Game within game of online games

Chapter 837 Beat me hard!

Brother Li did not answer in a hurry, but glanced at the sixty-year-old man who had just walked in. The sixty-year-old man immediately understood. Then, the sixty-year-old man gave him an OK gesture back, meaning no problem!

"This is what you said. If you dare not admit it afterwards, then I will not let you go even if I die!" Brother Li said harshly. With this gesture from the sixty-year-old man, Brother Li felt relieved. After all, Be it Brother Li or Wei Bin, they are both outsiders and are not familiar with the place where they live. It is indeed very difficult for them to come and shake people. However, the sixty-year-old man is a native of the country. In this situation, Of course he has the final say! Even he said it was OK, so what else does Brother Li have to worry about?

"What? Are you going to start a group fight? Xiao Li, don't start a group fight. At worst, we won't pick up the child. You can't hurt yourself just to pick up the child!" When Lin's mother heard this, the two sides were about to start a group fight. He hurriedly stepped forward to dissuade her, and it was obvious that Lin's mother already regarded Xiao Li as her biological son!

"Auntie, don't worry, everything will be fine!" Brother Li comforted.

"No, I'm from here. In the past, during the era of social turmoil, many people lost their arms and legs just because of group fights, and many people died directly at the scene of the fight. You can't fight in groups! I've already lost I've lost Linlin, I can't lose you again!" Lin's mother said eagerly. With this tone, maybe she really regarded Brother Li as her biological son, or in other words, son-in-law.

"Auntie, it is my dereliction of duty that I failed to protect Linlin in this life. It is my regret that I failed to marry Linlin. I have enough regrets. I can't lose Linlin's child again, and I can't let you I have lost my grandson. Do you still remember that day, before he left, he asked me when he could set off fireworks with him? This is the second time he has asked me. The last time, I did not have the courage to go to your house. Let's set off fireworks with him, but what about the future? If we can't pick up the child, then I will never have the chance to set off fireworks with him. I don't want the child to have regrets in his heart! Don't worry, Auntie, everything will be fine. !" Brother Li patted Lin's mother on the back and comforted her.

Seeing Brother Li's persistence, Mother Lin may have been touched by his care for the child, so Mother Lin did not continue to say anything. She chose to believe Brother Li and believed that Brother Li could settle the matter and take the child back to the north!

Next, Linlin's ex-husband called, "Brother Lang, it's me. Brother was beaten here. Brother Lang, please bring someone over quickly to help brother find the factory. Yes, yes, yes, it is in our factory area." Here, Brother Lang, please bring more people, there are quite a lot of people on the other side, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist them if there are less."

Seeing that Linlin's ex-husband started to shake her, Brother Li and Wei Bin looked at the sixty-year-old man behind them, as if asking him why he hadn't shaken her yet. If he didn't shake her, they might be in trouble soon. If you get beaten, it’s a small thing to be beaten, but it’s a big thing if you can’t take the child away!

The sixty-year-old man understood what Wei Bin and Wei Bin meant at a glance, but he still didn't call. Instead, he said lightly, "No one dares to do anything to me here?"

After saying that, the old man put his hands behind his back and closed his eyes. With these two actions, he directly stretched his pussy to full score!

After a while, a group of people came to the street. Linlin's ex-husband and his father, after hearing the noise, immediately went out and got excited. This was their life-saving straw!

When Wei Bin and others saw this, they simply followed him out. If they really wanted to fight, they couldn't do it in the house!

"Brother Wolf, you're here, Brother Wolf! They were the ones who beat me. Look at my face, which was beaten by them. My own father can't even recognize me. Brother Wolf, you have to make the decision for me no matter what you say today." !" Linlin's ex-husband bowed his head and smiled.

Linlin's ex-husband met Brother Lang at a nightclub. He saw that Brother Lang's power was too huge, and he could be said to be a presence that covered the sky with one hand, so Linlin's ex-husband started to make friends. With his heart in mind, he directly invited Brother Lang and his younger brothers to eat and drink here, and he would pay for all the expenses.

However, how could he afford someone like Brother Lang? At best, he just paid Brother Lang to support the scene. If there was no profit motive, how could Brother Wolf fight with others for him? Therefore, even if Brother Lang comes, Linlin's ex-husband must be respectful and not dare to offend Brother Lang!

