Gamer Naruto

Chapter 23 - Friend(2)

As Naruto traveled to the White Lightning, he kept thinking about what to say. The pill helped quite a bit with that but in the end, he decided to wing it. As long as he is sincere and genuine to her, maybe she can understand. If it doesn't work out, at least he apologized.

Traveling through the forest, Naruto eventually saw open space. He was a little confused at first but as he approached it, he saw a huge lake. It might have been the most heavenly body of water that Naruto has ever witnessed but Naruto had his sights on a single person only. Seeing her, Naruto rushed to her at his greatest possible speed.

When he was about a meter away from her, he stopped. He wanted to take a step forward but there was something that was preventing from doing so. The White Lightning turned around but she carried an indifferent look instead of her usual smile. It felt like a knife that got stuck in Naruto's gut when she looked at him that.

?: "What do you want?" she asked Naruto. She went back to looking at the mesmerizing lake.

Naruto: "I came here to apologize." 'Aw man. I really pissed her off.'

?: "For?"

Naruto: "Being rude to you. Not even bothering to understand you. Many things. Above all, being wrong."

?: "Oh?" She still didn't turn around.

Naruto: "Can you forgive me?" he asked slowly. "I know that I hurt your feelings and I also know about your past from your brother. You're like me."

?: "..."

Naruto: "We have similar pasts and similar hardships but our dėsɨrės are the same isn't it?"

?: "..."

Naruto: "A normal life." She finally looked at Naruto's face. "Friends. Freedom. Genuineness. Isn't that what you want? Isn't that a dream that you have always wanted to accomplish?"

She simply looked back. No change on her indifferent face.

Naruto: "It might be a little difficult to do since you're in a sealed world though but I how about we make progress on your dreams?" This made her perk her eyebrows.

?: "How?"

Naruto: "Let me be your first friend." This made her look at him for a minute. Soon, she opened her mouth.

?: "You? Why?"

Naruto: "Because I want to be your friend."

?: "No other motive?"

Naruto: "Only one."

?: "Oh? What is it?"

Naruto: "I don't want to be a hypocrite like the others." Seeing that he had her attention, he decided to go on. "Where I come from, I was ostracized by everyone because I was simply there. Nobody saw the child that was suffering because of no parenthood and abuse but only saw things in the way that they heard it. Rumors spread and then I became the target of everyone's hate." He looked down as he said that. "Every damn day I would have to tolerate these people and their crap with a stupid smile. Every damn day I would have to act stupid so that they think that they still have control of me! Every damn day I would have to find ways to keep myself alive!!"

?: "..."

Naruto: "Do you even know the worst part of it? In the process of this entire thing, I completely lost myself. My fake personality became my true one and I couldn't remember myself anymore. I lost my identity as Naruto Uzumaki because of these people! Because I wanted to live!!"

?: '...humans. What awful creatures. They still haven't changed since I last saw them. Naruto, however....'

Naruto: "Was it that wrong of a decision? What is it wrong to have the dėsɨrė to live? Even to this day, I can't get my answer! " Naruto continued his ranting. "If it wasn't for..." he panted slightly, "If it wasn't for my friend, I still would be that dumb persona I created. If it wasn't for him, I still would've been that weakling that couldn't protect himself nor take care of himself. If it wasn't for my friend, I would've never met you." said Naruto as he directly looked at her eyes. "Do you see where I am getting at?"

She only nodded slowly.

Naruto: "If it wasn't for him, I would've lost these wonderful opportunities so please, let me do the same for you. Let me be someone you can share your burdens with. Let me be someone who can be called you friend."

?: "..." She looked away, deep in thought. Naruto himself was quite nervous too. He spoke his heart out and he only hoped that this reached her. "Fine. On one condition."

Naruto: "What is it?" said Naruto gleefully.

?: "Hug me." she said as she turned to face him.

Naruto: "That's it? Alright then." said Naruto as he walked to her. Reached out to her, he embraced her. What he felt could only be described in one word. Pillow-Heaven. Not to mention her natural scent that was oozing from her body so every normal breath Naruto took, his enhanced senses made the smell fill his mind. While he was getting lost in bliss, the White Lightning herself was quite happy. In fact, she was more than happy.

?: "Enjoying yourself there?"

Naruto: "Mhm."

?: "Describe it for me."

Naruto: "Heaven..." he muttered.

?: "Heaven? Oh, I don't deserve such praise." Only then did Naruto remember what he was doing so he quickly backed up and tried to cover up his embarrassed face. "Kind of late for that." Naruto looked away. "Not to mention, you also gave me a very moving speech you know that? Why don't try it again when you uh not look like an 8-year-old?" she started laughing. Only then did Naruto realize the blunder in his plans.

Naruto: "..." 'Sh**. She's right! I am an 8-year-old! What the hell!' Did she ever take me seriously?' Naruto started to mentally scream. 'Being young sucks!!"

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