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Chapter 924 Cultivating potential

In the second option, the friendship between Wei Bin and Murong Fu has not yet reached 2000, which is not enough for him to receive the gold belt of the Alliance Leader from Murong Fu, but it is almost there. After all, Wei Bin Bin also did a lot for Murong Fu. Wasn't it Wei Bin who built the bridge between Murong Fu and the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce? And in this mission, even if Wei Bin did not choose the second option, he could still get Murong Fu's friendship. The friendship in the reward was just the reward content of the mission, it was an extra friendship! For example, if among the three options in Murong Fu's place, there is no option to get a lot of friendship, then Wei Bin can't get friendship in Murong Fu's place? Obviously not. As long as you complete the tasks issued by any NPC, your friendship will increase. If Wei Bin chooses the second option, at best you can get more friendship!

As for Wei Bin, isn't it just a gold belt of alliance leader? Now he has the Alliance Leader's Seven Treasures Belt, which is one level higher than the Alliance Leader's Golden Belt. How could he like the Alliance Leader's Golden Belt? I drive a Rolls-Royce, what temptation does your little Alto have on me? This option is not strictly necessary for Wei Bin, so Wei Bin will not choose the second option!

As for the third option, choose any hero-specific equipment. Why did Wei Bin think about it and finally choose this reward?

Because starting from level 70, the meridian system will be opened, and hero equipment occupies a large proportion in the meridian system. The combat power brought by hero equipment is definitely something that no one can ignore, including Wei Bin! ??

In this option, Wei Bin is actually allowed to choose a hero-specific equipment at will. Hero equipment itself is very rare. Most players can only wear white and green hero equipment in this life. Only those who are lucky and rich can wear it. Blue hero equipment, and starting from purple equipment, if you are not a very rich person, or are the core figure of a gang, then it is impossible for you to own purple hero equipment, and its output has determined this Everything!

But now, Wei Bin can actually choose a hero's exclusive equipment at will. This is not an ordinary hero equipment, but a hero's exclusive equipment. You know, as long as Wei Bin lets the corresponding hero open his meridians, then this piece of equipment will The attributes that the hero's exclusive equipment brings to Wei Bin are doubled, which is a bit strong! Wei Bin can be one step ahead of others to find the hero in his heart and help him get through and benefit the people! Because as I said before, if you want to create a perfect meridian system, you must not just let the hero open the meridians for you, because once the hero opens the meridians for you, then the hero will be in this Leave traces in the meridians. In this way, it will be bound to your meridians. It will be impossible to change it in the future. But what if you can't get the exclusive equipment of this hero in the future? Wouldn’t that mean Dafa loses money? The exclusive equipment you got does not belong to this hero, so wouldn’t this exclusive equipment be wasted?

Therefore, if you want to create a perfect meridian system, you must find the corresponding hero based on the exclusive equipment, and then find ways to improve its friendliness and let him open the meridians for you. Only in this way can your exclusive equipment be used use!

And isn't this the opportunity that is now in front of Wei Bin? Wei Bin can freely choose hero-specific equipment, and then find the corresponding hero to open up the meridians. In this way, there is directionality. Wei Bin can even choose his favorite hero first, and then choose the hero's exclusive equipment. Equipment, this is perfect!

Wei Bin's eyes swept through all the exclusive equipment one by one. Soon, he had checked out all the purple exclusive equipment!

That's right, with Wei Bin's ambition, he naturally doesn't like these purple exclusive equipment. Since he has this opportunity to choose, why not choose orange that is rarer, more valuable, and can bring more attributes? What about the equipment?

Finally, Wei Bin focused on two pieces of equipment!

One is Murong Fu's Junzi Sword, and the other is Qiao Feng's dog beating stick!

Wei Bin's purpose is very clear. Among weapons, treasures, moves, mental skills and accessories, he must give priority to weapons, because weapons can increase attack, and attacks are useful at any time, while physical strength, body skills, etc. Not necessarily. In terms of physical strength, if no one hits you, wouldn’t it be useless?

But should Wei Bin choose Murong Fu's Junzi Sword or Qiao Feng's dog beating stick?