"We are all brothers. We have something to talk about. You are my brother. Anyone who dares to touch you is not selling my face! Don't worry, since I am here today, I can definitely help you settle everything! But that's it." Brother Wolf stretched out his right hand as if asking for money.

Linlin's ex-husband immediately understood. After being in society for so long, if he didn't even have this bit of vision, then his life would really have been in vain!

"Brother Lang, don't worry, don't you know who I am? It's just that today's opponent is a bit tricky! So, Brother Lang, you have to be careful!" Linlin's ex-husband reminded.

"Don't worry! There's no one here that I dare not fight, and there's no one I can't beat!" Brother Lang said, patting his chest.

Why does Linlin’s ex-husband want to befriend Brother Lang? In addition to Brother Lang's power, the main reason is that Brother Lang is a martial artist. On weekdays, he can easily fight ten of them. But today, the sixty-year-old man just now is obviously also a practitioner. Lian Jiazi, that’s why Linlin’s ex-husband chose to alarm Brother Lang and use violence to fight violence. Don’t you know martial arts? Don’t you think I’m Brother Wolf?

"Brother Lang, if we are like this, as long as you help me vent my bad temper today, I will pay one million federal coins to treat the brothers to drinks. In addition, if there are casualties, all the expenses will be borne by me!" Linlin said her ex-husband.

When Brother Lang heard this, his face couldn't help but turn ugly. Apparently he was not very satisfied with the small amount of money Linlin's ex-husband provided!

You know, those who can ask his brother wolf to come forward rarely have less than one million. Otherwise, where will his brother wolf's face be put? Theoretically speaking, one million federal coins is indeed a lot, and it is almost worthy of Brother Lang's appearance fee, but who is Brother Lang? How shrewd is he? He is a person who is very observant and able to assess situations. If the two parties have not fought before, then if Linlin's ex-husband offers one million, then Brother Lang will indeed agree to him!

However, for now, Linlin's ex-husband has been beaten. His main purpose now is to vent his anger, not for anything else. At this time, he is holding a breath in his heart. In this case, Even if Brother Lang wants two million, Linlin’s ex-husband will agree! Otherwise, he would not be able to get rid of the bad anger in his heart, and secondly, Brother Lang and his people would be here. If he just left without doing anything, where would Linlin's ex-husband's face be? Isn't this embarrassing?

Furthermore, Brother Lang has privately investigated Linlin’s ex-husband’s factory. The net profit of this factory every month is more than one million. Therefore, Brother Lang is just raising the price. With the price of their factory, The strength can be shown!

"Brother, look how many brothers we have come today? For you, we turned down another game!" Brother Lang said, meaning that your price is too low!

"Furthermore, our group of brothers all came together after taking a taxi to the designated place to gather. Some of them didn't even eat, so they left their wives and children and came to work for you. You Come on, are you worthy of such a loyal brother?" Brother Lang pointed behind him.

"Brother Lang, please make a price!" Linlin's ex-husband said.

"I don't want much here! I only charge you two million. You know, I am here because you are my brother. If it were an ordinary person, let alone two million, it would be five million." I won't go either! As for the brothers below, each of them will receive 20,000 yuan, and you will be responsible for the aftermath. What do you think?" Brother Lang looked at Linlin's ex-husband.

Linlin's ex-husband subconsciously glanced at the group of people behind Brother Lang. There must be a person numbering 180, right? In other words, today’s fight will cost him four million federal coins?

Linlin's ex-husband gritted his teeth. Now that the matter was over, if he didn't agree to Brother Lang, he would be in Li's house.


He loses face in front of his brother. Secondly, when he greets Brother Lang in the future, Brother Lang will not be able to stand up for him. In fact, he will offend Brother Lang because of this. If he offends Brother Lang, Wolf If Brother Lang sends people to cause trouble in their factory, their family will not even be able to do business. At that time, if they go to Brother Lang to say good things, I am afraid it will not be solved by four million federal coins!

Brother Lang is a man with one hand covering the sky here. If you offend Brother Lang, you will either move away or spend the rest of your life in peace!

Therefore, in order to save his family's factory, Linlin's ex-husband finally decided to swallow his anger and agree to Brother Lang's request. If the money is gone, he can make money again. But if the factory is gone, who will he cry to? Isn’t it just four months’ income from their factory?

