Gamer Naruto

Chapter 2 - The Beginning(2)

Naruto: "You look like the Fourth Hokage." Naruto was calm on the outside but was greatly astounded inside. It's not like you get to meet one of your idols every day.

Fourth: "You are right. I am the Fourth." 'From what I observed, Naruto would question me with a loud voice. What's going on?'

Naruto: " What are you doing in my body?" Naruto went straight to the point. Naruto was relaxed in front of the Fourth but at the same time very puzzled. 'Can people just come into your body like this? That's pretty cool.'

Fourth: "It's a long story actually but I want to first tell you who I am." The Fourth smiled.

Naruto: "I think we already established that fact." 'Woah. When did I ever use smart talk? And why the hell am I so calm-Ohh Gamer's Mind. That must be it. My new vocabulary must be my intelligence showing. It seems that the status was quite accurate. I guess wisdom is a part of intelligence. Useful.'

Fourth: "..." The Fourth's mouth was open a bit. He knew his son was not the brightest of the bunch but what is going on?

Naruto: "What?" 'Why is he looking at me like that? He seemed happy when he saw me but now he looks like he is having doubts.

Fourth: "Nothing." The Fourth didn't dwell on it. If his kid is becoming smarter, then all the easier to explain his situation and all the better will Naruto's future be no matter how suspicious this situation is. "Now, this might come as a shock." The Fourth hesitated for a second, feeling both guilt and despair at the fact that his child might hate him. "Naruto, I am Minato Namikaze. Your father." said Minato in a somewhat uncomfortable manner.

Naruto blinked at him. And then he blinked again. Naruto looked down at the white floor, thinking furiously at what he just heard.

Naruto: 'This man is my father. This man... is my Father! The Fourth Hokage! That would mean that I am the son of the savior of the Leaf right?Then... then why doesn't the village like me? Perhaps they do not know about it. Yes, that makes sense. doesn't make sense. Even if they don't know, why would they hate me? Did the Third not tell them yet?' He thought but shook his head. 'He probably did not at all. Maybe he doesn't know that the villagers know...who am I kidding? He's the Hokage. How can he not know?' Naruto realized something. 'That old bastard lied to me when he said he didn't know my parents!'

Naruto looked around in the process of figuring out a great mystery that has plagued since the beginning of his birth. It was when he looked at the Fourth did he realize what kind of expression that the Fourth was wearing. Guilt and sorrow. Originally, Naruto thought that his father felt guilty and sad for not being there for his child but he believed that there was more to this story.

Why? His father almost seemed like he was avoiding eye contact. Almost like he was ashamed. At that moment, a thought came into his head that he wanted to shake away but could not do so. If he could not get rid of it, then he might as well accept it and and find a solution for it. That was one of the new Naruto's mottos.

Naruto: 'It was said that the Fourth died by killing the Nine-Tailed Fox. It was said that he brought it down with him but how? How did he do it?' Naruto would've had a panic attack if it wasn't for Gamer's Mind. The conclusion he was reaching filled him with disbelief.

'Those comments of being a demon and those hate-filled looks. One would only get them if they had an immense enmity towards the other but since I am a child, it would not make sense. I am eight years old. I can not do anything in a shinobi-ruled world Unless...unless I had something to do with the Nine-Tails. My age can possibly match with the time that the Nine-Tails attacked and it's simply a reach if I dare say that I was involved with Nine-Tails but it makes sense compared to my other guesses!

This power said that there are foreign chakras in my body. One is my father. Since I have no mother, I can ȧssume that my mother perished by either giving birth to me or dying with my father and since nobody knows what happened that day, it can be very inaccurately ȧssumed that the second foreign chakra would be my mother. That's probably where I got my last name from. Maybe a clan member? Perhaps a citizen.

Naruto paused again.

'A Hokage attracted to and marrying a normal person? Impossible. They would be a liability due to the amount of times they would be used and how much protection they would need. Having some ability to protect themselves is a must for the spouse for any leader so it has to be a shinobi that my father married or at least a trained person. With my limited knowledge of chakra, I can not speculate this correctly but chakra is mysterious and can be used many ways that I do not know of. If my father can appear in my body, what is stopping my mother from doing the same?'

Naruto went further in his deep thoughts. The pieces of the puzzle in his mind started making sense.

Naruto: 'One of the chakras can either be some other person that I do not know of or it is the Nine-Tails.' Naruto cannot even believe his own words. 'No! That doesn't make sense but it does! It explains all the hatred but it doesn't why it is in me!

Wait. What if my father did not beat it at all but possibly couldn't and then in his dying breath he put away the Nine-Tails in me to stop its rampage. That would make sense. I would not put it past my father to do this. He is the Hokage after all. He probably would not ask another person or use another's child to do this. Most likely both my father and mother were in on it.'

Naruto bitterly smiled in his mind.

'I bet all my future money that he would make an excuse of why he put it in me. Hell, I can see it now. ('I believe you can control the power of the Nine-Tails.') But then comes the question as to why did the Nine-Tails attack the village. Why would it just magically appear? It's not like someone could control it and then teleport it in the leaf and say (Kill them Nine-Tails.) Hahaha...' his mental laughter stopped as he realized that it would possibly happen. 'Can they?'

Naruto's thoughts could've drowned the entire Leaf Village if it was water. He kept trying to find a way to deny what he figured out. Honestly, he did not want to think that he was with the Nine-Tails. His thought process took a weird turn when he remembered something.

Naruto: 'The status board! I remember. It said that I wasn't completely human. Could it be that... I could possibly be the Nine-Tails? No no no. That's not possible.' Naruto stopped as he realized that he didn't know the capability of chakra. 'It can be though. What if my father turned the Nine-Tails into a human which resulted in me being in this form. That would explain the whiskers that I have.' Naruto grabbed his head. 'This is too much of a coincidence. It is too convenient not to be.'

Minato saw this spectacle from the spot where he was standing. He wasn't far from Naruto. Only an arm's length and a few inches away. When he saw that his son looked down, he knew that his son realized something. Knowing this, he let him figure it out. He just quietly stood there and waited for the questions he would answer. In this process, he was met with many emotions. He saw his son go from blank to pondering, to curiosity, to rage, to bitterness, and then to sadness. It hurt his heart watching this but he knew that there would be a day when he would have to do this. He just didn't expect today.

Minato: 'Why did it happen anyway!?' Minato was very confused. 'How did Naruto even come to this space specifically to meet him? Coincidence?' Minato shook his head mentally. 'No way. Coincidences don't just happen. Someone must be behind this. Whoever did this has a purpose. Hopefully, Naruto can come out safe in the end.'

Naruto: "Fourth." Naruto got Minato's attention. "Father I guess. We have a lot to talk about, don't we?"

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