When the child's back left Brother Li's sight, Brother Li's heart was broken!

too weak!

I'm still too weak...

Brother Li screamed helplessly in his heart.

"Xiao Li, why are you here today? My daughter and son-in-law are also here, so don't leave and stay for dinner!" Lin's mother said sincerely.

"Okay, Auntie!" Brother Li agreed readily.

In the past, if Brother Li had come to Linlin's house while she was still alive, and if Lin's mother had kept him for dinner like this, then he would definitely not stay because his identity was inappropriate. What about staying for dinner as my identity? Colleague? Or is he the guardian who loves Linlin wishfully? So far, he doesn't even know what kind of feelings Linlin has for him! How could he stay to eat?

But it's different now. Linlin has left. He can't protect Linlin himself. He can't even protect Linlin's child. The only thing he can do is to protect her mother!

In this way, Linlin's mother cooked a delicious dish, and several members of the family, including Brother Li, gathered around the table.

"When Linlin was still here, she once said to me that she felt she was very good at drinking. I asked her how much you can drink. She said that before she got divorced, she once went to her husband's house and drank a paper cup. She even asked me how much the paper cup was, and I said, about two taels! Then she told me to keep it a secret for her, and don’t tell others that she can drink! Haha, I originally thought that with our relationship and friendship, I would never have the opportunity to drink together in this life. After all, men and women are different, but I didn’t expect that in the end, it was in this way that we two could not drink together." Brother Li said with a look on his face Said sadly.

"Xiao Li, how do you know that with your relationship and friendship, I'm afraid you won't be able to drink in this life?" Lin's mother said.

"Auntie, what do you mean?" Brother Li was a little confused by Lin's mother's words.

"Xiao Li, you have given Linlin a lot of things. Every time I ask her who gave it to her, I have observed her. Maybe you don't know that every time she mentions your name, she Her eyes are shining. I know that this is a look that should only be shown when mentioning someone you admire. Although I don’t know what she is thinking in her heart, I know that she She has some affection for you, but because you have a family, she doesn’t want to get involved too much with you. She is afraid that she will affect your family. She knows that you like her, but she can’t be with you. Because that will destroy your family!" After saying that, Lin's mother let out a long sigh of relief, as if she had revealed the secret that she had been holding in her heart for many years. She was so relieved!

"Auntie" After listening to Lin's mother's words, Brother Li couldn't help but burst into tears.

It turns out Linlin also likes him

But he is a man with a family, and he cannot be sorry for his family. It is impossible for him to abandon his wife just to be with Linlin. If he abandons his wife in order to be with Linlin, Divorced, what's the difference between him and Linlin's ex-husband? To take a step back, today, he can abandon his wife to be with Linlin, and tomorrow, he can abandon Linlin to be with another woman!

But when he heard Lin's mother say that Linlin also had some affection for him, but was unwilling to destroy his family because of her existence, he couldn't hold it in any longer.

You were born before I was born, but I was born before you were born!

This is how love happens at the wrong time!

"Brother Li, according to legend, twins are connected. Linlin and I are twins. She has never been able to have a drink with you in this life. Today I am here to accompany you. Just think of me as Linlin. I can take you Convey your heart to her!" At this time, Linlin's twin sister raised her wine glass.

"That's fine." Brother Li also slowly raised his wine glass. He stared at Linlin's twin sister. Not to mention, the two of them still had some similarities!

When a man is depressed, his drinking capacity will increase greatly. And when the woman who makes this man depressed is his beloved woman, his drinking capacity will be even more terrifying!

On weekdays, Brother Li doesn't drink much. When he drinks more, he only drinks half a catty of wine. But today, his emotions, which he had nowhere to vent, were vented in front of Linlin's close relatives and trusted people. With the help of alcohol, , he expressed all his feelings, he drank more than a kilogram of wine, and the whole family burst into tears. Now you persuade me, and now I persuade you, as if they are really a family!

Because he drank a lot of wine, Brother Li did not go home tonight, but slept in the room where Linlin was alive. Just like this, Brother Li fell into sleep while smelling Linlin's body fragrance. In his dream, he dreamed A few years later, he did something and somehow he was able to go back in time. He suddenly returned to ten years ago, when he had just met Linlin and Linlin had just divorced.