To be honest, Wei Bin was in love with Murong Fu and Qiao Feng, and had friendship levels with them, but their friendship levels had not reached 2000. Wei Bin had done things for Murong Fu, so why should he? Haven't you done anything for Qiao Feng?

Thinking back then, wasn't it Wei Bin who risked his life to protect A'Zhu in Juxian Manor? Later, he escorted A'Zhu all the way to Yanmen Pass to look for Qiao Feng. These things can increase Qiao Feng's friendship! He and Qiao Feng are no longer close friends. It is not a problem for Wei Bin to accept tasks from Qiao Feng in the future. As long as he does more tasks, the friendship level will naturally reach the standard. As long as he and Qiao Feng will Feng's friendship level has increased to 2000, then he can ask Qiao Feng to open his meridians. In this way, if he chooses Qiao Feng's exclusive equipment, the dog beating stick, it will come in handy!

And what about Murong Fu? To be honest, his friendship with Murong Fu is a little higher than that with Qiao Feng, because he is about to complete this task. In comparison, the friendship between him and Murong Fu is easier to reach the standard, and he can also be more friendly. Let this Murong Fu’s exclusive equipment take effect as soon as possible!

Now, we have the target, which is the weapon, but whose one should we choose? You know, although Murong Fu is in the second echelon, the exclusive equipment of the second echelon heroes is actually no different from the exclusive equipment of the first echelon. They are all orange equipment and have the same attributes. Wei Bin left and right The choice is actually based on the friendliness of the two heroes, which one is easier to improve, and whose exclusive equipment is easier to obtain in the future. After all, he only got one piece of hero equipment this time, and There are four pieces of hero-exclusive equipment waiting for him to collect. If he chooses the person with the faster friendship level just for the sake of quickness, what if his hero-exclusive equipment is harder to obtain than the other one? ? He has to think about the future!

After much deliberation, Wei Bin finally chose Murong Fu's exclusive weapon, the Gentleman's Sword!

That's right, it's Murong Fu, not Qiao Feng. Logically speaking, the exclusive equipment of the two of them is of the same level, and the added attributes are exactly the same, so they should be the same no matter which one they choose! But in fact this is not the case. You must know that as a first-tier hero, Qiao Feng has the aura of a protagonist. The aura of the protagonist here is given to him by the players. It is in the hearts of the players. Qiao Feng is the protagonist, and the players regard him There is sentiment. There are definitely more people who like Qiao Feng than those who like Murong Fu. Under this fan effect, even if Qiao Feng's exclusive equipment is exactly the same as Murong Fu's exclusive equipment, those who collect Qiao Feng's exclusive equipment There are more people than those who collect Murong Fu's equipment. Qiao Feng's exclusive equipment is definitely more popular than Murong Fu's exclusive equipment!

Above, this is the human factor!

If there is a traffic jam on any road, you should avoid it. All roads lead to Rome, so why should you take the road that is more congested? Wei Bin will definitely not choose Qiao Feng's exclusive equipment with greater competition pressure! Anyway, Murong Fu's exclusive equipment has the same attributes as Qiao Feng's exclusive equipment, and the friendship between him and Murong Fu is higher!

"Senior, I will choose this gentleman's sword!" Wei Bin said politely.

"Haha! Okay, you really have a vision. You know, my Junzi Sword is one of the best treasures in the entire Central Plains martial arts world. You really have a vision, haha!" Murong Fu said with a smile, Wei Bin can choose him The exclusive equipment was naturally a recognition of his strength. How could Murong Fu be unhappy?

"Oh, by the way, do you need me to help you open up your meridians? By the way, I also have an alliance leader's golden belt here, although I


I know that you are worthy of the Alliance Leader's Seven Treasures Belt, but this Alliance Leader's Golden Belt is also valuable. If you don't need it, then give it to the person it needs! "Murong Fu asked.

Just after Murong Fu said this, Wei Bin subconsciously glanced at the top of Murong Fu's head. The friendship between the player and the NPC was all reflected in the top of the NPC's head. When Wei Bin looked at it, he realized that, After he just selected the mission reward, the friendship of Murong Fu he obtained through this mission was also settled. After settlement, it reached exactly 2000. As mentioned before, 2000 friendship is what makes the hero a player. According to the standard of opening up the meridians and receiving one reward, Wei Bin also received these two rewards!

