Gamer Naruto

Chapter 3 - The Beginning(3)

Minato: "Yes...What do you want to start with?"

Naruto: "A lot of things but let's start with the Nine-Tails. What happened to it? I mean, I'm 40% sure about what happened to it but I just want to make it a 100%." Naruto's question made Minato speechless for a second. Being a hardened shinobi, however, pulled him out of his daze.

Minato: "It's in you. More specifically, I sealed it in you.

Naruto: "I see." He may have looked calm outside but inside he sighed in relief. 'So I'm not the Nine-Tails but what is the question mark then?'

Seeing Naruto become quiet again, Minato felt really awkward. 'My son is strange.'

Naruto: "Why did the Nine-Tails attack the Leaf?"

Minato: "It was unleashed by another man. He called himself Madara Uchiha. One of the legendary shinobis of Konoha and also one of its founder."

Naruto: "You have got to be kidding me. He co-founded the Leaf!?" Naruto's face was frozen.

Minato: "Yes." He calmly nodded. This casual nod ticked Naruto off a little bit.

Naruto: "Then why the hell did he unleash the Nine-Tails on the Leaf?"

Minato: "It's a long story and I don't have enough chakra to finish it."

Naruto: "Shorten it then." said Naruto with an irritated look.

Minato: "He left the village and decided to attack it for his own goals. The first and Madara would always battle back in the old days. Many mountains would be leveled from one of their fights. Or that's what I heard."

Naruto: 'Uchiha... a relative to the stuck-up moron. I gotta ask him about his heritage it seems. Hopefully, I don't strangle him before I get the information out of him. He is aggravating.' "Why did he leave?"

Minato: "I don't know. Most of the population does not either. Perhaps the Third does."

Naruto: "Great. Wonderful." His father's calm response irked him a bit. "So why did he come after the Nine-Tails?"

Minato: "I can't say. It also confuses me as well. Maybe for power? Although that wouldn't make sense because he would control the Nine-Tails in the fights against the First. Hmm..."Minato got thinking.

Naruto: "Wait!" Naruto broke Minato's thoughts. "You can't just brush over that like its common knowledge! I didn't know that!"

Minato: "What?"

Naruto: "That he can control the Nine-Tails!"

Minato: "Oh that. Yeah, it makes sense. Most shinobis know about it but not civilians. The Uchiha's visual prowess was one of the reasons why they were extremely feared. However, so far only Madara Uchiha is capable of controlling the Nine-Tails.

Naruto: 'Suddenly I'm glad that the Uchihas are dead. What if they tried to control me like the Nine-Tails. Wait. Visual' "So what is the visual prowess of the Uchiha."

Minato: "Well. Do you know what Kekkei Genkais are?"

Naruto: "No."

Minato: "Okay. To start, the Leaf defines the Kekkei Genkais as an anomaly of the DNA that allows the wielder to use unique techniques. Most of the time, it is inherited from one's parents. The Uchihas are a special case to this rule as they have the dojutsu known as the Sharingan. So far, there are only three dojutsu recorded known as the Sharingan of the Uchiha Clan, Byakugan of the Hyuuga Clan, and the Rinnegan of the Sage of Six Paths.

Naruto nodded to let Minato know that he can continue even though he didn't know what DNA was.

Minato: "I won't go too much detail into the Byakugan and Rinnegan so this will be kind of short." Minato started explaining the general abilities of the Sharingan known as the Eye of Insight and Eye of Hypnotism. As Naruto learned more and more details about the Sharingan's prowess, his face started to become more and more disoriented. At the end of the explanation, he only had one thought.

Naruto: "That's broken!" He exclaimed.

Minato: "Yeah." Minato scratched his head. "It's a bit unfair."

Naruto: "A bit?? Every flaw that the Sharingan has can be fixed with training the body or improving Chakra levels which I'm sure that exercises for that reason already exists. The only way to kill one is to either be more physically stronger than the Uchiha or stall them out which will most likely not work because they are shinobi. Hell Madara would probably kill me the moment he sees me." Minato awkwardly smiled.

Minato: "I'm not finished yet. There is a next level to the Sharingan."

Naruto: "You're joking right? The already busted powers of the Sharingan not enough for the clan or something?"

Minato: "Not for Madara and a few other Uchihas." Minato started to explain the Mangekyo. Naruto deadpanned at his explanation the whole way.

Naruto: "That's messed up. Killing a close one for power. That's a new kind of low." His face had a frown. "I wonder what's next after the Mangekyo."

Minato: "Actually. After the mangekyo, there is th-"

Naruto: "Let's move on." Sighing at his situation, he wondered whether he should even bother fighting back or not. 'This new information is making me start to think that the academy is not that important. If Madara tried it once, What's stopping him from a second? Wait... why isn't there a second time? I'm still a kid. I'm at my weakest. No way someone like Madara is sitting around. Maybe he is still recovering from the damage that my father gave him. But, he's one of the older shinobis. Even if he's aged now, he should be able to level this village if he wanted to so why did Madara not do it? How the hell did my father even manage to damage him? Was he that weak?' Shaking his head, he decided to ask a question that he wanted to ask from the beginning.

