Game within game of online games

Chapter 810 Challenging the first person to single out?

After the end of the Fairyland, Bingyue Hanxin's blood volume has just dropped to 90, and its blood volume is so high that it is staggering!

Bingyue Hanxin moved his muscles and forged his bones with one move, and his blood was restored to full in an instant. When Lin Qianhong saw this, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood! I had surrendered all my skills, but in the end, I was able to make up for it with Bingyue Hanxin's move of changing muscles and forging bones!

Yijin Forging Bones: Increases the upper limit of blood by 10, and then instantly restores 10 blood for 10 seconds. At the same time, the Hunyuan effect is obtained. When attacked, up to 6 enemies within 3 meters will cause direct damage of 20 ground points of self-attack, lasting for 10 seconds. , cooling time 50 seconds.

Not only that, Bingyue Hanxin's muscle-changing and bone-forging technique also adds a Hunyuan effect to Bingyue Hanxin. This Hunyuan effect is similar to the effect of subduing demons, causing six enemies within three meters around to be damaged by Shaolin's attack power of 20!

However, there are still some differences in the effects of Hunyuan and Fumo. First of all, as long as the Shaolin player approaches the enemy in the Fumo state, the enemy will automatically be harmed. As for the Hunyuan effect, the Hunyuan effect is better than the Fumo effect. There is one more trigger condition, that is, the Shaolin player must be attacked. Only when attacked can the Hunyuan effect be triggered, thereby causing harm to others!

Apart from this difference, the two have more in common, such as the scope of action, the number of targets, and damage! The damage caused by these two effects is direct damage. What is direct damage? Direct damage is damage that ignores defense. Even if the target's defense is higher than your attack power, it will be useless if the opponent resists your attribute attacks. You can still cause corresponding damage because it ignores defense! It's like the half-anger skill of every sect!

What’s more, the damage described in its damage is the damage of its own attack power of 20. The attack power mentioned here refers to all attack powers, including external attacks and attribute attacks!

Generally speaking, the effect of subduing demons is slightly stronger than the effect of Hunyuan. After all, the Hunyuan effect requires a triggering condition. If the opponent does not hit you, then you will not be able to trigger the Hunyuan effect!

Next, both of them had no control skills, and no auxiliary and damage reduction skills such as Golden Bell Mask, Salute to Tathagata, etc., so the two had no choice but to fight each other!

Bingyue Hanxin's blood volume is twice as much as Lin Qianhong's, reaching more than 4 million blood, which is higher than Wei Bin. However, Lin Qianhong has Meteor Chasing the Moon and Dharma Soul close by, and Bingyue Hanxin can only cause 40% damage to him!

What about Lin Qianhong? Although his blood volume is only half of Bingyue Hanxin's, he can cause full damage to Bingyue Hanxin without any damage suppression at all!

From this point of view, the two are basically evenly matched. No one is in a sure-win position. Either one of them is likely to win!

Just when Bingyue Hanxin's blood volume remained at 70, Lin Qianhong's blood volume was slightly higher, and he still had 75 blood volume left!

At this moment, Bingyue Hanxin's Destiny Xuanfeng flashed with red light. Immediately afterwards, the Destiny Xuanfeng's blood volume dropped by 10, and then Bingyue Hanxin's blood volume recovered by a small amount!

After that, Bingyue Hanxin's blood bar began to grow continuously.

Super Symbiosis sacrifices 10 of the precious beast's current health to restore five times the blood to the owner. The lower the player's health, the better the recovery effect, up to an additional 100! After use, within one minute, the owner's blood volume will be restored to the upper limit of 5 per second!

"Super symbiosis?" Lin Qianhong knew the effect of super symbiosis very well, because his destiny Xuanfeng was learning super symbiosis. He had used this skill countless times in daily life. Lin Qianhong was naturally familiar with its effect. It couldn’t be more familiar!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Qianhong's Destiny Black Phoenix also flashed red. Immediately afterwards, Lin Qianhong's health bar also recovered by one section. However, the one section he recovered was twice the amount of blood that Bingyue Hanxin had just recovered. Times as much!

That's right, Lin Qianhong also used the super symbiosis of Destiny Xuanfeng, which severely restored a large amount of his blood!

So the question is, since they are both super symbiotic, why did Bingyue Hanxin's health bar only increase by a small amount, but Lin Qianhong's health bar increased by a large amount?

