But forget it without success in delaying the Skeleton King's resurrection, but why in the second line of text, the durability of the formation is only 0.1?

You know, before being integrated into the sealing stone, the remaining durability of the formation is as high as 60! Now the durability of the formation is only 0.1. Doesn't that mean that the formation is in danger and may collapse at any time, losing its effectiveness in suppressing the resurrection of the Skeleton King? Does it mean that the Skeleton King may be resurrected at any time, and the Dark Plane may invade Middle-earth again at any time? Thinking of this, Wei Bin couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat!

Some people may want to ask, Wei Bin is just a player. Even if the Dark Plane invades Middle-earth again, for players, it will only be a new expansion pack. What impact will it have on him, Wei Bin? He can just quit the game!

If you think so, you are wrong!

If Wei Bin is just an ordinary player, it will indeed have little impact. There are billions of people in the world, everyone is the same, and no one can be immune! But is Wei Bin an ordinary player?

First, and most directly, Wei Bin is now the leader of the Tomb Keeper clan. If something like this happens, will he be responsible? We can't let the dead Tago take the responsibility, right? Why would Tai Ge rather be suspected by the senior officials of Middle-earth than hand over the Patriarch's Seal to prove his innocence? What would the higher-ups in Middle-earth think? Is it possible that Taigo is indeed a sixth man? He and the Prophet are in the same group. They both belong to a large force that is hostile to Middle-earth and the human race. This big force first arranged for the Prophet to pretend to be mysterious. He made a prophecy, and then sent Tago to find the sealing stone that was described as being able to strengthen the sealing ability, but was actually a bomb. Then, after Tago came back, he could naturally integrate the sealing stone into the formation. In the eyes, the formation is destroyed!

Destroying the formation and accelerating the resurrection of the Skeleton King is the main purpose of the Prophet and Tago!

This speculation is not groundless. The senior officials of Middle-earth are very likely to think so, and they have very reasonable reasons for thinking so, because the prophet has never appeared again since he appeared once eight hundred years ago. Has he run away? If he has no problem, then Tiger has returned victorious, why doesn't he show up? Furthermore, the formation was indeed blown to pieces by the sealing stone, and the sealing stone was indeed brought back by Tago. Tago had a hundred mouths, and he


I can’t even explain this!

And if Taigo is a bad person, then this patriarch's mark must contain a record of how Taigo colluded with the prophet and this unknown force. This can explain why Taigo would rather be killed by the high-level officials of Middle-earth. They misunderstood and were unwilling to hand over the Patriarch's Mark to prove their innocence. This contained a huge secret. How could Taigo be handed over to the senior officials of Middle-earth? If it was left to them, how could Tago blow up the formation?

Poor Tiger, he has never done anything to be sorry for Middle-earth or the human race. Wei Bin, who has received the mark of the patriarch, understands this. Wei Bin has seen Tiger's past. Not only is Tiger He has not done anything to be sorry for the Middle-earth continent or the human race. On the contrary, he is still a great hero who actively fights for the Middle-earth continent and the human race, even at the expense of his own life. Poor Tiger, he can even jump into the Yellow River to wash his hands. I don't know, even if he dies, he will still bear the infamy for the rest of his life! Because this clan leader's mark can only record the actions of the previous clan leader, and the experiences of the previous clan leaders cannot be preserved. Wei Bin firmly believes in this, because Wei Bin only saw Tai Ge. In his past, he did not see the past of the patriarch before Tai Ge. In other words, when Wei Bin obtained the patriarch's mark, when he saw Tai Ge's past, the patriarch's mark contained about Tai Ge. The past information has been deleted by default. Next, even if Wei Bin is willing to hand over the patriarch's mark, he will not be able to prove Tago's innocence because that past has been covered. We can only see Wei Bin's perspective from it, and can't see Tago's past at all!

Next, it was related to Wei Bin's interests. Why did Wei Bin feel scared and nervous? Because Tago did not hand over the patriarch's mark, but passed it on to him! Tai Ge doesn't want the senior officials in Middle-earth to see his past, but Tai Ge is willing to let Wei Bin see it. What does this mean? Does this mean that Wei Bin and Tago are originally from the same group? And once Tai Ge is identified by the senior officials of Middle-earth as a bad guy who destroyed the Bone Burial Ground formation, wouldn't Wei Bin be a bad guy too? Now that Tagore is dead, the senior officials in Middle-earth really have nothing to do with him, but

Wei Bin is still alive. Can the senior officials of Middle-earth not deal with Wei Bin?

