Fortunately, Wei Bin had potential fruits in his hands. Although he didn't have them, his teammates did, and he wasn't the only one who got the reward of 100 potential fruits! Anyway, some people haven't opened their meridians yet, so keeping the potential fruit is a waste of resources. Wei Bin can just take it and use it first. When the plan to break the record is completed in the future, won't the potential fruit come in large quantities?

In fact, it can also be seen from this point that purple hero-exclusive equipment is not necessarily worse than orange hero-exclusive equipment, and orange hero-exclusive equipment is not necessarily stronger than purple hero-exclusive equipment, because all of this must be combined with its own Based on his actual situation, some people just can't get the potential fruit. In this case, even if you give him a hundred pieces of orange hero-specific equipment, he won't be able to use it!

Orange hero-specific equipment does increase attributes more than purple hero-specific equipment, but if you don't have the ability to cultivate that potential into orange, then isn't this thing just a decoration? In comparison, purple potential is so easy to cultivate. It only takes 140 potential fruits to cultivate an initial meridian into purple. But what if you want to cultivate it into orange? It costs 300 potential fruits. The difference in consumption of potential fruits is really too big. The potential fruits consumed to cultivate one orange potential are enough to cultivate two purple potentials!

For Wei Bin, it is not the potential fruit that restricts the cultivation of the meridian system, but time, because he has many potential fruits, but he can only cultivate them 10 times a day! But what about others? What restricts them from cultivating their meridian system is exactly the opposite of Wei Bin. What they lack most is time. What they lack is friendliness, hero equipment, and potential fruit! ??

If they knew Wei Bin's needs at this time, they would definitely be jealous!

Next, let’s see how many attributes can be added to Wei Bin if Wei Bin integrates this gentleman’s sword into his meridians!

Mysterious attack +2000

I am naughty!

At this moment, Wei Bin seems to have never been so happy. In his previous life, although he also got two hero-exclusive equipment, all he got were purple hero-exclusive equipment, which is the third echelon, and the following. The exclusive equipment for the heroes of the echelon, and the purple exclusive equipment, even if you meet the owner, it can only increase his attribute attack by 1000 points. At that time, even though he only got two pieces of purple exclusive equipment, even so , he can also be called the best among men. After all, hero equipment itself is very rare. Not to mention the purple exclusive equipment, even ordinary purple hero equipment is not something that just anyone can get!

And today? He actually got a piece of exclusive orange equipment directly, and naturally let Murong Fu open his meridians. This luck is really good!

This is the orange exclusive equipment that countless people dream of. This is not something that just cats and dogs can get casually. It suddenly increases the mysterious attack by 2000, isn't it!

What is the concept of 2000's mysterious attack? Even a player with a limit of five or more, how many attribute attacks does he have in total? The less is three to four thousand, the more is five to six thousand, and what about Wei Bin? Just a piece of hero-specific equipment allowed him to gain 2,000 attribute attack points. If this were revealed, wouldn't others be envious? A level five attribute attack gem only increases the attribute attack by 120, but what about Wei Bin? It's just a piece of hero-specific equipment, and the attribute attack it adds is higher than their attribute gems. It's really infuriating how many people are compared to each other!

This 2000 mysterious attack can add another 12000 damage to Wei Bin. Don't underestimate this 12000. Normally it is 12000. When it explodes, it will not be 12000. Maybe the damage of 12000 will be equal to Wei Bin's 20 or 30. Thousands of injuries are nothing, but you must know that if you don’t accumulate steps, you can’t reach a thousand miles; if you don’t accumulate small streams, you can’t become a river; a horse can’t take ten steps with one leap; a horse can ride ten steps; success lies in perseverance and perseverance. But if you give it up, the rotten wood will not break; if you persevere, you can carve gold and stone!

Any damage is accumulated bit by bit, 12,000 more here, 12,000 more there, and this is how Wei Bin's damage is estimated to be 200,000 to 300,000!

Furthermore, maybe to Wei Bin, this 12,000 damage is nothing, but what if it is to other players? There will be earth-shaking changes! You know, when all your attention is focused on Wei Bin, it is easy to overlook that the vast majority of players are still in dire straits. For ordinary players, when they encounter wild monsters of the same level, Their damage is only a few thousand, and it is difficult to break through even 10,000. The damage of slightly better players is only 10,000 or 20,000. What if the 12,000 damage is given to them? That was definitely a life-saving injury! Even for those players with a limit of five or more, their flat push damage is only 40,000 to 50,000. Wouldn't it be nice if you gave them 12,000 damage?