Is Lin Qianhong's destiny black phoenix's blood limit higher than Bingyue Hanxin's destiny black phoenix's blood limit? After all, the effect of symbiosis skills is closely related to the baby's upper blood limit!

In fact, this is not the case. The two people's destiny black phoenixes are exactly the same, and even their blood volume is exactly the same! Both of their Destiny Black Phoenix have 200,000 HP, and the effect of Super Symbiosis is to consume their current 10 HP, which is 20,000 HP, and then multiply it by 500, which is 100,000 HP!

The super symbiosis of the two restored 100,000 health to their respective masters. This is actually exactly the same. The reason why the two of them do not seem to have restored the same amount of blood in terms of visual effects is actually because of their upper blood limit. Due to the difference, Lin Qianhong only has a blood volume of just over 2 million, but Bingyue Hanxin has more than 4 million blood. For Lin Qianhong, this 100,000 blood is about one-twentieth of the blood volume, but for Bing Yue Hanxin, What about Yue Hanxin? This 100,000 blood is only one-fortieth of it. From a visual point of view, the amount of blood recovered by Lin Qianhong is naturally much greater than that of Bingyue Hanxin. In fact, they are the same!

No matter it's different, it doesn't actually matter, because this amount of blood is only a very insignificant part of the blood volume that Super Symbiosis restores to the player. You know, Super Symbiosis and Level 1 to Level 5 symbiosis, and even with Compared with advanced symbiosis, there is one very obvious difference, which is also a point that makes super symbiosis qualitatively change! That is, after using Super Symbiosis, you can also get a state of continuous blood recovery, and this recovery state is based on a percentage of blood recovery. It can restore the blood volume of the upper limit of 5 every second, that is to say, it only takes 20 seconds. In a matter of seconds, a player can recover from empty health to full health!

This is a bit abnormal! You know, the cooldown time of Super Symbiosis is only one minute, which means that its continuous blood recovery state can be rotated continuously, and 300 blood volume can be restored in each axis!

The 100,000 blood just now was only one-twentieth of Lin Qianhong's and one-fortieth of Bingyue Hanxin's. Compared with the subsequent recovery of 5 per second, isn't it slightly insignificant?

Sure enough, in every second after that, the two of them continued to recover their blood volume every second!

"These are two super symbionts!" the onlookers at Nirvana sighed, and there seemed to be an ominous premonition in their hearts...

Super Symbiosis can restore the target's maximum blood volume of 5 per second. With Lin Qianhong's output, can he kill Bingyue Hanxin's 5 blood per second? Obviously impossible, Lin Qianhong has the strength to kill Bingyue Hanxin in 20 seconds? nonexistent!

Similarly, can Bingyue Hanxin kill Lin Qianhong with 5 health points per second? That's even more impossible. Bingyue Hanxin only deals 40 damage when hitting Lin Qianhong, and it's also impossible to kill Lin Qianhong in 20 seconds!

In fact, this is indeed the case. The battle is developing in a direction that no one wants to see but has expected!

That means it's a protracted war

"How can we fight like this? His blood regeneration speed is faster than the blood loss speed when I hit him. If this continues, it will be difficult to determine the winner of this battle!" Lin Qianhong thought to herself.

"Super Symbiosis vs. Super Symbiosis, this is not a contest of strength, but a contest of endurance!" Bingyue Hanxin also had the same idea!

Baby's skill Symbiosis is recognized by everyone as a rubbish skill, even Wei Bin is no exception. He also thinks it is a rubbish skill from the bottom of his heart. It is also a skill in the same skill slot, whether it is bloodthirsty or dispelling. , or a blood sacrifice, whichever one must explode the 10086 streets of symbiosis?

Let alone symbiosis, even advanced symbiosis or even super symbiosis cannot be said to be a symbiosis.


This is a powerful skill, not only the ordinary one to five level symbiosis, nor the advanced symbiosis, but here we only use the boss of symbiosis skills, super symbiosis, what is the effect of super symbiosis? What are its highlights? Can I restore 500 HP? No! The base of this 500 blood volume is 10 of the current blood volume of the rare beast. Even a top-quality baby can only restore hundreds of thousands of blood to its owner at best. What can hundreds of thousands of blood do? When the limit is reached between five players, more than 100,000 blood can only be used by two or three attacks at most! Therefore, the amount of blood recovered instantly cannot be regarded as the power of super symbiosis!

