Game within game of online games

Chapter 811: The first person to challenge?

"Regarding the number of Shield Wudang players, according to my estimation, even in the later stages of the game, the number of Shield Wudang players accounts for only 1 at most. It is too rare! At this stage, the Wudang that players are discussing There are only two types of factions: Blood Wudang and Ling Wudang. Do you know why? Because the current Tianlong environment is like this. Only blood is the most important. Without blood, no one is willing to group you even if you have 100 million attack power, because you It is untenable. The pressure from others is the wedge that leads the vast majority of Wu-Tang Clan players to follow the Blood Wudang route! In addition to Blood Wudang, there will always be some people who want to take the wrong approach and give full play to the advantages of the Wu-Dang Clan. If you take the extreme attack route, the growth rate of Wu-Tang Clan is the wedge that guides players to take the Ling Wu-Dang route! But Shield Wu-Dang is different. Shield Wu-Dang has neither the pressure from other passers-by as a guide, nor the temptation of ranking first in spiritual energy growth. As a stimulus, there is no stimulus point to stimulate players to develop this shield and Wudang genre!" Wei Bin continued.

"Gang leader, you have said so much, but you still haven't said anything about Shield Wudang. What is the difference between Shield Wudang, Blood Wudang and Ling Wudang?" Diewu seemed a little impatient. I don't want to know if there is any excitement. To stimulate players to take the Shield Wudang route, I just want to know what Shield Wudang is, and what is the difference between Shield Wudang, Ling Wudang and Blood Wudang!

"Don't be anxious, let me tell you slowly! I don't know if you have noticed that Wudang Sect has a skill called Meteor Catch the Moon!" Wei Bin looked at Die Wu.

"Does the meteor chase the moon? Well, I've heard of it! It's a skill that takes 50% of the damage received and is borne by Qi at a ratio of two to one. I know this skill. A few days ago, I was discussing with a few friends which sect skill it was. The most rubbish, Xingxiu sect players said, the Xingxiu sect’s smile is the most rubbish. It can only cause a few hundred damage per second, and can only suck a few hundred blood. What does he need to do with a skill like this? Emei friends said Emei’s The most useless thing is to sit still while still pregnant. It increases concentration. What is the use of concentration? Look at the Shaolin sect. It is also a status skill. What they increase is physical strength! I said it at the time. If you want to say There is no trash skill more rubbish than our Wudang Clan’s Meteor Rushing the Moon. The Meteor Rushing the Moon uses Qi to counteract blood. It sounds very high-end, but who has enough Qi to use to offset damage? I only have more than 20,000 Qi. , if calculated based on the damage offset of 50, as long as the opponent can cause 40,000 damage to me, my anger will be at the bottom all of a sudden, and the Wudang Clan’s defense is very low, any player with a limit of five can’t hit me four More than 10,000 damage? In other words, if I drive this meteor to catch up with the moon, they only need to hit me once, and I will become a high-level infantryman, and I will not be able to use a single skill! Gang leader, can you tell me, is this skill The most rubbish skill in Tianlong? Wait a minute, Gang Leader, you’re not telling me to stretch your energy limit, right?” As he spoke, Diewu seemed to suddenly realize something...

"That's right, the foundation of Shield Wudang is based on Meteor Chasing the Moon. Blood Wudang can support blood, so why can't Shield Wudang support Qi? The upper limit of Qi is high, wouldn't Meteor Chasing the Moon be able to play its role?" Wei Bin reminded road.

"Raising the upper limit of Qi? It's really unseen and unheard of. In the whole world, I have only heard of Emei going to support Qi. After all, Emei is a nanny profession, and the upper limit of Qi directly determines Emei's endurance! The Wudang Sect also supports it. Angry?" Although Die Wu roughly guessed what Shield Wudang was referring to, she still found it difficult to accept the fact that a player other than Emei was allowed to vent her anger!