The attributes that hero equipment brings to Wei Bin are the third attribute channel that the meridian system brings to players. The first channel is the attributes brought to you by the hero who opens the meridians for you. The second channel is the attributes that the hero equipment brings to Wei Bin. The first channel is to use potential fruit to cultivate potential, and the third channel is the hero equipment in front of you!

And if Wei Bin wants to integrate into this orange gentleman's sword, he needs to cultivate his offensive potential to orange!

In fact, Wei Bin's cultivation method should be regarded as a cultivation method under special circumstances. In fact, this cultivation method is not mainstream! What is the truly mainstream training method?

The truly mainstream cultivation method is that after a certain hero opens up the meridians for you, these five potentials, namely offensive potential, defensive potential, fighting spirit potential, willpower potential and perseverance potential, are improved in a balanced manner. First, all potentials are upgraded to green. In the future, we will upgrade to blue uniformly, because purple and orange hero equipment are so rare that most people may not be able to obtain it in their lifetime. However, the hero equipment of blue and below is different. They are more or less There is still a chance to get it, but if you get a piece of green or blue hero equipment, but you can't integrate it because the potential color is not up to standard, wouldn't it be useless? The correct method should be from low to high. If you get a certain piece of exclusive equipment during this period, just use resources to increase the potential that this piece of equipment needs to be integrated into! This is the mainstream and correct way to cultivate potential!

And do you think Wei Bin's journey of creating a meridian system has come to an end?

No! it's not finished yet!

Because when Wei Bin won the first pass of the legendary Yanziwu, he not only dropped 48 potential fruits and 6 Dzi Beads, but also dropped a purple hero-specific equipment and 6 new Mangshen. talisman, and 6 magic weapon talismans.

In the case of non-first-passed dungeons, the Yanziwu in the legendary dungeon has a 4 chance of dropping Dzi Beads, New Mang Talisman and Divine Weapon Talisman, a 4 chance of dropping white hero equipment, and a 3 chance of dropping Dzi Beads. Green hero equipment has a 2 chance to drop blue hero equipment, a 1 chance to drop purple hero equipment, and a 05 chance to drop orange hero equipment. These are just ordinary hero equipment. If it is hero equipment, the drop rate will be multiplied by 10. This means that there is a 04 chance of dropping white hero-exclusive equipment, a 03 chance of dropping green hero-exclusive equipment, and a 02 chance of dropping it. Blue hero-exclusive equipment has a 01 chance of dropping purple hero-exclusive equipment, and a 005 chance of dropping orange hero-exclusive equipment, while the potential fruit drops at 100!

Of course, if you want to calculate the output, you have to multiply by 6 in the end, because once the dropped items are dropped, it will be one for each person, and there will not be a situation where there is only one in total!

According to the first pass principle, all items that have a chance of dropping in this dungeon will definitely drop when you pass it for the first time. In other words, Wei Bin also dropped a hero-exclusive equipment, but this hero-exclusive equipment is not orange. Yes, but purple! It’s Ah Zi’s mental equipment, the great method of transforming energy! Used to integrate the potential of will!


Logically speaking, the friendship between Wei Bin and Ah Zi has reached 2000, which means Ah Zi can open up his meridians. So when Wei Bin chose the reward for the hero's exclusive equipment just now, he should choose Ah Zi's exclusive one. , in this way, he will have two pieces of Ah Zi’s exclusive equipment, which can maximize the cost-effectiveness of Ah Zi’s opening of his meridians! The reason why Wei Bin did not choose Ah Zi's exclusive equipment is because after all, Ah Zi's exclusive equipment is only a purple exclusive equipment. The properties of purple exclusive equipment are only half of those of orange. Wei Bin has such good skills at the moment. If you have the opportunity to choose hero-specific equipment, then naturally you have to choose orange!