"Auntie, I'm leaving. I have 10,000 federal coins here. It's not much. Just take the flowers. There are still many days ahead. Auntie, you have to take care of yourself. I will come to see you often!" Brother Li He said that this money was his private money that he had saved for many years.

"Xiao Li, I appreciate your kindness. Kelinlin has left, and the child has been picked up by his father. I have a retirement salary, which is enough for my expenses. Your family is not particularly wealthy. You should keep this money and spend it yourself!" Lin's mother rejected Brother Li.

"Auntie, this is my little thought and my apology to Linlin. If you don't take it, then I will always blame myself for not protecting Linlin. So, in order to make me feel better, in order to make me not I blame myself too much, you should just accept it!" Brother Li handed over the money again!

He really hopes that Lin's mother can accept his feelings. He has failed to take good care of Linlin and has no ability to take care of the child. He can only protect Linlin's mother as much as possible!

"If that's the case, then I will give this money to my child, let's just say it is the New Year's money you gave him!" Lin's mother finally chose to compromise. He knew that Linlin's death was a real blow to Brother Li. It was too big. She could tell that Brother Li was as sad as her own mother. Brother Li had sincere feelings for Linlin!

On the way back, Brother Li thought for a long time. He was too confused. He didn't know what he should do to make a comeback and have the capital to take over Linlin's child and raise it by himself. He was too helpless.

After Brother Li left, a figure walked out from behind a house not far away. This person was Wang Bin! Wang Bin heard everything about the scene just now and those words!

"Did you just finish your chores?" Wang Bin glanced at the various chore items on the ground that had not yet been cleaned up.

"Linlin? Is she a girl?" Wang Bin thought.

"Let's go to the master's house to find out more!" Thinking of this, Wang Bin decided to go to Linlin's house in person to find out the specific situation.

That's right! Wang Bin is following Brother Li! Because Brother Li is the deputy leader of Nirvana's main force in the game - he was injured until the end!

Under Feng Yun Wuji's recommendation, Wang Bin wanted to recruit Huang Guo into the core members of Nirvana. But if he wanted to join the core members of Nirvana, he had to gain Wang Bin's trust. No, Wang Bin was rushing. I came here to learn more about Huang Duo. Hui Duo was not online for three consecutive days. After Hui Duo finally asked for leave, Wang Bin found this place all the way. Not long after he arrived here, this scene just happened. bid farewell.

"Hello aunt, is this Linlin?" Wei Bin asked after knocking on the door.

"Yes, this is it, who are you?" Lin's mother asked.

"Auntie, are you Linlin's mother? I am Linlin's colleague and a good friend of Linlin. I'm sorry, I'm late." Wei Bin pretended. In fact, he didn't know Linlin. Lin’s mother is trying to get some information here, so she’s just trying to get close.

"Oh, you are Linlin's colleague,


Come on in and sit down! "Mother Lin said.

"Auntie, I have 10,000 federal coins here. Linlin had a good relationship with me during her lifetime. This is a little bit of my gratitude. Please don't refuse, okay?" Wei Bin took out 10,000 federal coins from his pocket and handed it over.

"Okay, let me thank you for Linlin!" Lin's mother did not refuse, because she knew that since she could pay for it, it meant that Wei Bin was sincere. How many people would be willing to pay for a dead friend? How about giving so much money to friends and families? If she rejects Wei Bin, it will tarnish Wei Bin's good intentions.

"By the way, Auntie, what happened to Linlin? Also, that person just now was Brother Li, right? I just heard that before he left, he told you that he blamed himself for not taking good care of Linlin. Linlin's Does the matter have anything to do with him?" Wei Bin asked.

"You also knew Xiao Li? No, Linlin's death had nothing to do with him. Linlin died accidentally due to a car accident. Xiao Li was just her colleague. Maybe it was because he had a good relationship with Linlin! "Lin's mother didn't tell Wei Bin too much about Brother Li. After all, she and Wei Bin had never met and didn't know Wei Bin well.

