Gamer Naruto

Chapter 24 - Friend (3)

Rai: "She's right you know." said Rai as he floated down to them.

?: "Finally willing to come down?" she said as she slightly glared at him.

Rai: "Well...I was curious and I didn't want to ruin your moment."

?: "That's still not an excuse." she said smiling. Her smile felt a little eviler.

Rai: "Hahaha..." he awkwardly laughed. He looked to Naruto. "Sorry for snooping little guy."

Naruto: "Uh. No problem I guess?"

?: "Well if he says that it's okay then it's fine."

Rai: "Wow. Abandoning me already? Your little lover must hold a high position in your heart eh?" he teased.

?: "As my first friend, he has that right so yeah, he does hold a high position. Problem?"

Rai: "..." he only opened his mouth at the serious answer he obtained in return. Naruto looked at the White Lightning.

Naruto: 'A tough, protective friend? Hell yeah. That's the best kind of people to befriend but what kind of good karma did I obtain in my past life to have this lady as my friend now?' *Cough* "Well I must be going now. The people in my village are probably worried that they haven't seen me so I gotta go."

?: "I see. Makes sense I guess. Your power must be very threatening to them so they most likely kept a check on you at all times."

Naruto: " sucks." Ha smiled. "But it's okay. They won't be able to do that in the future though."

Rai: "Oh? Why is that?"

Naruto: "Let's just say that I might become extremely strong in the future and I will most likely retaliate heavily if they ever watch me again."

Rai: "Is that so? When you do become strong, come back here to have a spar with me. These bones need some exercise and I haven't got some in a while."

Naruto: "Alright. I promise but I won't come back here just to fight you. I'll try to also unseal your world. I'm not sure if it will be successful but I will definitely give it a go."

?: "Really?" said the White Lightning. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she stared at Naruto.

Naruto: "Yeah. Of course. It's not fair that I get to have a good life and you don't so I'll definitely do something even though I don't know what." The White Lightning went to him grabbed both his shoulders.

?: "It's okay. You don't have to unseal our world. I'll be happy as long as you come to visit me occasionally." Naruto nodded. She let go of him with a content smile which put Naruto in a slight daze to which he woke up to quite quickly.

Naruto: "That's a deal." He laughed. Turning around to leave, he suddenly thought of something. "You never did tell me your name."

?: "Oh yeah. I didn't. Must have slipped my mind." she said. "My name is Lilith." There was almost like a sense of pride in her voice when she said that, just like Rai.

Naruto: "Got it. Bye Lilith. See ya later Rai." He turned around and activated ID Escape. Naruto disappeared in sparkles of white light and arrived home. When he looked around, he saw that it was dark. Turning on the lights and looking at the clock, he saw that it was around 1 in the morning. Taking out eggs, meat, and some cooking utensils, he decided to make a simple omelet with some steak on the side.

After 10 minutes, the smell of eggs and meat mixed in the room of Naruto.

[Cooking Level 7, Exp-67%]

Just the smell of the food made Naruto stomach rumble and he honestly wanted to devour it right then and there but he stopped himself because he still wasn't done with everything. After making the sauce for the steak, Naruto went in. The boy finished the food that he made faster than he ever finished ramen. Making a mental note to himself to add some salt to his egg next time, he decided to clean up everything. After washing the dishes and putting them where they belong, he decided to go to the bathroom to take a shower and then fall asleep after.

When Naruto went to the restroom, he didn't notice anything strange. Everything was how he left it and he almost felt a sense of comfort due to the lack of changes he has seen. Walking past the mirror, he took a small glance and went back to doing what he was originally going to do. Of course, that didn't happen. In fact, he froze at where he was stood. Rushing back to the mirror, he saw features that never saw before on his face.

In Naruto's hair, blond was the most dominant color with blue streaks on the front. What was also quite peculiar was his ocean-like eyes. It looked like it would glow sometimes and his original blue eyes became a shade darker. His whiskers also became quite vague. Not to mention his entire face in general leveled up quite a bit.

Looking at his new features, the first thing Naruto thought was that he was quite good-looking. Originally he would lie to himself about his qualities so that he keeps even a small amount of dignity but now, he can genuinely say that he looks quite nice. Being done admiring himself, he decided to take the shower he wanted badly. In the shower, he thought about many things. For example, how would he explain his hair and eyes, how would he unseal the world, and what should he do tomorrow.

After the shower was done, he felt greatly refreshed. Sure it was extremely cold but he channeled some of his lightning to make himself warmer to balance it out. As he put on his clothes and started to walk to his bed, he felt dizzy all of sudden. That dizziness quickly faded away and he asked Cain what happened.

Naruto: "Cain what was that."

[That was the pill wearing off.]

Naruto: "That was only the pill wearing off? I still felt a small migraine for that. Can't even imagine what feeling it without the immunity would be like." He felt a small shiver go by him when he thought about it. Immediately after, Naruto was felt extremely sleepy. His body almost fell asleep and he couldn't hold himself much longer. Quickly creating an ID Clone, he told it to go write his plans for the morning if for some reason he does forget.

The ID Clone nodded and went to work while Main Naruto went to bed and passed out. ID Clone finished in almost half an hour later and went to check up on the Main. Seeing that the main was fine, he decided to start their plans early. Using ID Create, ID Clone Naruto arrived at his usual location.

(ID)Naruto: "Kurama. Are you there?"

Kurama: "Hm?" he yawned. "Need something?"

(ID)Naruto: "Yeah. I'm running low on chakra and I want to make some clones so I can get some training done."

Kurama: "Okay. I'll lend you some." Red chakra filled Naruto and he felt extremely energized. "Night Kid."

(ID)Naruto: "Good Night Kurama." he said happily. Focusing his will on the Shadow Clone Jutsu, he invoked it without signs. About 10,000 clones appeared and ID Clone Naruto decided to give them the ID power as well. With that active, they could train without satisfying human needs and so the night training started. "2,000 of you, master the Chidori and only if you have spare time, find different ways to use it. Another 2,000 of you, go to the clones that are already here and learn how to use the Rasengan. Once you are done learning, try to incorporate both lightning and wind chakra to the Rasengan separately. The rest, start practicing your chakra control."

He gave all of them orders. "New Rasengan group, when you go to the old Rasengan group that Main made before he left to the lightning world, make sure you ask the one with the highest mastery of the Rasengan to make a clone and dispel so that all of us and your group can share the knowledge. Chidori Group, if you master the Chidori at any time, share the information because It will help with the Lightning Style Rasengan and it will also give information on how Lightning Style chakra works. If at any point any of you have free time, fight each other. Hone your experiences and level up Battle Instincts, Instincts, and Intuition. There is always something to do and accomplish. Don't sit on your ȧsses. Do I make myself clear?"

Clones: "Yes!"

(ID)Naruto: "Good. Then start immediately. Go!"


[After Naruto disappeared.]

Rai: "So are you really falling for the kid?"

Lilith: "I don't know. I just feel happy that I finally accomplished a small part of my dreams."

Rai: "That's good. It's been a while since I have seen you so happy."

Lilith: "Yeah. It really has been. Thanks Rai. For letting him in."

Rai: "No problem. You're my sister after all."

Lilith: "Hmph. You didn't remember that when you were being nosy?"

Rai: "I said sorry didn't I?"

Lilith: "Whatever." She started walking away.

Rai: "Know this though." Lilith stopped. "If he ever hurts you, I'll put him in more pain than he can ever imagine."

Lilith: "I know that. I just don't want you to interfere right now. If you do...well. Let's just say you don't want to do that." Rai gulped.

Rai: 'Dammit. Why did the Creator make her stronger than me?'

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