"That's really great, we have seniors!" This relationship is good. Wei Bin was originally worried that the friendship level brought by this mission would not reach 2000. If this was the case, then he would need to start again. Murong Fu asked for some errands here, and had to improve his friendship before he came back to Murong Fu to open up his meridians. Now he was fine, he was in one step, and the Gentleman's Sword he had just chosen could be put to use immediately!

With a flash of golden light above Wei Bin's head, Murong Fu successfully opened Wei Bin's Ren meridians. In fact, there is no difference between the eight meridians of the player. It is the same no matter which one is opened!

After getting through, Murong Fu directly added 100 points of all attributes to Wei Bin. The all attributes here refer to aura +100, physical strength +100, concentration +100, movement +100, not attribute attack +100.

The above is the first point where the meridian system adds attributes to players. When a hero opens meridians for you, it will add certain attributes to your meridian system. Depending on the echelon of the hero, the added attributes to the player will The attributes are also different. As the hero's echelon rises, more and more attributes are added! In comparison, Murong Fu did not increase the attributes as much as Qiao Feng, because Qiao Feng is a first-tier hero, while Murong Fu is only a second-tier hero, but the difference is not very big, so Wei Bin didn't care. Wei Bin couldn't have chosen Qiao Feng's exclusive equipment just because the attributes added to him by Murong Fu were not as good as Qiao Feng's...

In addition, different heroes bring different attributes to players when they open meridians. For example, Murong Fu adds all attributes to players, while Mu Wanqing brings attribute attacks to players. There are also ones that add aura, hits, etc., but since these attributes are insignificant compared to the hero's exclusive equipment, what attributes the hero adds to the player will not affect the player's choice of hero to open his meridians. !

After getting through, Wei Bin did not choose to integrate the Junzi Sword he had just chosen into Ren Vein! Because he hasn't been able to do this so far!

If you want to integrate a piece of heroic equipment into a meridian, there is a necessary prerequisite, that is, you must first upgrade the corresponding potential in this meridian to the same color as the heroic equipment!

And how to upgrade? This leads to the potential fruit!

Next, let’s take a look at the potential fruit and how to upgrade the corresponding potential! This is also the second channel in the meridian system that can increase attributes for players!

The second channel to increase attributes for players is to use potential fruits to improve the attributes of offensive potential, defensive potential, fighting spirit potential, willpower potential and perseverance potential. So the question is, where does the potential fruit come from?

Potential fruit and hero equipment are the same, and they both come from the Yanziwu dungeon. Not only the hero equipment, the potential fruit, but also the Dzi beads that change these potential attributes are also dropped in Yanziwu!

Under normal circumstances, if it is a simple level Yanziwu, after clearing the level, each player can get 1 potential fruit, and there is about a 1 chance of dropping the Dzi Bead back!

Someone asked what Dzi Beads are. This is a good question. Take defense potential as an example. Defense potential includes four attributes: physical strength, internal defense, external defense, and upper limit of energy. Players can also only choose one of them. Defend the attributes in the potential column, and then use the potential fruit to cultivate them!

It should be noted here that it is said that the player can only choose one, but the emphasis is not on the player to choose. The emphasis is on the choice of only one. In fact, these four attributes in the defensive potential are not determined by the player. Which one should be chosen is not the player's choice of attributes, but the player's choice of attributes. It is not up to you which attributes God decides to give you. Of course you are willing to choose physical strength, but God may not necessarily give it to you. Regarding physical strength, he may give you internal defense, or he may give you external defense, or he may give you a maximum energy limit, but he just doesn't give you physical strength!

If you use the potential fruit to cultivate this potential, wouldn't it be a waste? So precious potential fruit, used to cultivate an attribute that I don't want? Wouldn't that be blood loss?

At this time, the role of the Hui Dzi Bead became prominent. What is the Hui Dzi Bead used for? The Heaven Returning Bead can change the properties of this potential, and it is a designated change. For example, if the defensive potential of your meridian is the upper limit attribute of Qi, and the physical property you want, then you can use a Returning Heaven Bead to control the energy. The upper limit is changed to physical strength. If you have used the potential fruit to upgrade the upper limit of qi before, don’t worry. Its attributes will naturally be converted into physical strength, and it is a very fair conversion. If you have used the potential fruit to cultivate the upper limit of qi several times, it will be converted into After you gain physical strength, its physical strength value will also be the physical strength value you cultivated for the same number of times. You will not suffer any loss or take advantage!

