Game within game of online games

Chapter 812 Transformation Lingwudang

I don’t know how many people have laughed at those players who followed the Ling Wudang route, and I don’t know how many Ling Wudang players were ruthlessly killed by others in pursuit of extreme attacks. In short, if we talk about the development process of the Shield Wudang route, it is first In terms of bitterness followed by sweetness, the development process of the Lingwudang route is first bitter, then bitter, and always bitter. After all, Lingwudang is too fragile. There is not a stone on the body that adds blood, and there is a conflict between spiritual energy and physical strength in the equipment. They must also give priority to adding spiritual energy. The output of this kind of martial arts is indeed high, but only they themselves can know the pain of being killed instantly! This is also the reason why players taking the Ling Wudang route only account for 10 of the total number of Wudang players!

but! The game of Tianlong is fair, at least in each genre, the game of Tianlong is fair. If you think it is unfair, either you missed the opportunity during the most critical period of your development route, such as when the Wudang Clan was rebuilding , if you don’t choose the rebuilding route of Shield Wudang, it will be basically impossible to transform in the future! Either the route you are taking now is a route that can only be achieved in the middle and later stages. The power of this route in the early stage is naturally very average! For this situation, Lingwudang is one of them!

The reason why Lingwudang was instantly killed was because Wudang in the early stages of the game was too fragile. The Wudang sect’s physical growth was already at the bottom. You completely gave up your physical strength to pursue spiritual energy. How could you not be fragile? Can you avoid being killed instantly? But it is different in the middle and late stages of the game. As the level increases, the player's blood volume becomes higher and higher, and the skills become more and more complete. It is difficult for other players to kill Wudang instantly, but Wudang only needs one to disperse the baby. Immediately counter-control it. With the control ability of Wudang Clan and the explosive ability of Lingwudang, you can easily counter-kill your opponent!

People only know the fragility of Lingwudang, but they have not seen the output of Lingwudang. Regarding the terrifying power of Lingwudang, haha, only those who have been instantly killed by Lingwudang will understand the power of Lingwudang!

If someone says that among the eleven sects, Tang Sect has the highest explosive power, then this person must have never played Lingwudang, and must not have been instantly killed by Lingwudang. In fact, Lingwudang’s explosive power is not weaker than that of Tang Sect. Gate, and the output of Wudang Clan is more stable and the explosive ability is more durable. As for the reason!

First of all, Lingwudang can be inlaid with double rows of sapphires, and a level 5 sapphire can increase 120 points of spiritual energy. 14 can be inlaid on the whole body, which is 1680 spiritual energy. As for the carvings of the equipment, it must be carved at level 6. The aura glyphs on most players' equipment will be one level higher than the gem level. After all, each piece of equipment can only be engraved with one glyph. For a player with a limit of five or more, the number of inlays will be four. How could a fifth-level gemstone not be inlaid with a sixth-level carving? Carvings do not require high-level gem synthesis talismans like gems. Once the carvings are completed, you only need to use golden silk to upgrade them. The difficulty of obtaining them is much lower than that of level five gems!

The attributes added by carvings are the same as those of gems. In other words, a level 6 carving has the same attributes as two level 5 gems. One piece of equipment can add 240 spiritual energy, and seven pieces of the whole body can be carved. The equipment with the aura carving is 1680 aura!

This is already 3360 aura, and since we have chosen to take the route of extreme internal strength, we must inlay double rows of cat's eye stones for attack gems to use for internal strength attacks. The current mainstream creation method for Wu-Dang Clan players is to inlay double rows of opals. The yellow crystal stone in the single row is used to increase the mysterious attack, the Huang Mingshi in the single row is used to reduce the mysterious resistance, and the purple jade in the single row is used to hit. In other words, after changing to the double row cat's eye stone, Lingwudang can also be inlaid with the single row purple jade stone. When Jade hits the target, there is room for choice in the remaining row of gems. You can choose to inlay citrine to deal mysterious damage. However, this construction method can be used to deal with players who are three or below. If it is against If you have players with a limit of four or more, it will be a bit stretched. Especially against players with a limit of five, Lingwudang's mysterious damage is almost useless, because players with a limit of five must have high resistance and will resist death. Lingwudang’s mysterious attack!

