Game within game of online games

Chapter 836 Wage System

"Thank you!" I was so hurt that I didn't say much in the end, but simply said thank you!

At this moment, he knew that nothing he said was of any use. No matter how fanciful he said, it was better to do something down-to-earth for Nirvana! He is a practical person and rarely talks about empty words!

In Wei Bin's view, this simple word "thank you" contains countless hurt feelings until the end. Although he didn't say anything until the end, these two words were enough for Wei Bin to understand his feelings. Got it!

"Today, your incident reminded me that all along, within Nirvana, only our employees and Nirvana's core members will be paid wages. In addition, the leader of the main force group can get a small salary. Money, even you, the deputy leader, don’t have a salary package. It’s my fault! My stinginess almost made me lose you as my right-hand man! Therefore, I announce that starting from now, a set of salary and benefits documents will be developed. The leader of the main regiment has a monthly salary of 1,000 gold coins, the deputy leader has a monthly salary of 500 gold coins, the leader of a hundred regiments has a monthly salary of 300 gold coins, the leader of the ten regiments has a monthly salary of 100 gold coins, the leader of a hundred regiment has a monthly salary of 50 gold coins, and for a six-person squad leader, each person One gold coin per month! These people are all the elites of Nirvana. Since we have gone through so much trouble to recruit them into Nirvana and selected them from different levels, we cannot let the talents drain away easily. ! It’s up to you to draw up this document! In addition, you can draw up another document. The general content of the document is that rewards and punishments should be clearly defined. On the battlefield, those who have made meritorious service should be rewarded according to the document, especially those who kill. , you can receive the reward by relying on the email reminder sent by the system after killing a person. Then there are the scouts. The scouts will not directly participate in the battle, but their contribution is no less than killing a few people. We cannot let them The work has been done in vain, we can't let people's hearts fall! As for those who flee in front of the battle and disobey orders, relevant punishment measures must also be formulated! Let's name this document Lin!" Wei Bin said.

The incident of being injured at the end really reminded Wei Bin that Nirvana, like other major gangs, does not have a salary system for relevant positions. Other gangs, like Nirvana, only have individual core members. There is a salary!

But it's easy to go wrong here. You know, anyone in a high position must have outstanding abilities. Such people are rare. How many things has Wei Bin done to recruit talents? What a sacrifice? And after recruiting these talents into Nirvana, how much energy did he spend to select them and entrust them with important tasks? Wei Bin has worked so hard for people like them. He can't let these talents go away easily. Otherwise, won't all his previous efforts be in vain?

This is not impossible, and the possibility is not low. You must know that gold will always shine. Not only the Nirvana people can see the excellence of these people, but the outsiders can still see their excellence. This is doomed. Poaching people is very likely to happen, and is even already happening, but these people are not in the high position of Nirvana and have not entered Wei Bin's field of vision!

And this wage system can fundamentally prevent these poaching incidents from happening, because other gangs, like Nirvana, do not have a wage system. Since other gangs do not have a wage system, but Nirvana does, then who would be willing to go there? What about other gangs?

As for the amount of salary, to be honest, Wei Bin's work can be regarded as benevolent and righteous. The leader of the main force of Nirvana has a monthly salary of 10 million federal dollars. This salary, to be honest, has surpassed 99.99 people in the world. How many people in this world have such a high monthly salary? The leader of Nirvana's main force can be said to be the pinnacle of Nirvana's middle management officials. He is almost one step away from being able to jump into the upper echelons of Nirvana, so Wei Bin gritted his teeth and directly gave him 1,000 federal coins. sky-high treatment!

The deputy captain's monthly salary of 5 million federal coins is also a goal that countless people cannot reach. This number is something that most people can only look up to and is simply impossible to achieve. You know, this is 5 million federal coins. coins, and that’s every month. If Wei Bin had proposed this wage system early, would there still be this scene today? Will he be poached in the end even if he is injured? In the end, he is a principled and bottom-line person. As long as the money Wei Bin gives him is enough to solve his dilemma, he will not leave Nirvana even if other gangs give him 10 million!

