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Chapter 866 A full-scale naval battle breaks out

is it possible? The messenger of God has come to you, do you think you have the right to escape? He has already revealed some information to you, why don’t you get in the car if you don’t want to? I'm afraid it's not up to you, right? As long as the envoy of God comes to you, you will most likely cooperate with him, even if you don't want to!

Furthermore, even if Arthas doesn't want to cooperate with the divine envoy or board the divine envoy's pirate ship, Arthas still has to cooperate with the divine envoy or board the divine envoy's pirate ship, because this has already involved His vital interests are at stake. He needs to know as much relevant information as possible to prevent disasters and changes that may come at any time! Therefore, even if Alsace does not want to be associated with the divine envoy, he must agree to the divine envoy, because only if he agrees to the divine envoy can he get more information from the divine envoy so that he can respond better future!

On the other side of the Middle-earth continent, Wei Bin has just returned to Nirvana City.

"Gang Leader, you're finally back! Why are you gone? We couldn't contact you just now! We can't even make offline calls!" Wei Bin had just returned to Nirvana City when he received a message from Xuanyuan. video call.

After Xuanyuan Aai said this, Wei Bin finally understood. It turned out that in the palace where the senior officials of Middle-earth were, all external contact methods were prohibited. He couldn't make calls after looking for the phone. The contact information in the game was even more complicated. Invalid. From this point of view, we can also see from the side how safe the place where the senior officials of Middle-earth live is. The prohibitions set there have restrictions on all aspects!

"What's wrong? What happened?" Wei Bin took a look and saw that something was wrong with Xuanyuan Aia's face. Something must have happened!

"Gang Leader, just now, Luffy and Dali Kingdom's Nirvana Fleet sent news at the same time, saying that the forces in the waters of several other maritime countries seemed to have reached some kind of consensus, and they were going to join forces to deal with it. Our Nirvana Fleet and Dusk Fleet!" Xuanyuan Ai Ai said impatiently.

"What? So fast? In my impression, among their sea areas, aren't there two sea areas that have not yet been unified? They haven't even unified their own sea areas, so they dare to develop towards foreign seas? Are they just that? Aren't they afraid that the No. 2 force will raid their hometown? Do you have any evidence for saying so?" Wei Bin asked.

As we all know, there are a total of eight land kingdoms and eight sea kingdoms in the Middle-earth continent, and the Dali Kingdom where the Nirvana Fleet is located, and the Western Kingdom where the Twilight Fleet is located


The Xia Kingdom and the Jurchen Kingdom where the Jurchen Fleet is located are just three of the eight maritime kingdoms. Among them, the waters of the Dali Kingdom have been unified by the Nirvana Fleet. In this sea area, the Nirvana Fleet is the only one. , to put it bluntly, even if the Nirvana Fleet stomps its feet, it can casually decide the life or death of a certain fleet. All of this is due to strength! Moreover, the No. 2 force in Dali's waters is far from the Nirvana Fleet in strength. Even if the Nirvana Fleet goes out to explore other sea areas, the No. 2 force cannot make any waves! ! As for the Xixia Kingdom, the Dusk Fleet completed the unification. Not to mention the strength of the Dusk Fleet and its position in the waters of the Xixia Kingdom. The Dusk Fleet was the first force to complete the unification of the eight sea areas. He unified Xixia. The time of the country was more than half a year earlier than the time when the second unifying force, the Nirvana Fleet, unified the Dali Kingdom. Its deep foundation and high prestige were far beyond the comparison of the Nirvana Fleet. Dusk, which had been operating in the waters of the Xixia Kingdom for a long time, Fleet, it can be said responsibly that even if the large fleet of the Dusk Fleet leaves the waters of the Xixia Kingdom and goes on an expedition to other seas, no one in the waters of the Xixia Kingdom dares to compete for hegemony again, no one dares to make a move! Because of the deterrence power, the long-established deterrence power of Dusk Fleet is there, no one dares to take advantage of it! As for the Jurchen Fleet, relatively speaking, it is slightly worse. Firstly, the initial strength of the Jurchen Fleet is not as good as the Nirvana Fleet and the Twilight Fleet. Secondly, the Jurchen Fleet has only unified the Jurchen Kingdom’s waters for only a month. They are in the Jurchen Kingdom. The time spent in the sea area was still short, and it did not establish a strong prestige. Therefore, although the Jurchen Fleet was the third force to complete the unification in Middle-earth, its strength was still somewhat inferior to that of the Nirvana Fleet and the Twilight Fleet. Stretched! However, when Wei Bin was supporting the Jurchen fleet, he did not place the Jurchen fleet in a very important position in his defense system. For Wei Bin, the biggest role of the Jurchen fleet was to act as a buffer zone, because the Jurchen country The sea area borders the sea areas of the Dali Kingdom. If forces from other sea areas want to invade the sea areas of the Dali Kingdom, they must either pass through the Jurchen Kingdom sea areas or the Xixia Kingdom sea areas. The Xixia Kingdom sea areas are the territory of the Twilight Fleet, and the Twilight Fleet cannot let other forces go. The fleet is coming! The role played by the Jurchen fleet is actually similar to that of the Twilight fleet. It wants to go to Dali

In China’s waters, we must first ask the Jurchen fleet if they agree!