After bidding farewell to Murong Fu, Wei Bin found Ah Zi again. For ordinary players, it would not be easy for them to find Ah Zi. After all, Ah Zi is a protagonist NPC, and the world is so big that if they want to find one The whereabouts of the protagonist nc is destined to take a lot of trouble! It’s not just A Zi, but all the other protagonists and NPCs are the same. Their whereabouts are not so easy to detect!

But Wei Bin is different. Not only Azi's whereabouts, but also Zhong Ling, Mu Wanqing, Qiao Feng and A'Zhu's whereabouts are known to Wei Bin because Wei Bin has dealt with them and has been in contact with them ever since. After arriving, Wei Bin secretly sent someone to follow them, or to follow them all the way, because Wei Bin needed to know their whereabouts so that he could find them as soon as possible if needed in the future!

But now, Wei Bin's arrangement finally worked, and Wei Bin found A'Zi without any effort!

"Hey, isn't this Young Hero Wei Bin! What kind of wind has brought you here today?" After seeing Wei Bin, Azi showed unusual excitement and joy.

"Haha, I haven't seen you for a few days, so I miss you! I have time today, so I came to visit you on purpose! Oh, by the way, please accept the small courtesy!" Wei Bin waved his hand, and the few behind him An entourage came over pushing ten carts!

"This is" Azi said ecstatically. Although she didn't say what it was, it was obvious that she had already guessed what was in these top ten cars!

"That's right, these are the five poisonous substances used by seniors to practice magical arts. This junior knows that your practice has a relatively large demand for these five poisonous substances, so I specially brought some to you!" Wei Bin said with a smile.

"Haha, Wei Bin, you are really thoughtful. Is this the tenth time you have given me these five poisons?" Ah Zi smiled slightly.

"Haha, I didn't expect that Senior A'Zi remembers it clearly. They are just trivial things. As long as we can help Senior A'Zi practice magical skills and let the Xingxiu sect chase him, I will never go up the mountain of knives or into the sea of ​​fire. Frown your brows!" Wei Bin said confidently.

"Hahaha! You are so generous, thank you so much!" Azi smiled even happier when she heard Wei Bin's words! Who doesn't like to hear this?

In fact, after Wei Bin raised Ah Zi's friendship level to 2000 and received the reward from her, Wei Bin did not abandon Ah Zi. Wei Bin invested in buying a batch of Ah Zi every once in a while. The five poisons are worth one million gold at a time, and after Azi uses up all the five poisons, Wei Bin will send her another batch!

The reason why Wei Bin did this was for nothing else but to improve Ah Zi's friendship. He had been paving the way for the future because he knew that one day in the future, he would definitely go to Ah Zi to help him open up his meridians. Yes, because the higher the friendship between the hero who helps you open the meridians and you, the more attributes he will bring to you after he opens the meridians for you, so Wei Bin keeps sending five gifts to Ah Zi. Poison to increase the friendship between them! Of course, he can continue to give you gifts in the future. The attributes the hero adds to you when he opens the meridians really depends on the friendship between you at that time. But in the future, if the friendship between you and him continues to increase, other attributes will be added to you. Attributes will also increase accordingly. The attributes attached to you by heroes are not static!

So far, Wei Bin has sent a total of 10 batches of five poisonous substances to Ah Zi. Each batch of five poisonous substances is worth 100,000 gold and can increase the friendship level by 1,000. 10 batches of five poisonous substances are worth 1 million gold, which is 10,000 friendship levels. This kind of prodigal method of improving friendship is probably only Wei Bin can do in the world.

So, let’s explain why Wei Bin decided that he would definitely find Ah Zi to open up his meridians in the future?

Because Azi is known to Wei Bin, one of the few heroes who can increase friendliness by spending money to buy friendliness. At the same time, the higher the friendliness, the more benefits the hero will bring to players after opening up their meridians. The higher the attributes, and when the friendship between the two reaches 10,000, if the friendship continues to increase, the attributes the hero brings to the player will increase exponentially!

For example, if the friendship between you and Ah Zi is only 2000, then after she helps you open the meridians, she can increase your hit points by 1000 points. The hit points Zi brings to you will increase by one point. That is to say, when the friendship between Ah Zi and you reaches 10,000, she can give you an additional 9,000 hit points. But after the friendship reaches 10,000, if you continue to improve Ah Zi If Zi's friendliness is higher, then every point of improvement in friendliness can increase your hit points by 5 points. This is a five-fold relationship!