The great thing about Super Symbiosis is that after using it, it can restore the maximum blood volume of 5 per second. But is this 5 significant? Whether it is big or small depends on who its owner is. If it is a player who has experienced perfect reconstruction, then this effect is indeed very strong, such as the core members of Nirvana. Among the core members of Nirvana, except for Lin Qianhong, the sword is deviant. Besides, among the others, which one doesn't have more than three million blood?

For a person with three million health, a health of 5 means more than ten or two hundred thousand blood. What is the concept of restoring more than ten or two hundred thousand blood per second? Those players who have reached the maximum level of 5 and have not experienced reconstruction only have 300,000 or 400,000 HP. This amount of recovery is already staggering!

For those who have also participated in the reconstruction, but have not experienced perfect creation before the reconstruction, after the reconstruction, they will only have more than one million blood at most. After all, not everyone has the financial resources and resources like Wei Bin. Not everyone is willing to synthesize eight level nine rubies with connections, not everyone is able to acquire all kinds of carving patterns for rebuilders to build, and not everyone has enough military exploits to use them to build them. Not everyone who has been granted the seal by them can help others obtain a resurrection stone in a very short period of time to increase the blood limit of 500,000. Wait, not everyone can rebuild a group of people like Wei Bin. After the personnel are built from head to toe, and built to their peak condition, Cai Shuai leads them to rebuild. Ordinary rebuilders, when they reach their level after rebuilding, will only have more than one million blood at most!

For such ordinary rebuilders, the health of 5 is only sixty, seventy thousand, seventy or eighty thousand. Compared with this group of perfectly built rebuilders in Nirvana, the recovery effect brought by their super symbiosis Much better!

Despite this, this kind of people are still more cost-effective when using super symbiosis. They are afraid of comparison in everything. People of their class belong to the type of people who are more inferior than those above. Although they are not as good as the core members of Nirvana, they are But it is much better than most people. After all, only these few people have experienced perfect reconstruction of Nirvana! For example, what about those who have not undergone re-training, even if they are players with a limit of five or even six? How much blood can they have? Half a million blood burst the sky! How much is 5 with half a million blood? It’s just 25,000 blood. It restores 25,000 blood every second for a bird! In a real fight with players of the same level, who can't have tens of thousands of normal attacks? The recovery amount of 25,000 is really stretched!

And this effect of restoring 5 blood volume per second is the only reason why players will choose Super Symbiosis. Without this recovery effect, Super Symbiosis will definitely be out of print, and no one will create a Super Symbiosis baby!

As analyzed before, the 5 recovery effect of Super Symbiosis only has some effect on the rebuilder. If you are not a rebuilder, then even if you are a player with a limit of six, this recovery amount will not matter. For eggs!

But how many re-cultivators are there in total? Let alone one in ten, one in a hundred, one in a thousand, or one in ten thousand is not enough to describe this number. Currently, there are three to four billion players in the entire Middle-earth continent, that is, There are only a dozen re-cultivators of Nirvana, and the low ratio is obvious!

Some people may want to say that the secret of rebuilding has not been spread yet. One day, when people know that there is such a gameplay as rebuilding, the number of players who will rebuild will naturally increase!

This statement sounds very reasonable at first glance, but if you dig deeper, you will find that this statement cannot stand up to scrutiny at all! Why?

Because not many people would choose to re-cultivate, even if they knew about the existence of re-cultivation!

What kind of people would choose to retake the course?

The first type is that high-combat players with deep pockets should at least start with a limit of five or more, because the cost-effectiveness of rebuilding is the most cost-effective for high-combat players. The blood limit of high-combat players is already very high, so the cost-effectiveness of rebuilding will naturally be high. Got it!

However, not every high-level player is willing to rebuild, because the price of rebuilding is to return to zero level. Not to mention the future, let’s talk about now. Even if the secret of rebuilding has been spread now, there are several high-level players. Are players willing to rebuild? Resetting the level to zero is no joke. As long as they rebuild it, it means that before the large army reaches the full level, it is impossible for them to catch up with the level of the large army. After all, they are more than two years behind the large army. This is no joke!

The second type of people are life players. They don’t pursue high combat power or high levels. As long as they rebuild, they can have high attributes without spending much money, because after rebuilding, they can get 50 per level. Compared with before the reconstruction, you can only get two free attribute points for each level up. This is already a very powerful reward!

There may be relatively more people like this, but will players of this kind of life create a super symbiotic baby? Absolutely not! Super skills are too luxurious. Which life player would be willing to create a super skill?