"Look, I'm telling you now, you are resistant to letting a crispy Wu-Tang support Qi instead of HP. From this, you can see how difficult it is to get a Wu-Tang Clan player to think about this aspect independently. , this is why it has been more than two years since the server was launched, and I have not seen a shadow of Shield Wudang in the entire Middle-earth continent. How can players think about the development route in the direction that they are opposed to? In fact, It’s normal for you to feel conflicted. After all, it’s a disgusting thing to support a non-Emei sect player. Let alone non-Emei sect players, there are players from the Emei sect, and there are a few of them. Are you willing to support your Qi? During a team battle, Emei is the enemy’s priority target. Who would be willing to support their Qi in a place that can support their health? Is it possible that both Qi and blood must be supported? The cost would be high! But if You calm down and think about it, why are people so resistant to supporting qi? Why are they not resistant to supporting blood? Isn’t it because blood volume symbolizes survivability, and qi can only be used to use skills? However, when there is a person in front of you When you can use qi to increase your survivability channels, do you still feel that it is useless to support your qi?" Wei Bin said.

"That's right. We resist the upper limit of energy support because we are used to it, and by default, we treat the upper limit of energy as a waste attribute!" Diewu said.

"That's right! As a Wu-Dang Clan player, you should know that in the physical growth of the Wu-Dang Clan, one point of physical strength can only increase the blood limit by 22 points, which is the lowest among all sects. The external defense increased by physical strength is also the lowest. ! And what about other sects? Basically, it’s almost the same if you don’t reach thirty. The Shaolin sect has the highest physical growth. Even a little physical strength can increase the blood limit by 35 points. In terms of physical growth, no matter how hard your Wudang sect can sustain your blood, it can’t sustain other sects. , and it will also waste attribute points, because physical strength itself is the shortcoming of Wudang Clan and the weakness of Wudang Clan players. This is why some people choose to take the Ling Wudang route, use their strengths and avoid weaknesses, and use the same resources and the same points Invest in spiritual energy! And what about the growth of the Wudang Clan’s concentration? One point of concentration in the Wudang Clan can increase the upper limit of Qi by 16 points. There is only a difference of 4 points in the upper limit of Qi from the first place, and only 2 points from the second place! If calculated according to the damage conversion of Meteor Rushing the Moon, then, the 16-point upper limit of Qi brought by a little concentration is equivalent to the 32-point upper limit of blood? Because when Meteor Rushing the Moon uses Qi to offset the blood, a little Qi can offset it. Two points of damage! If calculated this way, the Wudang Clan’s blood volume growth is second only to the Shaolin Clan, ranking second among all sects! By using Qi to counteract blood, will the Wudang Clan’s ability to withstand beatings be directly affected? Upgraded to a higher level?" Wei Bin continued to add.

"It seems that there really is some truth! Wait a minute, gang leader, I remember that there seems to be a skill called Dharma Soul on the third skill slot of our hidden weapon, right? It also has the effect of using Qi to counteract blood. This Can skills and Meteor Catch the Moon be superimposed?" Die Wu asked weakly.

"Haha! He is indeed a hero among women. Draw inferences from one example! You are right. The magic soul in the third skill slot of the hidden weapon can indeed be superimposed with the meteor and the moon phase. After superimposition, a little energy can offset more damage. If it is an orange magic soul skill, after stacking with Meteor Rushing the Moon, it can offset 60 damage. In other words, you will only receive 40 damage in the end, and the other 60 will be borne by Qi! If you receive 1000 points of initial damage , in the end you only need to lose 400 blood and 240 qi! In other words, your 240 qi offsets 600 points of damage, which is equivalent to a little qi can offset 2.5 points of damage. If calculated according to this ratio, Then the 16-point energy limit brought by your concentration is equivalent to the 40-point blood limit. By then, it will no longer be the Shaolin sect that ranks first in physical growth among all sects, but your Wudang sect. I Is that true? This is the power of Shield Wudang. As long as you have enough energy, you can have a 60% damage reduction effect! That's what Lin Qianhong is like in front of you!" Wei Bin said.

