Gamer Naruto

Chapter 18 - Chakra Control(3)

Naruto: "Oh my. So many choices. The Storm-Tempered Body has what I need but the others could literally make me the best lightning user ever." Naruto was completely indecisive. "So many choices...." Naruto smiled weirdly. He kept struggling and struggling until he thought of something. "Cain? Could I get them all?" Every human has greed. Naruto is no different. Although one of the perks sort of troubled him.

[Yes.] Naruto was in glee.

Naruto: "Which one can I get currently?"

[Storm-Tempered Body and Hard Skin.]

Naruto: "Any particular reason?"

[Others are impossible for you. Sage Mode and Thunder God's blessing is simply courting Death. And trust me, she is not pleasant to be around.]

Naruto: "Yeah that makes sense. Maybe it's because of the lack of chakra control that I can't get the... Wait... Did you just say Death is a woman?" Naruto frowned. In fact, it completely darkened.

[Yes. One of the top 5 beauties in existence. Is there something wrong? You seem agitated.] Naruto's eyebrow twitched.

Naruto: "I heard the 2nd sentence you said and I thought that you were serious, and then you just dropped the fact that Death is an actual living being. Do you find nothing wrong with that? I simply thought you were just making a joke!"

[I don't make jokes. I state facts.]

Naruto: "Just...just stop talking for a second. I need to process that death is not a process in life but an actual person." Naruto was kind of dizzy. "Is she a God?"

[Yes. A God of -]

Naruto: "You don't need to clarify. Her name says it." Naruto rolled his eyes and started mumbling to himself. "What kind of parents name their kid Death... 'Wait a second. Parents? Do Gods even have parents?' "Cain do Gods have a Creator?"


Naruto: "Do you know who it is?"


Naruto: "Do you think that there is a Creator that created the Creator that created the Gods?"


Naruto: "Perhaps? You're not sure?"


Naruto: "I mean all things must come from something right? Things can't just pop up in life now can they?"

[No. Yes. Maybe... I don't know.]

Naruto: "Wow...a question that even made you puzzled. I feel a little accomplished."

[Well when you ask a question that not even the creators cannot answer, you would tend to win a conversation or two.]

Naruto: "And thanks for the suċkɨnġ the life out of my short-lived victory." Naruto sighed and then after a few seconds, he became embarrassed. "We seriously side-tracked didn't we?"

[Yes you did.]

Naruto: "That doesn't make me feel better."

[Well it's not supposed to.] Naruto felt like punching his insensitive power.

Naruto: "Whatever. Tell me how I could gain the Storm-Tempered Body first."

[Using ID Create's location changing abilities, I will transport you to the world of Lightning. There you have to withstand many dangers. I will make sure that you don't die but you will feel every bit of pain possible. In fact, you could gain the Hard Skin along with it but it's not recommended.]

Naruto: "For real? Let's do it then. I want to gain both at once!"

[Fine. Just stay in the area that I sent you to. It will be painful at first but as you get used to it, it becomes the safest location in that world. With your mere capabilities, do not ever approach the other bolts of lightning. Especially the black and white lightning.]

Naruto: "Why? What's so special about black and white lightning?"

[They were the original versions of the lightning. Although the black one is relatively peaceful and stays in place, the white one is a free spirit and loves to travel. Do not invade the black one's territory and do not gain the attention of the white one. They both have their own wills and they can kill you faster than you can say my name.]

Naruto gulped. This was some beginning of time sort of things he is going to meet. He could've sworn that something was screaming no to him.

[Although ID Create makes simulations, those primordial beings will be a hundred percent real. They won't be simulations. They simply can't be. So if you do somehow meet them, it was nice knowing you.]

Naruto: "HEY! You can't just write me off like that! I'm not dead yet!"

[I know but you could be lucky enough to meet them.]

Naruto: "Thanks for the ȧssurance, Cain. Makes me feel so much better." said Naruto. His words were filled with heavy sarcasm. And then came Naruto's question that has been bothering him ever since he saw the perks. "So uh, about Hard Skin. Is it literal?"

Naruto: "The Hard Skin perk. It said that one needs a beating in EVERY part of their body to gain the perk.'


Naruto: "So does it mean every part that has skin?"


Naruto: "Including my genitals?" Naruto's new medicinal knowledge came to play.


Naruto: "That means that...I'm gonna get struck by lightning...on my balls and pėnɨs..." Naruto's back was practically drowning with sweat with Cain's confirmation.

[Yes.] Naruto felt heavyhearted. He regretted so much at that very moment.

Naruto: "So about we just focus on Storm-Tempered Body then. No need for Hard Skin haha." Naruto awkwardly laughed.

[It's too late. I already changed settings to hit every part of your skin. I can't change this location for another 2 weeks.]

Naruto: "Of course you did." 'CAIN!!! YOU $#%%$#$!!!!'

[Are you ready to go?]

Naruto: "Yes." said Naruto in a quiet voice. He knew that he can not wait two weeks for progress. He would remember this day. He would etch it into his heart and memory. The sacrifices he made to get stronger.

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