The monthly income of 100 regiment leaders is 3 million federal coins. This figure is also a big expense. However, fortunately, Nirvana only has 15 hundred commanders, so the total amount is only 45 million federal coins. 4500 Just gold!

Here, it is necessary to reiterate the concept of a hundred regiment leaders, as well as the concept of ten regiment leaders that will be discussed next. Nirvana has a top-down management system. Nirvana has a total of 150,000 people, and a hundred-member regiment, It is a hundred people, led by a group leader. This group leader is called the leader of the Hundred People Group, and the ten hundred people groups are led by a player. The identity of this player is the Ten Group Leader. In other words, a The tenth regiment leader is followed by 1,000 people! Further up, there are ten ten commanders, and they are led by one hundred commander. In other words, one hundred commander has 10,000 people, and Nirvana has a total of 150,000 people. In other words, Nirvana has a total of 15 hundred commanders. Commander, 150 commanders of the Tenth Regiment, and 1,500 commanders of the Hundred Regiment!

The salary of the leader of the 10th regiment is 1 million federal coins per month, and the salary of the leader of the 100-member regiment is 500,000 federal coins. In fact, although these expenses are also very large, they are not so large that Wei Bin cannot accept them. The real expenses , actually still on the six-person team leader!

Regarding whether the six-man team leader should be paid, Wei Bin is actually in a dilemma. What if he is not worthy? But whether Nirvana's decree can be implemented or not, its root lies in the team leader at the lowest level. The team leader is the foundation, because the team leader is the one who has direct contact with the ordinary players at the grassroots level. Whether they are paid or not will depend on whether they are paid or not. When conveying the Nirvana decree, there were two completely different scenes. What if they were given a salary? Then they are very energetic!

But if you pay wages, the cost will be huge! You know, the number of squad captains is the largest. Nirvana has 25,000 squad captains. Faced with such a huge number of squad captains, how does Wei Bin determine this salary? Even if each person has one gold, it will cost 25,000 gold. What if each person has 10 gold? That’s an expense of 250,000 gold. This expense is terrifying! Why don’t all the major forces establish wage systems? Because no one can afford this expense! Who has how much money to pay them? Even Wei Bin, who holds 1.3 billion gold coins in his hand, is a little timid. He only dares to give each team leader a salary of 10,000 federal coins!

You must know that the benefits brought by this expenditure are not obvious and are not immediate. It is not like using the money to build players. For players, once the money is in place, the combat effectiveness will naturally increase. This is the most direct. Reflected in the most conspicuous way!

Taking into account all the above expenses, Wei Bin would need 120,000 gold to pay them every month. Which gang has such benefits? Do you have such courage and courage?

In other words, how many forces have such financial resources? Spend 1.2 billion federal dollars out of your own pocket every month to pay wages to gang members?

The "gang leader" heard Wei Bin say that this document was named after Linlin. He was so hurt that he was moved again in the end. Wei Bin's kindness to him was simply heavier than Mount Tai!

Wei Bin's intention is already obvious, to commemorate his lover Linlin, and even to let everyone know the name Linlin! Because the name of this file is too sensitive, anyone who hears it will guess that it is a personal name! Moreover, this name brings a good impression to all Nirvana players, because this is a reward system. Although it is said that rewards and punishments are clear, in fact it is mainly biased towards rewards. As for punishment, you should not touch it. Aren’t the relevant regulations enough?

This is a


This is a document that makes the whole gang commemorate Linlin! And this document was written by him. Everyone will be grateful to Wei Bin and think of him well!

Thinking of this, there are no more extra thoughts in my heart until I am hurt at the end. The only thing left is the word loyalty!

"As for your treatment, you are the same as other Nirvana core members, ten thousand gold per month!" Wei Bin continued.

He didn't ask the person who was hurt until the end, how much money the person who poached him gave him, and what kind of treatment he was promised, because he knew that no matter how much the other party gave him, it would not be as much as what he gave, and what kind of treatment he was given by others. No matter how good he is, he cannot be treated as well as the core members of Nirvana. This is his confidence!