Minato: "Next question I guess." Naruto took a deep breath.

Naruto: "Do you know about the villagers?"

Minato: "Yes."

Naruto: "Did you expect it to happen?"

Minato: " will was that the villagers would praise you as a hero and not a demon was my fault for thinking about the future." he sighed.

Naruto: "Oh wow. They either didn't get the memo or no one told them who I am."

Minato: "The Third was there when I said my will. He was supposed to make sure you live a good life." He rubbed his temples. "I am quite disappointed. " 'And not just him...'

Naruto: "We both are." 'I am not about to let that old coot die in peace anymore. He better be prepared to give me answers.'

Minato: "Anything else?" said Minato as he tried to move on.

Naruto: "Is sealing the Nine-Tails in me your last option or did you have other choices? Be very careful with your words."

Minato gulped. He never has felt this intimidated with another child. To him, this child was a bit scarier than Kushina. She was aggressive and ȧssertive but this Naruto had scary calmness to him that made him feel a little suffocated.

Minato: " was a last-minute choice." He paused and smiled. "But I also believed that in the future, you can control the power of the Nine-Tails."

Naruto: 'There it is. I wished I had someone to bet with. I could have won the money.' "Okay."

Minato: 'Another dry answer. Does he not believe me or does he not care?' "Do you want to know yo-"

Naruto: "No. I don't. I'll meet her later anyway. Tell me anything else I need to know."

Minato: "Um...okay." Minato felt awkward once more. There was a small moment of silence before Minato started to speak again.

Naruto: 'So it is my mother. That's quite a coincidence. Father and Mother in their child's body with their murderer. It's starting to feel like someone is writing my life for me.' All of a sudden, Naruto had a great aversion to destiny. Minato coughed to get Naruto's attention.

Minato: "I also gave the toad summons the key to open the gate that locks the Nine-Tails. When you are ready, you will fight for its chakra. That way if you win, you could fight against the coming threat in the future. It will help greatly against your enemies." Naruto looked at him blankly and then started laughing.

Naruto: "Wow wow wow. I already have an enemy that I need to fight with due to simply having the Nine-Tails. Which is strange because I'm pretty sure the enemy would simply need to walk through the village to know my status as the one who holds the Nine-Tails and it's also extremely easy to find a blond boy who is alone and hated most of his life." Minato cringed a little.

"Now let's see what you have done for me as a parent. Puts a massive beast of destruction in your son which could possibly take him over or kill him, letting his son be hated by his birthplace, never being there for his child in any way possible whether it's money or even relatives, and then sending your son to play chakra tug of war with the colossal beast that wants nothing but to use me as his toothpick. Not mention the damn Uchiha." He brightly smiled at Minato. "Aren't you the father of the year."

Minato: "..." Minato was embarrassed. He tried so hard to not look away from Naruto or even be red-faced. If he had to describe how he felt, it would be like getting kicked in the private spot repeatedly. At that point, he wished that it happened to him so that he could get out of being berated by his kid.

Naruto: "Did your brain dysfunction or something? You can take on armies, create jutsus, use impossible jutsus but you can't care for a child? Do I even have grandparents? Cousins? Uncles? Aunts? Anyone? Or did they all become a hater as well? Just like the villagers. " Naruto shook his head. "I think it's wrong to call them haters. They are all retarded. Look at you and look at me. I completely resemble you and the only difference is that you look older version with longer hair and no whiskers. Do they have eyes for decoration? How the hell did the Leaf even survive this long? Will of fire? I'll wipe my ȧss with it later in the bathroom."

Minato had no way to retort it. Naruto was right, in every way possible. The whole village broke their own Will and is completely idiotic.

Minato: "Naruto. You shouldn't say that. This is your home after all." Minato tried to pull the home card. So far, Naruto had nothing but hate for the village. Minato may feel that the village made a stupid decision but his loyalty was still strong for his home.

Naruto: "Okay. You have lost it." Naruto looked at him directly in the eyes. "Did you ignore everything I said previously? Am I a joke to you? Do you even know the definition of home?"

Minato: "..."

Naruto: "Home is your happy place. Home is where I can be me. It is where I can be truly comfortable and for that brief fleeting moment, I can forget that others exist. Where I don't have to act like an idiot to gain attention. Do you think I want the attention of people who has pea-sized brains? No! I don't care and I'm sick of it.

This is a beautiful place with crappy people in it and stupidity so great that it makes a panda more intelligent than them! They're filicidal for God's sake! I would rather be best friends with the damn fox than be talking to them."

Minato: "Naruto!" Minato said in an authoritative voice. "You will be loyal to this village whether you like it or not. This is what the Will of Fire is. To care for another, no matter what."

Naruto: "To Hell with it! Isn't that where flames are?"