What kind of international joke are you kidding?

A five-fold increase in attributes would definitely shock anyone!

This is not only true for Azi, but also for other heroes. As long as your friendship with him exceeds 10,000, then if you increase your friendship with him again, the attributes he will bring to you will be five times!

This is Wei Bin's purpose, because he wants to get more hits from Ah Zi! So why doesn't Wei Bin improve the friendliness of other heroes? As mentioned before, because Ah Zi is one of the few heroes who can spend money to buy friendliness. When Wei Bin wanted to increase Ah Zi’s friendliness to 2000, he didn’t just have to pick up Ah Zi’s friendliness. Is it a mission to collect five poisonous substances and gain friendship? As for Wei Bin, he only needs to spend money to buy the five poisonous substances. In this way, he is spending money to buy friendliness in a different direction! This is equivalent to a shortcut that can be taken by spending money!

Why doesn't Wei Bin increase the friendliness of other heroes to 10,000? Because most of the other heroes do not have tasks similar to Azi’s that can improve friendship by giving her five poisons. They do not have tasks to spend money to buy friendship, but those who want to improve the friendliness of heroes have How difficult is it? He needs to complete a large number of difficult tasks. If he only relies on completing tasks to increase his friendship level to 10,000, it will not be possible in just a few years!

Generally speaking, each NPC has four types of difficulty tasks, namely easy level, difficult level, hell level and legendary level!

Every time you complete a simple task, you can increase the friendliness of the NC a little. This kind of task is very simple and basically has no technical content. It only requires you to have the hands and feet to complete it. This kind of task can take up to one day to complete!

Each time you complete a difficult-level task, you can increase your friendship by 10 points. Compared with simple-level tasks, most players can also complete difficult-level tasks, but they need to use their brains and think about it. That's it, and it takes about three to seven days to complete a difficult level task!

The hell-level difficulty tasks are a bit difficult. Each completion of a hell-level difficulty task can increase the player's friendliness by 100 points. Basically, few people can complete such a task, and its completion period is about In about a month!

As for the mission of legendary difficulty, haha, the difficulty of the mission can only be described as outrageous. To complete a mission of legendary difficulty requires the player's combat power, economy, experience and other comprehensive factors, all of which have been achieved. It can only be completed after the peak, and the completion period is as long as three months! Of course, the greater the difficulty, the more generous the rewards will be. You only need to complete one legendary task to get 1,000 friendship points!

Even if Wei Bin has experience in his previous life and can halve the time to complete the above tasks, it will still take him one and a half months to complete a legendary task. It will also take 15 months to obtain 10,000 friendship points. Time can't go any faster! Moreover, the above time is the time for him to devote himself to the task. Doesn't he usually need to do other things? Doesn't he need to upgrade monsters? Doesn't he need to brush the copy? Calculating it this way, let alone 15 months, even in two years he would not be able to increase the friendship level to 10,000!

Unless, he has an unexpected encounter, similar to helping Duan Yanqing regain the throne, Wei Bin just helped Duan Yanqing regain the throne and got 2,000 friendship points from it! But such adventures are in the minority after all and are not counted!

In contrast, it is easy to improve the friendliness of Ah Zi here. Although it costs some money, he has plenty of money now. He is not short of that little money. As long as he can improve his attributes, spending a little money doesn't matter!

With the delivery of the tenth batch of five poisonous substances, Wei Bin clearly saw the friendship level above Ah Zi's head, 10,000!

The road ahead will be easy. At least in other aspects, Wei Bin's need for hits is not so strong, because next time, every time he sends a batch of five poisonous substances to Ah Zi, he can get 5,000 hits from them. This is 5000 hits! If all attributes of a player are added together, how many 5000 hits will there be in total? Even Wei Bin now only has 47,000 hits, while other players with a limit of five or more only have about 30,000 hits. Wei Bin can increase his hits by 5,000 every time he sends a batch of five poisons. If he sends it 10 times, he will run away. With 50,000 hits, he only needs to send five poisons 10 more times, and then his hits will be unrivaled in the world! ??

In this way, Wei Bin's other attributes are freed. Wherever hits conflict with other attributes, he can abandon hits and choose other attributes!