"Gang leader, is the Shield Wudang easy to build? Can I change the route now?" Diewu seems to be a little interested in the Shield Wudang. After all, the difference between the Shield Wudang and the Blood Wudang is only reflected in the choice of physical strength and concentration. It involves a lot of things. In terms of output, that is to say, the output of Shield Wudang and Blood Wudang should be similar. Since they are similar, why not choose the Shield Wudang route that is more resistant to beatings?

"As for building a Shield Wudang, personally, it's a little easier than a Blood Wudang. We just need to combine all the physical strength and


Where there is a conflict between determination and strength, choose Ding Li. Wherever there is a conflict between the upper limit of qi and the upper limit of blood, just choose the upper limit of qi! Moreover, the black gems of Dunwudang and the sapphires of Lingwudang can be inlaid on the fourth hole of the equipment. In other words, Blood Wudang can only inlay one row of rubies, but Shield Wudang can inlay two rows of black gems. To increase concentration, there is one more way to obtain concentration than physical strength. Moreover, in terms of equipment selection, if one piece of equipment contains physical attributes and another piece of equipment adds concentration, then the equipment that increases physical strength will definitely It is the object that countless people are flocking to, but the equipment that increases concentration is slightly less popular, so the pressure of equipment selection is relatively small! In fact, Shield Wudang can choose equipment with both physical strength and concentration, as well as upper energy limit and blood limit. In this way, Shield Wudang will be even more powerful! However, although it is easier to build a Shield Wudang than a Blood Wudang, it is too late for you to transform now. You can become an ordinary Shield Wudang now, but you are destined to not reach the peak of Shield Wudang! "Wei Bin said.

"Why? Why can't I transform, Gang Leader?" Die Wu was originally very interested in what Wei Bin said, but when Wei Bin said that it was too late for her to transform, Die Wu's heart immediately fell to the bottom. This was a bit Isn't it too offensive?

"It's easy to be an ordinary shield Wudang. You only need to replace the rubies on your body with black gems, choose your equipment again, and replace all other areas where physical strength and concentration conflict with concentration! But that's it! , if you want to become a powerful Shield Wudang, if you want to reach the peak of Shield Wudang, you must go through the rebuilding of the Shield Wudang route, but when you rebuild, you take the Blood Wudang route. If you make the wrong move, you are destined to miss the peak of Shield Wudang, because the upper limit of Qi brought to Shield Wudang by rebuilding is too generous! When rebuilding, not only the upper limit of blood will be doubled, but the upper limit of Qi will also be doubled. Rebuilding will bring a bonus to the upper limit of qi, and your upper limit of qi will be much less. This will lead to an embarrassing situation, that is, an imbalance of qi and blood. When your qi is used up, you still have a lot of blood left! In short, those who did not deliberately go through the special shield-wudang creation route during the reconstruction are destined to be unable to reach the peak of shield-wudang in this life!" Wei Bin said.

"Oh, then I will never have a chance to be with Dunwudang in this life?" Diewu's voice became lower and lower as she spoke. Obviously, she was too disappointed, and she loved Dunwudang so much!