"Okay, Brother Lang, you have the final say! As long as you can vent this bad breath for me!" Linlin's ex-husband said with a smile. Since he still has to agree to Brother Lang in the end, he must agree happily and cannot let it go. People can see that he is embarrassed, otherwise it would be too embarrassing!

"Haha, good! Have fun! I'm just saying, brother, you are a person who understands the general situation. Don't worry, I will help you get rid of the bad breath today. I will let you step on him in a while and let him come to you. Please forgive me!" Brother Lang laughed and thought to himself, this idiot is really stupid and has a lot of money. He just came here to go through the motions today. Come on, who in this city has not heard of Brother Lang? A famous name? Who in this city dares to confront him? He only needs to show his face to scare the opponent, and then he can walk away with four million! You can make four million just by going through the motions, which is a huge amount of money!

"What Brother Lang is saying is that this is your territory, Brother Lang. As long as Brother Lang takes action, nothing can be done?" Linlin's ex-husband flattered her!

"Okay, where is the person on the other side?" Brother Wolf asked.

"Brother Lang, that's the four of them. Hey, why is there one missing?" Linlin's ex-husband saw that the sixty-year-old man who had just beaten his gangster had disappeared!

"Where is that old man? What happened? Did he run away in fear when he saw my brother wolf coming? Wasn't he very awesome just now? Didn't he say that no one dared to do something to him here? What? When he saw my brother wolf coming, he Don't you even dare to risk your life?" Linlin's ex-husband straightened his back and said with great momentum.

"I'm telling you, don't blame me for not giving you a chance. We agreed in advance that whoever wins today will keep the child. I gave you time to shake people off. It's up to you to support them. You don't think you need to cry. Human! Huh! How about it, do you regret it?" Linlin's ex-husband continued to mock.

"Regret? Haha! You said it too early. I'm afraid you'll be the one regretting it later!" Seeing the menacing attack from the other side, man No. 180 was either holding an iron bar or a machete. Instead of being afraid, Brother Li felt confident. Said fully.

The source of his confidence is Wei Bin!

He believed in Wei Bin unconditionally. Since he had known Wei Bin for more than two years, Wei Bin never did anything he was not sure of, and never fought a battle he was not sure of. And this sixty-year-old man was found by Wei Bin. Brother Li believes that the sixty-year-old man can get things done!

Similar to Brother Li, there is Mother Lin. Mother Lin is also calm and calm, and does not show any fear. Although Mother Lin, like Brother Li, is just an ordinary commoner who has not experienced big scenes, she believes that Li Brother, although she and Brother Li have only known each other for a few days, Brother Li has brought her a complete sense of security. She trusts Brother Li. Since Brother Li brought her here today, Brother Li can definitely handle this matter. , take the children away!

Her trust in Brother Li comes from his love for Linlin!

In contrast, Wei Bin is even more relaxed. He has been in control of Tianlong for so long, what kind of storms and waves has he not seen? He doesn't look down on people who are more powerful than Brother Wolf in front of him, let alone a little Brother Wolf? Brother Lang is just the leader of the underworld in their city. Big bosses like Xiong Ba are the most powerful beings. Wei Bin dares to provoke even Xiong Ba, let alone Brother Lang?

Furthermore, the sixty-year-old man he brought was personally recommended to him by the old man Tianji of Tianji Pavilion, so he must be foolproof!

"Hahahaha! You really laughed me to death. I am the one who regrets it? This is simply ridiculous. Are you afraid that you haven't recognized your situation yet? Take a good look, how many people are there with me? How many people are you here? How many people are there? Your only bodyguard has already run away! Hahahaha! Now that the matter has come to this, I won’t embarrass you. Each of you, crawl over and kowtow to me three times. This matter will be revealed today. How about that? Hahahaha!" Linlin's ex-husband laughed arrogantly.

"Did you hear that? My brother said that as long as you come here and kowtow to my brother three times, you will be spared a bloody disaster today! Otherwise, huh, don't blame me for being rude!" Brother Lang roared arrogantly!

After Brother Lang roared for a while, the whole scene became quiet, and everyone was waiting for the reaction of Wei Bin and the others.

