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Chapter 862: Exoneration

In fact, when Wei Bin had just obtained the Patriarch's Mark, and when he knew that the Patriarch's Mark had a monitoring function, Wei Bin just didn't want the Mark, but this mentality was not strong, because There are policies and there are countermeasures. If Wei Bin is worried that this patriarch's mark will record things about Ruofeng in Void Piaomiao Peak, then Wei Bin can completely remove the patriarch's mark before entering there and give it to others temporarily. Come and keep it, and he can just take it back later. Anyway, handing over the clan leader's mark doesn't mean anything. He won't die, and he won't lose anything because of it!

But since the Great Elder wanted to use this Patriarch's Mark as a tool to monitor Wei Bin's words and deeds, Wei Bin became more and more eager to get rid of this Patriarch's Mark as soon as possible, because since this Patriarch's Mark has become the leader's Since the elders were monitoring his every move, he would not be able to easily take out the patriarch's mark and hand it over to others in the future. Wei Bin knew in his heart that he was doing this to prevent the patriarch's mark from filming him. That's why I took off the Patriarch's Mark temporarily, but would the Great Elder think so? That's 100% impossible. When the great elder saw that Wei Bin had taken off the Patriarch's Mark, he could only think that Wei Bin had done something to collude with dark creatures. If such a thing really happened in the future, then he would just jump into the Yellow River. I can’t even wash it off!

That's why the scene just happened. Wei Bin wanted to give the patriarch's mark to Titan to get rid of the surveillance of the great elders!

"Wei Bin, you have a great idea! You want Jin Chan to escape from his shell. You are nominally motivated by the justice of the human race, but in fact you want to get rid of our surveillance, and then when we can't monitor you, Are you going to do some shady things?" the third elder said.

"Wei Bin, are you really willing to give up your position as the leader of the Tomb Keeper clan? You know, this position is a position that countless people dream of! Although the Tomb Keeper clan has fallen now, after all, the former master of your Tomb Keeper clan is He is also a great human race. Just by virtue of the name of this great human race who sacrificed his life for the human race, your family of gravekeepers will never be completely lonely. There will always be a place for you in the Middle-earth continent. You are so high. Are you willing to give up your official position? This is the medium through which we, the higher-ups, and the other four great powers of the human race can speak. If you don’t have this identity, then how can you stand with us and speak? How can you be so virtuous as to negotiate with four powerful human beings in the future?" the great elder said.


He didn't think that Wei Bin handed over the patriarch's mark of the Tomb Keeper clan in order to avoid the surveillance of their four elders. Why? Because of profit!

You know, even if Wei Bin is really the lackey of the dark creatures, then he holds the mark of the patriarch of the Tombkeeper clan and holds a high position as the leader of the Tombkeeper clan. The benefits he brings to the dark creatures will definitely be far away. Far greater than the benefits that the things he did after getting rid of surveillance brought to the dark creatures, because the position of the head of the Tomb Keeper clan, although it is not yet up to the top of the Middle-earth continent, is in the middle-level management It can be considered the pinnacle of middle management. Who knows that the former master of the Tomb Keeper clan was the powerful human race who died with the Skeleton King! Who gave the Tomb Keeper family the important task of suppressing the Skeleton King? The words of the head of the Gravekeeper Clan are indeed very weighty. To a certain extent, he can influence the decisions of the four elders and the direction of the human race. And if Wei Bin is really a dark creature If he were a lackey, then he would give up such a high salary and such great rights, but simply give up the Patriarch's Mark on his own initiative to avoid the surveillance of the four elders? How stupid is that? How could there be such a stupid lackey in this world? Can't he decide which one is bigger, sesame or watermelon?

Therefore, when Wei Bin proposed to hand over the patriarch's mark to Titan and let Titan become the real patriarch of the tombkeeper clan, the great elder was shaken and he began to believe Wei Bin. Therefore, the great elder did not act like The third elder wondered whether Wei Bin used the golden cicada escape strategy to avoid surveillance, because he knew that it was impossible!

If Wei Bin is innocent, doesn't it mean that Tago is also innocent? Otherwise, why would Tago choose to pass on the patriarch's mark to him? Tago can be passed on to the lackeys of the dark creatures!

Wei Bin successfully whitewashed his image in the mind of the Great Elder by voluntarily giving up his position as the Tombkeeper Clan Leader. Not only did he whitewash himself, he also made the Great Elder whitewash Tiger in the opposite direction. , the two of them have a symbiotic relationship. They both prosper and suffer. As long as one of them is cleared, the other will also be innocent!