For example, the player's fighting spirit potential in the meridian system is divided into three options: aura, strength and hit. Players can choose one of them to cultivate. If they are players with relatively low hit, they must choose the hit attribute. But what about Wei Bin? Now that he has such a high hit rate, can he choose aura to further enhance his attack?

"Senior Azi, actually I came here this time to ask you to help me open up my meridians. I got a piece of your exclusive equipment here, and I want to integrate it into my meridians, so" Wei Bin said.

"Haha, small things, small things!" Azi laughed.

After three strokes, five divisions and two divisions, Ah Zi successfully helped Wei Bin open the Du meridian. Since the friendship between Wei Bin and Ah Zi reached 10,000, after Ah Zi opened the meridian for Wei Bin, he directly added 9,000 to Wei Bin. A hit, but since his meridians have been cultivated 10 times today, it is impossible for her to integrate this hero-specific equipment in a short time!

However, just when Wei Bin was about to leave, a video call rang.

"Haha, Leader Wei, you're fine!" A very kind and friendly voice came from the other end of the video. This person was none other than Old Man Tianji from Tianji Pavilion, and he was also an old acquaintance of Wei Bin!

"It turns out to be Senior Tianji. I wonder if Senior Tianji has anything to do with me?" Wei Bin asked.

"Oh, Leader Wei, you really know how to pretend to be confused. You know clearly why I want to find you, but you still deliberately pretend not to know. Leader Wei, we are all so familiar..." Tianji said the old man.

"Haha, Senior Tianji, are you here for the strategy of Yanziwu?" Wei Bin asked rhetorically.

"Sure enough, nothing can escape the eyes of Gang Leader Wei! Gang Leader Wei, please give me a price, or maybe resources!" Old Man Tianji said straightforwardly.

The purpose of Old Man Tianji's visit was actually quite obvious. Wei Bin had just cleared a copy that almost everyone thought was impossible to clear, and he was also making a fuss about the bet. Old Man Tianji came to visit. This was obviously I came here to conquer Yanziwu. The more difficult the dungeon, the more precious the drops will be. Even the top combat forces of the major forces believe that Yanziwu will not be conquered in a short time. There are even some. Some people are so shocked that they want to return to level 69 to get rid of the experience suppression. This is enough to show the difficulty of this dungeon. The items dropped by such a dungeon are definitely very valuable. With Old Man Tianji’s sense of smell and experience, in After their own people tried it, he would definitely contact Wei Bin before he could pass the test! As long as he gets the strategy in Wei Bin's hands, wouldn't he be able to make a small fortune again?

"Senior Tianji, to be honest, I don't have a strategy suitable for you, so it's not that I don't want to sell it to you. In fact, even if I sell it to you, it will be useless to you!" This is what Wei Bin said. To be honest, Wei Bin’s summary of how to clear the legendary Yanziwu level lies in his degenerate aura. Without the degenerate aura, he doesn’t know how long it will take to figure out a solution that suits them. Customs clearance strategy!

And Wei Bin's style of play is obviously not suitable for others, because other people don't have a degenerate aura, so naturally his style of play is not suitable for others! Regarding this point, Wei Bin did not lie to Old Man Tianji!

"Haha, Chief Wei, you are really joking. You can pass the level, why can't we? I admit that your combat power is indeed higher than ours, but as long as you tell us the strategy, we will try a few more times. , after all, you can still pass the level! Leader Wei, do you think I can’t afford your guide? Just ask for the price, at worst I will give you part of the products of the Yanziwu dungeon!" Upon hearing this, Old Man Tianji said, Are you looking down on people? You can pass the level with the guide, but we can’t? Even if our combat power is not as good as yours, it's not that much different, right? It’s not like you still can’t pass the level even though you have the strategy, right?

"Senior Tianji, how dare I think that your Tianji Pavilion cannot afford the guide? With the financial resources of your Tianji Pavilion, even buying our entire Nirvana is more than enough!" Wei Bin said with a smile.

"Haha, Leader of the Wei Gang, you are really good at joking. How can I afford your Nirvana? Your Nirvana is developing at a rapid pace. Who in the world can afford it? Leader of the Wei Gang, you should tell me how to sell the strategy. Time is precious!" Old Man Tianji continued.

