Gamer Naruto

Chapter 20 - Lightning(2)

It was gorgeous. The forces of Nature are extremely destructive and yet so magnificent. This was what Naruto observed as the lightning bolts rained on him. He knew that without the pill, he wouldn't be capable of taking any of them. In this state, however, Naruto believed that he can gain more than the Hard Skin and the Storm-Tempered Body perks. In fact, he wanted to obtain the Lightning Cells and the Lightning Devourer perks as well. With his newfound perfect chakra control, it became possible.

Naruto: "Before creation comes destruction." And came the contact. It felt weird at first. Naruto felt worm-like beings crawling outside and in his skin but he knew that he can not be distracted by this. Manipulating his chakra throughout his body, his mind separated to different tasks. Each section followed Cain's specific directions on what to do and how to do it. Throughout the entire time, Naruto was completely focused on his task.

What he didn't realize was that the White Lightning was watching him curiously from a distance. Originally, it wanted to destroy the alien that came to its planet but after watching Naruto from a distance, it realized that this invader had no intentions of doing harm to its home. This conclusion was only formed when it realized that Naruto only wanted to use his brothers and sisters. As long as no harm was done, it would let it go.

The White Lightning knew, however, that the Black Lightning was extremely protective. If the Black Lightning gets even a notice of what Naruto is doing, it would most likely go on a rampage, trying to find the person responsible for getting near his family. White Lightning, on the other hand, was hoping that this creature will not get caught in order to entertain itself with something new.

First perk that Naruto tackled was the [Storm Tempered Body]. This perk was short, simple, and quite painless. With Naruto constantly being attacked from all sides, the perk was obtained and evolved to its highest state in a matter of minutes.

[Storm Tempered Body (Max) Perk obtained.]

Next, he decided to obtain both [Lightning Devourer] and [Lightning Cells] together. Was it risky and reckless? Absolutely. In fact, with the amount of wisdom Naruto has, this was a stupid decision. Normal Naruto would not have taken such a risk and would have most likely done the perks one by one. Pill Naruto would say otherwise. As a matter of fact, Pill Naruto would probably say that he had complete confidence that he could do this. A level of confidence that has not existed in the previous Naruto.

Naruto engaged the perks. His skin and willpower was the dam that prevented any of the blue bolts of lightning from invading his body but now, that dam broke. If Naruto felt weird before, then this sensation takes weird to the next realm. Blue lightning bolts were destroying his body from the inside. His cells were disintegrating from the failure of managing to absorb the lightning and Naruto was dying.

Soon, his healthy complexion became pale and his body started failing. Even though his body started shutting down, Naruto never panicked. There was no sense of anxiety on his pace and he was very relaxed while doing so. Gamer's Mind was not active while this was going on and Naruto's HP was already reaching 200.

Slowly, his HP started diminishing more and more until it reached double digits. The loss of HP slowed down significantly but it was still going down. Right when it reached to 3 HP, it stopped. In fact, it started coming back at a fast pace. 3...10...100...278...577...900...1503...2294...2945. It kept coming back. When his HP recovered to its maximum state, Naruto let out a sigh of relief.

[Hard Skin(Stage 3) Perk obtained.]

[Lightning Cells Perk obtained.]

[Lightning Immunity [Blue] obtained.]

He would be lying if he said that he wasn't worried. You see, when Naruto took the pill, everything became clear to him. Facts and consequences that he did not see before in doing this activity became easy for him to see. Two prime examples being the heart and brain. In order to gain the Lightning Cells perk, he needed to basically remold them together. If it wasn't for the fact that he had the Gamer's Body that gave him HP as his life force, he would've most likely died. Not to mention the ridiculous amounts of vitality he has for his age which helped him survive in the first place. Of course, now that he has lightning immunity, he can't use it for the hard skin perk. Well, not normal lightning at least.

After he was done obtaining the perks, he let out the lightning in his body that he captured. Using his newly generated lightning, he spread it to the lightning that was cast out of him. The Blue Lightning Bolts became their original state and the ones that attacked Naruto wondered around him in a circle. Naruto was confused but he didn't care much. He got what he came for and he was about to leave.

?: "They think of you as a brother. That's why they are surrounding you." Naruto turned around. What he saw blew his mind. Even with the Pill's effect, he became quite amazed and that's something impossible as it improves his logical thought and reasoning to an incredible degree. Beautiful was the only word that can describe what he was looking at.

A woman with snow-white hair with pale skin and light pink lips. She was standing tall and mighty at a height of six feet and 2 inches with onyx black eyes that will take another's soul. Wearing a white dress, she took steps towards Naruto. Nothing touched her body from the air and to the earth she was stepping on as if nothing could tarnish this impeccable woman.

Everything would be perfect if it wasn't for the fact that Cain was giving danger notifications to Naruto ferociously. Naruto himself knew who this is by instinct but he can't run away. Even if he bolted and or tried to use stealth, he knew for sure what could happen to him. He was thinking madly on how to escape this situation but no solution was coming. The Pill's reputation was tarnished in his mind quite a bit due to this.

?: "So little human... recognize me?" she said with a playful tone. Naruto gulped.

Naruto: "Y-Yes. Y-You're T-The W-White L-Lightning." To that answer, the woman smiled a little. The smile, however, made Naruto feel fear. Unadulterated fear that came from the back of his head like a hood and it spread throughout his entire body.

Naruto: 'Oh God yes. I needed this.'

[Fear Resistance Level 9, Exp-29%]

[Fear Resistance Level 12, Exp-98%]

[Fear Resistance Level 17, Exp-08%]

[Fear Resitance Level 20] --> [Fear Resistance Max] --> [Fear Immunity(Max)]

As the new resistance leveled up, Naruto visible looked better. He relaxed more and more until he went back to the normal state that he was in before he met the woman however his guard was higher than ever. Hell, his body was tense to the point that he would feel like a brick if someone touched him.

?: "Interesting..." She said as she walked around Naruto. "You're not afraid of me anymore. Why is that?" Naruto gulped.

Naruto: "Because you're a beautiful woman?" Even Naruto was unsure as to what he was saying.

?: "Then why did that answer come out as a question?" she said in her attractive voice.

Naruto: 'Predator! APEX PREDATOR!!' "Um well. I get nervous around pretty people. I'm pretty shy you see haha." 'Shy my a**. You're the most terrifying person I have ever met!!'

?: "I see... so why do I feel like you said something insulting to me in your mind?"

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