At this time, the advantage of another manufacturing method comes into play, which is to use the remaining row of gems to inlay alexandrite to create a knowing heart. The knowing heart is a good thing, and the knowing heart means knowing the heart. As long as the understanding of the attack is improved, the rate of knowing the attack will increase. Especially for Diewu, a player who has retrained, he has added more than 3,000 free attribute points to the movement skills. One hundred points of movement skills can increase a little. For understanding, more than 3,000 points of movement can increase understanding by more than 30 points. Among level 5 gems, a level 5 alexandrite can increase understanding by 5 points, and five pieces of offensive equipment can increase understanding by 25 points. Understanding, there are 60 understanding points here and there, plus about thirty or forty understanding points attached to the equipment of players with a limit of five or more, then Die Wu's understanding attribute will exceed 100!

What does the over-hundred understanding attribute mean? This means that players who have hit the limit of three will have a knowing hit rate of about 8090, players who have hit the limit of four will have a knowing hit rate of about 80, and players who have hit the limit of five will have a knowing hit rate of about 70. For players with a maximum of 5, this is a knowing hit rate of 70. After ten hits, you can get seven critical hits. This is so cool!

The fifth-level cat's eye stone in a double row can increase the internal power attack by 8000. In other words, the Wu-Tang Clan players using this method of building have 8000 more internal power attacks than the Wu-Tang Clan players who use mystical attributes to attack!

Among the current mainstream Wudang Clan players who take the attribute attack route, their internal strength attack is about 30,000. In other words, a Wudang built in this way can have an internal strength attack of 38,000, plus the previous 3,360 points of spiritual energy. One point of aura is equal to five points of internal attack, which is 55,000 internal attack! Before Wei Bin obtained the Sword of Tian Congyun, his internal power attack was just 46,000. Die Wu, who followed the Lingwudang route, had already completely destroyed Wei Bin and everyone else with his internal power attack!

If you think that Wudang Clan players who follow the Ling Wudang route only have this attack power, you are totally wrong. If Wudang Clan players who follow the Ling Wudang route only have this attack power, what kind of power is this? Doesn’t it have 20,000 to 30,000 more internal power attacks than other Wudangs? For the mainstream Wudang Clan with the mysterious attribute route, a double row of topaz can increase the damage by 10,000. You Ling Wudang spent a long time to make yourself so brittle just to be one or two more than the mainstream Wudang Clan with the mysterious attribute. Thousands of injuries?

Absolutely not!

This all starts from two points!

First, the fourth skill of the hidden weapon!

As we all know, the fourth skill of the hidden weapon is almost the most precious among the hidden weapon skills. This skill position is divided into many skills. The most common ones are qi and blood enhancement and blood volume enhancement, because these two skills are related to The blood limit bonus has something to do with it. This is an era where health is paramount. You can have a low attack but your health must be high. Taking a step back, when you form a team, no matter how low your attack is, your teammates You can't see it, but your teammates can clearly see your blood volume. If your blood volume is very low, then 80% of your strength will not be very high, but if your blood volume is high, then 80% of your strength will not be very low, so these two skills are currently the mainstream of the fourth skill of hidden weapons!

In comparison, the other skills are a bit weak. Among the other skills, there is some kind of enhancement of a single attribute!

Strength, aura, strength, concentration, and body skills are strengthened: increase 120,200 points of specified attributes.

If this skill is placed in the early stage of the game, it is undoubtedly a god-level skill. Its effect far exceeds the enhancement of qi and blood and the enhancement of blood volume. After all, in the early stage, the player's blood volume is still very low, even with the bonus. 12 so what? It doesn't show up at all! But if it is relative to the physical strength, it will be different. The player's physical strength growth is fixed. If you get 200 physical strength points in the early stage, the increased blood volume will definitely be higher than the 12 health points! However, as time goes by, this skill will become more and more weak. It will not even reach the middle of the game and will be discarded by people, because the attributes of the players have increased, and these two hundred attributes are basically useless. It’s nothing! \u003c



There is another skill in this skill position, which is the strengthening of internal and external defense.

Internal and external defense enhancement: internal and external defense increased by 1620

To be honest, there are not many players who choose this skill, and there are more Shaolin players. Moreover, these Shaolin players will only choose this skill when they really can’t get the energy and blood enhancement or blood volume enhancement. Skills, after all, blood volume is always greater than defense! As for other sects, there are only a few people who actually use this skill. After all, the Shaolin sect has the highest physical growth. In other sects, the defense is generally low. The cost-effectiveness of using this skill is indeed not high!