It was so hurt that the last time I heard it, it almost exploded on the spot. A monthly salary of 100 million federal dollars? this

This horse riding is a figure that he will never be able to achieve in his life! It's money that countless people can't earn in a lifetime. And now, Wei Bin actually gave him wealth in one month that others can't get in a lifetime. How can you express this kind of kindness?

In fact, the person who poached him was only allowed to pay him 500 gold per month. As for his status, he was just the leader of the main force of their gang. If this kind of treatment were given in the past, it would indeed be It is considered generous, but if you look at it now, it is not worth mentioning at all! Wei Bin gives him 10,000 gold a month. What Wei Bin gives him for one month is more than what he gives for a year and a half! And he has joined the core members of Nirvana. What does it mean to be a core member of Nirvana? It means supreme rights and treatment. Among the core members of Nirvana, whoever you take out at random is not a player who reaches the limit of five? Who doesn’t have a mythical beast in his hand? Whose seal level, etc., are not extremely outstanding in all aspects of attributes? Any one of the core members of Nirvana will be sought after by countless people, and he will soon become such a person, rising from a poor and down-to-earth commoner to become one of the most successful people in the world. Dragon! How can this be compared to a mere leader of the main force?

"Okay, I have made all my requests. If you have any demands, you can take this opportunity to express them all!" Wei Bin continued.

"Gang Leader, what are you asking for? This is simply a gift! Logically speaking, you have given me wealth and status that countless people cannot reach in their lifetimes. I should have nothing to ask for. But, Gang Leader, I am really here. I have a favor to do, and I’m asking for your help!” Huandao said reluctantly in the end.

"Haha! This is a good brother. If you are no longer willing to ask for my help because I have given you a lot of things, then you are too ignorant. The fact that you can still ask me for help now means that you have already You treat me as one of your own, I'm very happy, you tell me!" Wei Bin said.

"Gang leader, you should know something about Linlin. I don't know if you know that she has a child!" Huandao said at the end.

"Child? What happened to the child?" Regarding this child, Wei Bin really didn't know. It was impossible for Lin's mother to tell him about the child, let alone to tell him that she was so hurt that she wanted to raise the child in the end. The child must be taken from the child's biological father.

"Linlin divorced her husband a few years ago. After she passed away, I wanted to take over her children and raise them. However, I did not have enough financial resources to support me at the time because I was also a child. A person with a family! Therefore, her child was taken away by her ex-husband. What I want to ask for your help is to use your connections as a gang leader to help me get the child back, and let me raise the child in the future! "I was hurt and said at the end.

Someone may ask, do you have so much money? Can’t even bring back a child?

Who says that if you have money, you can definitely take over your child? You know, having money depends on the situation. If someone like Wei Bin got rich very early, then he would be able to take the child back because his money has been transformed into his power. , even though he does nothing on weekdays, the people who flatter him have already queued up from Sanya to Paris, France. It is too easy for Wei Bin to establish his own social circle. Once he has a social circle, he gets to know all kinds of dignitaries. , then you will naturally have power!

On the other hand, what if it hurts to the end? His firepower was somewhat lacking. Even if Wei Bin immediately gave him 100 million federal coins, he would not be able to do what Wei Bin did, because he did not have enough time to build his own circle and make friends with those high-ranking officials. If you don’t have your own power, is it useful to just have money? It's okay to buy something, but it's a bit difficult to do errands! Especially if you want to pick up a child who is completely different from you, will the child's biological father agree? You know, the biological father of the child is very rich and has his own factory. A family like this must have its own power. If not, not only will he not have a child, but he will also be beaten severely. maybe!

Therefore, in order to ensure that he could take over the child and raise him, he had no choice but to turn to Wei Bin for help!

"Brother, I want to ask, is there any problem with the child being raised by his biological father? Why do you have to take the child over and raise it yourself?" Wei Bin was a little surprised. Could it be that his biological father could still treat his own flesh and blood badly? Can't?

