thing I didn't go to the border city to cause harm. I didn't end up not getting the ranking, but I also risked my life in it!"

This flood directly caused the players to explode. The anchor Big Dog was clever. Seeing that the flood had killed all the players in front of him, Big Dog hurriedly activated the Divine Blessing skill and escaped. , as a war reporter, the God Bless Baby is a must-have for him, because the battlefield is changing rapidly and life may be in danger at any time. Without a baby who has learned the God Bless skill, he is destined to be unable to be a war reporter!

Not long after, the flood flooded the entire border city. Wherever the flood came, it did not distinguish between friend and foe. Not only the players, but also the Japanese pirate warriors who were in the same group as Yamakimon were wiped out!

Soon, after submerging the entire border city, the water gradually began to become nothingness, until finally, not a single drop was left!

After the flood disappeared, the Border City suddenly became extremely empty, with only a few hundred players hiding on the roof remaining! Of course, there are also players on the ground who used divine blessing skills to escape disaster!

"Wei Bin! I will kill you today!" After the water disappeared, a voice came from nowhere. After hearing this voice, the hairs on the hairs of the players present stood up instantly.

"Fuck, this voice sounds so familiar."

"Is this the wail and resentment of Yamakimon before it died?"

"It, it's not dead, is it? Why didn't I receive any system prompts? There was no reward ranking, and no experience gained!"

"Ah!" A sharp-eyed player suddenly shouted, his eyes looking straight in one direction, his eyes full of fear!

Everyone looked in his direction, not knowing what to do. At this sight, everyone was shocked. They seemed to have become wooden figures, standing there motionless!

"It's resurrected!" Wei Bin said.

All the Nirvana players also looked in that direction, and saw a shadow gradually emerging. At first, it was just an outline. Gradually, the outline began to be fleshed out, until finally, a full-blooded Yamatamon appeared. In everyone's sight!

"It, it, it's resurrected! Run!"

I don’t know which player was the first one to react. If they were asked to deal damage to a half-healthy Yamatomon, they would definitely not hesitate, because the defeat of Yamatomon was already determined and they had nothing to fear. of! But if they were facing a full-blooded Yamatamon, they wouldn't be able to resist at all. They would have only one thought in their minds, and that would be to run!

This player's words of running completely activated the desire to escape in the hearts of other players. For a moment, they jumped off the roof one after another, losing varying degrees of blood, but at this time they could no longer care about losing blood. , their teleportation skills are still cooling down, and the only way to save their lives is to jump directly down!

For a moment, many players jumped off the roof like a tide and started running wildly in the same direction from different directions. Their ultimate goal was-the teleportation array!

"Damn it, why is Yamatomon resurrected again? Yamatomon is really strong. Now that Nirvana has damaged most of it, do they still have the ability to attack Yamatomon again?"

"I don't care how much I ride on the horse. I just want to know what to do with my money. I still want to drink one bowl after another. Now that I have poured it, I can't even drink soy milk, woo woo woo!"

"you do not

It's just a loss of one hundred gold. I deposited one thousand gold on horseback. Did I say anything? Now I lose even my underpants, so who should I talk to for explanation? Woohoo, it looked like I was about to win, but in the end, I suddenly overturned like this? Falling from high altitude to the bottom of the valley, my little heart is broken! "

"Haha, isn't it exciting? We have obviously seen the dawn of victory, but in the end we overturned here, haha! It's too early for you to be happy, and you still want to turn your bicycle into a motorcycle? What are you thinking about? How can there be so many motorcycles for you? How can it be so easy to defeat Yamatamon?"

"That's right, in fact, I already knew that Yamakimon would be resurrected. I didn't say it on purpose. I just wanted you to have a taste of this psychological gap. Haha! Nirvana must be defeated! I seem to have seen the white money moving towards I'm running here!"

"Nirvana is over and it is impossible to win. I think those of you who bet on Nirvana must have mines at home. You have too much money to spend on Nirvana to buy Nirvana! You actually believe that Nirvana will win. What are you thinking in your mind? What?"

"You already knew that Yamakimon would be resurrected? Why are you bragging? It's only an afterthought!" ??

"Do you care if this is an afterthought? Anyway, I won. Nirvana can't attack Yamatamon again. Nirvana's situation at this time is just like the one a month ago, or even worse than the one a month ago. Nirvana ran away with his tail between his legs a month ago, what do you think Nirvana will do this time?"

For a moment, the Big Dog live broadcast room exploded again. Those players who bet on Nirvana will lose again got their blood pumped and jumped out to taunt those who bet on Nirvana to win!

"Everyone cheer up, the battle has just begun!" Wei Bin ordered.

As soon as Wei Bin finished speaking, the remaining twenty or so people hurriedly formed a new formation to try to resist the attack of the Yamatamon!

The situation at this time, compared to when they first entered the border city, compared to their nirvana situation a month ago, to be honest, there are advantages and disadvantages!

The advantage is that at this time, the border city has been completely washed away by the great flood caused by Yamakimon. Not only the players died in this raging flood, but even the Japanese warriors were not spared. At this time, there were only more than twenty Nirvana people left in the entire border city, and a lone polished commander, Yamakimon! Without the harassment of the Japanese warriors, their situation would naturally be much better, and they could concentrate on dealing with the Yamatamon! Although the Japanese pirate warriors outside the city will rush into the city one after another and continue to cause trouble to Nirvana, that will only happen in two or three minutes. It will take time for them to escape, right? Two or three minutes are enough for Wei Bin to consume half of the Yamatamon's blood!

