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Chapter 846 Integrating into the sealing stone

He is extremely weak at this time. His current body is simply not enough to support him from emitting such a strong momentum. Tago must be burning his life. He is using his life to improve his strength!

Soon, a diamond-shaped lens emerged from the center of Tago's eyebrows. This lens was not a real object, but a virtual luminous body. After the diamond-shaped lens floated out of Tago's heart, under Tago's control Soon, the rhombus-shaped lens floated to Wei Bin's forehead and blended into Wei Bin's eyebrows.

"This is" Wei Bin murmured to himself.

"Yes, this is my past. This patriarch's mark can automatically record the patriarch's life. In this way, it can not only urge the patriarch to work, but also help the patriarch prove his innocence at critical moments!" Tai Ge explained.

Although Tago's words were a bit obscure, Wei Bin could still understand them somewhat! To put it bluntly, this patriarch's mark is like a surveillance video. It has been monitoring Tiger since he obtained this surveillance video. Although Tiger is the owner of this surveillance video, no one else will know about him. What he has done in his life, but sooner or later he will hand over this surveillance video to others. He can't be immortal, right? When he hands this surveillance video to others, others will automatically see his past recorded in the video. This mechanism is undoubtedly urging Tiger and the owner of this surveillance video to work hard. You have to be a good person, otherwise, everything he has done will be known to others sooner or later!

And what does it mean to prove innocence? Proving innocence is actually a self-protection mechanism. It is protecting its master. For example, don't the senior officials of Middle-earth suspect Tiger? Don't they suspect that Tagore and the Prophet belong to some unknown force? Don't they suspect that Tago was deliberately arranged by this big force to go to Mount Olympus? Regarding this point, Tago couldn't clear his mind even by jumping into the Yellow River, but Tago had a way to prove his innocence, which was to hand over the patriarch's mark between his eyebrows to the senior officials of Middle-earth and let the senior officials of Middle-earth go. By inheriting the position of patriarch, they will naturally be able to see Tago's past, and they will naturally know whether Tago was instigated by others!

However, Taigo did not choose to do that, because not to mention that the high-level officials of Middle-earth did not trust him, Taigo also did not trust the high-level officials of Middle-earth. Taigo was worried that once he used this Patriarch's Mark, If he handed it over, the senior officials of Middle-earth would not necessarily return it to him.


You must know that the Tomb Keeper clan is the bodyguard of a certain deceased powerful, and the powerful human race and the high-level officials of Middle-earth are not actually wearing the same pair of pants. Although both of them are for the good of the human race, one is a civil servant. One is a military general, and the tomb-keeper clan is a military general. Although military generals are guarding the Bone Burial Ground, they must obey the command of the top leaders of the Middle-earth Continent, because there are no human leaders in the Middle-earth Continent now. Okay, the great human beings have fallen into a deep sleep after the battle that happened more than 800 years ago. They also need to heal their wounds, and they also need to practice!

Generally speaking, the powerful human race rarely participate in the management of the human race!

And Tago's worry is that the great powers of the human race are all sleeping now. What if these people at the top of Middle-earth really take this patriarch's mark as their own? At that time, what can he do? He is tantamount to handing over the Tomb Keepers clan, because the top management of Middle-earth will definitely arrange for one of their own to take charge of the Tomb Keepers clan. In this way, the Tomb Keepers clan, which appears to be a group of military generals, But it changed and turned into a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Therefore, Tai Ge would rather bear the suspicion of Middle-earth's senior officials than he could hand over the Patriarch's Seal to the Middle-earth's senior officials to prove his innocence!

"Ah!!!!" Tago screamed heartbreakingly, burning his own life and integrating himself and the sealing stone into the formation. How painful is this? No matter how painful it was, Tiger did not hesitate at all. Even though he knew what was waiting for him, he had no intention of turning back, but kept going to the end.

As a burst of dazzling light lit up, Tago's body began to gradually dissipate, first his hands and feet, then half of his body, until finally, Tago's entire body disappeared from everyone's sight. After Tago disappeared, this was not the case. After finishing the calculation, I saw a stone the size of a fist falling from mid-air and integrated into the formation's eye!

"Old Patriarch!" The 10,000 members of the Tomb Keeper clan roared heart-breakingly, with strong reluctance revealed in their roars.