In the final analysis, the scope of application of Super Symbiosis is only for high-combat players, and even for high-combat players, not many people will choose to rebuild due to level reasons. This shows the actual scope of application of Super Symbiosis!

There may be many people remastering this game, but the vast majority of remasters will not build a super symbiosis. Only those remasters with high combat power are likely to build it. The scope of this application is too small!

This is why almost all players, including Wei Bin, think Super Symbiosis is a rubbish skill because no one uses it at all! Even if there are, they are only individuals!

And just such a rubbish skill actually appeared in today's battle, and two of them actually appeared at the same time!

What's going on with this horse riding? Is the super symbiosis going to make a comeback? Is the attendance rate so high? Bingyue Hanxin is a big Shaolin. He needs to resist monsters and recover. His blood limit is the highest among all heroes, even higher than Wei Bin. He can barely make it while carrying a super symbiotic baby. After all, the higher the blood limit, Super Symbiosis is more cost-effective. After using Super Symbiosis, Bingyue Hanxin can recover more than 200,000 blood per second!

But what about Lin Qianhong? Why did he also create a super symbiotic baby? As a damage-dealing sect, wouldn't bloodthirsty and dispersal be more compatible with him? Why did he choose such a skill?

The most important thing is that the damage they cause to each other cannot reach 5 per second! The cooldown time of Super Symbiosis is only one minute, and the duration is also one minute, which means that Super Symbiosis can be used continuously. Does this mean that as long as their output damage per second does not reach the opponent's upper limit of 5 health, So none of them can do anything to anyone? draw?

Everyone looked at the two of them going back and forth with dull expressions. At the beginning, Lin Qianhong avoided his sharp edges and refused to fight him when Bingyue Hanxin opened the golden bell. As time went by, Lin Qianhong He didn't even bother to run around to delay it. Anyway, even if he stood still, Bingyue Hanxin's damage per second would not reach 100,000, and his blood volume would always be at full health!

In this way, the battle lasted for ten minutes

After a long time, someone finally couldn't hold it any longer!

"I would like to ask, in this situation, can it be a draw? The two of them are almost always at full health. When will the fight end?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Yeah, we won't keep watching them here until the end of time, right?" Tranquility also said.

"Don't worry! The winner will be decided!" Wei Bin reassured.

"Will this determine the winner? Gang leader, they will soon be out of blue. If blue is gone, there will be no health. When will the fight be over?" He said while cutting the wire with a kitchen knife.

"You only know the effects of super symbiosis, but you don't know the limitations of super symbiosis. Did you see the expressions of the two of them? No one of them wants to say the word draw, because they know that between them, There will definitely be a winner! Because there is a restriction on the use of super symbiosis, super symbiosis can only be used when the baby's blood volume is higher than 10!" Wei Bin explained.

"In other words, there is a limit to the number of times Super Symbiosis can be used? Because the use of supplies, including rare animal rations, is prohibited in the arena. This means that Super Symbiosis cannot be used an unlimited number of times. When they use it up to After reaching a certain level, the baby's blood volume will be lower than 10, and by that time, they will no longer be able to use super symbiosis?" Bing Xin asked.

"Well, that must be the case! They are competing for endurance to see who can use up the number of Super Symbiosis first! However, there is one thing that cannot be explained. Since both of them use Super Symbiosis babies, they must know that Super Symbiosis Symbiosis is restricted, so why don’t they prioritize killing each other’s babies? If so, wouldn’t the other party be unable to use Super Symbiosis? Why have they been fighting each other for so long? What’s the point of this?” There seems to be some confusion about cutting wires with a kitchen knife.

"Perhaps, at the beginning, they really wanted to win! However, after they all knew each other's babies' skills, their ideas changed. They may think that they would compete to see who has higher endurance. It seems more interesting than directly deciding the winner!" Wei Bin guessed.

If Lin Qianhong wants to prove himself, he will inevitably have the idea of ​​​​fighting Bingyue Hanxin for endurance. You must know that the strength of Bingyue Hanxin, who has super symbiosis, is endurance. If Lin Qianhong defeats Bingyue Hanxin's strength, wouldn't it be proof? What's the best way for you?

On the other hand, Bingyue Hanxin has eight level nine rubies on his body, and he is the number one person in Nirvana's duel. Even Lin Qianhong is not willing to win by killing the baby first, and Bingyue Hanxin How can you do it? His self-esteem does not allow him to do this. He can be inlaid with eight level nine rubies. If he does such a thing, what if he wins? This is a sure victory without force!

