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Chapter 867 Unprecedented Crisis

Because they share a large border with Qin, it can be said that after conquering Qin, 90% of Qin's land will fall into the hands of Wei! Even if the State of Wei promised to cede some land from the State of Qin to the Five Kingdoms of Shandong, what would it mean? You know, these places are enclaves for the five Shandong countries. Some of them are even separated from these enclaves by several countries. What are they going to do in a place like this? To be honest, these enclaves are under the control of the Wei State. These places also depend on the Wei State's face. Maybe one day, the Wei State will not like you and directly send some troops to turn these territories into Used it!

They have the same reason. Maybe at the beginning, the five of us developed the resources in this iron triangle area together. But after all, this sea area is closest to those two companies, and these two companies have the fastest development speed. Maybe One day in the future, these two forces will be unhappy and will not allow you three to mine. Then what temper will you have? This place is close to others. If you other three families want to go to this iron triangle to mine resources, they need to go through one of these two families. Don't you care about others' faces? If people say they won't let you pass, you won't be able to pass! What's the use of the three of them trying to conquer this iron triangle that's hampered by others at every turn?

With the above factors of distance and interest, it is very difficult for these five unified forces to form a unified alliance to deal with the Iron Triangle together. Since each other's interests and environments are different, how can they form an alliance?

Whether a unified alliance can be achieved depends on the last one or two months. In the last month, three maritime powers have completed the unification. The other two powers, just yesterday, have not yet After completing the great cause of unification, the No. 2 force is still alive and well. How come overnight, the top forces of the five maritime countries formed an alliance to unify and deal with the Iron Triangle?

If the remaining two families completed their unification overnight, it would be understandable. After all, if they really seize the opportunity and want to destroy the No. 2 force, it will only be a battle. It’s just a matter of fact! However, it is easy to achieve unification, but it is not easy to achieve a unified alliance to deal with the Iron Triangle!

You must know that the impact of their distance and interest factors cannot be solved overnight. They need to plan and discuss how to take care of the interests of the other three companies. If they want to solve the distance and interest factors, The problems it caused would take ten days and a half.


? How could it be possible that just after the unification was completed, five alliances were immediately formed and the swords were pointed at the Iron Triangle?

This is too fast!

"Gang leader, just a few hours ago, the two maritime powers also completed the unification of this sea area. There will be no second force to try to disrupt their retreat! As for the five of them who have reached a unified alliance, The evidence is just now. The maritime power farthest from us has dispatched a large fleet to the sea area next door. Not only were they not blocked by the sea area next door, on the contrary, the large fleet in the sea area next door accompanied them and headed towards It's coming in our direction, gang leader, isn't this obvious enough?" Xuanyuan Aiai explained.

"Damn it! It seems that they have already planned it! Now it seems that if we assemble the fleet now and go to support the Jurchen fleet, it will be too late. We have summoned the Jurchen fleet and will join us in Dali Stop them at the entrance to the national waters!" Wei Bin said.

"Gang leader, you must not do it. Luffy just said that we cannot give up the Jurchen Kingdom's waters in vain. What if the strategic goal of the five of them is not to swallow our iron triangle in one go? What if, they The five families are adopting gentle tactics. They want to take over the waters of the Jurchen Kingdom first, and then slowly plot against the waters of our Dali Kingdom and the Xixia Kingdom? By then, the Jurchen fleet has already moved to our Dali Kingdom’s waters, and will definitely do so in the future. Together with our Nirvana Fleet, we developed the Dali Sea Area. The resources in the Dali State Sea Area are fixed, but the power here suddenly changed from the Nirvana Fleet to the Nirvana Fleet and the Jurchen Fleet. Not only our interests were damaged. , even the interests of the Jurchen fleet have been halved compared to before. Over time, there will definitely be a gap between the Jurchen fleet and us. By then, the five of them will have an opportunity to take advantage of it! And between two adjacent sea areas The channel is too narrow, it is easy for the Jurchen fleet to evacuate, but it is difficult for us to fight back. Once the Jurchen country's waters are lost, it will be difficult for us to get it back!" Xuanyuan Aiai reminded.

After listening to Luffy's words relayed by Xuanyuan Ai Ai, Wei Bin thought for a while.

"Luffy is right, we can't let anything go wrong in the waters of the Jurchen Kingdom. That's where I am."