After a while.

"Kowtow three times? Can today's matter be solved by knocking three times?" Just as Wei Bin and the other three were silent, a voice came from behind them.

"Brother Langlang, that's him. He just knocked down all our watching brothers with just a few moves. He is a practitioner. Brother Lang, you have to be careful!" It turned out that the person who spoke was the one who just made the move. Linlin's ex-husband hurriedly reminded Brother Lang of the sixty-year-old man who killed one person.

After the sixty-year-old man appeared, the scene was still silent and no one spoke. But a few seconds later, Brother Wolf moved!

After Brother Lang took a few steps towards the sixty-year-old man, he stood still on the spot again. Then, Brother Lang's words made the scene completely boiling!

"Kill him to death!" Brother Lang roared loudly, as if he had met the enemy who killed his father!

And when Brother Lang gave the order, how could the hundreds of people below still sit still? The eldest brother has spoken, why don’t the younger brothers hurry up? There is only one person on the other side. Whether you can rush to the front, give this old man the first blow, and claim credit in front of Brother Lang, it all depends on this moment!

For a time, more than a hundred people rushed forward as if they were on hormones. One hundred against one, even a fool knows the outcome!

"Humph! What a bunch of rubbish. You dare to start a fight with me? You don't know how to write the word "death"? Haha, hahahaha!" Linlin's ex-husband made the final taunt, as if he was already standing in the position of the winner. , arrogantly looking at Wei Bin and the defeated men lying on the ground!

However, just when these young men passed Brother Lang and ran in the direction of the sixty-year-old man, Brother Wolf suddenly became angry!

"Damn it, are you all a bunch of idiots riding on horses? Stop here!" Brother Lang raised the machete in his hand, pointed towards the sky, and instantly stopped the group of boys beside him!


"Brother, what's wrong?"

This behavior of Brother Wolf has completely confused the group of boys under him. You are turning your back faster than flipping through a book. One second ago, you were angrily asking us to kill him. Just a moment passed. , immediately changed your mind?

"Brother Wolf? What's going on?" Linlin's ex-husband also noticed something unusual and hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

However, what responded to him was not Brother Lang's explanation, but a heavy slap in the face!

This slap in the face was so serious that not only Linlin's ex-husband's head was buzzing from the slap, but even Brother Lang's group of boys were confused. What was going on with this horse riding? Who can tell me what is going on with this horse rider? Brother Wolf hits his employer? Is this business no longer available? This is four million! you do not

If you want your two million, you have to consider your brothers too! The brothers still have 20,000 people!

However, before everyone could recover, in the next scene, another bombshell exploded in everyone's hearts!

There was only a plop sound, and Brother Wolf's knees fell to the ground without warning or slowing down!

"You're right, today's matter can definitely not be solved with three bangs!" After saying that, Brother Lang banged his head and kowtowed to the ground!

This kowtow was unusual. People around Brother Lang could clearly feel that the ground beneath their feet seemed to have experienced a slight earthquake under the impact of this kowtow!

As for the sound, it is even more distressing. Peng, this is not kowtow. Even if you hit the ground with a big iron pipe, you can't make such a sound!

When Brother Lang raised his head, everyone could clearly see that Brother Lang had already had a big cut on his forehead!

What kind of situation is this when riding a horse? Brother Lang, you came here with a hundred brothers. We just can't beat the old man in front of us, so the worst we can do is get a beating. It's better than what you are doing now, right? The way you are now, you have lost face and you are not feeling better physically. Are you also injured?

Not only Brother Lang's younger brothers were surprised, but Brother Li and Mother Lin were also dumbfounded. What was the origin of the sixty-year-old man next to them? Why did the other party kneel down without hesitation when he saw the old man in front of him, even though he was a big shot in this city? Even when he was kneeling, there was no cushioning action to protect his knees. It was as if it was instinctive. Who is this old man? He could actually scare this all-powerful Brother Wolf into kneeling down and begging for mercy just by looking at him? And this kowtow, he had never kowtowed so loudly when his own father died, right?

