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Chapter 863 Alsace’s layout

After Wei Bin's remarks, the first elder couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Then, he clapped his hands, and then the other three elders also clapped their hands, especially the third elder, although he was not very good at it. I trust Wei Bin, but I have to say that Wei Bin's remarks really went deep into his heart!

"Well said!" The great elder praised Wei Bin while clapping his hands.

"Everyone, I might as well tell you that the strategy Wei Bin just mentioned coincides with the four of us!" The great elder pointed at the other three elders!

"A long time ago, we realized what Wei Bin just said, what happened at the burial ground, and the responsibilities of the tombkeepers. If we look at it from the perspective of the entire human race, these things are just They are just expedient measures. These cannot change the face and situation of our human race at all! If we want to solve the current predicament that the human race is facing, we must not focus on these. The tombkeepers are just buying time for our human race. It's just a tool, but this tool can't buy us much time at all, and it can't change our situation. Wei Bin is right! Titan, Wei Bin's position can be so high, you can't let Wei Bin down What a painstaking effort!" the great elder said.

"This" Titan looks embarrassed!

"If that's the case, then I'd rather be respectful than obey," Tai Tan said reluctantly.

"Okay! Then this matter is signed! Wei Bin, although we let you leave, I still hope that you can report to us regularly in the future and tell us what you have seen. Wen, after all, you have been active at the grassroots level, and there are many things at the grassroots level that people in our position cannot see! In addition, we will grant you the right to enter this palace at any time, if you find anything important You can come here to find us at any time. If you have something inconvenient, you can also contact the major kingdoms at any time and ask them to report it step by step. As long as it is your news, there will be no official news in the entire Middle-earth continent. No one dares to intercept!" the great elder said, and when the great elder said the last words, he looked at the king of the Stone Forest Kingdom.

The Great Elder's look made the Stone Forest Kingdom immediately understand. After all, Wei Bin is a person within the jurisdiction of the Stone Forest Kingdom. He will probably be active in the Stone Forest Kingdom for a while. In the future, there will be more opportunities to deal with the King of the Stone Forest Kingdom!



Junior, obey! "Wei Bin said.

In this way, this high-level meeting of the Middle-earth Continent came to an end. Afterwards, Wei Bin gave an impassioned speech to all the Tomb Keeper clan members, which moved these clansmen to a roar. In their opinion, it was not that Taitan used some means to regain his position as the leader of the Tomb Keeper clan, but that Wei Bin put the overall situation first, to get rid of his own suspicions, and to help the old leader Taige win. Hui Qingbai had no choice but to resign as the leader of the Tomb Keeper clan for the sake of the future destiny of the human race. He needed to focus more on other aspects to revitalize the human race!

Dark plane.

"Master, I am really convinced! I have never obeyed anyone else in my life, I only obey you!" The Great Protector looked at Arthas with admiration!

"It's just, Master, I really don't understand why they immediately released Wei Bin as soon as you arrived? And they also cleared Tiger's name!" asked the Great Protector.

"Haha! How can you understand the game I laid? Do you still remember that five months ago, Wei Bin led his men to attack the foot of Mount Olympus, the prison where we detained Tago? At that time, you were still asking me if you should come forward to keep Tago. You said at that time that with your strength, it would be easy to keep Tago. As the leader of the Tomb Keeper clan, Tago cannot do so easily. Let the tiger go back to the mountain! But at that time, I didn’t ask you to keep him. At that time, you were still very curious as to why I let Tiger go back! Do you understand, right now? All of this is just a game I laid. Eight hundred years ago, I used the Haotian Mirror to get a glimpse of the plans of the senior officials of Middle-earth. They originally wanted to send a strong human race to find the sealing stone at the foot of Mount Olympus, but later , a self-proclaimed prophet appeared. Under his recommendation, this candidate was finally replaced by Tago. This prophet is simply the blessing of our undead tribe. If it were not for the identity of another tribe, I would really think that He is a member of our undead clan, because he recommended Tago's plan to go to Mount Olympus to find the whereabouts of the seal stone, which is very beneficial to us! Because the prophet proposed a plan that eight hundred years later, a human will be born destiny