Our buffer zone cannot be handed over easily. I was too anxious just now! So what did Luffy say? "Wei Bin asked hurriedly. As for Luffy's maritime combat ability, Wei Bin is very trustworthy at sea!"

"Gang leader, Luffy said, the current plan is only two strategies: upper, middle and lower!" Xuanyuan said with a smile.

"Three strategies: upper, middle and lower? He already has three strategies. Can he still use the word "only" to describe it? Isn't the term "only" used to describe only one strategy?" Wei Bin was speechless, since Luffy already had a strategy. , then he has nothing to worry about. Luffy's maritime combat capabilities are far superior to his. Luffy has already thought of a strategy for him, so this difficulty should be easily overcome!

"This is so urgent, and you still speak in this tone? Aren't you in a hurry?" Xuanyuan Aai seemed to be much more anxious than Wei Bin!

"Luffy already has three strategies, why should I be anxious?" Wei Bin said.

"You!!! Do you want to be in a hurry? The fleet is not mine anyway! Huh!" Xuanyuan Ai Ai simply found a stool and sat down, as if he was sitting aside eating melon seeds and watching a show. You are a big boss. There's no need to worry. Why should I, a little soldier, be anxious? The emperor is not anxious, but the eunuch is?

"What kind of attitude do you have? Which three strategies can you tell me!" Wei Bin suddenly became anxious when he saw Xuanyuan Ai Ai crossing his legs regardless of his own image!

"Aren't you in a hurry? Then if I am in a hurry, doesn't it mean that the emperor is not in a hurry but the eunuch is?" Xuanyuan Aai was still there with his legs crossed and making sarcastic remarks!

"Okay, tell me! If you delay the fight, I will deduct one month's salary from you!" Wei Bin said.

"Just deduct it, do you think I live on your salary?" Xuanyuan Aai said arrogantly.

"Are you so loud? You don't care about 100 million?" Wei Bin said.

"Come on, don't threaten me with this. It's only 100 million federal coins. I'm not afraid to tell you that I really don't take it seriously, hahahaha!" Xuanyuan laughed loudly.

"Okay, I won't kid you anymore! Luffy proposed a total of three strategies: upper, middle and lower. He said, as Sun Tzu said, the first is to attack the enemy with troops, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the army, and the third is to attack the city. But based on the current reality, Judging from the situation, Fumou is no longer


It's possible, their alliance has been formed, and we don't have enough time to stop their alliance through strategy. Therefore, here, we only have to attack the enemy first, then attack the army, and then attack the city! However, although Sun Tzu's art of war is unpredictable, our actual situation must be taken into consideration when applying it. Therefore, the strategy he formulated is to defeat their five alliances through guerrilla warfare, because this is In our territory, it doesn’t matter even if we can’t stop them in the Jurchen Sea and the sea area next to it. As long as the battlefield is within the Jurchen Sea, we have geographical advantages. We are familiar with the terrain there. As long as we are fully Taking advantage of the terrain, we may not be able to compete with them, even if our number of warships is not as many as theirs! "Xuanyuan Aiai explained.

"What about the second strategy? What about the middle strategy?" Wei Bin asked.

"Luffy said that even if we have a geographical advantage, we may not be able to defeat them. At least the opponent's winning rate is higher. After all, the opponent's fleet is too large. , we will not be able to escape the fate of being destroyed in the end! And even if we are lucky enough to win, the number of our fleet will be greatly reduced in the end. In such a large-scale battle, the warships on the battlefield may be sunk. It is impossible to keep it until the end. Even if we can capture some of their warships at first and use them for our own purposes, these captured warships will definitely continue to be put into the battlefield, and the other side will do the same, in a constant cycle. In the process of being captured and invested, there is only one final destination for the warships, and that is to sink! Therefore, even if we win in the end, we will win miserably. In the end, we will not have many warships left at all, and at this time, We will face a second wave of threats, which are the threats from major emerging forces. When major maritime forces see our decline, many people will immediately build ships and seize the throne of the top leaders in the sea. Whoever builds the first big force first Fleets, whoever can suppress the development of other fleets can lay the foundation for their own unified power. In other words, once we decline, it will be difficult for us to rise again! Because we have dominated the sea area for a long time, the major forces have already It will be miserable to be suppressed by us. At that time, no matter which force rises, it will turn around and destroy our remaining fleet. Once we have no fleet, the City of Peace and Qinglu City will not be preserved! At that time, Nirvana will affect the whole body, and the strength will be greatly damaged!" Xuanyuan Aiai explained.

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