If we talk about shock, then Linlin's ex-husband expressed dissatisfaction. What is going on with this horse-riding person? Brother Lang is obviously the person I spent a lot of money to invite, but he knelt down in the end? And kowtow to death? Is this your biological father? I don’t care how you kowtow. The key is that you are my hired thug. If you do this, where will you put me? What do you want me to do? Do I, Fat Tiger, have no face? How do you expect me to gain a foothold in society in the future? Oh, the person I called over actually knelt down in front of him. Shouldn’t others laugh at me for the rest of my life?

However, do you think Brother Lang is done with this? No! It was far from over. As soon as Brother Lang raised his head, he immediately knocked it down like a shot put!

After the second head was raised, the third head was kowtowed non-stop, and then the fourth, fifth

Brother Wolf, who covers the sky with one hand in this city, is kowtowing so ruthlessly, as if the head is not his, but someone else's. He seems not to feel any pain at all. It may be that he is indeed in pain, but But he didn't dare to scream

"Okay, that's enough!" Just when Brother Lang kowtowed for more than a dozen times and his younger brother was at a loss, the sixty-year-old man spoke!

As soon as the sixty-year-old man finished speaking, Brother Lang immediately stopped kowtowing. This action was so fast. However, it was obvious that he didn't stop kowtowing immediately because he didn't want to kowtow anymore. It was because I was very afraid of this sixty-year-old man and I didn’t dare to disobey the sixty-year-old man’s words, so I stopped immediately!

"Because you are so repentant, I won't punish you here today. However, the country has national laws and the family has family rules. Even I can't protect you. After you go back, you can go to Department B to receive the punishment yourself!" The sixty-year-old man said calmly.

As soon as the sixty-year-old man said these words, Brother Lang raised his head. Although Brother Lang's head was already full of blood at this time, he still couldn't hide his expression of amnesty, as if the sixty-year-old man had forgiven him. Like him!

This puzzled everyone. The sixty-year-old man made it clear that the state had national laws and the family had family rules. Even he could not protect Brother Lang. He also asked Brother Lang to go back to receive the punishment. This obviously did not forgive Brother Lang. Why does Brother Lang still have such an expression as if he has been granted amnesty? Also, what is Brother Lang’s relationship with the sixty-year-old man in front of him? Are they a family?

In fact, this sixty-year-old man, who is the younger brother of Old Man Tianji, is the head of a certain martial arts school in their south, and this so-called Brother Lang is a disciple of this martial arts school. To put it bluntly, he has returned to secular life. Now, I’m no longer in the martial arts school, I’ve graduated!

This martial arts gym is not an ordinary martial arts gym. This martial arts gym is not one of those miscellaneous martial arts gyms that dare to cheat money just by knowing a few tricks like a three-legged cat. There are not many disciples in this martial arts gym, but Everyone has their own unique skills. Although they are not as exaggerated as in the TV series, one against ten is definitely light and airy. They are all real!

In theory, Brother Lang has graduated and can no longer obey the orders of the sixty-year-old leader. However, on the one hand, he is a teacher for a day and a father for life. Brother Lang is here to mess around. He is about loyalty and ethics. Even though he has graduated, returned to secular life, and joined the world, he still respects this master very much. He dare not not listen to what the master says!

Second, this master has taught him for many years. He knows his master's skills better than anyone else. His fear of the master comes from the bottom of his heart. He does not dare to go against the master's wishes. If his master wants to punish him, then he Even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, he will be caught by the master and dealt with according to the regulations, or even dealt with more seriously, because he is absconding in fear of crime!

Brother Lang and this sixty-year-old man are both warriors, so it can be understood why they both have kung fu!

And with Brother Lang's kung fu and body, even though he kowtowed so hard, his head was covered with blood, and his face was completely changed beyond recognition. In fact, he only had a minor injury at most, which was not harmful at all and was of no use. You can recover in a few days!

And why did Brother Lang feel like he was being pardoned after hearing the punishment of the sixty-year-old man?

Because their martial arts gym has rules, and Brother Lang has already violated the rules. In their martial arts gym, as long as you violate the rules, even if you have joined the world and left the martial arts gym, you still cannot escape. Punishment, and based on the rules he violated, he should be punished at Section A within the martial arts gym, but what about this sixty-year-old man? Instead of asking him to go to Section A to receive his punishment, he was asked to go to Section B to receive his punishment. You must know that Section A is the department with the most deadly and severe punishment measures in their martial arts school. What this sixty-year-old man did was, It undoubtedly reduced his punishment, how could he not see it? How could it be worse than receiving amnesty?