What I really want to say here is the skill of strengthening internal and external strength!

Internal and external strength strengthening: internal and external strength increased by 1620

To be honest, this skill is not very cost-effective for most people because most people take the attribute attack route. Tianlong is a world of attribute attacks. In the later stages of the game, attribute attacks will play a greater role and their output will become more stable. This directly leads to fewer and fewer players taking the internal and external skill route. Relatively speaking, this skill will naturally have only a limited use area. Less!

However, if it is a Lingwudang, choosing this skill is actually very cost-effective. In other words, Lingwudang must choose this skill. Only by choosing this skill can it make up for some disadvantages of low blood volume!

If Ling Wudang doesn’t choose this skill, which one else can he choose? Strengthen Qi and blood? Blood volume damage? Please, Lingwudang's health is so low, is there any point in increasing the blood limit of 12?

Choose attribute enhancement? At this stage, absolutely no one will choose attribute damage, it is too weak!

Internal and external strength defense against damage? Please, let a Wu-Tang Clan with extremely low defense choose this? The base number is so low, we must suffer a loss!

Therefore, whether it is active or passive, Lingwudang must choose this skill. Of course, in fact, initiative accounts for a larger proportion, because Lingwudang must choose this skill to strengthen. What is Lingwudang pursuing? ? Isn’t it the pursuit of ultimate internal strength? In the face of extreme internal strength, all other skills are useless!

Let’s take a look at this skill. If it is an orange-level skill, it can increase the internal attack by 20. The level of this skill is related to the level of the hidden weapon itself. Diewu’s hidden weapon level has long been The wash is perfect, so as long as she washes out the internal power damage, it will definitely be the orange internal power enhancement, which will increase the internal power attack by 20!

This is a bit remarkable. What is the increase of 20 for Diewu's internal attack of 55,000? This is an increase of more than 10,000 internal energy attacks in vain! The internal strength attack of 55,000 suddenly increased to 66,000!

What is the concept of 66000 internal strength attack? Even if it is a player with a limit of five, his internal defense will not be very high, only about 20,000 at most. Her output has already surpassed the Wudang Clan players with mainstream attribute attacks!

And do you think this is the end?

No, it's not over yet!

As mentioned before, the development process of the suit era was first mainstream and then subdued. At level 60, because the level 60 sect suit can increase the blood limit by 20, it revived for a while at this stage. After that, It started to fall into a downturn again, and when the player reaches level 80, martial arts suits will come into people's sight again, because in the martial arts suits at level 80, the last attribute of the suit is to increase the internal and external attack by 35, which means It's a bit abnormal. This is a 35 internal and external attack. This is no joke. Maybe the revival of the suit this time will not be very strong. After all, most people have already left at the level 80 stage. The attribute attack route has been changed, but there are still many people who take the internal and external power route, such as the Tang Sect, whose poison damage is linked to the internal power attack, and another example is Lingwudang!

It should be said that it is mainly Ling Wudang. There is only Ling Wudang route in this world, but there is no such thing as Ling Murong or Ling Tang Sect. Although Murong's spiritual energy growth ranks first with Wudang Sect, Murong is a melee type after all. That's it. Generally speaking, Murong is the same as Mingjiao. Although his aura and strength have the highest growth, his combat environment dictates that he must have a high blood volume. Otherwise, how can he stand firm? Moreover, Murong's physical growth is so high, ranking second in the entire sect. Isn't it a bit of a waste to give up the second-ranked physical growth to pursue the flashy spiritual energy?

And what about Tangmen? Tang Sect's spiritual energy growth is only 4, which is 1 less than Wudang. Relatively speaking, the price/performance ratio is indeed a bit low. As for other sects, needless to say, spiritual energy growth is generally low, and it is really not cost-effective to take the spiritual energy route!

Therefore, among so many sects, only the Wudang Sect is the most suitable, and only the Wudang Sect can follow the Lingwudang route! Most of the level 80 martial arts suits are worn by Wu-Tang Clan players!

What if it is Die Wu who takes the Ling Wudang route? After increasing the attack power by 35, how much attack power will be increased?