What I just talked about is the drop situation of the simple level Yanziwu. If you pass the level not the simple level, but the difficult level Yanziwu, then each player can get 2 potential fruits. At the same time, there are 2 The probability of falling back to the Dzi Bead.

If you clear the hell-level Yanziwu, then each player can get 4 potential fruits, and at the same time, there is a 3 chance of dropping the Dzi Bead back.

If you clear the legendary Yanziwu, then each player can get 8 potential fruits, and at the same time, there is a 4 chance of dropping the Dzi Bead back.

There is another point above, that is all the dropped items. They will only be dropped after killing the last Murong Fu. If you overturned with Murong Fu, then I am sorry, all the items you have done before Work hard, whether it's Duan Yanqing or Jiumozhi, all your efforts will be in vain, and you won't get a dime of profit. Although this cannot be regarded as increasing the difficulty of the copy, it can be regarded as a change in the direction of this copy. The importance of it, and the power of potential fruit!

You know, even if you clear the legendary difficulty level Yanziwu, everyone can only get 8 potential fruits, and Yanziwu can only be challenged once a day, which is enough to show how precious the potential fruits are!

As for the Dzi Bead, as an item with a chance of being dropped, compared to the Potential Fruit, its probability and output are very low, but to be honest, there are only those who want to buy the Potential Fruit on the market, but I have never heard of anyone asking for the Dzi Bead. , because although the output of Hui Dzi beads is low, its demand is also low. How many Hui Dzi beads does a person need in his lifetime? He can't just keep changing attributes back and forth with nothing to do, right? Most people just choose the attribute they want and they won't change it for the rest of their lives. Therefore, although the drop rate of returning Dzi Beads is very low, they are not a popular item!

And how powerful the potential fruit is will be revealed soon!

Wei Bin integrated the potential fruits dropped from the dungeon into Ren Mai's offensive potential one by one.

Mysterious attack +10

Mysterious attack +10

Mysterious attack +10

Mysterious attack +10

After spending 10 potential fruits, the integrated

The process stopped directly. It was not Wei Bin who took the initiative to stop it. It was not that Wei Bin had no more potential fruits in his hands, but because the player's meridians had limited endurance and could only use ten potential fruits a day! In fact, this is understandable. On the surface, it means that the player's meridians have limited endurance, but in reality? Isn't it because they are afraid that the gap between players is too big?

Every time you cultivate offensive potential, you can increase your mysterious attack by 10 points. To be honest, this level of increase can actually be said to be very incredible. What if you can increase your mysterious attack by 100 points every day in the future? Isn't it too late to be invincible? One hundred a day, 1,000 in ten days, 10,000 in 100 days, a ten thousand attribute attack, the spaceship can't be that fast, right? As long as there are enough potential effects, the combat effectiveness will not rise like a rocket! Who can stop this?

Therefore, in order to avoid the birth of polarization, we must restrict those wealthy people and narrow the gap between them and civilians!

Some attentive people may have noticed that this is wrong. Didn’t Wei Bin and the others clear the legendary level Yanziwu? In the legendary difficulty level of Yanziwu, isn't each talent given 8 potential fruits? Where did Wei Bin's many potential fruits come from? He had just cultivated it 10 times, which means he spent a total of 10 potential fruits. So where did the two extra potential fruits come from?

This comes from why Wei Bin tried every means to develop a strategy that can continuously allow others to break the dungeon record!

Why is Wei Bin so anxious to get the first pass to Yanziwu? ??

It's because after winning the first pass and breaking the highest record, players can get a lot of potential fruits from it! Do you think any dungeon will only reward players with attribute points after the first pass? No! What Yanziwu gives is not attributes, but real potential fruits! Not only will you be rewarded with potential fruits for winning the first pass, but future players who break the time record can still get the same number of potential fruits. This is why Wei Bin must formulate a plan and strategy to break the record. Because the rewards are so tempting!