"Senior Tianji, to be honest, my guide is really not suitable for you. This dungeon of Yanziwu is different from what you imagined. This dungeon is different from traditional dungeons. Like the previous dungeons, as long as you have the guide in your hand, As long as the combat power reaches the standard and acts according to the strategy, everyone can pass the level. But Yanziwu is different. If you want to clear Yanziwu, you must have a strategy suitable for your team's combat power. This strategy depends on the individual It varies, do you think my strategy is suitable for you?" Wei Bin explained.

"Is there such a copy? Then Gang Leader Wei, in your opinion, how should we obtain a set of strategies suitable for ourselves?" Old Man Tianji seemed to believe Wei Bin's words.

"Well... I don't know much about your team configuration, so it's really hard for me to help you! However, I can tell you some common sense about the Yanziwu dungeon, such as which boss has what abilities, what skills and routine, and then you will use the relevant information of each boss


, combined with the characteristics of the copy, you can summarize a strategy that suits you! Although this information about Yanziwu cannot be used as a guide, it can at least be used as assistance related to the guide, which can save you many deaths! "Wei Bin said.

What Wei Bin said couldn't be easier to understand. It's very simple. Wei Bin will tell Old Man Tianji all the things that need attention in this copy, such as what attribute Duan Yanqing's attack is, what kind of attack Jiumozhi is. At the first level, you must pay attention to protecting the arrow tower, Murong Fu's attack routine at the end, etc. If Wei Bin does not tell Old Man Tianji these things, then if you rely on Old Man Tianji to explore by yourself, you may have to die many times before you can figure it out. come out! Wei Bin had experience in his previous life, so he knew everything about it, but where did his experience come from? Wasn't it that he died over and over again, or that those who taught him the experience died over and over again, and slowly, bit by bit, he figured it out? Wei Bin is equivalent to helping Old Man Tianji save time and experience of those people. As long as Old Man Tianji knows the knowledge related to the Yanziwu dungeon, he can combine these to formulate a strategy that suits him, and then try and improve it step by step. All you need is a guide. It’s only a matter of time before you get your own set of guides!

"So, I would like to hear the details! I also hope that the leader of the Wei Gang will tell you everything he knows. Don't worry, the leader of the Wei Gang. After you finish speaking, I will definitely give you a satisfactory reward based on the information you have given!" Old Man Tianji said with a smile.

"Haha, the reward is not necessary, just think of it as the favor you did for me a few days ago!" Wei Bin said with a smile.

The so-called favor in Wei Bin's mouth was obviously to help him introduce his younger brother, the head of Jingwu Sect. If it wasn't for the introduction from Old Man Tianji, how could Wei Bin have contacted him? If Wei Bin couldn't meet him, how could he meet Lin Lin? How to find the aperture above Linlin's head? How to discover the special relationship between her and Linlin from Brother Li's side? How can he realize that the world he lives in may also be a false world?

Although so far, he has not been able to connect this information with his mystery of rebirth, he firmly believes that there is definitely an inextricable relationship between the two, but he still lacks some clues to connect the two. Just get in touch!

But in any case, Old Man Tianji did help him a lot. Without Old Man Tianji, it would have been impossible for him to know Linlin, let alone master this information. Compared with the help Old Man Tianji had given him, he He just told Old Man Tianji the relevant knowledge about Yanziwu. It was just a copy. How could it be compared with the information Wei Bin had?

"Business? Leader Wei, are you referring to the matter of my unfulfilled brother? Leader Wei, you don't have to worry about it. It's just a small favor, why bother? Besides, with Leader Wei's connections, even if I don't give it to you If you want to introduce someone, you can settle it easily. I just did something to facilitate things. It is a fair transaction between the two of you. You don’t have to say thank you to anyone. Don’t worry, Gang Leader Wei, I said If you do it, I will definitely pay you a reward that satisfies you!" Old Man Tianji said. Obviously, he didn't know how important the favor he inadvertently helped Wei Bin was to Wei Bin!

"Senior Tianji, I said no reward, no reward, so be it. If you insist on paying me, then I will keep silent!" Wei Bin threatened. Once Wei Bin has money, he It’s not like he lacks old man Tianji’s money. Secondly, Wei Bin is a grateful person. Even if old man Tianji helped him unintentionally, he still helped him. Regardless of whether he did it intentionally or not, he must repay Tianji. elder!