The two calculation methods for increasing the internal strength attack by percentage are not superimposed, but superimposed. For example, when Die Wu has both the internal strength enhancement of the hidden weapon by 20 and the bonus of the 80-level martial arts suit, then the final The attack power is 550001.21.3589100!

I'm confused, this is an internal power attack of 89100. A Wudang Clan player with this kind of attack power will have at least 30,000 to 40,000 higher damage output than a Wudang Clan player with a mysterious attribute. This is 30,000 to 40,000. Each hit does more than 30,000 to 40,000 damage. This damage is much higher. How much health does the player have in total? And this does not include damage-increasing skills. If damage-increasing skills are included, it will be different!

Next, there are the damage-increasing skills of the Wudang Clan. The core of Lingwudang is divided into two places. The first place is attributes, which is the ultimate internal strength. This is the basis, and the second place is the damage amplification of the Wudang Clan. The Wudang Clan's damage-increasing skills are very powerful. Although they are not as good as those of the Tang Sect, they are not far behind!

First of all, the Wudang Sect's Pegasus Waterfall, with its Zhenwu Guidance Level 2, can increase the damage of the Pegasus Waterfall by 50. This increase of 50 refers to the player's own damage plus the total damage of the Pegasus Waterfall skill. In this The total damage is then multiplied by 1.5. Let’s not mention what the effect will be after the Pegasus Waterfall’s damage is increased by 50. Let’s just talk about the Wudang Clan’s internal power attack. After being increased by 50, 89100 seconds will become 130000. This is It's a bit scary, even though it's only one hit, it's still amazing!

And that’s not all yet!

Wu-Tang Clan also has a skill called White Crane Spreads Wings. Under the effect of Zhenwu Guidance 1, after using White Crane Spreads Wings, Wu-Dang Clan’s subsequent skills will increase the consumption and damage by 100. The effect of Zhenwu Guidance 4 will no longer be amplified. Attribute damage, but internal power damage is amplified by 100. No matter which pointing method is selected, the Wu-Dang Clan's damage can be amplified by 100 in the following 8 seconds. This is very scary. If you use the White Crane to spread its wings first, and then use the Pegasus Waterfall , during the damage caused by Tianma's waterfall, wouldn't the player's internal attack have reached 200,000? Even if you don't use Pegasus Waterfall and only use normal attacks, after all, normal attacks have the highest frequency. After doubling the internal power attack of 89,100, it will still be an attack of 180,000! Each hit within 8 seconds is an attack of 180,000. Is there any way to do this on horseback?

In addition to the Pegasus Waterfall and the White Crane Spreading Wings, which have the effect of amplifying damage, the Wudang Sect also has a particularly inconspicuous skill, which is the Liangyi Sword! Liang Yi Sword

The damage itself is not too high, but its Zhenwu Guidance 2 has an effect, that is, the damage is increased by 100, and the cooling time is increased by 8 seconds!

What is this concept? You must know that most skills are based on the player's own attack. Although the attack of the Liangyi Sword itself is not high, the 100 damage increase effect adds a lot to the player's own attack power, especially for For Lingwudang, especially for Lingwudang when White Crane spreads its wings, with the 100 damage increase effect of Liangyi Sword, the internal power attack of Diewu 89100 is doubled to 267300!

What kind of situation is this when riding a horse? Who can withstand an internal power attack of 267,300? The most important thing is that the Wudang Sect's Liangyi Sword is not an instant one-time skill, but a skill that requires continuous casting. The Liangyi Sword can last for 5 seconds and cause more than 200,000 damage every second. So Who can be killed by using this terrifying skill against someone?

If so, does the Wu-Tang Clan have other damage-increasing skills? The answer is yes! have!

The effect of Zhenwu Guidance III of Wudang's Seven Stars Gathering no longer causes paralysis, but the damage is increased by 300! This is a bit scary. Maybe for Blood Wudang and Shield Wudang, although this damage is high, it is not too high. But if it is for a Ling Wudang, it is different. Ling Wudang is After obtaining such a large degree of bonus, it is completely possible to conquer the universe in seconds! Of course, although it is a bit exaggerated, there is still no problem in killing players instantly!