After winning the first pass of Yanziwu, the six Wei Bins each received 100 potential fruits. This is the first pass reward!

How about it? Are the rewards very attractive? After that, every time Wei Bin brings someone to break the record, that person can get 100 potential fruits!

If you still can't understand its preciousness based on this number alone, then it will be clear after converting it into gold coins!

Let’s use the most valuable gemstone as a reference! A third-level attribute attack gem can increase attribute attack by 33 points. If potential fruits are used to cultivate offensive potential, then only three potential fruits are needed to achieve the attributes of a third-level gem. In other words, one The value of a potential fruit is one-third of a third-level gem, and the market price of a third-level gem is about 60 gold. In other words, the value of a potential fruit is about 20 gold, and what about 100 potential fruits? ? That's 2,000 gold. Everyone can get a reward of about 2,000 gold. Isn't this level of reward not tempting?

Furthermore, even if players have reached a higher level, it is not easy to receive Potential Fruit when the market matures, because its output is too low, and most players may not be able to obtain it in their lifetime. You can't clear Yanziwu, even the simple Yanziwu!

Because Yanziwu is a very difficult dungeon, as the difficulty of the dungeon increases, the difficulty of the dungeon is reflected in the boss's attack and defense, blood volume, and resistance reduction. There is not much difference in its skills! In other words, the simple level Yanziwu is just the boss's health, attack, defense and resistance reduction. However, there is still 100 resistance reduction. After all, resistance reduction is also one of the difficulties of this copy. For ordinary players Generally speaking, the boss's HP and attack and defense are pretty good, but where do they have three types of resistances over 100? You know, Yanziwu only considers the three resistances of Ice, Mysterious Fire!

Well, to take a step back, even if their resistance is up to standard, the boss's skills in the dungeon have not changed. Murong Fu's Ice and Snow Land still ignores resistance, and will lose 50 HP as long as it is hit. , even if your ice resistance reaches the standard, it won't work. If you don't even reach the standard, you will suffer more damage!

The above is just a drizzle. In fact, all the above difficulties can be overcome. After all, Murong Fu draws blood based on percentages. At this level, there is no difference between Wei Bin and the other ordinary players. They are on the same starting line. In the end, What makes ordinary players despair is definitely Murong Fu's set of combos, Lingshen Style + Borrowing Strength to Counterattack + Qi Destining Liuhe + Sky Breaking Style. How can they defeat it?

They don't have Wei Bin's degenerate aura. The core reason why Wei Bin and the others are able to pass the level lies in Wei Bin's degenerate aura. His degenerate aura can reduce Murong Fu's movement speed, and can keep aggro on him. Then, through the six ancient dragon souls, Murong Fu was worn to death bit by bit!

But for other ordinary players, where can they steal the degradation halo? Without the blessing of the degenerate halo, how can they pass the level?

It can be said that it is basically impossible for ordinary players to clear Yanziwu, just like they cannot clear Piaomiao Peak!

If you want to clear the simple level of Yanziwu, you must at least be three players. Players with three players can at least restrain the boss in terms of attributes. They can beat the boss inside without being too high. harm!

The only thing that scared them was Murong Fu's combos. If they couldn't find a way to defeat Murong Fu, they would have trouble clearing the dungeon!

Relatively speaking, it is easier for players with four or five extremes to clear the simple level of Yanziwu. Especially players with five or more extremes. With their attributes, they can handle the simple level of Yanziwu because of their resistance. It's enough, and the output is very high. The reason why they are failing now is because they don't understand Yanziwu yet. After they fail a few times, they will naturally master the skills to clear the level, even if they conquer Murong Fu!

To be honest, Murong Fu's set of combos is not easy to use against this group of players with a limit of five or more, because the output of these players is too high. Even if Murong Fu uses combos to reduce their number, what they have left The people still have the strength to clear the dungeon, because their output is very high, and Murong Fu can't even use a few combos!

Of course, it is only a simple copy of Yanziwu. As long as the difficulty is raised to Hard, even players with a limit of five or more will have a hard time passing the level before they come up with an effective strategy for dealing with Murong Fu! The reason why they were able to clear the easy-level Yanziwu was actually because they used force to overcome skill. Their combat effectiveness no longer needed the support of strategies. However, the difficult-level Yanziwu was different. The difficult-level Yanziwu was no longer enough. Let them use strength to defeat cleverness. Their strength can no longer ignore Murong Fu's combos!