"Haha, Die Wu, our vision cannot be limited to a certain point. You can't just see the power of Shield Wudang and destroy the majesty of your own Blood Wudang! The reason why Blood Wudang can become the mainstream is because In addition to the rhythm brought by passers-by, it definitely still has its advantages. Among the three Wudang schools, relatively speaking, Dun Wudang is more inclined to defense and puts more emphasis on stance output. Dun Wudang advocates that staying alive means output. Every extra second you live, It can output one more second! And what about Lingwudang? Lingwudang completely gave up defense and pursued extreme attacks. What they focused on was explosive power. Anyway, even if the Wudang sect is inlaid with rubies, it is still the weakest one at the bottom of the entire sect. Pi Sect! Simply pursue high attack and at the same time take advantage of the Wudang Clan’s strengths! You know, no sect is more suitable for taking the extreme attack route than the Wudang Clan, because the Wudang Clan’s physical growth is very low, even if it gives up physical strength It’s not very distressing. In sharp contrast is the Mingjiao. The power growth of the Mingjiao is the same as the aura growth of the Wudang Sect. They both have one point of aura, and their strength is equal to five points of attack power. They are also in their respective internal and external skills fields. The person who has grown the most, can the Mingjiao dare to take the extreme attack route? They don't dare, because they are a melee-type sect. Once they give up their physical strength, they will be as brittle as a piece of paper and die in the face of light. Such a creation What is the use of the method? The Wudang Clan is different. Anyway, the Wudang Clan is a long-range sect. Just hide and deal damage during team battles! The above are Shield Wudang and Ling Wudang. Next, let’s talk about the Blood Wudang route you are taking now. Well, Blood Wudang is all about balance. It neither pursues extreme attacks nor extreme survivability. Blood Wudang has relatively good survivability, and its output is not too low. You don’t have to worry about being killed instantly. You can also use Ling Wudang’s White Crane Spreading Wings amplification skill! If you really regret the Blood Wudang route you took after listening to Dun Wudang’s route, then you might as well transfer to Ling Wudang’s sect? Blood Wudang wants Transforming into Ling Wudang is too easy, and Ling Wudang and Blood Wudang can be transformed at will. Unlike the transformation into Shield Wudang, the method of reconstruction has already destined that transformation is impossible!" Wei Bin said!

"Lingwudang? In fact, Lingwudang is not impossible. I have already gone through re-training, and the blood limit has been raised. To be honest, my pursuit of blood volume is not so urgent now!" Diewu seemed to have made up his mind. .

"That's right, it's Ling Wudang. For someone like you, who has gone through perfect reconstruction, has a very high blood limit, and has a fixed team of Wudang, it would be a bit annoying to play a Blood Wudang. In fact, I have long planned to help you transform. Lingwudang! Let’s do this. After Lin Qianhong and the others finish the game, how about we help you transform? I happen to have a few pieces of equipment that are very suitable for Lingwudang. When your transformation is successful, you can go and fight Lin Qianhong again. How about the field?" Wei Bin comforted.

"Look, the two of them are almost done fighting!" As soon as Wei Bin finished speaking, An Jing said hurriedly.

Everyone looked at, good guy, Lin Qianhong didn't know what the situation was, he was a bit lacking in stamina. He is losing blood much faster than Bingyue Hanxin. Therefore, although Bingyue Hanxin's blood volume is not as high as Lin Qianhong's, according to this blood loss If the situation continues, Lin Qianhong's blood volume will be equal to Bingyue Hanxin sooner or later, and she may even die before Bingyue Hanxin!

The blood volume of the two people gradually decreased. Just when Bingyue Hanxin's blood volume was still 10, Lin Qianhong's blood volume also dropped to 10. Although the two people's blood volume was both 10, Lin Qianhong's 10 could be Not as thick as Bingyue Hanxin! Lin Qianhong's 10 only has more than 200,000, while Bingyue Hanxin's 10 has four to five million blood. The quality of blood is different, so the amount of blood represented by the percentage will naturally be different!

"Lin Qianhong is finally going to lose. If he can even defeat Bingyue Hanxin, wouldn't he become the first person in our Nirvana besides the gang leader?" said the Bull Demon King.

"Bingyue Hanxin's body is inlaid with eight level nine rubies. It is already very difficult for Lin Qianhong to fight to this point!" said the Lion King.

"Are you so sure that Lin Qianhong is going to lose?" Wei Bin said with a smile.

"What? Does Lin Qianhong still have a chance of winning? Now they both have 10 left, but their health volume is more than doubled. The output of both sides is about the same. Can Lin Qianhong still win?"