"Gang Leader, you don't know something. As far as I know from Linlin, this man is not a good man. I once heard Linlin say that not long after they divorced, the child got sick, and then Linlin took the He went to the hospital for an infusion, but as a result, the child’s biological father went to visit the child! If the child’s father had gone alone, then I might have had a different attitude towards him. At that time, he was taking another woman with him Yes, this woman is also his current wife! At that time, Linlin was furious. How could there be such a man? Is this showing off to show off? Can't he just leave the woman outside and come in to see the child? Are you not willing to even pretend to be the most basic? Moreover, they had just divorced at that time, and the man found another woman. Isn't this a divorce after he already had a wife in advance? This should be Is it a divorce caused by an extramarital affair? Now, the child's biological father has to raise the child. Can the child's stepmother treat the child well? They divorced when the child was one year old, and now the child is over six years old. In this year, the child's grandmother and the child's father have not seen the child more than 10 times combined. Do you think the child will be taken seriously by them? Who cares about a child whose biological mother has passed away? I'm worried that the child will I was wronged by them and didn't receive the treatment that a son or grandson should receive. That's why I want to take the child over and raise it myself. This is better than having them raise it, right?" It hurt to the end. said.

The biological father of the child is a man, and the city B where Linlin and the others are located is from the north. To put it bluntly, if the child is wronged by them, it is impossible for others to know. In the end, they are worried that the child will be hurt. I was treated unfairly, so I decided to take over the child!

"What about your family? How do you explain it to your family?" Wei Bin said.

"Hey, forget it, let's leave it to the child's grandmother to take care of it. After Linlin passed away, Linlin's sister moved back to live with her mother in order to take care of her mother. Her sister also has a child at home, and Linlin's child He's having a great time. From now on, Linlin's sister will take care of him! I will give them money regularly so that they can quit their jobs and take care of their children at home. I will also hire the best tutors for them. After thinking about it for a while, he finally gave up the idea of ​​raising the child himself. After all, he would devote himself to Tianlong in the future, and he did not have enough time to educate the child. If the child is left to be taken care of by the child's aunt and grandmother, it must be better than him. Anyway, he

There will be plenty of money in the future. The child's aunt and uncle don't need to go out to work at all. They can just take care of the child wholeheartedly. They are the closest relatives and trusted people of Linlin and the child. He is very relieved to leave it to them to take care of the child. !

"Okay, I can help you. I'll go get ready. If you want to go there anytime, just say hello to me!" Wei Bin said.

Next, Wei Bin found an old friend from Tianji Pavilion, Old Man Tianji. Wei Bin had many big-name friends, such as Xue Muhua’s gang leader Aunt Wang, and the killer gang leader Feng Zhong Zhui Feng. However, when it comes to who can help the most, Wei Bin's job was definitely not done by these two people. This perfect candidate was none other than Old Man Tianji!

It’s not that Aunt Wang and Fengzhong Zhuifeng are less powerful than Old Man Tianji, but because their power is more concentrated in the city where their real headquarters is located, and Linlin’s ex-husband’s home is in the south, not the two of them. People's sphere of influence, so no matter how powerful they are, they are afraid that some will be beyond their reach. After all, strong dragons cannot overwhelm local snakes!

But Old Man Tianji is different. The Tianji Pavilion where Old Man Tianji is located is an intelligence company. Its ears, eyes, and contacts are all over the world. It can be said that wherever there are people, it is their sphere of influence! So for this matter that needs to be accomplished across a long distance, Old Man Tianji is naturally Wei Bin’s perfect choice!

"Is it there? Haha! What a coincidence! To tell you the truth, I have a younger brother who lives there now. He happens to have nothing to do. You can find him and I can earn some income for him! "Old man Tianji said.

"With senior's brother here, it must be an immediate success! Thank you for your help, senior!" Wei Bin thanked him.

These few words of Old Man Tianji can be said to be concise and concise! First of all, although Old Man Tianji did not give a guarantee to Wei Bin, the meaning of his words was no different from the guarantee, because the person he recommended was not someone else, but his younger brother. This was his younger brother. He could Doesn’t his brother have confidence? In other words, if his brother messed up the errand, who would end up being embarrassed? Isn’t he Old Man Tianji? Therefore, Old Man Tianji introduced his brother's behavior to Wei Bin, which in itself was a guarantee to Wei Bin!