Thinking about it now, let alone Tago who jumped into the Yellow River, he couldn't be cleansed. Even Wei Bin couldn't be cleansed. Tago had a chance to prove his innocence, but what about Wei Bin? Wei Bin doesn't even have such a chance! How can he prove his innocence and prove his innocence to the senior officials in Middle-earth? He had no choice. Who made him accept Tago's inheritance?

Now that I think about it, accepting the inheritance of Tigo is a trap. Not only is accepting the inheritance a trap, but accepting the task of rescuing Tigo is also a trap. Even if he does not accept the inheritance of Tigo and becomes the new leader, The patriarch of the Tomb Keeper clan, just because he rescued Tago from Mount Olympus, he cannot escape the blame. Why should he rescue Tago? Moreover, Tago was rescued according to the time predicted by the prophet. Wasn't this arranged by the big forces behind him? Why don't you save me when others don't? Does this need any explanation? You must be in the same group as Tago!

Pitfalls, all pitfalls!

"Hey, there is no pie in the sky!" Wei Bin regretted a little!

At first, he thought that after becoming the leader of the Tomb Keeper clan, he would definitely have resources that ordinary people could not have. These resources would bring great benefits to his growth and the development of Nirvana. But now that he thinks about it, like the Tomb Keeper, How can a player obtain such an identity as the leader of the human clan? This kind of status is probably higher than the city lords of those system cities, right? Can this kind of status be easily granted to players? Will the system allow players to sit in such a high position? Even if it is allowed, it is definitely not something you can get just by saving Tago. You have to pay and you will gain. There is no free lunch in the world. Even if there is, it must be poisonous. And Wei Bin, at this time, has already won. Poisoned!

It seems that the so-called son of destiny in Tiger's mouth is not easy to be! If you want to be a child of destiny, how can you get hungry so easily? If he is really the son of destiny, how can the road of the son of destiny be smooth?

Next, what awaits Wei Bin are questions from the senior officials of Middle-earth. Therefore, even if Wei Bin is a player, when something like this happens, he still has to bear the blame!

Furthermore, if the formation is really cracked, the Skeleton King will also


He was really resurrected, and the dark plane came back again, invading Middle-earth again. How will Wei Bin solve the mystery of his own rebirth in the future? On the surface, the invasion of Middle-earth by the Dark Plane has nothing to do with Wei Bin solving the mystery of his own rebirth, but is there really no relationship between the two? You know, the difficulty of digging for some information in peacetime is definitely lower than digging for information in wartime. For example, Wei Bin has some clues, and this clue requires him to explore a certain map, but this The map is occupied by the dark plane, so how can he get there? You must know that the dark plane is much more dangerous than the Middle-earth continent. Wei Bin will be restrained when doing things in the jurisdiction of the dark plane, which will seriously affect Wei Bin's exploration progress! Another example is level. If the dark plane occupies some upgrade holy places, where will Wei Bin go to upgrade? Will Wei Bin's level be affected? And even if the Dark Plane occupies not an upgrade holy land, but some ordinary upgrade maps, it will also affect Wei Bin's upgrade, because the upgrade places are fixed, and there are only so many upgrade maps. If it is occupied by dark creatures, the upgrade space of other players will inevitably be squeezed. At that time, will there still be a situation of grabbing monsters?

For ordinary people, if the upgrade speed is slow, it will be slow. Everyone's upgrade speed is slow anyway. Relatively speaking, it is not a bad impact. But Wei Bin is different. Wei Bin is a A reborn person, he needs to upgrade his level as soon as possible, and then explore the mystery of his own rebirth. Others can afford to wait because others have no tasks and missions, but he can't afford to wait. He only has ten years, God knows. What will happen in ten years? As far as the most direct impact is concerned, Wei Bin needs to rise to level 75 as soon as possible, because once he reaches level 75, he can enter Void Piaomiao Peak. According to the information Wei Bin obtained from Ruofeng in Loulan, Void Piaomiao Peak Inheritance can also be left in the peak. In other words, Ruofeng has a high probability of leaving inheritance there, so Wei Bin must reach level 75 as soon as possible and then go there to collect information!

But if the dark plane invades Middle-earth, Wei Bin's upgrade speed will definitely be affected!

In addition, if the dark plane really invades Middle-earth, there is another aspect that will have a bad impact on Wei Bin, and that is Nirvana!

You know, officials and rich people are afraid of death! Wei Bin is no exception!

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