After the sixty-year-old man forgave Brother Lang, Brother Lang stood up slowly, then slowly turned around and stared at Linlin's ex-husband, who was him, with his eyes full of hatred. , it was Linlin's ex-husband who caused him harm. If Linlin's ex-husband hadn't called him to come over and support the scene, how could he have ended up like this? How could he lose all face and kowtow to this sixty-year-old man in public to admit his mistake? All of this was thanks to Linlin’s ex-husband. How could he not resent Linlin’s ex-husband?

And when Linlin's ex-husband saw Brother Lang's vicious eyes, his whole body instantly softened and he collapsed directly on the ground. He knew that Brother Lang had betrayed him, and he was going to deal with him next. Although he didn't know why Brother Lang rebelled, nor did he know the relationship between Brother Lang and the sixty-year-old man in front of him, he intuitively felt that he seemed to have harmed Brother Lang. If Brother Lang hadn't appeared here today If so, then Brother Lang doesn’t have to kowtow or go back to accept the so-called family law. All of this is thanks to him. Can he still survive today?

“Hit me!!!”

"Hit me hard!"

"Don't let him go either!!!"

Brother Wolf said fiercely.

Seeing this, the group of younger brothers under Brother Lang finally understood. It turned out that what Brother Lang had just said


When he said chop him to death, he was not referring to the sixty-year-old man in front of him, so when they rushed towards the sixty-year-old man, Brother Lang got angry and stopped them! The person Brother Lang was talking about at that time was referring to Linlin’s ex-husband!

Seeing their boss in such a miserable state and hating him like this, how could these younger brothers not sacrifice their lives? As soon as Brother Lang finished speaking, a hundred and eighty brothers rushed towards Linlin's ex-husband and his father like crazy!

Because there were too many people, when Brother Lang asked them to kill people at first, only the front ones crossed Brother Lang's position. The troops behind did not move a few steps at all. They still stayed at Linlin's ex-husband. Nearby, at this time, they have benefited. They are the first to get the moon, and they can directly greet Linlin's ex-husband. This is a perfect opportunity for them to please Brother Lang and show off to him. Originally, they were still regretting why they stood there Being in such a remote place, it seems that God is really blessing them, and such a big pie has been dropped to them!

For a time, more than a hundred people surrounded Linlin's ex-husband and his father. For a while, all kinds of wailing sounds floated out. It was so miserable! They swore they had never heard such miserable screams in their lives, and they had never had such an enjoyable fight in their lives!

"That's enough! Don't cause trouble for me!" Seeing that the screams of Linlin's ex-husband and her son were getting weaker and weaker, Brother Lang immediately ordered the younger brothers to stop!

Even though he can cover the sky with one hand in this city, he doesn't dare to kill anyone, because the federal surveillance methods are too strong. As long as someone lives, Brother Wolf will never be able to escape!

More importantly, he is not alone now. His master is also present. Once someone is killed, his master may not be able to clear up the relationship!

"Bring them over to me!" Brother Lang ordered.

Immediately afterwards, several younger brothers dragged the father and son directly in front of Brother Li.

"Two young brothers and auntie, it was my fault just now. I was blind to the truth. I hope you can forgive me. Don't worry, today's fight will have nothing to do with you if the higher authorities find out. "It's entirely because I personally feel unhappy with the father and son, so I want to educate them!" Brother Lang quickly apologized to Wei Bin, Brother Li and Mother Lin with a smile on his face!

Brother Lang has been in society for many years, and his ability to observe words has long been perfected. He can see that among the four people today, Wei Bin, Brother Li, Lin Ma and his master, the one who plays the leading role today is definitely not his master. Today they The purpose of the four people's trip has absolutely nothing to do with his master, because if his master wants to do something, it will never involve these three people. Is there anything in this city that his master can't settle? Do you still need to bring three people over to help? His master was definitely the one who was pulled. It must have been these three people who asked his master to help!

Among the three people, Wei Bin, Lin Ma and Li Ge, theoretically speaking, Lin Ma should be the leader. It should be Lin Ma who dragged Wei Bin and Li Ge, and then his master to come and help. Because she is a woman, she is not the leader. Could it be that Wei Bin or Brother Li is the leader? Will Wei Bin or Brother Li bring an old aunt over?