Second point, Old Man Tianji did not say whether to charge or how to charge, but his words have already made it very clear that he wants to earn some income for his younger brother, which means that there is a high probability that there will be a charge, but the charging standard, It depends on what his younger brother wants, because Old Man Tianji is talking about getting some income for his younger brother. As for whether to charge more or less, Wei Bin will discuss it with his brother!

The next day, the last injured person, the so-called Brother Li, took the child's grandmother, Linlin's mother, and Wei Bin, and flew to the south on Wei Bin's private plane. It's good to have money!

"Hello, boss, I have been ordered to greet you all here!" An old man over sixty years old said politely, bowing his hands.

"Senior, you are too polite. Since you are the family of Senior Tianji, then we are naturally a family! But, is it just you? Something unpleasant may happen today. Senior, you are the only one Can people handle it?" When Wei Bin saw that the security company actually sent only one person, he was a little unhappy. He said that he needed to do a big thing, so he had to find dozens of people to support the scene!

"Haha, don't worry, I can handle anything in this place!" The sixty-year-old man said with great confidence!

"In that case, okay! Let's set off!" Wei Bin said.

Next, everyone took a high-end car arranged by the old man and arrived at the home of the child's biological father.

"Hey, my mother-in-law is here, come on, come on, please have a seat!" A middle-aged man said with a smile.

This person is the child's grandfather and the owner of the man's factory. His family is very rich, so he usually does maintenance and looks very young! Although his son has divorced Linlin, they were once in-laws, and the child's grandma has taken care of his grandson for more than six years. At this time, he still has to be polite!

After some greetings, the child's grandmother, Lin's mother, took the lead in proposing the purpose of the trip.

"In-laws, to be honest, I have seen this child for more than six years, and I feel really reluctant to be separated from him all of a sudden. I came here today because I actually want to take the child back. After all, I have been with him for many years. , I can't live without him, and he has many children there, and he is familiar with the environment there. I am worried that he will not adapt to the sudden move from the north to my husband's house, in case he becomes acclimatized. , then the gain outweighs the loss!" Lin's mother said.

"What? Take him back? Qin's mother, to be honest, Linlin is a good girl and a good mother. If Linlin is still here, then I will definitely not let Xiaoshi take the child over. After all, she is her biological mother. , but, God is jealous of Yingcai, isn’t God taking Linlin to heaven to enjoy happiness? If the child has no mother, it should be taken care of by the child’s biological father. Don’t worry, mother-in-law, Xiaoshi is the child’s biological father, is it possible? Are you still worried that your child will be wronged by us?" Although the mature man did not explicitly reject Lin's mother, the meaning behind his words was already obvious, that is, the child cannot be taken away! This is the flesh and blood of their family!

"My in-laws, to be honest, I really can't live without my grandson. I haven't seen my grandson for just two days, and I feel empty and restless in my heart. For this reason, I feel like I'm going to be sick, in-laws Ah, I have been with my child for more than six years, and I have watched him grow up with my own eyes. I no longer have Linlin, and I can’t live without a grandchild!” As she spoke, Lin’s mother began to sob. Come out, this is not a show, but a true expression of true feelings. Any grandma who has been with her grandson for six years will have this emotion!

"My mother-in-law, to be honest, you still have to take care of your own body. If you can't even take care of your own body, how can you take care of your children? How can I feel relieved in your current state? Besides, we You also know the family conditions. He is my grandson. I can give him the best living conditions. In the future, I can let him go to the best school and enjoy the best treatment. I can even give him the best living conditions in the future. Find the best job. To be honest, mother-in-law, you can't give him these things I gave him. If you take the child away and let him suffer, isn't this harming him?" said the strong man.

"Are you so rich? How long will it take to turn his company into a pornographic company?" Hearing the tone of this strong man, Wei Bin couldn't help but feel murderous. Isn't this too crazy? Are you just showing off your wealth so openly?