"Oh, that's it, auntie, to tell you the truth, in fact, with Linlin's personality, many people around her like her. She is gentle, generous, virtuous, and sensible. Brother Li has a very good relationship with her. If you want Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come here to keep watch for her for two days!” Wei Bin said.

"Xiao Li is a good person, what a pity" Lin's mother said with a hint of regret.

It was Lin's mother's casual expression that Wei Bin successfully captured.

pity? What's a pity? Is it possible that you still want to recruit him as your son-in-law? You have a family, right? etc? son in law? Linlin is unmarried?

Next, Wei Bin learned some things about Linlin from Lin's mother, and then Wei Bin knew that Linlin had been divorced long ago.

Could it be that Brother Li is in love with someone else? Brother Li has a family! Brother Li definitely fell in love with Linlin, otherwise, Brother Li would not have left his family behind and came to keep vigil for Linlin.

Is such a person worthy of your trust? Is a man who can temporarily put aside his own family for his lover worthy of his trust? Will you also abandon yourself one day in the future? Wei Bin thought to himself.

"Auntie, if I guess correctly, Brother Li not only likes Linlin, but also has fallen in love with Linlin? Otherwise," before Wei Bin finished speaking, Lin's mother told him to shut up. .

"Don't say that. Xiao Li is a good man. He has a family. How could he fall in love with Linlin? Furthermore, Linlin is a womanly woman. She knows that Xiao Li has a family, so she It's impossible to have anything to do with Xiao Li. Don't talk nonsense when you go to work. If you talk nonsense, it will not only tarnish Linlin's reputation, but also bring trouble to Xiao Li!" Lin's mother seemed to have some thoughts. Angry, after all, no matter what the relationship between Xiao Li, a man with a family, and the divorced Linlin, cannot be described in words such as affection and love to the outside world!

Hearing this, Wei Bin completely understood!

Although Linlin's mother didn't say anything, in Wei Bin's eyes, she had said everything!

Wei Bin just mentioned the word love, but it provoked Lin's mother to respond with so many words. It can be seen that Wei Bin's words have penetrated into Wei Bin's heart, and Brother Li has indeed fallen in love with Linlin.

Moreover, from Lin's mother's mouth, he also knew that although Brother Li loved Linlin, he did not do anything extraordinary, and Linlin did not stay with Brother Li because Brother Li loved Linlin, because In that case, Linlin will destroy Brother Li's family!

In other words, Brother Li didn't do anything to disgrace his own family because of Ai Linlin?

If this is the case, then Brother Li is not untrustworthy. It is normal for a man to love many women at the same time. Brother Li is a living example!

"I'm sorry, auntie, I made a mistake! Don't worry, auntie, I will never go out and say nonsense. Linlin and I are good friends, how could I do something like this that might tarnish Linlin's reputation?" Wei Bin hurriedly said Apologize.

After talking for a while, Wei Bin hurriedly left the place. After leaving, Wei Bin made a phone call, "Buy the entire building, and arrange a few bodyguards opposite her house. No matter what difficulties the family encounters in the future, , I have to settle it for them unconditionally!"

Wei Bin ordered.

Although Wei Bin didn't want to admit it, he did consume the deceased just now. In order to know more about Brother Li, he took advantage of Lin Ma. For this, he felt very sorry. He could only do something for Lin Ma. Make up for your apology!

"Okay, boss!" said the other end of the phone.

This is a security company. The services provided by this security company are not only to protect the personal safety of the parties, they also have enough connections and abilities to solve any troubles. Wei Bin is one of their customers, as long as the boss is willing to pay , then they can do any job for the boss! For example, right now, Wei Bin directly asked them to buy the entire building, just to help him protect Lin's mother, escort her, and solve all her troubles!

How much does a building cost? Tens of millions? Or hundreds of millions? For Wei Bin, this was nothing at all. As long as he could ensure Lin's mother's safety and eliminate his guilt, spending a little money didn't matter!

And Brother Li entered the game as soon as he got home!