"I don't think so. You have all overlooked one thing! That is anger! Lin Qianhong still has a lot of energy, but Bingyue Hanxin has no energy at all!" As soon as Wei Bin finished speaking, Lin Qianhong threw the bird's tail away. Go up!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Qianhong took a few steps back and distanced herself from Bingyue Hanxin. When there were still 3 seconds left for the effect of the bird's tail, Lin Qianhong turned around decisively and began to use her luck to perform Pegasus Waterfall!

Lin Qianhong's plan is very simple. The control time of Lan Que Tail is very long, and as long as Bingyue Hanxin is attacked, he will wake up immediately. During this period, he can take the opportunity to distance himself from Bingyue Hanxin, so that First, after Bingyue Hanxin wakes up, if he wants to attack him, he will have to run over, which will undoubtedly increase his chance of survival!

After the Pegasus flew over the waterfall, Lin Qianhong threw it up with another move, sealing the acupoint for four seconds again!

Each of Lin Qianhong's blows can cause about 50,000 damage, which is 400,000 damage in four seconds. In other words, when Bingyue Hanxin wakes up, he only has less than 100,000 blood left, which is two ordinary times. It's just an attack!

The moment Bingyue Hanxin woke up, she immediately opened the golden bell! And he ran wildly in the direction of Lin Qianhong!

That's right, Bingyue Hanxin still has energy to spare!

But his energy is only enough for this skill, because he really has no energy!

Wei Bin and others believed that Bingyue Hanxin's remaining energy was not enough to use his skills, because Wei Bin and others also estimated that Bingyue Hanxin's energy bar was indeed running low, but! The skills of the external sect consume too little qi. The skills of the internal sect and the external sect consume different amounts of qi. The skills of the external sect consume less qi than the skills of the internal sect. Many, for the same reason, the concentration growth of external martial arts is generally much lower than that of internal martial arts. This is a rule. A little concentration of your internal martial arts can increase the upper limit of qi by at least ten points, but what about external martial arts? In the Shaolin sect, which has the highest concentration growth among the external Kung Fu sects, just one point of concentration can increase the upper limit of qi by 12 points. The difference in concentration growth directly determines that the skills of the internal Kung Fu sect will consume hundreds of qi. And what about the skills of the external skills sect? The average consumption is only a few dozen points, so even though Bingyue Hanxin's Qi bar has bottomed out, he can still squeeze out a skill after squeezing it!

Seeing that Bingyue Hanxin opened the golden bell, Lin Qianhong had no intention of retreating from flying the kite. Bingyue Hanxin only had about 100,000 blood left. He could kill it with two ordinary attacks. If he used that again now It would be disrespectful to fly a kite to delay the time of the golden bell! What's more, he also holds a flying immortal in his hand, which is absolutely foolproof. It's hard for him to lose even if he wants to!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Qianhong flew over with the trajectory of the flying immortal from outside the sky!


"Iss actually appeared at this last moment!" Lin Qianhong thought to himself that it was unlucky, but he was not panicked. After all, Bingyue Hanxin's blood volume was running out. Even if Bingyue Hanxin was not controlled, ordinary attacks alone were enough to kill him. He wins!

After the flying fairy from outside the sky, Lin Qianhong flew over with another ballistic shot!


"Iss again?" Lin Qianhong felt a little bad. With the golden bell open, Bingyue Hanxin needed to hit him three times to kill him, and he still had 200,000 blood left. Bingyue Hanxin He needs to hit himself four times to kill himself. Although he still has some advantages now, the advantages are no longer obvious!

after all!

After all, Bingyue Hanxin's dodge is too high!

Logically speaking, the Shaolin sect's dodge growth is not high, but no matter how low the growth is, it cannot withstand the accumulation of attributes. Bingyue Hanxin has accumulated more than 3,000 free attribute points since he was rebuilt and returned to zero. He has used all of these points Added to the body technique! In fact, except for Lin Qianhong who added points to concentration, all the retraining personnel added points to movement skills. Even if Bingyue Hanxin's dodge growth is low, there are more than 3,000 movement skills points added in. Among them, The dodge will also be greatly increased! How many people in the world can reach 3000 points in body skills now?