In fact, Wei Bin and the others can also use force to overcome skill. Even if they are asked to go to the difficult level Yanziwu, they can still use force to defeat skill, because their output is too high. Die Wu Ling Wudang Needless to say the output? Brother Li, needless to say, the most awesome Tianlong in the entire Middle-earth continent, right? Not to mention Wei Bin, right? The other three are also players with high combat power who have experienced reconstruction, and their output is far higher than those players who have reached the limit of five!

Just imagine, the Yanziwu dungeon can only be conquered by players with three or more players. Can its yield of potential fruits be as high as it is? Each player can only challenge Yanziwu once a day, which means that Potential Fruit must be a luxury product. From here, you can realize how precious Wei Bin and the others' first pass reward of 100 Potential Fruit is, right?

Not only Wei Bin and his team won the first pass of Yanziwu, but the other two teams among the core members of Nirvana also won the first pass of Yanziwu. Of course, what they won was not the first pass of Yanziwu.


It is not the first pass of the legendary Yanziwu. What they have won is the first pass of the simple and difficult Yanziwu respectively. For high-difficulty dungeons like Yanziwu and Piaomiao Peak, let alone the legendary, hell and At the difficult level, even the simple level Yanziwu has a first-pass reward, because this dungeon is very difficult. Even the simple level dungeon is more difficult than the highest difficulty three-ring dungeon!

The reward for winning the hell-level Yanziwu dungeon, or breaking the hell-level difficulty dungeon in the future, is 80 potential fruits, while the hard-level copy corresponds to 50 potential fruits, and the easy-level copy corresponds to 20 Potential Fruits, the reward for a simple level dungeon is a bit low, but to be honest, this is considered free, because within a few days, some players with a limit of 5 or more will successfully pass the level!

Of course, Wei Bin couldn't just sit back and let them take away these record-breaking rewards in vain. No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. Besides, this is not small! Each person is rewarded with 20 potential fruits, which is 120 for six people! Wei Bin and the others worked tirelessly to implement the legendary record-breaking plan. Every time they brought someone to break the record, wouldn't that person get 100 potential fruits? There is no simple level dungeon with so many first passes!

Therefore, Wei Bin's plan is to give priority to the first pass of the simple-level Yanziwu dungeon. Don't they have three teams in Nirvana that are capable of winning the simple-level Yanziwu dungeon? Then their three teams will clear the simple level Yanziwu once a day, and each team will replace five new players each time, allowing them to receive record-breaking rewards. Doesn't Nirvana still have 60 players who have reached the limit of five? These 60 Extreme Five players are their newcomers. The reason why the current Extreme Five players cannot pass the level is because they don’t understand Yanziwu yet. It doesn’t mean that their combat power is not up to standard, but even their combat power If they all meet the standard, then Nirvana’s 60 players who have reached the maximum limit of five will have no problem. They also lack experience. As long as the three teams of Nirvana are led by people who have passed the test, then Now that they have a commander-in-chief, they must be able to win a simple Yanziwu!

Nirvana has a total of 18 people who have passed the test. They only need one day to bring these 60 people together to break the record. All they need to do is to spread the time of breaking the record. For example, if they are first It took the team 59 minutes and 30 seconds to pass the level. Then the next team needs to control the time to about 59 minutes, because they have to leave room for the following teams. If they spend too little time, they will Adding pressure to the teams behind may result in some people not being able to get the reward for breaking the record at all, because there is not enough time!

After completing this stage of the plan, they will start to conquer the difficult level Yanziwu. They will then go to get the record-breaking rewards of the difficult level Yanziwu one by one, and then go to the hell-level Yanziwu until the end. , and then go get the record-breaking rewards of the legendary Yanziwu!

Why did Wei Bin arrange this? Because the simple level dungeon is the easiest for people to break the record. In less than a day, someone will be able to clear the simple level Yanziwu. By then, he just wants to get the simple level Yanziwu to break the record. I can’t even get the reward!