The bad news is that they have much less manpower than before. Not only did they lose four or more players as bait and output, but they also have very few players who have five or more players left. At this time, their number has dropped to the lowest level. , if you want to defeat the Yamatamon, it depends on whether the Nirvana people die first or the Yamatamon dies first!

After the resurrection, Yamakimon has a dark cloud above his head, and lightning flashes from time to time in the dark cloud, which is very scary! Since Wei Bin was the only one within Yamatomon's attack range at this time, Wei Bin bore the brunt of Yamatomon's attack.

"Wei Bin, I heard that you are very strong? Come and have a showdown with me!" Yamatamon said majestically. Although it has died once, its face is still full of confidence, as if Wei Bin Bin is like an ant who can be kneaded by him!

"Haha, it was you who invaded our border city first. Today I will act for heaven and eradicate you!" Wei Bin said with a laugh!

That's right, Wei Bin used his special skill again - delaying time! At this time, Yamatomon is under the aura of his devotion. Every second he can delay it is better to delay it for five or six minutes and directly drag Yamatomon to death!

"Haha, I have to say that you are the most powerful human being I have ever seen, and you are also the first human being who has seen me after my transformation. For this reason, I, Yamatamon, am willing to call you the strongest! However, I'm afraid, Your strongest title can only be guaranteed


Stay one day, because there is no way you will survive! Also, don’t try to delay time! "After saying that, the Yamatamon moved its snake god and attacked in the direction of Wei Bin...

As Yamakimon attacked in the direction of Wei Bin, he opened his mouth wide, and eight projectiles were spit out from his mouth and launched in the direction of Wei Bin! It is a long-range attack. It approaches Wei Bin in order to close the distance between the projectile and Wei Bin, thereby shortening the flight time of the projectile and making it harder for Wei Bin to dodge. As a battle-experienced Yamagimon, this combat skill He still knows it very well!

Seeing eight projectiles heading towards Wei Bin, since the distance between Wei Bin and Yamakimon was only ten meters, Wei Bin thought that he could not dodge these eight projectiles. After all, there was only 0.25 seconds of lag in the air. Time, even if he could react, his body couldn't keep up. If he wanted to avoid these eight projectiles, there was only one way, and that was to teleport!

Thinking of this, Wei Bin decisively teleported towards the direction behind Yaqimon with a wave of Lingbo. Moreover, he grasped the distance very accurately. He happened to teleport to a position ten meters behind Yaqimon. This position The whole body can still be covered with the halo of exhaustion on Yaqimon!

Seeing Wei Bin teleporting behind him, Yamakimon couldn't help but laugh!

"Haha, Wei Bin, you've been fooled! Do you really think I'm targeting you?" Yamakimon laughed.

After saying that, Yamakimon's red head opened his mouth, and a fireball flew in the direction of Nirvana's large army!

Seeing the fireball flying over, everyone in Nirvana didn't take it seriously, because the Yamakimon was 30 meters away from them, and the limit distance of its trajectory was only 20 meters. In other words, the fireball would eventually be ten meters away from them. It exploded meters away. According to the big fire ball that Yaqimon used before its resurrection, the fireball will form a certain range of fire wall on the ground after the explosion. The radius of the fire wall is only seven or eight meters at most, that is He said that they were still two or three meters away from the boundary of the fire wall. They were absolutely safe!

"Run away, stay away from there!" Seeing that Yamakimon did not turn around to attack him, but sprayed a fireball at the Nirvana people, Wei Bin shouted that something was wrong and hurriedly urged everyone to take refuge!

Seeing that Wei Bin was so nervous, even though everyone knew that the fireball could not hurt them, they still did not dare to neglect. Wei Bin was more experienced than them. Although they did not understand Wei Bin's words, they definitely had Wei Bin's own reasons! So as soon as Wei Bin finished speaking, everyone was ready to disperse and leave the place!

However, time was running out and they had no time to escape. Wei Bin only reminded everyone to escape after discovering the fireball ejected by the Yamakimon. However, the fireball was the trajectory of the Yamakimon and only lasted 0.5 seconds in the air. Wei Bin As soon as he finished speaking, the fireball exploded on the ground. For a moment, smoke rose everywhere, and the flames after the explosion splashed in all directions! Just as everyone was about to leave, the flames splashed on them!

"Holy shit! Why is the explosion range of this fireball so much larger? This fireball looks no different from the one it just launched!" The bug in Qian's eyes cursed.

After being splashed by the flames, everyone in Nirvana hurriedly escaped from the wall of fire. However, after 15 figures escaped, no follow-up personnel came out! All other Nirvana players who reached the limit of five died in the explosion, and no one survived!

"Did you see the dark cloud with lightning crossed above its head? That's a sign of enhanced skills. Now that its skills have been strengthened, don't judge its current skills based on the power of its previous skills!" Wei Bin explained.

The Yamata-no-Orochi has the ability to make wind and rain. Wherever it goes, it will be shrouded in thunderclouds, because there is a famous sword hidden in its body - the Sword of Amancongyun. This famous sword has the ability to stir up clouds and make rain. Therefore, wherever Yamata-no-Orochi passes, there are always rain clouds!

Although Yamatamon is only one of the many clones that Yamata no Orochi decomposes into after being killed, it still possesses the original ability of Yamata no Orochi, which is the ability to control wind and rain! Just now, Yamakimon turned into a vast ocean after its death. It was its ability to control the wind and rain that materialized!

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