And when the sealing stone was integrated into the formation eye, the entire formation eye began to flicker! Those present

Although many of these people were from the same period as Tago, even they couldn't understand what the scene in front of them meant. It was also the first time for them to see the sealing stone, and it was also the first time that they saw the sealing stone. This is the first time I have witnessed the sealing stone being integrated into the formation!

"Is this the strange phenomenon of the sealing stone being integrated into the formation? Does this mean that the formation has become more stable from now on? Did the old patriarch Tai Ge use his own life to extend the resurrection time of the Skeleton King?" Some tribesmen began to murmur. Muttering to himself.

However, as time went by, the blinking frequency of the array eyes became faster and faster, and even the whole earth began to tremble!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise that startled everyone!

"Senior Titan, do similar phenomena occur when a large amount of murderous energy is integrated into the formation?" Wei Bin felt something was not right, and hurriedly asked Tago's other apprentice - Titan! That is, he was the temporary acting leader of the Tomb Keeper clan while Tago was imprisoned. He has been in charge of the Tomb Keeper clan for eight hundred years, and his experience must be much richer than his!

"Clan leader, you are now the leader of our Tomb Keeper clan. You can't call me senior. Just call me by my first name, clan leader!" Tai Tan said humbly, even though he was addressing the members of the Tomb Keeper clan. In terms of understanding and age, he can serve as Wei Bin's senior, but now that Wei Bin is the clan leader, etiquette must not be messed up! It can also be seen from this that Titan is a very rule-abiding person!

"Senior Tai Ge, you don't have to stick to these details. Otherwise, I will call you senior brother. You joined Senior Tai Ge's disciples earlier than me, so it is natural for me to call you senior brother!" Wei Bin said.

"That's all! Chief, to be honest, let alone injecting murderous energy, even if you inject something, it shouldn't cause this kind of abnormal phenomenon. I have been managing the Tomb Keeper clan for eight hundred years, and this is also the first time I have seen it. A strange phenomenon occurred here at the formation eye! I think this should be the strange phenomenon brought about by the sealing stone. After all, the sealing stone is such a sacred object. When it is used, it is reasonable to have some strange phenomena, right?" Titan explained.

"It's weird, it shouldn't be. Even if it's a vision caused by the sealing stone, it should be a very peaceful vision. How could there be such a vision as the earth shaking? No! Brother, send someone as soon as possible. Go check the remaining time for Skeleton King's resurrection!" Wei


The more Bin thought about it, the more something was wrong, and an ominous premonition suddenly arose!

However, before Titan could make any arrangements, there was another loud noise. At the same time, the ground shook violently, and everyone almost didn't fall. After that, the formation eyes stopped flashing, and the ground stopped shaking. The vision disappears!

"Let's go and see how much the Skeleton King's resurrection time has increased!" Wei Bin said.

Next, under the leadership of Wei Bin, everyone came to a virtual display. Only two lines of words were displayed on the virtual display. The first line was the countdown to the resurrection of the Skeleton King. On weekdays, the Literary Faction of the Gravekeeper Clan People, every time you add some murderousness value to the formation, the countdown here will increase a little, that is to say, the resurrection time of the Skeleton King will be delayed a little later. This number, naturally, the bigger the better, if it is shown above If it is one day, then the Skeleton King will be resurrected tomorrow. If it shows one year, then the Skeleton King will be resurrected one year later!

The second line of words is the durability of the formation itself. You know, even if the formation is made of iron, it should have a durability, right? Even if it is iron, it will be corroded and dilapidated after hundreds or thousands of years, let alone the formation? This row of numbers is also the same. The bigger the number, the better. The higher the durability value, which means that the formation can last for a long time. If the durability returns to zero, the formation will be completely reduced to an abandoned formation. There is no longer any effect of suppressing the resurrection of the Skeleton King. By then, it will be the day of the Skeleton King's resurrection!

And when Wei Bin and others arrived, everyone's faces, including Wei Bin's, instantly turned livid!

"It's over! Everything is over!" Titan muttered to himself.

"What's going on?" Wei Bin's mind went blank for a moment, and his brain stopped working!

It turns out that after the sealing stone was integrated into the formation of the Bone Burial Ground, the first line of text on the virtual display, the so-called countdown to the resurrection time of the Skeleton King, did not change, but!

but! If there is no change, then forget it. At most, Tago's trip to Mount Olympus was in vain, and he sacrificed himself in vain, integrating the sealing stone into the formation eye at the cost of his own life. Well, at most it means that the plan of the senior management of Middle-earth to delay the resurrection of the Skeleton King has failed!

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