Like Wei Bin, Brother Li joined the game on the first day that Tianlong was launched, because he knew that it was difficult to make a difference in his company. If he wanted to become a successful person, he could not rely solely on the company's support. With this income, he had to find another way to find other sources of income. At this time, Tianlong appeared. His consciousness told him that Tianlong was indeed a business opportunity and a place that could change his destiny. Therefore, he worked hard during the day Work and play games at night! Moreover, he is one of the first players of Nirvana. He joined Nirvana when it was first established. So far, with his own efforts, he has climbed to the position of deputy leader of Nirvana's main force!

As soon as Brother Li went online, he received a video invitation

Similarly, after Wei Bin went online, he also received a video invitation, and the author of this video invitation was none other than Brother Li, that is - hurt to the end!

The two made an appointment to meet at the city lord's mansion in Nirvana City.

"Guild Leader Wei, I have a heartfelt request!" He felt a little embarrassed to be hurt in the end.

"Brother, we are so familiar with each other. If you have any questions, just say it!" Wei Bin said. What he said is indeed correct. He is indeed very familiar with Huang Duomo. After all, Huan Duomo is the deputy team member of Nirvana's main force. The leader is already considered the ceiling for Nirvana's middle managers. If Wei Bin is not familiar with people in this position, then he will be too incompetent as a gang leader!

"Gang leader, I want to quit the gang! I'm sorry, I can't accompany Nirvana to the end, and I can no longer escort Nirvana!" As he said this, he couldn't help but lower his head when he was hurt. It was obvious that he felt that he had let Wei down. Bin, also failed Nirvana!

"What? Quit the gang? Brother, why do you want to quit the gang? What happened?" When Wei Bin heard this, he thought, "Is this okay?" You are a candidate for our Nirvana core member. How can someone like you quit the gang?

"Gang Leader, we are old friends. I'll tell you the truth. To be honest, the only reason why I joined Tianlong is to make money. But it's been almost three years and I still haven't accomplished anything in Tianlong. I haven't gained much in Tianlong. Money! And just now, a person contacted me. He promised me a huge profit and asked me to develop with them. I need money, so" Huandao finally explained.

When Wei Bin heard this, he immediately understood that it was hurt.

In the end, he was poached by another gang!

When I hurt the last person, I was quite honest. I didn't find some prevaricating reasons to deal with him, but told him the truest reason!

"Money? Brother, if it was just because of the money, you would have told me earlier. I have it here. How about this? How much money will it cost over there? Just tell me the number. I will pay double the price here. Can you stay?" Wei When Bin heard that it was because of money, he immediately wanted to keep his self-confidence that was hurt in the end. Isn't it just money? In this world, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem!

But here comes the question, what if Hui Du finally said a number? What should Wei Bin do? Do you really pay double the salary to keep him? You know, it is too common for people to be hurt in the end. Most people in this world will be moved by money. Injured to the end is just one of the living examples that appears in Wei Bin's field of vision. If Wei Bin If he really pays double the price, he will be hurt enough to stay in the end. If the future is not guaranteed, someone else will pay a higher price to poach him again one day, unless the money he gives is more than anyone else can give. It’s amazing!

But what can Wei Bin do? The current situation of the world is like this. Not only is he in trouble, all gang leaders are worried about this. How many people in this world can be absolutely loyal? At least for now, he must first stabilize the injury until the end. After the injury, he is a fighting genius, and he must not let anyone poach him away!

"I'm sorry, gang leader. I've already promised them. You can't break your promise!" What surprised Wei Bin was that he was so hurt that he actually rejected him in the end?

Is there anyone in this world who doesn’t love money? Isn't the more money the better? If he offers 10,000, I will offer 20,000, and if he offers 1 million, I will offer 2 million. Isn’t it nice to get double the reward? Isn’t it good to earn two months’ worth of money in one month? ??

"Breaching your word? I mean, brother, you are our Nirvana person. What's more, you haven't asked to quit the gang yet, so you can't say you are breaking your promise, right? Besides, you don't mind the money, right? If you had money, would you still agree to their conditions? Or do you have other reasons? Is there someone waiting for you over there?" Wei Bin asked.