On the other hand, Yanziwu at difficulty level and above is different. These dungeons are very difficult and require a lot of time for other players to conquer. They have enough time to get rewards one by one!

Although each person can only get one first pass or record-breaking reward, that is only for ordinary simple dungeons. In dungeons like Piaomiao Peak and Swallowwood, the rewards for different difficulties do not conflict, and That is to say, each player can receive four rewards, simple-level Yanziwu rewards, difficult-level Yanziwu rewards, hell-level rewards and legendary Yanziwu rewards! In fact, the four dungeons of different difficulty can be understood as another dungeon. Since it is another dungeon, you can naturally get rewards at the same time!

If Wei Bin's plan can be implemented smoothly, then he will have more potential fruits in his hands. At least in a short period of time, he will no longer have to worry about potential fruits!

Above, this is the second way for the meridian system to increase attributes for players! The first way is to add attributes to the player when the hero opens the meridians for the player. The second way is to use the potential fruit to cultivate the potential in the meridians!

Next, let’s talk about the third way the meridian system can increase attributes for players! Hero equipment!

After the player's meridians are opened, five pieces of equipment can be integrated into the meridians, corresponding to the player's offensive potential, defensive potential, will potential, perseverance potential and fighting spirit potential!

However, it is not that easy to integrate hero equipment into the meridians. There is also a restriction, that is, you must first use the potential fruit to cultivate the corresponding potential color to the hero you want to integrate. The color of the equipment matters. For example, the hero equipment Wei Bin just got is an orange weapon, and the weapon can only be integrated into the offensive potential. Then Wei Bin must constantly use the potential fruit to cultivate his meridians. The offensive potential in the game must be cultivated into orange!

In the initial state, all potentials are white. After cultivating 20 times, the color of the potential will turn green. After cultivating it 20 times, the color of the potential will turn blue. After cultivating it 20 times, the color of the potential will change. It turns purple and needs to be cultivated 20 times before the potential turns orange!

In other words, from the initial state, it needs to be cultivated 100 times to cultivate the potential of a meridian into orange! And since the potential can only be cultivated ten times a day, that is to say, if Wei Bin wants to integrate this heroic equipment into his meridians, it will take another ten days!

And if you think that you only need to consume 100 potential fruits to cultivate the potential of a meridian from white to orange, then you are totally wrong!

Only at this stage of cultivating from white potential to green potential, each cultivation only consumes one potential fruit. After your potential reaches green potential, it is so easy to cultivate it upwards. Green potential cultivation blue In the process of cultivating color potential, two potential fruits need to be consumed for each cultivation. In other words, to change the light from green to blue, 40 potential fruits have to be consumed!

The blue cultivation of purple potential fruit is even more abnormal. Each time it is cultivated, four potential fruits need to be consumed. In other words, it takes a total of 80 potential fruits to cultivate a blue potential into a purple potential!

Next, when purple potential cultivates orange potential, 8 potential fruits need to be consumed each time, which is completely doubled!

In other words, if you want to cultivate the potential of a meridian from the white board to orange, you need to spend 300 potential fruits! If there is no reward for breaking the record or winning the first pass, where can you steal so many potential fruits? If you want to cultivate a potential from white to orange, then you have to cultivate it until the year of the monkey?

Of course, the price-performance ratio of its attribute growth is actually the same from beginning to end. In other words, regardless of the fact that as the quality of the potential increases, the consumption of the potential fruit becomes larger and larger, but the increased attributes also increase proportionally. For example, in the process of cultivating blue from green, it does not require 2 potential fruits to be cultivated each time, but the attributes it increases are also doubled. Each time it is cultivated, it no longer increases the attribute attack by 10 points, but increases 20 points of attribute attack! In the process of cultivating orange potential from purple potential, although it requires 8 potential fruits to be cultivated each time, the increased attribute attack becomes 80 each time it is cultivated, and the price/performance ratio is the same! The only difference between them is that some people's financial resources are only enough to support them in cultivating their potential into green or blue, because they have no money or resources! And those who are rich and have channels to buy potential fruits can cultivate their potential into purple or even orange!

Generally speaking, although the price/performance ratio is the same, it is still getting more and more expensive!

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