With the Jurchen Kingdom's waters as a buffer zone, many future battles will be much easier to fight. At least Wei Bin can drag the battlefield to the Jurchen Kingdom's waters to start fighting! At the same time, no matter how short the time for the Jurchen Fleet to be unified is, it is still a unified force. Its strength is still stronger than the later unified forces. As long as the Jurchen Fleet, Nirvana Fleet and Twilight Fleet are the iron triangle, Alliance, then even if the unified forces in other sea areas form an alliance, it will only be five against three. In addition, the Nirvana Fleet and the Dusk Fleet are far stronger than the unified forces in other sea areas. In total, their strength is At most, it's just five against four. Five against four, although Nirvana is still the weak side, the gap is not irreparable!

It can be said that the existence of this iron triangle has made them invincible. You must know that in the other five sea areas, even if they have completed the unification, these five forces want to achieve a unified The possibility of the Alliance dealing with Nirvana is very low! You know, if the sea area bordering the Jurchen Kingdom and the sea area bordering the Xixia Kingdom want to deal with the Nirvana Fleet and their iron triangle, it is understandable. After all, they border this iron triangle, this iron triangle It poses a great threat to them. The existence of the Iron Triangle will definitely make them feel uneasy and restless. However, this is not necessarily the case for the other three maritime countries. They are not bordered by this Iron Triangle. The three of them are closely related to this Iron Triangle. There is no direct conflict of interest between them, and there is no strong threat factor! Especially the farthest Maritime Kingdom, they are thousands of miles away from the Iron Triangle. If the Iron Triangle wants to attack them, unless all the other four families are destroyed first, the Iron Triangle will pose no threat to them at all. Not a threat, not even a potential threat!

The above is the reason why the other five companies are unlikely to form a unified alliance to deal with the Iron Triangle in terms of distance. In addition to distance, there is another factor that affects their ability to form a unified alliance, and that is interest!

This factor is discussed here through reverse reasoning. If the five of them really form an alliance and defeat this iron triangle, what happens next? How should the benefits obtained after the war be divided? You must know that after the collapse of this iron triangle, the biggest gains will be


There are only two maritime country forces, and that is the two forces bordering the Jurchen Kingdom and the Xixia Kingdom. Because they border, they can send their fleets here to develop and exploit the maritime resources here. After all, This place is very close to them. Once any war breaks out, it will be very convenient for them to provide support. In fact, due to their name of unity, no force will dare to go to war with them!

But the other three maritime powers are different. They are too far away from the iron triangle. The so-called iron triangle is beyond their reach. This iron triangle is not their territory, so it is very difficult for them to exploit the resources here, and the routes are also relatively long. , if it is to be transported back to the land city within their jurisdiction, the efficiency is too low, and if it is transported back to the nearest land city within the jurisdiction of the Iron Triangle, it is also very difficult, because that is not their territory, and their safety is ultimately It’s not guaranteed!

As for the farthest maritime power, it is even worse. After conquering this iron triangle, it is of no use to him at all. His side is too far away from this iron triangle. He can't even There is no desire to exploit resources from here!

The distribution of benefits after defeating the Iron Triangle is a very serious issue. The two maritime countries that pose the greatest threat to the Iron Triangle will also gain the most after successfully defeating the Iron Triangle. But what about the other three? The Iron Triangle is not a big threat to them, and after defeating the Iron Triangle, their gains are also not big. Doesn't this mean that the three of them are making wedding clothes for the two families closest to the Iron Triangle? The Iron Triangle collapsed, but two new types of Big Macs were born. What is the difference between these two Big Macs and the previous Iron Triangle?

This is just like the Seven Heroes period of the Warring States Period. Under the call of Wei State, the six countries of Shandong formed a unified alliance and went to attack Qin State together. However, what did the Qi State think? His State of Qi is thousands of miles away from Qin State. After conquering Qin State, it will not benefit them at all. Instead, they have to send troops and money to attack Qin State thousands of miles away. What do they want? The same goes for the other four countries. Some of them either have no border with Qin at all, or after bordering, the land nearby has no significance for development. What does this make them think? Only Wei, who called for the formation of this alliance, will be the biggest beneficiaries after conquering Qin!

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