He was so hurt that he finally rejected Wei Bin. The first impression he had on Wei Bin was that there was someone in the gang who was so hurt that he finally cared about him. The reason that prompted him to jump there was definitely not only because of money, but probably because there was someone there who he couldn't help but But those who pass are waiting for him! Back then, why was the Lion King unwilling to come to Nirvana? Isn’t it because Xuanyuan Aai is in another gang? As soon as Wei Bin pulled Xuanyuan Ai Ai into the gang, the Lion King immediately joined the gang! In Wei Bin's opinion, 80% of the reason why he was injured until the end was because of this, because if it was just because of money, then Wei Bin only needed to offer double the remuneration to keep him until the end. But what was the result? In the end, the injury was not retained until the end!

"Gang leader, no one is waiting for me. That gang is a strange gang. I don't have any friends in that gang. I just feel that I have abandoned my faith and I can't break my promise anymore! I once said to Gang Leader Wuji However, I must work for Nirvana until death, and dedicate everything I have to Nirvana. Unexpectedly, in just one or two years, I can no longer hold on. I have to choose because of personal reasons. Leave Nirvana! I have violated morality. I can't lose my credibility now. I have promised them and can't go back on it! As for what you just said, gang leader, don't I love money? Haha, who in the world doesn't love money? ? If you don’t love money, wouldn’t you become a saint? I just love money. If it weren’t for money, I wouldn’t leave Nirvana. But Gang Leader, now is not the time to compare single money with double money. It's a battle between double the money and my faith, because the money they paid is enough to solve my difficulties. I don't need to throw away my faith for double the money. Therefore, Gang Leader Wei, Please forgive me!" He said with regret at the end of his injury.

After hearing the hurtful last words, Wei Bin not only didn't get angry, but actually appreciated him even more. The fact that he could think like this was enough to show his character!

Although he betrayed Nirvana in the end, he did not do anything detrimental to Nirvana. From this point of view, it does not count as a deviation from the morality of Nirvana, because he was also forced by life and he needed money. Not to mention him, even Wei Bin himself would make the same choice for money, because he needs money to maintain due to the pressure of life!

And what about being hurt in the end? He has been sticking to his bottom line. He thinks that he has lost his morality and cannot lose his faith anymore, even if he is given more money, he will not!

From this point of view, after being injured, he is still a reliable person!

"Brother, what do you want me to say and do to make you stay? In fact, I don't think you have abandoned nirvana, nor have you abandoned morality. Everyone needs to live, and you and I are no exception, so you Don't give yourself too much ideological baggage. Even if I don't retain you in the end, I will not think that you have abandoned Nirvana! I will not let Nirvana people think that you have abandoned Nirvana!" Wei Bin said.

The "gang leader"'s eyes gradually became moist when he was injured to the end.

He was mentally prepared to be scolded by Nirvana people for being unethical, but he didn't expect that even the leader of Nirvana, Wei Bin, stood up to clarify and defend himself. Such a good gang leader, he wanted to Where to find it?

"Gang leader, to be honest, Nirvana is indeed my first choice gang. I am also one of the first players to join Nirvana since the Tianlong server was launched. I like Nirvana. Sharing hardships with Nirvana is my dream and the goal I have always dreamed of. But Gang Leader Wei, although you don’t think that I have abandoned Nirvana, I still can’t get over the hurdle in my heart. I have my own world view and outlook on life. I just think that I have abandoned Nirvana. I have lost my morality. I can’t I have become a person who doesn’t even talk about faith anymore. Although I am not a talented person, I still want to be a person who keeps his word and does what he says! Leader Wei, please leave me the last trace of dignity, okay? Don’t Forcing me to be a treacherous person!" Although Wei Bin tried every means to persuade him to stay, in the end, he was hurt and finally rejected Wei Bin. He has his own bottom line and his own dignity. He knows what he should and should not do. He Know what is right and who is wrong!

"Brother, did I say that nothing can keep you? Why are you doing this? Why do you have to put such a heavy burden on yourself? I can give you what they can give you, and what they can't give you, I can also give it to you and stay, okay? For your dream!" Wei Bin repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay.