"Yes, I am willing. To be honest, I still have a lot of things to do in the secular world, which will cost me a lot of energy. At present, the formation of the Bone Burial Ground has just been attacked by dark creatures, which will inevitably involve There is a lot of rebuilding and making up work, which also requires a lot of energy. The junior knows nothing about formations. I can't help at all with these tasks. I simply give up the position of the clan leader and let the capable person take it. Senior Titan has already done that. I am the acting clan leader who has lived for eight hundred years. He knows every plant and tree in the burial ground. At the same time, he is also well versed in the principles of the formation. If he is responsible for the reconstruction work, he will definitely be more capable than me. Therefore, I dare to ask the four of you again. Elder, please allow me to officially pass on the position of head of the Tomb Keeper clan to Senior Titan!" Wei Bin said again.

When Wei Bin said this, the great elder liked Wei Bin even more. Wei Bin was right. The formation of the Bone Burial Ground had just been destroyed, and it would definitely involve a lot of reconstruction work. And if Wei Bin is a lackey of the dark creature, If so, then how could he miss this opportunity to manipulate the formation? He is the owner of the Patriarch's Mark. Isn't it easy for him to do something small? You know, all the strategic deployments of the dark creatures are all based on the Skeleton King buried in the Boneyard. What a sacrifice the dark creatures made in rescuing the Skeleton King, but Wei Bin directly abandoned it. Such an opportunity is enough to show that Wei Bin is not a dark creature at all!

"Okay! Then I will do as you wish, and I can promise you! From now on, you will pass on the position of the head of the Tomb Keeper clan to Tai Tan, and he will manage the Tomb Keeper clan. Moreover, when you hand over the work, To appease the people of the Tomb Keeper clan, as long as you do this, we will not only let you go, but at the same time, we will no longer pursue the matter of Tago unintentionally blowing up the teleportation array in the Bone Burial Ground. What do you think? ?" the great elder said.

"Junior, I will obey the order of the great elder! Senior Tai, please don't have too much psychological burden. To be honest, this position actually belongs to you. You have served as the acting patriarch for eight hundred years. You and I are both Tai Senior Ge's apprentice, and you are my senior brother. Without me, you should be the one to inherit Senior Tai Ge's mantle. You cannot be affected by my airborne landing! I still have a lot of things to do, this tomb guard It’s up to you to be the leader of the human clan!” Wei Bin said.


"Chief, you can't be like this! You are the new patriarch appointed by the old patriarch Tai Ge. You can't be forced by pressure, abandon the position of the patriarch, and let down the hard work of the old patriarch Tai Ge! Old Tai Ge The clan leader has said that you are the destined son of our human race. Only if you serve as the clan leader of our Tomb Keeper clan can you lead our entire Tomb Keeper clan and our entire human race towards the light and strength!" Titan! Counseling Wei Bin.

"Senior Titan, since you also recognize my identity as the Son of Destiny, then, as the Son of Destiny of the human race, I order you to take over the important task of the Tomb Keeper clan. From now on, you will lead the Tomb Keeper clan!" Wei Bin Putting up the air.

Okay, didn't you say that I am the son of destiny? Then you have to obey the orders of the Son of Destiny, right? Otherwise, am I still considered a child of destiny?

Wei Bin has already scolded Tai Tai countless times in his heart. I really don't want to be the leader of this tombkeeper clan. I still have important things to do. How can I be under the supervision of the four elders at all times? We are just Zhou Yu playing yellow cover. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. I am willing to give up my position. Can't you just take the position honestly? I really don’t want to be the leader of this tombkeeper clan!

"What? Are you still disobeying me? Senior Titan, you also know that I am the son of destiny. I still have many things to do in the world. How can I be held back by the responsibilities of the tombkeeper clan? What if I am really the son of destiny, so I must not waste my energy on the tomb-keeper clan. Think about it, what is the responsibility of the tomb-keeper clan? It is to guard the burial ground and to prevent the skeletons as much as possible. The king's resurrection, however, from the standpoint of the entire human race, is ultimately a passive defensive strategy of drinking poison to quench thirst. Perhaps our work as a family of gravekeepers can help win a few more years of peace for the human race, but after all, this is not about revitalizing the human race and getting rid of the human race. To defend the oppression of the dark plane, if you want to completely revitalize the human race and let the human race stand up, you must not start with the Tomb Keeper clan. The Tomb Keeper clan is just a buffer zone to buy time for our human race. If you want to revitalize the human race, Human Race, we must set our sights elsewhere. Do you want me to be held back by the Gravekeeper Clan and have no energy to do more meaningful things?" Seeing Tai Tan's silence, Wei Bin advised again. Holding Titan.

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