"Guild Leader Wei, how can you make me feel so embarrassed? To be honest, I really didn't help much." Old Man Tianji seemed a little embarrassed. After all, if he didn't pay Wei Bin, wouldn't he become a fool? Whoring? Although he likes having sex for free, this is not his style. He is a businessman with extremely high professional ethics. What he values ​​​​is fair dealing. Everyone gets what they need. Wei Bin suddenly wants to let him have sex for free. To be honest, it was really hard for him to accept!

"Senior Tianji, if you really feel bad about it, then just sell me some of the dungeon products you have completed after passing the customs. Just sell them at the market price. No one of us wants to take advantage of anyone else. It's a fair trade. What do you think?" "Seeing that Old Man Tianji was a little embarrassed, Wei Bin finally decided to change some methods. He paid for Old Man Tianji's potential fruit. This was considered a normal transaction and did not affect his repayment of kindness...

"That's it, you know it!" Old Man Tianji said. In fact, this ending is relatively beneficial to Old Man Tianji. Before coming, Old Man Tianji had already thought about it. With Wei Bin's acting style, he would either ask Old Man Tianji for help. Some money, or ask him for some dungeon products, and the latter is more likely. This is not the first time Wei Bin has done this. I think when Piaomiao Peak first came out, Wei Bin did it in the form of materials. For the strategy for sale, Wei Bin didn’t want Old Man Tianji’s money, but the products from the Piaomiao Peak copy, so Old Man Tianji had long been mentally prepared to be rewarded in the form of drops from Yanziwu, but at the moment, Wei Bin He did not want the dropped items from his copy of Yanziwu, but chose to spend money to buy them. This was equivalent to Wei Bin giving him the knowledge related to Yanziwu for free. The subsequent buying and selling of dropped items was just a fair transaction! Regarding this, Old Man Tianji knew that he actually took advantage of Wei Bin!

"Okay! That's it, I don't want more. I only want 1,000 potential fruits, and I will buy them at a price of 20 gold per potential fruit. I have calculated that the price of a potential fruit is about 20 gold! However, You have to promise me that after you get this information, it will take two days at the earliest before you can sell it or apply it to the copy!" Wei Bin said, he is going to get the simple-level Yanziwu record-breaking copy tomorrow. rewards. If Old Man Tianji implements this information into the dungeon tomorrow, it will most likely affect his plan. By then, it is very likely that a team will get the rewards first. In this case, it will be serious. Damage to his interests!

In Wei Bin's plan, tomorrow, they will win all the rewards of the easy-level Yanziwu, and the day after tomorrow, they will go to capture the rewards of the difficult-level Yanziwu. After that, it doesn't matter, because with the current Players on the mainland, even if they have the relevant information about Yanziwu mentioned by Wei Bin, they can only clear the difficult-level Yanziwu. It is impossible for them to clear the hell-level Yanziwu, so as long as Wei Bin After getting all the record-breaking rewards of Yanziwu at the easy and difficult levels, he doesn't have to worry about it in the future. Anyway, no one else can win the Yanziwu at the hell level or the legendary level in a short time!

Therefore, Wei Bin set a two-day deadline.

"Okay, I am willing to sign a contract with Wei Bin, and I will never tell anyone this information within two days!" Old Man Tianji patted his chest and said.

"There is no need for a contract. We are all so familiar with each other. If such trivial matters have to be restricted through contracts, then I would be too distrustful of Senior Tianji!" Wei Bin said with a smile.

For things like contracts, you should guard against gentlemen, not against villains. Other things are fine. For things like strategies, it is sometimes difficult for the system to detect whether they have been leaked! There are always more solutions than difficulties. As long as Old Man Tianji wants to leak the strategy, he will definitely have a solution!

"That's it! Thank you Gang Leader Wei for your trust!" Old Man Tianji's heart was inexplicably touched. This is the power of trust!

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. I guess Senior Tianji already knows the meridian system that will be opened after the player reaches level 70, right? In the meridian system, there are two places related to this Yanziwu, and that is the potential fruit and hero equipment. , both of these things can increase attributes for players, and these two things are exactly the drops of this copy of Yanziwu! Yanziwu is divided into three major battlefields, which can also be understood as three levels. We Only after passing the first level can you go to the second level!" Wei Bin said.

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