"Gang Leader, please allow me to call you Gang Leader for the last time. My dream has been shattered long ago, my heart has died long ago, I am in chaos, and staying here can no longer help Nirvana. So, goodbye, Gang leader!" After saying that, he turned around after being hurt and prepared to leave the city lord's mansion in Nirvana City!

"Wait a minute!" Wei Bin said. However, he did not stop even after being injured, but resolutely continued walking towards the door.

"Brother, what if I have a way to resurrect Linlin?" Wei Bin said lightly.

The next second, to the end of the injury, seemed as long as a century. At the end of the injury, he subconsciously stopped. His whole body seemed to have been struck by lightning, and he stood frozen in place. !

resurrection? Can Linlin be resurrected?

resurrection? Haha, in this world, people cannot be resurrected after death. If they are dead, they are dead. How can they be resurrected?

In this second, he was so hurt that he thought a lot. On the one hand, he did not believe that Linlin could be resurrected, but on the other hand, he had a lucky mentality, hoping that Linlin could be resurrected, and he was hurt in his heart at the end. A particularly fierce ideological struggle began

"What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly." After a fierce ideological struggle, he finally chose to stay. Although the possibility of resurrection after death was 0, he had to take a gamble!

"Haha! Brother, if you didn't hear clearly, how could you stop?


Woolen cloth? You heard it right, I was just saying, Linlin, maybe she can be resurrected! "Wei Bin confirmed.

"What? You can be resurrected even if you are dead? Leader Wei, do you have any evidence for saying this? Or is this just a delaying tactic you used to make me stay?" Shang Luo finally said, and Hui Duo finally thought that Wei Bin It must be a gimmick deliberately made up to retain yourself! How can a dead person be resurrected?

"Brother, don't be too arbitrary. What you think is impossible will definitely not happen?" Wei Bin said.

"But the world is so big, and the earth has existed for so long, how come I have never heard of anyone who can be resurrected after death? If it is really possible, even if the news is blocked by the official, there should be rumors circulating Right? But so far, no news of resurrection after death has been spread?" Huandao finally questioned.

"The method of resurrection is not the way you know, so no news has leaked out!" Wei Bin said.

"Guild Leader Wei, do you have any evidence for what you said? How do you prove what you just said?" In the end, the more he listened, the more evil he became. The more he listened, the more it sounded like Wei Bin's expedient, Wei Bin's delaying strategy! But even so, he still tried to test Wei Bin with a sense of luck and get more information from Wei Bin. What if Linlin could really be resurrected?

"I have no evidence, but I can confirm that Linlin can indeed be resurrected. As for the basis for what I said, I'm sorry, I can't tell you!" Wei Bin said firmly.

In fact, Wei Bin is almost certain that he can be resurrected after death. Why do you say that? He has already experienced rebirth, so how difficult is it for him to be resurrected? In other words, doesn’t his rebirth represent resurrection? And it's not just him who can be resurrected, nor Linlin, but everyone can be resurrected. As long as he, like all the rebirths, has not solved the mystery of rebirth ten years later, then in Ten years later, the world will fall into reincarnation again. Although Wei Bin will no longer be the new reborn by then, it is undeniable that Linlin has indeed been reborn, and his brother Li will also be reborn along with him. , As for whether Brother Li has memory, that is not something Wei Bin can control. At least he made Linlin reborn, and he did not cheat until the end!

Of course, there is another ending, that is, ten years later, Wei Bin solved the mystery of rebirth and successfully stopped the reincarnation of the world, allowing the wheel of time to continue to roll forward. In this case, then No one will go back to ten years ago. In this way, theoretically speaking, Linlin will not be able to be reborn. In other words, Wei Bin has deceived Brother Li!

However, the above are just theories. Who knows what the world is like? Why does this world reincarnate? Have some people mastered the technology to reincarnate the world? It's very possible! If this is the case, if he really prevents the reincarnation of the world, can he use this technology to send Brother Li back to ten years ago and let him reincarnate on his own? This is completely achievable! In this way, he has lived up to Brother Li!

Wei Bin's words put Huan Dao into a dilemma in the end. Wei Bin said that he was sure Linlin could be resurrected, but he didn't explain the specific reasons and methods to him. How could he trust Wei Bin?

