Gamer Naruto

Chapter 1 - The Beginning(1)

Naruto opened his eyes and he frowned before becoming completely agitated by what he observed. He was somewhere filled with nothing but darkness. It was endless and yet here he was, floating up and down slightly while also glowing in white light that was there to illuminate him and nothing else. There was also an eerie silence that made Naruto extremely uncomfortable and made his body have goosebumps. This place, it terrified him.

Naruto: "W-Will I fall to my death if I stop floating?" Naruto said as he tried to peer down and gulped.

?: "Hello Naruto." said an ethereal voice.

Naruto: "AHHHH!!!!" Naruto shrieked in a high-pitch voice. Normally, his body would have jumped up but instead, he only ended up spinning in place.

?: "Uh. Are you okay?"

Naruto: "Ngh Ngh don't ever do that!!" he said as clutched his shirt. Naruto took deep breaths to calm down but his anxiety did not decrease at all. His heart was already beating fast and that scare nearly made it explode from excitement. Drops of sweat continuously fell down from Naruto's head and eventually his upper body was soaked.

?: "Let me help with that. As an apology." After the voice spoke, the white light that was already on his body brightened. It calmed him down, cleaned his clothes and body, and even dried them. No longer did Naruto look like a poor child but rather a healthy normal one. Naruto stretched his body and he noticed that he felt better than he was before. In fact, he didn't even feel hungry.

Due to the stretch, he accidently moved himself to a position where he was upside down and had eyeful of what seems to be an abyss underneath him. Fearing what he saw, he decided to try to move again in order to put himself in a normal position where he didn't have to look at it anymore.

However, due to this weird dimension, no matter where Naruto looked, it looked just like how the bottom was. Instead of looking, he just simply gave up on it and close his eyes. Being happy with his new posture and lack of sight, he decided say what was on his mind before this whole ordeal happened.

Naruto: "Wow. Thanks! I've never felt this good before." Naruto thanked space. He wasn't sure where the voice was so he felt awkward right after saying thank you.

?: "No problem." The voice then had a question which came out as a phrase. "Out of sight, out of mind?"

Naruto: "Yeah I guess." 'I think it makes sense.'

?: "Smart decision."

Naruto: "Thank you." Naruto was greatly pleased by the compliment but he had questions that he wanted answers to. "So are you gonna tell me who you are or something? Cause I'm really confused." asked Naruto. He knows that he isn't brightest but even he knows that what's happening to him is not normal. Then again, he is quite bright right now.

?: "Who I am is not important. It's you that this talk will be about."

Naruto: "Me?" Naruto pointed at himself. "Why?" He couldn't understand it. This voice most likely brought him here for a talk? Why not do that at his apartment?

?: "Because all your life, you have had a prodigious amount of misfortune that has fallen onto your ŀȧp and I want to give you a chance to change that and live better. A fair life, in a way, is what I offer. Do you want it?"

Naruto thought it over. He doesn't trust the voice no matter how soothing it is. It is extremely suspicious to him, especially due to the paranoia he developed from the citizens of Konoha. There was, however, a small side of him that told him to listen to this person. It was this small percent that he decided to acknowledge because he never felt this way about anybody else before.

Naruto: 'It might be a stupid move to believe someone I do not trust but what do I have to lose?' "Yes, I do. I do wish to have a fair chance."

?: "Good. So wh-" The voice paused for a few seconds. "It seems that even with my powers, I can not change your destiny completely." The voice sighed in helplessness. "Listen. You can go on a different route in life if you do become incredibly strong. Know this, however, I gave you this power to live better and to not terrorize innocents. Use it and develop yourself. There are a few conditions for using this power but the major one is that you can not share this power with others nor can you tell others about it."

Naruto: "Really? Why?"

?: "Do you want your body and soul shredded and then scattered into the abyss?" Naruto shivered as he raised his guard once more. He looked

Naruto: "N-No sir. I-I don't."

?: "Relax." The voice chuckled. "No words would come out of your mouth when you say it anyway but it will hurt like hell if you do mention it in a way that others might notice. Be careful and live well. I want to see you in maybe a hundred or two years from now. Got it?"

It took Naruto a little bit of time to understand what he heard but when he did, he nodded.

Naruto: "Yeah. Thanks for the chance weird voice. I won't let you down." The voice did not say anything after. Naruto felt sleepy all of a sudden and fell backward. When he landed, he felt like he was on the softest bed in the entire world. He fell asleep as quick as he fell. The only sound in that space now was the quiet breathing of a young Naruto. White light converged in his body while a little more went inside Naruto's head. It gave Naruto something he would be grateful about in the future.

{6:00 AM}

Naruto woke up. Feeling greater than he has ever been in his entire life. He felt like he was sleeping on a cloud. Not that Naruto would know how it felt to sleep on a cloud.

Naruto: "HAHA! I feel great!" Naruto cheered. "Time to train. Academy Starts in two weeks and I got to be ready!" As he got ready to clean himself, he saw a big blue book on his table. He picked up the book and it shocked him.

[This is the Gamer Manual. This will start your powers.] It was in big letters in a box in front of him.

Naruto: 'Must be that power.' "Okay...Start I guess."

Naruto: "Um. How do I go to status?"

[Say Status mentally or out loud.]

Naruto: "Alright." Naruto was about to say it out loud but he stopped. He thought about it for a minute. The voice told him to keep this power a secret so saying it out loud might cause problems, especially since he always felt like he was being watched. To him, he might have been wrong but better safe than sorry right? 'Status' he said mentally. As soon as he did, the booked burned away in white flames.

