Gamer Naruto

Chapter 22 - Friend(1)

Naruto stopped where he stood. Hell, his foot that was in mid-air froze too. Unconsciously looking down, he saw feet and that's what he looked at. He wouldn't dare look up because he didn't know what this person is like nor what he is capable of. All he does know is that this person gave off the same feeling of danger as the woman he met previously.

Naruto: 'Black Lightning.'

?: "State your purpose." He said in a monotone voice.

Naruto: "I-I wish to see the White Lightning."

?: "Why?" 'How did he know she was here?'

Naruto: "I want to apologize."

?: "For what? Hurting my sister's feelings? Being ignorant like all the other little creatures? Taking life force from my youngest siblings? Pick your choice."

Naruto: "Um..." He was kind of shocked. "How did you know about what I did?"

?: "You're asking me that question right now? I have always known, from the very first step you took in this world. The only reason you're alive right now is that my sister said that you could be trusted and I always trust her."

Naruto: "..."

?: "Now imagine my surprise when my sister came to me, emotionally disturbed and lied to me about how she was when I asked her if she is okay." His voice was growing in anger with every word he said. "When you know someone who never lies to you and then all of a sudden they don't tell the truth, it tends to be worrying for the person who has been lied to. Especially if they are family."

Naruto: "..."

?: "You are the third person she has ever tried to befriend in all her life and you are also the third person to reject her. Why is that? Because of fear? Because of power?"

Naruto: "I-"

?: "I'm not done yet!" He interrupted. "Our creator once said with great power comes great responsibility when he created us. We comprehended his words as a fact that we can do more because we have power. We can protect our family and friends better because we have power." He said as he walked around. Then he looked at him. "Tell me, mortal. What do you understand about having power? To be feared constantly by everyone. Including your own family!"

Naruto: "..."

?: "You mostly like had someone to help you but I and my sister only had each other. All we wanted to do was help others. All we wanted to do is use our power for the greater good but what happened instead? All of us got sealed in our own damn world! 2 eons!! That's how long it has been since we have seen someone else!"

Naruto: "..."

?: "And what's the first thing our 'guest' does? He goes around stealing my sibling's vitality and hurting my sister's emotions! And don't you dare say you didn't mean it! Because the fact of the matter is that you are not supposed to be here in the first place."

Naruto: "..."

?: "With that said, I want you to leave mortal and never come back. Your apologies mean nothing to us." he said as he walked away gracefully.

Naruto: "Wait!" Naruto said. This time looking up and at him. What he saw also shocked him. To him, it was like looking at a painting. A man so good-looking that he can only be in fiction but here he was standing before him. The Black Lightning had a healthy, light brown skin tone with white eyes and black hair. Unlike a Hyuuga, Naruto can actually see his eyes clearly.

?: "What?"

Naruto: "I did come here to say sorry. To your sister specifically. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. I was just scared. I feared for my life. You wouldn't understand! You have a near infinite age to live for but I can only live for so long. Not to mention, indestructibility." He took a breath. "I have things to do. Dreams to accomplish. Places to travel in a few years. Do you think I want to lose that opportunity?"

?: "So in the end, it's all about greed."

Naruto: "Of course it is! It's my dėsɨrė to have freedom. To have adventures. To fall in love. To settle down. To teach my own students or kids. I want to accomplish so much but if I'm stuck somewhere or dead, I can't do any of them. Not to mention, you're imposing your own selfish ideas to me. Ranting to me about how you suffered. Well then count me in! I've suffered for the same reason as you since the beginning of my life and I never had a chance to live normally. Unlike me, you didn't have mortal needs to satisfy all the time. Unlike me, you have a family. Thousands of siblings to live for and be happy with. Unlike me, you have a home!"

?: "..."

Naruto: "You may have been through more than me but don't act like you're the only one in pain. It wasn't until I got my first ever friend that I am the way that I am now. He is the reason for my great change and is also the reason why I came back for her. To show her that there is another person out there that doesn't fear her and someone can indeed accept her for who she is. Sure, I am nervous. That's what is like to meet a divine being!"

?: "So what will you do after you apologize?"

Naruto: "I will continue being her friend. For however long I can be."

?: "...fine."

Naruto: "Huh?"

?: "I said fine. As much as I hate you and all mortals, I love my sister more. If she could be happy being friends with you, then I will too." He paused. "Next time you try to take life force again, either you tell me ahead of time or I will kill you."

Naruto: "Y-Yes sir."

?: "At least you gave it back or else we wouldn't be having this conversation." Naruto gulped. "Now go. She will be a half a mile away in the north-east direction."

Naruto: "Alright. Thank you."

?: "Hmph."

Naruto: "Can you at least tell me your name?" The man paused.

?: "... I was given the name Rai by my creator."

Naruto nodded and left. Leaving Rai all by himself.

Rai: "This I gotta see. I hope you will be well little sister."

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