And what about Lin Qianhong? Because he is a shield Wudang, in order to increase the upper limit of Qi, he added all his points to concentration. Since he did not add body skills, his hits were not greatly improved, while Bingyue Hanxin did. His body skills and dodge have also improved a lot! Under the circumstances, Lin Qianhong's hit rate against Bingyue Hanxin will naturally have problems!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Qianhong fired another projectile towards Bingyue Hanxin!


"What the hell? Is there such a big difference in hit and dodge between me and him? Why wasn't there such an obvious dodge probability just now?" Lin Qianhong thought to herself!

Even if he dodges three times in a row and dodges the Flying Immortal once, he actually dodges the next two basic attacks. This is a bit outrageous. What a huge gap between hit and dodge relationship is needed to have such a probability of iss!

However, Bingyue Hanxin didn't care so much. He only knew that he must rush in front of Lin Qianhong as soon as possible and compete with Lin Qianhong!

But the goddess of fate seems to have chosen to side with Lin Qianhong. After all, Bingyue Hanxin is three seconds away from Lin Qianhong. This three-second distance was just opened by Lin Qianhong while holding the bird's tail. In three seconds, It is enough for Lin Qianhong to attack Bingyue Hanxin 6 times. Lin Qianhong has attacked twice just now. Now he has four more chances. Among these four opportunities, he only needs to hit Bingyue Hanxin three times before he can arrive before Bingyue Hanxin. Kill Lin Qianhong before he gets around him! This shows how wise Lin Qianhong's move to distance herself from Bingyue Hanxin just now was. If Lin Qianhong had not chosen to distance herself from Bingyue Hanxin, she would have been able to attack Lin Qianhong as soon as Bingyue Hanxin woke up. First, Lin Qianhong needs to hit Bingyue Hanxin three times to win, while Bingyue Hanxin needs to hit him four times to win. The number of wins and losses is really unpredictable!

As time went by, Lin Qianhong was finally able to hit Bingyue Hanxin, but the hit rate was still not very high. In two seconds, Lin Qianhong's hit rate only reached 50, and she only hit Bingyue Hanxin twice. At this time, Bingyue Hanxin had arrived at Lin Qianhong's side and was eagerly raising his weapon!

Exciting, so exciting! At this time, with their blood volume, Lin Qianhong only needs to attack him once more to win, but what about Bingyue Hanxin? He needs to attack Lin Qianhong four more times to end this battle!

As Bingyue Hanxin's hand rose and fell, Lin Qianhong's new projectile hit Bingyue Hanxin's body at the same time. Lin Qianhong's health dropped to 7, while Bingyue Hanxin fell directly to the ground!

The duel between Lin Qianhong and Bingyue Hanxin finally came to an end with Lin Qianhong's narrow victory. At the end, Lin Qianhong only had 7 HP left, and she would die with three sword strikes!

"Strong! Invincible! I never thought that Lin Qianhong could be so strong!" the Empress of Soochow praised.

"It's really amazing. I didn't expect that the Wudang Clan, which I usually kill in seconds, has such a solid side. It can even kill Bingyue Hanxin, a Shaolin master with eight level nine rubies!"

"It seems that we have another dark horse in Nirvana. Lin Qianhong can definitely take the second place in Nirvana's singles list!"

Before the duel between Lin Qianhong and Bingyue Hanxin, Bingyue Hanxin was recognized as the second-ranked duel in Nirvana. After all, eight level nine rubies are not enough! The first place is naturally Wei Bin. Although Lin Qianhong has never dueled with Wei Bin, in their eyes, Wei Bin is a god. No one can beat Wei Bin in a duel, including the person who just killed him in front of them. A dark horse—Lin Qianhong!