However, Wei Bin naturally does not intend to let Diewu choose this guidance in the future, because the damage will be seriously overflowed. If she does not choose this guidance, Diewu can also kill people with one move, so what is the point of her choosing this guidance? What's more, today's players value the unyielding skill of hidden weapons more than anything else. Everyone is moving closer to the unyielding direction. In the future, there will be more and more unyielding. No matter how high the damage you do, you still can't kill them instantly. In this way Once this happens, this damage-increasing guidance will be meaningless! The role of Seven Stars Gathering is more reflected in group control. After all, it is one of the few group control skills in Tianlong!

Maybe someone should ask, have you finished speaking? I've been listening to you for so long, have you finished? If you've finished talking, then I have to ask, this is all just a theory. Don't the opponents of the Wu-Dang Sect have internal defense skills?

This is a good question!

Indeed, players all have internal defense, and many players have even begun to realize the importance of internal defense. After all, only inlaying rubies can only increase external defense and blood limit, but cannot increase internal defense. Internal defense becomes It has dealt with the flaws of almost every player, leaving them helpless against players from the internal martial arts! Many people have begun to pay attention to internal defense. Many people would rather give up resistance or dodge, but also improve internal defense, especially the dodge attribute. The dodge attribute is too illusory. How high is it? What counts as high dodge? How many attacks can you dodge once you get high? After all, dodge is a random attribute, full of unknowns. Instead of pursuing dodge, it is better to pursue real internal defense. My internal defense has increased by 10,000, and I can offset 10,000 internal damage. Isn’t this real defense delicious? ?

Regardless of whether the number of such groups is large or small, there are always many such people. When Ling Wudang encounters such people, will the damage really be higher than that of Wudang Clan players who take the attribute attack route? ??

The answer is yes, it does do more damage than Wu-Tang Clan players who take the attribute attack route!

Because the Wudang Sect also has a skill called Tianwai Feixian, Tianwai Feixian has a True Martial Arts Pointer Three, which has the effect of clearing the target's internal defense to zero for three seconds!

What does this guidance mean? It means that as long as someone is hit by the Flying Fairy, it is impossible for that person to wake up again. There will be 0 defense within three seconds. This immortal can fly?

But in fact, it can't reach this level. At least for Diewu, who has a limit of five Wudangs, she will definitely not choose this guidance, because if she takes the Lingwudang route, her output will also overflow, and she doesn't need it at all. Regardless of the opponent's internal defense, how can the opponent pay attention to the internal defense and support the internal defense to tens of thousands? Thirty thousand?

As for Diewu on the Lingwudang route, with the bonus of many damage bonus skills, her attack is already as high as 20,000 or 30,000, so how can she care about the internal defense of 30,000 to 20,000?

Therefore, the level of internal strength and defense is nothing to a Lingwudang!

Maybe someone should say it again, your White Crane Spreading Wings increases damage by 100, which is indeed very high, but doesn’t it only last for 8 seconds?

8 seconds? Who told you there are only 8 seconds? Don’t you know that the Wu-Tang Clan also has a fury-filled ultimate skill called Easygoing?

After using it with ease, all skills can be used again. Who told you that you can only have 8 seconds of zoom time? Is this obviously 16 seconds? And it is still 16 consecutive seconds. If you include the non-continuous zoom time, it will be too long. You know, Wudang Clan has three group attack skills, a seven-star gathering, a three-ring moon set, and a true martial arts seven interception array. , we will not discuss the damage of skills here, only the number and targets of group attacks. As we all know, as long as the player attacks the target or is attacked by others, the player can increase the murderous aura, and increase the amount of murderous aura and the damage caused. It has nothing to do with the level of the target or the level of damage received. It is only related to the number of targets attacked and the number of attacks one has received. This is when Wudang's three group attacks come into play. If the three group attacks continue, you will be able to do it all at once. The anger increased by less than half. This anger growth rate can be described as just now! Effortless is a skill that consumes anger. As long as the anger value is full, it can be used immediately! The cooldown time of White Crane's Spreading Wings is 50 seconds. Once the cooldown of White Crane's Spreading Wings is restored, the anger required to be able to handle it with ease is probably almost accumulated, and you can use two sets of explosive skills in succession!

In contrast, Tianshan or Tangmen, which both have high explosive power, are different. Tianshan's explosive power is reflected in the Yangguan Triple Layer + Eagle Strike in the Sky + Yihuaqiaomu, and the cooling time of Yihuaqiaomu is as long as 107 seconds, that is to say , the Tianshan sect’s outbreaks must be separated by at least 107 seconds before reincarnation occurs! And what about Tangmen? Tang Sect's high explosive power is reflected in the Wind and Thunder Tensile Forces + Ten Directions Destruction. The cooling time of Feng Lei Ten Thousand Juns and Ten Directions Destruction is as high as 80 seconds. In other words, the Tang Sect's explosive power interval is at least 80 seconds, while the Wudang Sect's The interval between bursts is only 50 seconds, so you can judge the difference!