Minato: "But, *Sigh*, Guess I should have expected this."

Naruto: "Oh yeah. Big time."

Minato: "Then at least let me make it up to you."

Naruto: "How? Are you gonna give back the eight years you stole from me or will you fix the rest of my miserable life?" Minato bypassed the jab and continued his words.

Minato: "I am going to help you develop your element."

Naruto: "What? What does that mean?"

Minato: "It means that I'm going to help figure out your chakra nature. Every person has a nature that could be either Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, and Lightning. With me being a wind natured shinobi, your nature should also be wind. I have a jutsu that helps with not only figuring out one's chakra nature but also help the person be more in tune with their nature. This will allow the user to have an easier time using and creating jutsus of their intended natures.

Naruto: "Oh...Alright. Then let's get started."

Minato put a hand on Naruto's head. Chakra passed by through his entire body. Naruto felt more and more sėnsɨtɨvė to the wind around him but he felt something different. He could feel the air but he could feel something inside his body. It felt uncontrollable but at the same time, very tamed.

Minato: "That's surprising."

Naruto: "What is?"

Minato: "You have both Wind and Lightning natures. Although it doesn't make sense. Both your mother and I have wind natures." 'Maybe our ancestors had to do with this?'

Naruto: "I'm not complaining. At least now I can either fly away from this village or get out of quickly." Minato just sighs once again. "Anything else?"

Minato: "Yeah but, don't learn what I'm about to pass to you until you are older and have met requirements for each."

Naruto: "Sure."

With that, Minato passed down his two most prized jutsus along with some others, some sealing knowledge, and some sealing techniques. Seeing one of the specific sealing techniques, Naruto guessed that his father used this one to seal the Nine-Tails.

Minato: "Oh yeah and one last thing." Minato gave a scroll to Naruto. "This scroll is the other half of the Nine-Tails power. The original sealed it inside himself but since original and I are connected, he decided to seal it and give it to you. He said not to open it until the first half of the Nine-Tails is mastered. It will stay in this space after I disappear."

Naruto: "I understand."

Minato soon started turning into particles. "I guess transferring a huge chakra beast took away all the time I had left." Minato turned to Naruto. "I'm sorry about what this village did to you. I know I can't convince you to love it or be loyal but I do ask you to live your life to the fullest."

Naruto: "I know and I will." Naruto looked a bit sorry which surprised Minato. "I am sorry for being so harsh on you. I was just really angry. I guess my anger for what you did to me killed my happiness to see my father. I know that you sacrificed your life for me but I still can not help the fact that I would be better off dead with you and mother." Minato grabbed his shoulders.

Minato: "NO!" This scared Naruto for a second before he calmed down again. "Never say that! You are my son. You deserve to live like anyone else and no other person has the right to take that away. Not even me." Minato's face hardened. "Although I say that, there will be hard decisions to make. Extremely difficult decisions where you will remember and reflect on in the future and think what if you did something different. But, there are no what-ifs. There are no second chances for your decisions." He said with sorrow.

"I killed many many people. I made terrible decisions on purpose. I took missions to end other's life so that I could make my own home safe. To keep you and your mother safe. Even though it doesn't matter right now." He sighed. "There were many hard choices but it was the right thing to do. It may not seem like it to others but I did what I had to do. Even in my death, I still wondered why I ever went to Heaven. I should be in Hell, rotting and burning away with the people I killed." Minato looked down.

Naruto: "No father." He got Minato's attention. "You did what you had to with a clear conscious. There was never any malicious intent with your decisions. Only hard decisions to protect. Your decisions were for the right reasons even though what's right and wrong is still blurry. Perhaps Heaven can see through that blurry line and can see that you are a good person in a war-filled world. This is not your fault. It was societies and the humans that have lived before us. They made this chaos happen and I will finish it." Naruto looked determined.

"For the sake of my freedom and my happiness, I will end this nonsense that our idiotic ancestors started. I will end their game and if anyone dares to stop me, they will face death. This is my greed as it is your greed to protect your family."

Minato did not know what to say. As a new father, he thought that he should not encourage such a radical behavior but at the same time, he sees his son having a great goal to stop violence so he felt greatly conflicted. Naruto saw this and smiled.

Naruto: "By the way." Minato looked at him. "Will you forgive me for showing rude behavior towards you? I didn't hear a yes previously." Minato chuckled.

Minato: "It's okay. if I were in your position. I wouldn't be any better." Minato felt happier that his son didn't hate him. "I am sorry for not being there for you and not raising you. I should've done more." Minato's body started to disappear.

Naruto: "You're good. You did the best you can at the moment. You were a noble Hokage and you would've been a great father too. The only thing that I can tell you now is that I hope you find peace with yourself."

Minato: "Thank you." he said before completely disappearing.

Naruto smiled. He was mad but he was happy that his father met him and did all this for him. He's still not going to forgive him completely though. Call it a child's pettiness.

Naruto: "Now, onto the next guest."

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