Afterwards, the old man invited by Wei Bin went out to make a phone call!

"Can't give it? Who said I can't give it? I can give my children better things, but you can't give them these!" Seeing the attitude of the mature man, Brother Li couldn't help it. Isn't this bullying? Isn't this looking down on people? If you don't want to give it, just say you won't give it. Why bother looking for so many high-sounding reasons?

"Can you give it? Who are you? What can you do if you can give it? Are you related to the child by blood? Let me tell you, even if you can give it, I will not let you take the child away today!" The strong man said with all his strength He slapped the table, then stood up and said fiercely.

This slap from the middle-aged man really shocked Brother Li and Mother Lin. Both of them were just ordinary people. At this moment, they were really shocked by the aura of the middle-aged man!

"Why don't you give me your child even though I have money? Then what's your intention when you teased me so much before? Are you showing off your wealth?" Lin's mother quickly woke up from the shock of the strong man's slap, and then she said: He stood up and slapped the table hard! Perhaps, this grandson is really her lifeblood, the only one she can remember Linlin with!

"Today, we have to take this child away no matter what, it's not up to you!" Brother Li also stood.


Get up and slap the table hard!

He was just startled by this strong man just now. He was blinded, but it didn't mean that he was afraid of this man. Not to mention that Wei Bin was standing behind him now. Even if he was alone, he would still Stand up and resist, because he has to take the child back no matter what, because this is the only child Linlin has left in this world. Even if he dies, he will take the child away!

"What? Take the child away? Who said you should take the child away?" At this time, a voice came from outside the door. This person was the child's biological father!

"Is it you?" Seeing his old mother-in-law coming, this person didn't even call her mom. The reason he gave himself was very simple, that is, he had divorced Linlin. Since they were divorced, she would not She is his mother-in-law anymore. Since she is no longer his mother-in-law, why should he call her mother? The only relationship she has with him now is that he is the child's father and she is the child's grandmother. He has no feelings for the old woman in front of him!

"For the sake of me calling you mom, I won't embarrass you today. You can leave now. I will pretend that nothing has happened. Let's get together and go, okay?" The child's biological father is extremely worried. He said arrogantly that if you don't leave, I will beat you!

"Is this how you talk to your child's grandma? Why did Linlin marry you in the first place?" Hearing the child's biological father talking to Lin's mother in this tone, Brother Li couldn't bear it anymore. You can talk to me like this , but you must not speak like this to Lin’s mother, not because Lin’s mother was once your mother-in-law, but because Lin’s mother is Linlin’s mother. Brother Li did not protect Linlin when Linlin was alive. After Linlin left, He failed to protect the child, and now he can't even protect Linlin's mother?

This is Linlin’s biological mother!

"Is it you? I remember you. I heard that you seemed to be the one who stayed at night for Linlin for two nights, right? Hahaha, you are in good physical condition, and you can actually stay there for three days? But, you Isn't this too stupid? You are actually keeping vigil for a divorced woman? And she is also a stinky woman who was abandoned by me, hahaha! It really made me laugh! Hey, I said, you must have fallen in love with her, right? You praise a stinky foot that I don’t want as a goddess? Do you know how many shortcomings she has? You still..." Linlin’s ex-husband laughed loudly. However, before he could finish his words, he was greeted by Brother Li. Remember the punch!

"What? You dare to hit me like a horse? I've rebelled against you! Come on, fuck him!" Linlin's ex-husband got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said fiercely.

As soon as he finished speaking, several gangsters rushed over not far from the door. However, before these gangsters could run a few steps, they were all knocked down by a black figure behind them with punches and kicks. Got it! Everyone only used one move, no extra moves!

Everyone looked around and saw that the dark figure was none other than the sixty-year-old man who picked up Wei Bin at the airport!

"Haha, you have some skills!" Wei Bin thought to himself.