Is it finished? not yet!

The outbreak of Tang Sect relies more on super bloodthirsty, but what about Lingwudang? Although the outbreak of Lingwudang also relies on super bloodthirst, the degree of dependence is not as good as that of Tangmen, because the output of Lingwudang is higher than that of Tangmen. Even without super bloodthirst, Lingwudang can still cause decent damage! With the super bloodthirsty, Lingwudang's output will naturally reach a higher level! Moreover, super bloodthirsty brings greater help to Lingwudang, because super bloodthirsty increases internal and external attack. Lingwudang’s internal attack is definitely higher than that of Tangmen. The boost brought by super bloodthirsty, Wudang Sect Naturally, it is higher than that of Tang Sect!

According to Diewu's 89,100 internal strength, after becoming super bloodthirsty, it doubles to 180,000. When the white crane spreads its wings, the damage is increased by 100, which is an internal strength attack of 360,000. Let's not talk about the damage caused by the Pegasus Waterfall and Liangyi Sword. The damage increase, just talking about the White Crane Spreading Wings + the normal attack in the super bloodthirsty state, the output is already as high as 360,000. Who can withstand this kind of output? Even for players with a limit of five or more, a basic attack will not kill them. Basically, Diewu only needs everyone to attack once and then continue to switch targets, because after one attack, the person will either die directly or trigger Unyielding. If this If the person doesn't have the Indomitable skill and doesn't die, then just go back and hit him again!

This kind of output, Ling Wudang can last for 16 seconds at a time. Who can compare with this kind of explosive ability? Tangmen? Or Tianshan? This kind of long-lasting explosive ability is absolutely


It is unmatched by any sect. In the entire Tianlong, only Lingwudang can do it!

And Diewu is about to become such a Wu-Tang Clan player!

Wei Bin took out the special Lingwudang equipment he had prepared for Die Wu in advance from his warehouse!

Elegant combat boots level 60

Basic internal and external attack defense +664

Blood limit +5000

Understanding Defense +4

Aura +75

Physical strength +75

Concentration +75

Body skill +50

Dragon Talisman Level 60

Basic internal and external attack +664

Mysterious attack +100

Internal attack +500

Aura +75

Physical strength +75

Concentration +75

Body skill +50

natural hand guard

Level 60

Basic internal and external defense +664

Blood limit +5000

Aura +75

Physical strength +75

Concentration +75

Body skill +50

The attributes of other equipment are basically the same as the above three pieces of equipment. These equipment are not so much Lingwudang-specific equipment as they are equipment that is common to all players of the inner strength sect, because such equipment is basically perfect. Equipped, there is no useless attribute on the equipment, basically every player can wear it! Moreover, Wei Bin also refining these equipment. Basically, all defensive equipment has an attribute that increases the blood limit, and all offensive equipment has an attribute that increases internal attack. In this way On the one hand, it can not only further improve Diewu's internal attack, but also increase Diewu's survivability to a certain extent. After all, Lingwudang is still quite fragile!

Die Wu directly put on these equipments, and also replaced the gems with the gems needed by Lingwudang. The offensive gems are double row cat's eye, single row purple jade and single row alexandrite. Anyway, she has no resistance reduction. , attribute attacks have no effect on players with four or more, so they simply inlaid Alexandrite directly and chose this knowing attribute that is effective for everyone. As for defensive gems, Die Wu chose double A row of sapphires, a single row of emeralds, and a single row of resistance gems. Since she chose this Lingwudang route, she would naturally not set the gems that increase internal and external defense, and among the remaining gems, there are only Emeralds and resistance gems are ready for her to set!

Next, Wei Bin arranged for people to purchase the aura glyph patterns for all the equipment. There were seven pieces in total. He engraved the aura glyphs on each of Diewu's seven pieces of defensive equipment and upgraded them to level six using golden silk. !