[For thinking about the consequences and remembering the Creator's words, you gain +1 Int.]

Naruto: "Okaay. That was weird." ' Wouldn't anyone see a book burning away in white flames if someone was indeed watching him right now?'

[No. It was just a small test.]

Naruto: 'Makes sense I guess.' A bigger box appeared in front of Naruto.

Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age: 8

Gender: Male


-Civilian (+5% exp gain until level 10 or Academy Student as a Title.)


Level: 1, 0/150 EXP

HP(Health): 1450

CP(Chakra): 2950

Str(Strength): 8

Vit(Vitality): 23

Dex(Dexterity): 8

Int(Intelligence): 20

Luk(Luck): ?

Chakra Control: 5%

Attribute points: 0


- ??? -

+100 HP at the start. +10 Vitality, +7 Endurance, and +5 Intelligence per level. +75% Fuinjutsu understanding and +30% Fuinjutsu success.

- ??? -

- Iron Body -

+2 Str, End, Vit, per level.

- Lady Luck's Chosen -

Almost infinite luck at anything to do with money, materialistic items, and others. Matters with friends and family, however, has some bad luck sown in them.

[Negative Status]

- Eyesore -

-20% reputation gain with people and -25% reputation with girls. Wear something else.


Gamer's Mind (Passive) [Level MAX]

- Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind at all times. Immunity to psychological status effects.

Gamer's Body (Passive) [Level MAX]

- Gives the user a body that of a game character where they do not take physical damage but can feel the pain through the loss of HP. Sleeping in the bed can heal CP and HP completely. Sleeping in a tent provides 75% recovery. Sleeping anywhere else is 50% recovery. There is no hunger bar to indicate it however the user has needs.

Healing Factor (Grade C, Exp-21%)

- +50% healing for outside injuries. 30% healing for inner injuries.

Naruto: 'Oh wow! This is so cool.'

[Say Gamer Activate.]

Naruto: "Okay." He had no reason to disagree. "Gamer Activate." When he said those words, Naruto felt like something rushed inside his body. He froze where he stood and every part of his body felt foreign to him like it was not his anymore and then a minute after, he started feeling more comfortable. Moving his fingers, running in his apartment, and doing some stretches were all examples of what Naruto did to feel his body and the results made him extremely satisfied with is newfound physique.

There was also something that made him feel surprised. Previously, he would feel that his mind could not focus on topics but now whatever he thought about of stayed there unless he would discard it to the back of his mind or use it. He could even call the discarded thoughts back if he wanted to.

Looking back the status board, he felt his thoughts were quite clear and everything easy to understand.

Naruto: 'Attributes are more or less easy to understand but the Int attribute the Luk attribute is a bit strange. My mental capacity is not that high. Even if it is, why didn't it show before? Maybe because I wasn't raised right or perhaps I never showed it? Probably not.' Naruto was slightly confused. 'Well, if my Int is weird then my Luk is a mystery.' Naruto kept reading down the list and his eyes stopped at the perks.

'That's where my strange luck came from but...seriously? That sucks. My relationship with people will be that bad?' Naruto looked visibly sad for a bit before reading once again with his carefree attitude. 'Whatever. People don't like me anyway. I guess that explains why I don't have any parents.' Naruto thought bitterly.

'One of the question marks also give me a healing factor. That's really nice. Probably why I haven't died yet. Most likely the reason why I obtained Iron Body. I am actually grateful for those drunk pricks who beat me up.'

He looked back at the question marks. 'And then these unknown perks. They give me great benefits but what are they?' He paused. 'Questions for later I guess.' He kept reading and reading, understanding most of what it said to him. He was mostly sour about his luck and the eyesore flaw; he loved his orange jackets.

Naruto: "And now the biggest question of them all. Am I not completely human?" Naruto pondered as he stared at the question mark next to his race but obtained no answer. "Oh well. I'll ask later."

[Good job figuring your attributes by yourself. +3 Int.]

Naruto: "Hehe." Naruto never really has gotten praised before unless the voice counted. Even if it is from his weird power, he still appreciated it. "So where do we start? Training? Studying? Adventuring? We have two weeks since school starts after all."

[Before we do anything, I have detected foreign chakras inside of you. Three of them can be determined but the other two can not. Do you want to check them out?]

Naruto: "What! How!? Why?!" Naruto was becoming tense as he stressed each word.

[Figure it out. 1st Main Mission: Figure out why there are foreign chakras inside of you. Reward: +1 All attributes, Answers, ???]

[Accept (Yes/No)]

Naruto: "Yes! I rather not have unfamiliar things in my body. What do I do?" He was anxious.

[Meditate] said the bland voice.

Naruto: "Um. Okay. Here I go." Naruto sat down and closed his eyes. From what he knows from meditation, he has to empty his thoughts. He started doing this and he didn't even realize that there was a notification that popped up in front of him. Gamer's Mind played a small role in going in this state while the rest was all natural. Even Naruto thought that this was easy.

As the last thought went away, he dove into the darkness of his mind. When he opened his eyes, he was somewhere else. Everything was white and it had a weird holy feeling to it. In the middle stood one man who was both familiar and unfamiliar with him. Naruto even thought that he looked a bit like him except some differences.

?: "Hello Naruto." said the man in a calm yet happy tone.

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