So, there was this scene in front of them. The two were competing with each other, trying to compete with each other for endurance, trying to defeat each other through endurance!

"Comparing endurance? How can Lin Qianhong compare with a great Shaolin? Bingyue Hanxin can easily forge bones, and the higher the blood limit, the higher the cost-effectiveness of super symbiosis. Lin Qianhong's crispy Wudang should not be able to compete with Bingyue Hanxin. Yue Hanxin, right?" Die Wu said.

"Crispy Wudang? Ask the Empress of Soochow and the Blood Sea Demon Lord, is Lin Qianhong crispy?" Wei Bin had just finished speaking. Diewu seemed to suddenly realize something. Yes, she had just watched the match between Lin Qianhong and Soochow Empress and Blood Sea Demon. With the output of Soochow Empress and Blood Sea Demon, hitting Lin Qianhong was like As if scratching an itch, this Lin Qianhong really cannot be described as crispy. I just don’t know how he got rid of the title of crispy Wudang!

"That's not necessarily true. Although I'm not sure whether Lin Qianhong can win this competition, at least he has a chance of winning!" Wei Bin said.

What Wei Bin said was not groundless!

In fact, the number of uses of Super Symbiosis between the two is the same. Super Symbiosis requires sacrificing 10 of the baby's current blood volume each time, which is then multiplied by five and converted to the owner. In other words, after using Super Symbiosis once, the baby's The blood volume will be 90. After using it twice, the baby's blood volume will be 81. After using it three times, the baby's blood volume will be 72. 9...

Since the number of times both sides have used Super Symbiosis is the same, and the output and damage per second of both sides cannot reach the opponent's upper limit of 5 HP, can we think that, pretending that neither side has Super Symbiosis, the two of them will ultimately fight for it? What about this tube of blood?

Yes, that’s it! What they are fighting for is more than four million blood and more than two million blood. Whoever's blood volume will return to zero first!

However, this process is full of variables, such as now...

The competition has been going on for twenty minutes, and both sides have used up their super symbiosis times, and a variable has appeared!

Bingyue Hanxin is out of breath!

The Shaolin sect's concentration growth is already low, and after such a long period of fierce battle, everyone will run out of energy!

However, Lin Qianhong does!

Why? Logically speaking, Lin Qianhong relies on Meteor Chasing the Moon and Magic Soul to resist damage, and the principle of these two skills to resist damage is to use Qi to resist blood. Lin Qianhong himself has been releasing skills, coupled with Bingyue Hanxin's attack, Theoretically speaking, Lin Qianhong's energy should be consumed faster? Why is it that Lin Qianhong is still angry after twenty minutes of fierce fighting?

This comes from the underlying logic of Shield Wudang. The essence of Shield Wudang is indeed the shooting star chasing the moon. It would be great if it can be matched with the soul of Dharma. However, if you want to play Shield Wudang well, you need a steady stream of Qi. , Shield Wudang is just a physical Wudang. When the Qi of Dun Wudang is used up, Dun Wudang is more fragile than Blood Wudang and Ling Wudang, because Dun Wudang has no gas to use Tiyun Zong and runs away. Blood Wudang and Ling Wudang No matter how fragile they are, they can't run out of energy! If you want to play Shield Wudang well and become the best in Shield Wudang, it is not enough to have these two skills. What is the use of having these two skills? At best, others have more than 200,000 blood and you only have 400,000. What's the use of having more than 100,000 more blood than others? Sooner or later it will run out!

If you want to become a qualified shield Wudang, you must have a steady stream of Qi, and the source of this Qi is the curtain-lifting style!

The Curtain Lifting Style is a defensive state skill of the Wu-Dang Clan. In this state, every time a Wu-Dang Clan player attacks the target three times, he or she can recover up to 1 qi of the upper limit of qi. Yes, this is a skill that restores qi according to a percentage of the upper limit of qi. In other words, if a Wu-Tang Clan player's Qi limit is relatively low, then the Qi recovery effect is useless. Is 1 Qi useful? Not even one skill is enough!