"Haha! I can't believe it. In just one day, I actually became a treacherous person. I have no morality and no faith, haha!" Hua Ruo laughed at himself in the end.

"Brother, by the way, have you agreed to stay?" Wei Bin asked.

Previously, when I was hurt, I refused to follow Wei Bin's advice and stay because I didn't want to lose my faith. But now? He was so hurt that he finally said that he had lost his faith. In other words, he finally compromised with himself and chose to stay?

Seeing the extremely decadent appearance after being injured, Wei Bin not only felt a bit more admiration, but the man in front of him valued faith and morality so seriously that no matter how much he tried to retain him or how much money he paid, he would not. He betrayed his faith, but in the end, he chose to stay because of an illusory promise that no one thought could be fulfilled! It's not that his faith is worthless, but because he loves this woman named Linlin so much. For this woman, he can give up his dignity, his faith, and everything about himself!

In other words, Linlin is everything to him!

"Gang leader, I hope you can keep your promise!" After being hurt, he finally straightened his back, swept away the previous decadence, and came back!

The deputy leader of Nirvana's main force, full of fighting spirit, is back!

In the end, he did not ask Wei Bin about the specific matters of Linlin's resurrection, such as when Linlin could be resurrected, and what he needed to do in order to resurrect Linlin, because he believed in Wei Bin, and as long as Wei Bin agreed, Without him, as long as Wei Bin really has a way to resurrect Linlin, then nothing will matter. There is no need for him to worry about anything. Wei Bin has arranged everything by himself! He just needs to wait quietly for Wei Bin's arrangements!

"Brother, if you want to resurrect Linlin, you may have to pay some price. The price I mentioned does not include letting you stay!" Wei Bin thought for a while, and finally decided on the time to resurrect Linlin. Please tell him roughly, because it has only been two and a half years since the day he was reborn. In other words, there are still seven and a half years until the ten-year period, and it will take at least seven and a half years to wait until the end of the injury. The time will be enough. During this period, if Wei Bin does not explain to Huang Dao in advance, it will inevitably cause misunderstandings and suspicions about Huang Dao. In order to avoid this happening, Wei Bin must tell Huang Dao in advance. .

"Gang leader, just tell me, what do you need me to do?" He didn't say anything in the end. As long as Linlin can be resurrected, I am willing to pay any price. This is precisely because he has no guarantee. Said that this just made Wei Bin really see his attitude. He didn't say anything, but in Wei Bin's view, it was the same as saying everything. It was obvious that as long as Linlin could be resurrected, he would have nothing to do. They are all willing to do it. What is there that a person who can’t even do without his own dignity can’t do or pay the price?

"Wait! All you need to do is wait. If you wait another seven and a half years, I will definitely give you a result after seven and a half years!" Wei Bin said.

"Seven years?" He finally said to himself.

"What? Brother, can't you wait?" Wei Bin asked.

"Haha! As long as I can resurrect Linlin, so what if it's only seven years? Seven years is seven years, and it will be regarded as a test for me. After seven years, if I have forgotten her, it means that I love her It's not sincere. If I can't wait for seven years, how can I say that I love her?" Huandao finally explained.

"Okay! Be happy! Ten years is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge, let alone resurrecting his beloved woman? Believe me, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer after seven years!" Wei Bin said confidently.

"By the way, I have some equipment here. I'll leave it to you to keep for now!" After saying that, Wei Bin took out the level 70 Nine-Star Heavenly Dragon equipment he had prepared in advance and gave it to Injury to the end.

"What, this is a level 70 nine-star equipment? And it's an equipment that perfectly fits the Tianlong sect? The gang leader" was so injured that he couldn't hold on any longer, and two lines of tears flowed down uncontrollably!



He was so hurt that he finally realized that Wei Bin did not lose his trust in him because he wanted to leave. Although he left without looking back, Wei Bin still entrusted him with a heavy responsibility. What kind of trust is this?

"In addition, from today on, you have officially become a core member of our Nirvana. I hope that we can be in the same boat, share wealth and adversity, and run our Nirvana together in the future!" Wei Bin stretched out his right hand and put it on the shoulder that was injured at the end. superior!

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