"I beat you? What's wrong with me beating you? Don't you accept it? Even if you call the police, I'll just pay you some money. Do you want money? I have plenty of money here. Here, I'll give it all to you!" , Brother Li took out a wad of banknotes from his bag. It was roughly estimated that there must be tens of thousands of federal coins!

Immediately afterwards, Brother Li hit him with another heavy punch!

"This punch was the one you just dealt rudely to Mother Lin!"


"You abandoned Linlin with this punch!"

"You just insulted Linlin with this punch!"

With three consecutive punches, Brother Li punched Linlin's ex-husband's face until it was deformed!

"You are right. I do like Linlin, but I don't care if she is divorced or not, and I don't care how many shortcomings she has. I just like her! What's wrong?" Brother Li shouted loudly, shouting, Brother Li I started crying!

He misses Linlin!

Just like that, Brother Li punched Linlin's ex-husband one after another, causing blood to flow everywhere!

"Okay! If the fight continues, someone will be killed. I can help you settle the fight, but if someone loses his life, no one can save you!" At this time, Wei Bin grabbed the fist thrown by Brother Li. !

Wei Bin's words completely woke up Brother Li. Yes, the federation has never been merciful in punishing murderers. As long as you are a murderer, no matter who you are, you will not be able to escape the punishment of the law in the end. , the Federation has truly become ruthless and extrajudicial, killing relatives just for justice!

Brother Li's current situation is very important. Not only does he need to take care of his family, he also needs to take care of this child and Linlin's family. He cannot be imprisoned, let alone be sentenced to death!

The words Linlin's ex-husband said just now were really too irritating to Brother Li. Linlin has passed away. How can Brother Li tolerate others insulting Linlin like this? If he doesn't take action when faced with this situation, will he be worthy of Linlin?

Fortunately, Wei Bin pulled Brother Li back when he was most impulsive, otherwise, his future might really be ruined like this!

"Brother Li is right. You are not worthy of raising Linlin's child. What Linlin's child can learn from you is probably snobbery! You'd better hand over the child honestly!" Wei Bin said calmly. said.

After a long time, Linlin's ex-husband finally got up from the ground with difficulty and lay down quietly on the sofa.

"I can consider letting you take the child away, but you absolutely cannot take the child away like this!" Although Linlin's ex-husband is not a handsome man, he can be regarded as a man who understands current affairs. Judging from the current situation , We are the swordsmen, I am the flesh and blood, they are at a disadvantage, he can no longer be as arrogant as before! The reason why he dared to be so arrogant just now was because his friends were standing outside the door. These people were all people who were willing to fight to the death. He invited them to watch the scene. After all, their family has a big business. If they don't have a few A little gangster watching the show shouldn't be asked to collect protection money from time to time!

And just such a few gangsters were actually subdued by a sixty-year-old man with one move, which made him lose his confidence in an instant. Without someone to protect his safety, how could he dare to be as tough as before?

However, although he spoke in a lower posture and softened his tone, he did not intend to hand over the child. In other words, it was no longer a question of whether to hand over the child or not, but a question of whether he could swallow the bad breath. , he can hand over the child, but he must vent his anger!

Of course, he couldn't just hand over the child, otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to get over this hurdle in his heart. He was obviously scared of being beaten, so he handed it over!

"You said, as long as you are willing to hand over the child, we can discuss anything!" Brother Li said.

"Okay! Don't you want a child? I can hand over the child, but I absolutely can't just hand over the child. If I just hand over the child, how will others see me in the future? How will I live? This obstacle in my heart? If you want to take the child away, you must follow my conditions. You call and shake people, and I will call and shake people. The last person standing is the one who is worthy of raising this child! How? Like? Do you dare?" Linlin's ex-husband emphatically said the words "dare you". This tone made it obvious that he was provoking Brother Li!

After listening to Linlin's ex-husband's words, Brother Li was not irritated. With the lesson just now, he has gained a memory. He can't be irritated anymore. The more dangerous and tense the moment, the more calm he has to be. This is what Wei Bin just taught him! Even an ordinary person knows how to learn a lesson and change it, let alone Brother Li, the deputy leader of Nirvana's main force!

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