Gamer Naruto

Chapter 19 - Lightning(1)

3rd: "Say, don't you think that this village seems a bit packed today?"

Anbu: "Yes sir."

3rd: "Did you all check if any of them are suspicious?"

Anbu: "Yes sir. They all checked in at the gate and then they all then went their separate ways. There was no link between any of them but for some reason, after they are spotted, they just vanish. The next thing we know is that the same person already walked passed us ahead of time without us knowing."

3rd: "It seems that the Anbu are declining."

Anbu: "Not all the blame belongs to our units."

3rd: "What do you mean?"

Anbu: "Naruto Uzumaki sir. He has picked up pranking and that led to most Chunins, Jonins, and some of the Anbu to try to capture him. In the end, however, he would just disappear and we would lose his tracks. He just sl-"

3rd: "Wait." The Third Hokage stopped him from continuing. "You're telling me. That highly seasoned killers of the Leaf, cannot catch nor find an 8-year-old child that has yet to start Shinobi Academy?"

Anbu: "..."

3rd: "It is too amazing to believe." His words were laced with mockery.

Anbu: "Sir. I promise. That we will do out best in our next mission."

3rd: "Mission? Why would I need you or any other Shinobi in this village? I have Naruto right? I'll hire him next time. Because clearly, he is more capable than all of you combined!" The 3rd shouted with anger. The 3rd was reaching his boiling point. "This is what's going to happen. All Anbus. And I mean ALL of them will redo their training. Every Anbu standards will increase significantly for the next generation and after in order to make sure that they are extremely capable. Do you understand me?" The Anbu gulped.

Anbu: "Yes sir."

3rd: "Because if an Anbu cannot catch a child, then they have no use in this village. Are we clear?"

Anbu: "Yes sir. I'll relay the message." With that said, he quickly vanished. Rather than going away, it was more like he ran away.

3rd: "Oh Naruto. On one hand I'm happy that you have some ability but on the other hand. You're going to dig me an early grave." The 3rd sighed as he pulled up his smoking utensil.

{Back to the Naruto}

Naruto's location changed in the blink of an eye. There were many things going through his head but the only feeling that was consistent was the regret that was building. So much regret. Every second that passed, he thought ferociously. Reviewing his memories over and over. Trying to find a way that would make sure he would come out of this with his private spot in one piece.

[You're thinking too hard. You also haven't opened your eyes. You're protected in the orb for now but once you step out, the blue lightning will strike.] What Cain said made Naruto feel bitter inside.

Naruto: "If you were in my position, you would do the same." Naruto opened his eyes and he felt that this place would be quite beautiful if it wasn't for the fact that he would get hurt by it. He was in a forest with blue-leaved silver trees everywhere, signifying that he was in the territory of the blue lightning according to Cain. There were floating bolts of lightning simply passing by him and they didn't even notice him. He was extremely mesmerized until he woke up with his original realization.

[If I was at your position, I would remember an important fact that can help me with this entire process.] This made Naruto's thoughts chaotic until Gamer's Mind came into play.

Naruto: "Cain. Buddy. You know we've known each other for so long." Naruto smiled. "With our long friendship, you wouldn't want to see your friend hurt right?"

[I have known you for a few days and I am pretty sure that I can not feel, much less have friends.]

Naruto: "Regardless. You wouldn't want me to suffer right?"

[Why would I want you to suffer? You are my host.]

Naruto: "That's even better. So why don't you tell me how I can get through this?"

[Perhaps you have forgotten but do you remember opening the Mystery Box?]

Naruto: "Yeah. I do. It was when I got Yamato, the immunity, and the pills..." As Naruto stated what he knew, he reached a conclusion. "The pills? You want me to use the pills?"


Naruto: "And you are sure that this will help me?"


Naruto: "Alright. I'm really trusting you on this." Naruto whispered out the last part. As Naruto went to the Inventory and found the pills, he took it out. After he did so, he looked at it. This thin, circular, clear pill will save his life but he doesn't even know what it does. Naruto put his faith in Cain and swallowed the pill. What Naruto felt could only be described as perfection.

[Eidetic Memory Perk temporarily active.]

[Complete Body Control Perk temporarily active.]

[Complete Brain Control Perk temporarily active.]

[Hyper Senses Perk temporarily active]

[Hyper Mind Perk temporarily active]

[Hypercompetence Perk temporarily active]

[Hidden Potential Unlocked Perk temporarily active]

[Instant Analysis Perk temporarily active]

[All Skills are temporarily maxed out.]

Naruto: "Damn. That boost though." Naruto was feeling weightless. It was as if he had shackles on his mortal body since he was born and taking that pill removed them all. He felt that this is how humans were meant to be.

[How do you feel?]

Naruto: "Amazing. Words can not describe this experience but I know that I don't have enough time to describe this to you. I have to go now. Thanks, Cain.

[No problem.]

Naruto went outside the orb. Now that Naruto can control every part of his body, that included his senses and Chakra too. In fact, he temporarily has Perfect Chakra control. With him cutting off his sense of pain along with his power's protection, Naruto went to the blue lightning without fear. Of course, this didn't last long. As soon as he stepped out, he used his maxed out stealth to hide immediately.

Normally, many things wouldn't scare him in this state but it was the fact that his maxed out intuition and senses were screaming at him to hide that Naruto immediately took action. And right on cue, the white lightning landed exactly where Naruto stood before. It seemed like it looked around for a bit but then it left in the northern direction.

Naruto: "God I am so going to max out stealth after we are done." Naruto waited 5 minutes or so until he got up from his hiding spot, making sure that the white lightning was not near him. He walked to the center of the forest quickly and he made his presence known. As soon as he did this, thousands of blue lightning bolts came straight at him at all directions.

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