But if it is someone like Lin Qianhong, who has experienced perfect reconstruction of Dunwudang, it will be completely different. Lin Qianhong's Qi is not of the same order of magnitude as other Wudang's Qi. Maybe Lin Qianhong's Qi, It can match all the Qi of other Wudang sect players. You know, Lin Qianhong has a Qi upper limit of 1.3 million. Whether it is a blood Wudang or a Ling Wudang, how many people will pursue the upper limit of Qi? These Wudang Clan players only have about 10,000 qi, and Lin Qianhong 1’s qi is more than 10,000!

The existence of the lifting curtain type greatly improves the endurance of the shield Wudang, making the shield Wudang no longer just a human shield Wudang. The lifting curtain type allows the shield Wudang to advance into a sustaining Wudang. Such a Wudang has high output. ability, and also has a very tenacious battery life. It can be said that the curtain-picking style is the icing on the shield Wudang cake!

This is why Lin Qianhong is always angry, although he is only half angry!

"What? Why do I feel like Bingyue Hanxin is about to die? His health bar is only 60, and Lin Qianhong


There are still 80? What's going on? A Wudang man could actually fight against a Shaolin man's attack, and even win in the end? "Die Wu said in disbelief. If anyone is the most surprised, it must be Die Wu. After all, she and Lin Qianhong both belong to the Wudang sect. She naturally knows Wudang's strength very well!

If it were her, she wouldn't be able to defeat Bingyue Hanxin, who was wearing eight level 9 rubies, or Bingyue Hanxin, who was wearing only level 5 rubies. She can't defeat her on the premise of ground vs. bombardment, because the Wudang Clan has low health and low defense. It is a sect that relies on positioning and flying kites to win. If she can cheat and delay the cooldown of her skills by running away, let alone Wudang Clan. The level 9 ruby ​​Bing Yue Han Xin was so shocked that even she dared to step forward and compete with the level 9 ruby ​​Bing Yue Han Xin in front of her!

But now? Lin Qianhong actually used a tough method to fight against Bingyue Hanxin, a great Shaolin, and even vaguely gained some advantages. Is this still Wudang? How can any Wudang sect player still have an advantage in a fight with a foreign skill sect player? What exactly is going on? Diewu's heart is full of questions!

"Not necessarily!" Wei Bin said.

"Gang leader, you support Lin Qianhong now, and then say not necessarily. Who do you think you are optimistic about? How about a change now?" He said while cutting the wires with a kitchen knife.

"The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. Who knows who will win. I just think that Lin Qianhong has a chance of winning. As for who can win, to be honest, I am not sure! However, you can't just look at the surface. Based on my understanding of Lin Qianhong, Although he currently has a slight advantage in blood volume, he probably won't be able to hold on for long!" Wei Bin analyzed.

Unexpectedly, not long after Wei Bin finished speaking, Lin Qianhong's blood bar suddenly dropped faster!

a few seconds ago.

"Can't you stand it anymore?" Lin Qianhong muttered to himself, and then he chose to manually turn off the Meteor Catch the Moon status skill.

Because, his anger has bottomed out, and without it, there is no need to continue to turn on his Meteor Chase the Moon. At this time, relying on his curtain style is no longer sustainable!

If he continues to drive Meteor to catch the moon and Bingyue Hanxin, in the end, he won't be able to use even a single skill, because he will be knocked out by Bingyue Hanxin's attack as soon as his energy is restored!

But if the skill of Meteor Catch the Moon is manually turned off, it will be different. Just relying on a magic soul skill will not consume much energy from him at all. He will have enough energy to release the skill!

"It's strange, the damage has actually increased!" After Lin Qianhong manually turned off Meteor Chasing the Moon, Bingyue Hanxin immediately noticed the abnormality, because his damage directly increased a lot! Weird, this is so weird!

As time goes by, the blood volume of both parties continues to decrease. The difference is that Bingyue Hanxin's blood volume decreases at the same rate as before, but Lin Qianhong's blood volume decreases at the same rate as before. Around 3, it suddenly increased to a drop of more than 4 per second. This quickly attracted the attention of the Nirvana members watching!

"What's going on? Lin Qianhong's blood volume seems to be declining faster..." Die Wu said in surprise.

"It seems to be true. If you hadn't told me, I would have thought it was my imagination!" said the Bull Demon King.

"You are right, Lin Qianhong's blood bar has indeed dropped faster! Do you know why this is? Why did Lin Qianhong's blood bar drop very slowly when Bingyue Hanxin had the Qi release skill, but now Bingyue Hanxin doesn't have it? Did Lin Qianhong's health bar drop faster after using the Qi Release skill?" Wei Bin looked around!