Subsequently, Diewu flushed her hidden weapon skills. After consuming more than 100,000 Wangwu Stones, Diewu finally flushed out four perfect skills, and they were all orange skills. The orange skills could To maximize the effect of this skill, her four skills are:

Shi Xuan: Increases the mysterious attribute damage by 30 to targets with HP greater than 70.

Tyranny: Damage dealt to sealed targets is increased by 30.

Bathed in Blood: 50% chance of converting 15% of the damage dealt into your own blood.

Strengthening of internal strength: Internal strength attack increases by 20.

In the process of washing skills this time, there is no doubt that the first two skills are the standard equipment for players with mysterious attribute attacks. They are the most cost-effective and powerful skills! As for the third skill, Die Wu gave up unyielding and self-reward and directly chose blood bathing. Blood bathing is a late-stage skill. In the late game, basically every high-combat player with internal strength must change the blood bathing skill. After all, Emei is just a skill. A foreign object cannot add blood to you anytime and anywhere. What should you do if you don't have Emei by your side? In the later stage, the output of the players has increased. The skill of Yuxue, which relies on fighting to support the battle, is naturally the first choice. The reason why Diewu chooses this skill now is because she is a rebuilding player, and her blood volume and output are both explosive. In other words, she has entered the so-called late game in advance! So there is no problem for her to choose this skill!

For Diewu, her blood volume is as high as two million. Even if she is accidentally set on fire, it is not easy to kill her, so the role of unyielding is not very big, while Yuxue It's different. As long as the opponent's manpower is not particularly large, she can directly counterattack and rely on blood to improve her recovery ability!

As for the fourth skill of hidden weapons, strengthening internal strength is of course a must! This is a necessity for Lingwudang!

In addition to flushing the hidden weapon skills, Diewu also used Shenyi Stone to adjust her hidden weapon attributes. For a Wudang Clan player, the strength attribute is useless, and she has already washed the strength attribute into Other attributes were added, and this time, she washed the concentration and physical attributes on the hidden weapon, clearing all the concentration and physical strength, and washed them all into aura and body skills. For her, Since you have chosen to take the Lingwudang route, you should simply be more thorough and forget about physical strength and concentration. Isn't physical strength just about increasing the blood limit and external defense? Isn’t concentration the same thing as increasing the internal defense and energy limit? I don’t even want rubies anymore, I need a lot of physical strength! As for the body skills, Diewu chose to keep them, because the body skills are actually very important. The body skills can increase the hit, dodge, knowing and knowing defense at the same time. It is not necessary to increase the first-level attributes of four second-level attributes at the same time. common! Moreover, I don’t know if you have noticed that, except for hidden weapons, when it comes to equipment other than concealed weapons, the increased movement value is only two-thirds of other attributes, such as the natural handguards mentioned above. This natural gauntlet adds 75 points of aura, physical strength and concentration, but what about body skills? Only 50 points! Because body skills are more precious than other first-level attributes, the value added is naturally smaller! With such a precious attribute, how could Diewu abandon the fundamentals and purify his body skills into aura?

Diewu is now at level 68. A level 68 hidden weapon can increase all attributes by 680 points, and the total attributes are 3400 points. After some point washing, Diewu finally got 2000 aura points and 1400 agility points. 2000 points of spiritual energy is another 10000 internal energy attack!

Next, a Lingwudang was formed in this way. After the formation, Diewu suddenly became radiant and arrogant...

Her arrogance is not without reason, because her attributes are so explosive! Although she has lost hundreds of thousands of HP, her attack has doubled from the original 30,000 to 78,000. With such a high normalized attack, how can Die Wu not be happy? How can you be so arrogant?

She dares to guarantee that in this world, except for Wei Bin who carries the Tiancongyun Sword, no one has a higher attack than her!

Transforming from a Blood Wudang to a Ling Wudang is that simple, and the transformation can be completed in minutes!

This is money power! As long as you have money, you can transform anytime and anywhere. Not to mention transforming into Ling Wudang today, it is not a problem to switch back to one Ling Wudang, 246 Blood Wudang, as long as you have money!

As for skills, Die Wu is a relatively lucky girl. She did a hidden mission herself, got a skill book with ease, and learned it. She also learned the amplification skill of White Crane Spreading Wings, and the flying fairy from outside the sky. This powerful control + output skill, not to mention Liangyi Sword and Pegasus Waterfall, can be said that these two skills are not rare skills, many Wudang have learned them!

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