"Wait a minute? Second place? How do you know that Lin Qianhong will not challenge the gang leader? What if Lin Qianhong wants to challenge the gang leader and defeats the gang leader?" Everyone admired and recognized Lin Qianhong very much. At that moment, the little nanny jumped out. Lin Qianhong's strength had already won the recognition of the little nanny, especially in the leader's arena. Lin Qianhong teleported to two teams of players with a limit of five or more. The scene of blocking their way made Little Naitu become his die-hard fan. That posture was so handsome and so safe. From that moment on, she recognized Lin Qianhong's strength from the bottom of her heart. She I think if Lin


If Qian Hong and Wei Bin were duel, the winning rate might be very low, but it is not completely impossible, because Wei Bin is also an internal martial arts sect. Lin Qianhong's shield and Wudang route has extremely high internal martial arts defense, which can restrain Wei Bin to a certain extent. Lin Qianhong , it’s not that there is no chance of winning at all!

"That's right, he's gone out, let's go out and persuade him to try one-on-one with the gang leader?" Xuanyuan Aiai also took the opportunity to yell, wanting to see the excitement!

Just like that, everyone left the arena copy together!

"Hey, kid, I didn't expect you to be so strong. You can even defeat the number one Shaolin in our Nirvana. You're pretty awesome. You have defeated the Great Shaolin in our minds and can rank second on the Nirvana singles list. , how about you, do you want to try a duel with our gang leader? If you defeat our gang leader, wouldn't you be the number one person in our Nirvana duel?" Xuanyuan Ai Ai instigated.

"Yes, yes, you have the potential to be No. 1 in Nirvana duel. Don't you want to give it a try? Don't you want to be our No. 1 duel in Nirvana?" Xiao Mahu also hurriedly stepped forward.

"Me? The first person in Nirvana's duel? Just me? I'm not qualified. I was able to defeat Brother Hanyue because I took advantage of a loophole. The Wudang Sect has many controls and is already strong in a duel. Although Brother Hanyue has A ninth-level ruby, but for me, this gem only has an effect on blood volume. The external defense added by the ruby ​​is of no use to me at all. If I am also an external sect, I estimate that when I die, I will not even be able to connect with Brother Hanyue. I can't defeat even half of the blood volume! Now you ask me to challenge the gang leader. Please, no matter how overestimating my abilities are, I will never think that I have won the gang leader! What is the strength of the gang leader? Can I defeat him?" Lin Qianhong was modest and humble. road.

"How will you know if you don't try? What if you win? Then you will become famous!" Little Milk Rabbit seems to be a little unwilling to give up!

"I challenge the gang leader, isn't that asking for death? How can I win! You don't know the strength of the gang leader yet? You only need one hand to beat me, haha!" Lin Qianhong laughed and asked himself, he really didn't dare to fight In Wei Bin's duel, he knew his own weight, and he also knew Wei Bin's strength. It was impossible for him to win in a one-on-one duel with Wei Bin! The reason why Xuanyuan Aai and Xiao Naitu are so optimistic about themselves is because his performance today was too eye-catching. First, he challenged the heroes in the League Leader Arena, and just defeated the Soochow Empress in the arena. , Blood Sea Demon Lord and Bingyue Hanxin, the three giants, their performance made the two of them inflated, so inflated that they actually thought they could challenge Wei Bin alone!

Xuanyuan Aai and Xiao Naitu are not awake, but he, Lin Qianhong, is sober. Lin Qianhong knows that she will never be the opponent of Gang Leader Wei. Who is Wei Bin? How much role did he, Lin Qianhong, play in the Alliance Leader Arena just now? How many people has he killed? Weren't the vast majority of people killed by Wei Bin? Didn't Wei Bin suffer more injuries than him? How can he compete with Wei Bin?