"Why?" Diewu blurted out without thinking. She was really curious. As a fellow disciple of Lin Qianhong, having a body like Lin Qianhong was something she didn't even dare to think about. What was hidden in Lin Qianhong? What kind of secret is it holding? Die Wu is so curious. If possible, she would also like to have a body like Lin Qianhong!

"Because the route he took is different from yours. You took the conventional Blood Wudang route, but Lin Qianhong took the unique Shield Wudang route!" Wei Bin explained.

"The Shield Wudang route? What kind of school is the Gang Leader's Shield Wudang route? I have been playing Wudang Clan for more than two years, and I have only heard of two schools: Blood Wudang and Ling Wudang. I have never heard of Shield Wudang!" Die! Wu blinked her big eyes and asked as if she had discovered a new world.

"Actually, generally speaking, there are three types of Wudang routes, not just two. These three schools are Shield Wudang, Blood Wudang and Ling Wudang. In terms of the construction methods of these three types of Wudang, offensive equipment There is not much difference in terms of equipment and gems. The difference is mainly reflected in defensive equipment and gems. Among them, the most players take the bloody Wudang route, accounting for about 90%, because Wudang is too anemic. People like me and you , it’s okay for the Wudang Clan with a fixed team, no one will dislike you, but for passers-by, it’s different. Most of them don’t have a fixed team, which means that every time they level up or clear a copy Sometimes, you need to form a temporary team, but you know the strength of Wudang. No one is willing to form a Wudang Clan player, even though the Wudang Clan’s aura growth ranks first among all sects! So, the Blood Wudang sect was born. In order to be able to team up with others, Blood Wudang embedded blood stones on defensive equipment to increase his blood limit, because in the team column, teammates can only see the teammate's blood limit and cannot see other attributes. So when a player with a high health limit joins the team, his teammates will think of him as a Wudang with high combat power because of his high health. After all, his health is so high, and his other attributes should not be much different! As for Lingwudang, among all the schools of Wudang, Lingwudang accounts for about 9%. The so-called Lingwudang, their construction route is completely different from that of Blood Wudang, and it can even be said to be completely opposite. Lingwudang’s defensive gems, Sapphire replaced ruby. You should know that sapphire increases spiritual energy. For Wudang Clan players, spiritual energy means output. Wudang Clan’s spiritual energy growth ranks first among all sects. The central idea of ​​Lingwudang is to use strengths and avoid weaknesses. Fully Give full play to your own strengths and avoid your own shortcomings. Isn’t it true that Wudang Clan has the highest spiritual energy growth? Then simply increase spiritual energy in all places where spiritual energy can be increased to maximize its output. Because in defensive equipment, sapphire It belongs to the same type of gemstone as ruby, so if a sapphire is inlaid with a ruby, it cannot be inlaid with a ruby. This means that the blood limit of Lingwudang is very low. This is the flaw of the Comprehension Pill, that is, it will die in the light! Don't let the enemy touch you. If you hit you, you will die, and if you touch it, you will be injured! However, you must know that each piece of equipment can be inlaid with four gems. For defensive equipment, the fourth hole cannot be inlaid with rubies, but it is It can be inlaid with sapphires, which means that Ling Wudang does not only have one row of sapphires more than Blood Wudang, but two rows of sapphires! This output is much higher! Although Ling Wudang's blood limit is far lower than that of Blood Wudang, its upper limit of blood is far lower than that of Blood Wudang. The output is much higher than that of Blood Wudang! Although Ling Wudang has the disadvantage of weak blood, you must know that the physical growth of Wudang sect is at the bottom among all sects. Instead of following the trend and blindly pursuing physical strength like Blood Wudang, It is better to give full play to the advantages of the sect, exploit its strengths and avoid its weaknesses, and fully bring out the characteristics of the sect! This is the idea of ​​​​Lingwudang! Most of the players who dare to take the Lingwudang route have a fixed team, and they have long-term teammates. , you don’t have to worry about being like a passer-by in Wudang, because your blood limit is too low and no one is willing to form a team. A fixed team is the backing of players who choose to take the Ling Wudang route! "Wei Bin explained.

"As for the Shield Wudang genre, so far, except for Lin Qianhong, I have never found any Wudang who has chosen this route, because the Shield Wudang route is so unpopular that no one will notice this way of building, even if Even Wu-Tang Clan players have a hard time realizing it!" Wei Bin continued.

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