Gamer Naruto

Chapter 21 - Lightning(3)

Naruto stayed quiet. He didn't how to reply to her question but he felt like the more he talked, the more he was digging a hole for himself. The woman noticed this and started laughing.

?: "I'm just messing with you hahaha." she started laughing. The impression she gave off now was completely different to the person a few moments ago. Now she seemed like a charming approachable woman who is extremely easygoing. Naruto was flabbergasted by this transformation but he took this moment to try to leave this location. When he was about, the woman grabbed his wrist and looked directly at him. "Why don't you stay for a bit? I've been terribly bored recently."

Naruto: "Ah no. Sorry. I'm terribly busy and I have to go back ya know." He tried to wiggle his way out of her grab.

?: "Really? Then why did you come here?" She let go of him.

Naruto: "Um well. I wanted to experiment on something. It was successful."

?: "Is that so?"

Naruto: "Yes yes. I learned that the lightning in this world is extremely different from the ones I have ever encountered in my entire life and that they are quite amazing."

?: "Oh? Then what about me?"

Naruto: " you want the truth?" She smiled at this question.

?: "Sure. Why not?"

Naruto: "I think you are the most horrifying person in the entire world. Every second that passes, some part of me says to find a way to leave and never come back. You may be the best-looking person I have ever seen but no amount of beauty can calm me down when I am facing possible death in seconds. Considering that you did attack me before, I am horrified by you. I can't help but think that you will either trap me here or kill me if I don't listen to you."

?: "..."

Naruto: "...Um. So uh that was uh what I think..."

?: "I see. I understand." She turned around and walked away. Naruto swore that he saw white lightning sparking in her palms. "In the end, everyone still fears me..." she murmured before leaving. With Naruto's heightened sense, he heard what she said and was confused. Only a second later did he shake his head and leave the Lightning World and go back to his home.

When he arrived at his apartment, he immediately jumped to his bed and hugged it with a blissful smile. Never has he been this close to dying before but something started really bothering him. The words the White Lightning said for some reason affected him.

Naruto: 'Why did she say that? Why did she sound like a human being with feelings...' This idea in his head made him feel conflicted. The fact that something or someone so legendary can feel that way. 'Why is she like me... '

Upon this realization, he made a stupid decision. Seeing that he had some time left of the pill's effect, he decided to go back to the world of Lightning. Cain warned him repeatedly about his decision but Naruto did not bother listening to it.

After appearing in the world, he landed right in the Blue Lightning Forest. For an hour he tried to find her but he couldn't. He tried to communicate with the Blue Lightning in order to gain information but he learned that it was like talking with babies. Not gaining any information about the White Lightning's whereabouts, he asked Cain as to where the White Lightning is. Cain wasn't even reluctant when he denied Naruto's request. Naruto had to practically beg him in order to get anything.

Naruto: "Why don't you tell me!"

[It is for your safety.]

Naruto: "But I have to see her."


Naruto: "Because...because she is exactly like me. Because of Kurama, I am feared and hated because of the amount of danger I possess. For the White Lightning, she is feared because of her strength and existence. I don't know who fears her but that doesn't matter. She doesn't deserve what is happening to her." He took a breath. "We both deserve a fair chance in life."

[Okay. You are unsuccessful in convincing me. Anything else?]

Naruto: "Yes! You are my power. You should know the person that I am. I don't want to ever live in regret, knowing that in the past I could've made a better decision. If you think I have feelings for her, you're wrong. I just see my past self in her and I don't want to ever see that person ever again. I have become better, wiser, stronger, and happier. You did that for me. You let me become that person. Let me do the same for her. " There was a pause until Cain responded.

[Fine. I want to warn you though.]

Naruto: "What?" Naruto's tone was happier as he said that.

[I detect that the White Lightning is in the Black Lightning's Territory.]

Naruto: "WHAT!!" His face became ugly. It was fine if he only met her but meeting with the Black Lightning is a different story. "Doesn't she have her own territory?"

[No. She never claimed anything. She likes being a free spirit.]

Naruto: "*Sigh* Just tell me the location."

[Okay. Just be aware. Your lightning immunity stops at Blue. You're about 7 ranks below both of them.]

Naruto: "Stop telling me stuff. You're making me more hesitant." After being told the location, he ventured out to that location. He activated Stealth the entire time he was traveling and as he traveled, he saw many spectacles. Different mountain peaks of different colors. Different Lightning colors. Different Forests. What made him sweat was the encounter with the Red lightning.

No. It wasn't Red. It was the Crimson Lightning. The Crimson was a cousin of the Red but ten times more dangerous and was the 2nd strongest lightning after White and Black. When Naruto encountered the Crimson, he stood still. He didn't particularly have a choice. See what happened was that Crimson Lightning was one-eighth of a divine being so it could harm Naruto. Cain never mentioned it as he thought that Naruto would never skip this many steps.

Crimson Lightning bolts were swarming all around Naruto, looking for the suspicious presence it felt. What Naruto did know is that the Crimson Lightning has the ability to know that if anything it touched has been invaded or not. After the Crimson Lightning bolts didn't find anything, Naruto retracted from its territory. He went around instead in order to arrive at his destination.

When he arrived at the location, he knew that he reached the correct place. Black leaves with silver trunks. The sign of the Black Lightning territory. The moment he was about to step onto the land of the Black Lightning, he heard a deep voice.

?: "Take another step and I will smite you and the land you're stepping on."

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