"Haha, the two of us won't fight! Today, I just want everyone to know about Shield Wudang. If we want to join the masters of Middle-earth, we must learn and understand all aspects of knowledge, including Characteristics of Shield Wudang! In addition, today I also want you to get to know Lin Qianhong again. He has been silent for too long. He was the first group of people to follow me for more than two years. During this period, no matter what arrangements were made for him, he They all worked hard and completed it silently. Among the core members of our Nirvana, he is the most low-key! It is precisely because of his usual low-keyness that you are surprised today. If he had not joined our Nirvana's three giants today, In a one-on-one challenge, I'm afraid you still don't understand Lin Qianhong's strength, right? The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. All of this comes from Lin Qianhong's hard work and endurance of loneliness! I remember, once in In the national competition in the first year after the server was launched, Lin Qianhong was almost completely defeated by the Sword Fairy. At that time, Lin Qianhong once asked me, was the Shield Wudang really that strong? Why couldn't he see any sign of his strength? I know, He has been enduring his own mediocrity for two and a half years now. He has only asked me once, but who knows how many times he has secretly asked himself in his heart? In order to become famous in today's battle , He has been suffering for too long. Today, let’s recognize him together and award him the title of No. 1 Nirvana Singles Player!” After saying that, Wei Bin clapped his hands, followed by bursts of applause. Sounds came from all directions!

At this moment, the core members of Nirvana completely recognized and got to know this comrade who had always been very unknown-Lin Qianhong!

After listening to Wei Bin's words and hearing so much applause, Lin Qianhong finally couldn't help it. Tears suddenly burst out of her eyes as if she couldn't control them!

"Everyone! Thank you for your recognition of me! Thank you also, Leader Wei! Leader Wei is right. On this road of shielding Wudang, I have asked myself many times, and I have wanted to give up many times, because shielding Wudang It was really too weak, so weak that I almost became the bottom of the entire sect! However, with the encouragement of the leader of the Wei Gang, I gritted my teeth and walked over. It was not until I rebuilt that I suddenly discovered that my The shield Wudang seems to have been sublimated, and the reconstruction has allowed my shield Wudang to truly stand up! I am grateful to the leader of the Wei clan. Without the leader of the Wei clan, I would not be where I am today! "I" Lin Qianhong said more and more.

"Okay, there's no need to be grateful. We are brothers, aren't we? And all of us here, we are all brothers. The relationship between us is not that of a boss and an employee, nor is it a relationship between a gang leader and a gang member. We are brothers, comrades who have fought bloody battles and experienced life and death together. What I want is not gratitude, but that we all need to help each other, share hardships, and share wealth!" Wei Bin said impassionedly.

As soon as Wei Bin finished speaking, the scene immediately fell into silence, but soon there was another loud roaring sound. During the whole process, no one said a word, because they knew that the real Whether it's gratitude or loyalty, it's no use just saying it from your mouth. You have to see the real way in everything. I'll see you in your future actions!

What Wei Bin said has completely penetrated into the hearts of everyone. Today's world is too impetuous. Everything is about interests first, and the relationships between people are all maintained by interests. You When you were in power, everyone fawned over you. When you fell into despair, you immediately left. In such a big environment, it is really rare to have a sincere friend like Wei Bin. How could they not cherish it?

If other bosses say such things to their employees, or if other gang leaders say such things to their gang members, it may not be sincere. It may be just a piece of cake drawn by the superiors for their subordinates. The purpose is to urge them to pay and contribute to the gang! But what Wei Bin said was different. If these people were allowed to develop on their own, who among them would be able to achieve what they are today? Which of everything on them was not given by Wei Bin? In addition to their own equipment attributes, Wei Bin will also pay them 10,000 gold every month as a reward for their contributions to the gang. This is 10,000 gold, which is 100 million federal coins. Remuneration of 100 million federal coins per month? Where can I find such a beautiful thing? Only one person in ten thousand can get this kind of treatment!

Wei Bin did not just promise them a blank check and draw a big pie, but Wei Bin first implemented the repayment to them, and then said these words, which is not credible. Need to question? It's like the boss pays you your salary first, and then you work. What else is there to say? Does Wei Bin’s character need to be questioned?

"Okay, that's it for today. Die Wu, come with me. Today, adjust your Wudang route. Transform from Blood Wudang to Ling Wudang!" Wei Bin said.


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