It is this plan that gives us the opportunity to take advantage of it, and the facts prove that it indeed gives us the opportunity! Because eight hundred years later, when Wei Bin really rescued Tago, Tago believed that Wei Bin was the so-called son of destiny that the so-called prophet said was true! At the same time, he also believes in the so-called prophet's identity of the prophet. In this way, he will not doubt the sealing stone, and he will safely integrate the sealing stone into the formation! Because he believes in the prophet. If the prophet is really a prophet, then it is impossible for the prophet not to know that there is a problem with the sealing stone. Since the prophet did not remind him that there is a problem with the sealing stone, how could he pay attention to what we did on the sealing stone? Where are his hands and feet? In other words, if the prophet is really the prophet of the human race, then he will definitely prevent the human race from fusing the sealing stone. However, in the five months since Taigo returned, the prophet did not show up to remind them at all, so Taigo was even more embarrassed. You will doubt the sealing stone! On the contrary, if there is no such thing as a prophet, and someone else comes out to look for the sealing stone, then even if we have tampered with it, before the human race uses this sealing stone, it will definitely have to be done from scratch. A thorough inspection down to the feet. In that case, there is no guarantee that they will not find any abnormalities in the sealing stone. Therefore, I said that if this prophet is not really a human race, even I will doubt whether he is from our undead race. People! At that time, the reason why I didn't let you stop Tago from going back was because the layout I made before was about to bear fruit. As long as Tago integrated the sealing stone and himself into the formation of the Bone Burial Ground, the burial place would be buried. The formation in the Bone Land will be blown to pieces in an instant, and the Skeleton King can be resurrected. Therefore, before Tago fuses the sealing stone, I ordered you to assemble the dark army in advance, in order to be able to break the seal before the Skeleton King. As soon as he came out, he personally led the army to Middle-earth for revenge! It's a pity that despite all my calculations, I still haven't calculated Tago's determination to defend the human race. I can only say that the fate of the human race is not yet over, and the time for us undead to dominate the entire Middle-earth continent has not yet come! I originally thought that Tago, who had already merged with the sealing stone, would be extremely weak when he integrated himself and the sealing stone into the formation of the Bone Burial Ground. Even if he found that during the process of integrating into the formation, We discovered the offensive formation that we had ambushed in the sealing stone in advance, but the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. The fusion ceremony had already begun, how could we let the extremely weak Tiger stop it? Facts have proved that Tagodang


Shi was indeed extremely weak, and he had no ability to terminate the fusion of the seal stone, but he still desperately burned the last bit of life, and forced a gap in the offensive formation inside the seal stone, leaking some of his divine power. , which slightly reduces the power of the explosion! "Arces explained that when he mentioned Tagore, instead of hatred, there was a trace of appreciation on his face!

For people like Tago, although he is a human race, his behavior has undoubtedly won the respect of Alsace. He is a hero, and heroes have no borders. Anyone will appreciate this kind of person!

"As for why the top brass of the human race immediately released Wei Bin as soon as I arrived, it's because I know them too well. The human race has always been known for being suspicious. Otherwise, they would not have doubted Wei Bin and Tago. I know that they They will definitely do some research on my coming. They will repeatedly ponder the meaning of my coming. They will predict it. They will think that they have predicted that I have predicted it. However, as everyone knows, the art of war You can understand the mystery of the cloud, the combination of virtuality and reality, and the combination of virtuality and reality? Haha, being able to use their human race's military skills to deal with their human race and defeat them, this feeling is really wonderful! Now! , it is estimated that the top leaders of their human race are questioning the so-called prophet from eight hundred years ago!" Arthas said.

"Master, the prophet's prophecy has obviously come true. Why do the higher-ups of their human race still question the identity of the prophet? In any case, Wei Bin did successfully rescue Tiger after eight hundred years, even though he later There was something wrong, but the word eight hundred years was also right by the prophet!" the Great Protector asked.

"You, you, why don't you have a clear mind? Do you know why those four elders just looked down on the wisdom of our dark creatures? Are we being slandered by them? No! You have done what we, the undead, have done You are still in the position of a protector, but your mind is still so unclear, aren't they right?" Arthas scolded, even though Arthas would beat the great protector in front of him from time to time, but, to be honest, Arthas is actually very fond of this great protector, otherwise he would not explain his layout, analysis and conjecture to this great protector. In fact, he has been cultivating this great protector!

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