However, according to Brother Lang's experience and intuition, Lin's mother is not the leader of today's matter. Although Lin's mother is theoretically the leader, things are fickle. After all, theories are just theories, and there is often a gap between theory and reality! Brother Lang believes that the real leader should be Brother Li!

Because, after Linlin’s ex-husband made some mocking words just now, the person who responded to Linlin’s ex-husband was not Lin’s mother, but Brother Li. It was Brother Li who replied, “Regret? Haha! You spoke too soon. , I’m afraid it’s you who will regret it soon!”

If he didn't have full confidence and didn't understand his master's strength, how could he say such a thing?

Therefore, the leader should be Brother Li!

Therefore, when Brother Lang apologized to the three of them, he was always watching Brother Li speak, because Brother Li forgave him and truly forgave him!

It felt so good now. I was so hurt that I swore that I had never felt so good in my life. It turns out that this is what it feels like to be rich!

However, in the end, he was just an ordinary citizen after all. His experience has destined him to be honest. Even if he gains power in the future, he will not bully others!

"That's it!" Brother Li said.

Hearing what Brother Li said, Brother Lang was finally relieved. The leader would not pursue the case anymore, then everything would be easy to handle!

"Then what should I do with this little brother, these two? Don't worry, it's me who handles it, not you. No matter what happens to them, they will all be blamed on me, and it has nothing to do with you at all!" Brother Lang! He said flatteringly.

"Let me handle the next thing! I still have some things to ask him!" Brother Li looked at Linlin's ex-husband.

But it was such a peaceful look that made Linlin's ex-husband feel horrified, as if he was facing a formidable enemy!

At this moment, Linlin's ex-husband's phone rang. Linlin's ex-husband looked at Brother Li and then at Brother Lang, as if asking them both whether he should answer the call.

This scene is really desolate. Just a moment ago, he was so arrogant and wanted to eat people, but now he was covered in blood, like a bereaved dog, wagging its tail to Brother Lang and Brother Li, begging for mercy!

"Let him pick it up!" Before Brother Li could say anything, Wei Bin spoke first!

Seeing Wei Bin's message and Brother Li not objecting, Linlin's ex-husband answered the phone!

It was okay if he didn't answer the phone, but when he answered, Linlin's ex-husband's heart went cold, as if the sky was about to fall.

"Dad, it's over, it's all over!" Linlin's ex-husband cried loudly, as if his own father was dead!

"What's wrong? Tell me, you should tell me quickly!" His father felt an ominous premonition when he saw his son's posture.

"The bank suddenly cut off our loans, all our users also terminated their cooperative relationships with us, and our material suppliers all stopped supplying us, and there are all kinds of The bureau threatened to investigate our factory, saying that our sewage discharge exceeded the standard, our noise also caused pollution to surrounding residents, and some said that we did not meet safety standards, and our bank account, they said, we There was a problem with the funds in our account, and they temporarily froze our account, saying they would check it out later! Our factory is finished! Woohoo!" Linlin's ex-husband cried loudly, how miserable it would be!

If it is just one of the problems, then they can think of a way and maybe there is some room for maneuver. For example, if this bank stops lending to their factory, then they can talk to other banks! If the user stops the cooperative relationship with them, then they can find new users. If the material supplier stops supplying materials, they can find a new material supplier. Various bureaus will want to check them. They can send gifts and entrust the relationship to various bureaus. Hold on! As for freezing their bank accounts and checking their accounts, we can definitely find out the problem. For a business like them, who has no problems with their accounts? One check is accurate, which means that the deposits in their bank accounts will definitely not be returned!

But if the above difficulties come one after another like a big wave, it will be impossible to balance them out. Who can withstand the pressure from so many aspects? In other words, their factory will close down soon, and they will even have to face various complaints and debt collections. The rest of their lives will be over!

"Ah! My factory, my factory! You, it's all you, all this is your fault, you brat, you said you were honest, why did you have to take the child back? Just take it back and forget about it , can’t you just give your children back to them? If you hadn’t provoked them, how would we be in this situation today? Let’s see if I don’t beat you to death!” Linlin’s ex-husband’s father was extremely sad.

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