Gamer Naruto

Chapter 25 - Progress(1)

Silence filled the room as the rays of sunlight touched Naruto's closed eyes. His body subconsciously pulled up the bedsheet to cover himself but the alarm clock woke him up instead. Groaning about waking up, went to the bathroom to brush and wash his face. After doing his morning activities like exercising and having breakfast, Naruto used ID Create.

Arriving at his usual location, what he saw made him rub his eyes for a moment, blink a couple of times and then squint. Naruto. That's what he saw everywhere. Some had lightning in their hands while others had spiraling blue balls. Then there was the massive group of clones who had leaves all around them. Many of the leaves were moving like they were being controlled. There was also a massive group that was having a grand rumble.

Naruto: "What the hell is going here?" said Naruto in a loud voice. Every clone looked at Naruto and they all came to him. ID Clone walked up to him and started explaining.

(ID)Naruto: "Remember when you made me write your plans just in case you will forget them?" Naruto nodded. "Since I was already there, I decided to make clones to train to finish your plans early for other activities."

Naruto: "Wow. That was quite smart of you."

(ID)Naruto: "Well I am you after all." He chuckled at the compliment. "Want us to dispel? I'm sure you'll love what we gained last night."

Naruto: "Yeah. Go ahead." ID Clone Naruto turned around to the other clones and nodded. They all understood the signal and all of them vanished at the same time.

[Leaf Concentration Exercise Level 50, Exp-100% ] --> [Leaf Concentration Exercise Level Max]

[Instinct Level 21, Exp-25%]

[Battle Instinct Level 29, Exp-3%]

[Intution Level 12, Exp-54%]

[Chakra Shape Manipulation Level 50, Exp-100%] --> [Chakra Shape Manipulation Level Max.]

[Chidori Level 50, Exp-100%] --> [Chidori Level Max]

[Rasengan Level 50, Exp-100%] --> [Rasengan Level Max]

[Linked Shadow Clones Level 12, Exp-34%]

[Chidori Current Jutsu created.] --> [Chidori Current Level 30, Exp-100%] --> [Chidori Current Level Max]

[Chidori Storm evolved from Chidori Current] --> [Chidori Storm Level 30, Exp-100%] --> [Chidori Storm Level Max]

[Chidori Senbon Level 35, Exp-100%] --> [Chidori Senbon Level Max]

[Chidori Sword Level 35, Exp-100%] --> [Chidori Sword Level Max]

[Chidori Blast Level 25, Exp-100%] --> [Chidori Blast Level Max]

[Chidori Finger Beam Level 30, Exp-100%] --> [Chidori Finger Beam Level Max]

[Giant Rasengan Level 38, Exp-65%]

[Lightning Style: Lightning Disc Level 30, Exp-100%] --> [Lightning Disc Level Max]

[Wind Style: Wind Glider Level 20, Exp-100%] --> [Wind Glider Level Max]

[Wind Style: Air Fist Level 20, Exp-100%]

[Rasengan + Chidori + Chidori Storm Fusion Available.]

Naruto's jaw was hanging open after he was done reading the notifications. It was ridiculous to him. Overnight, his clone finished his plans and did more than he had to. Hell, the clone even created a few jutsus just because he could. Now there was an available fusion for very strong jutsus? He wouldn't dare waste this free meal.

Naruto: "Initiate the fusion."


[Commencing Fusion...fusing...fusion completed for first fusion.]

[Chidori Tempest created.]

[Chidori Tempest Level 15, Exp-0%]

Naruto: "What is the destructive capability of a maxed-out Chidori Tempest?"

[It would destroy all of the Leaf and more.]

Naruto: "Holy Sh**!! I can do that now!?!"


Naruto: "Now I feel that this is unfair. An 8-year-old having this much must be a sin right? I mean, even without Kurama, I have this much power." Naruto was becoming extremely excited. "Can I be considered a tailed beast now?"

Naruto: "Technically I already am right? Those villagers call the tailed beasts a demon and I just happened to be a part-demon too so I think I am one."

[I guess.]

Naruto: "Now, I think I should leave some clones here to max out Chidori Tempest and head to the library again for the rest of the Chakra control exercises but first, a long-awaited visit." Naruto made more clones to master his new jutsu and left the ID Create world. As he walked out of his apartment and started walking he asked Cain a question.

Naruto: "So what's Shape Manipulation?"

[An advanced form of chakra control that involves changing the form and movement of chakra, determining the size, range, and purpose of a technique.]

Naruto: "Huh!?!" He stopped walking. "Then how the hell did I get this? I have crappy chakra control in the first place."

[It was the training. The Rasengan one. It is essentially the ultimate Shape manipulation so once you got the hang of the Rasengan, so did your clones and everything just became easy from thereon. Remember, those clones are you. They are just as intelligent as you. They are just capable as you so do not underestimate them.]

Naruto: "Got it." Naruto acknowledged.

Going straight to the Hokage Tower, he managed to obtain some experience for his detect skills. Soon he arrived at the tower and he went inside. Going up the stairs, he ignored every dirty look that the people there gave him. After arriving at the room where the Hokage works, he went inside, ignoring the secretary screaming at him to leave.

Secretary: "Sorry sir. He didn't listen."

3rd: "It's okay. You can leave now." The secretary and nodded and gave one hateful look at Naruto before she left. "So. What can I do for you?" 'Is it me or does Naruto look different today. He seems healthier than before and his face looks like it got an upgrade. Did he also die his hair?'

Naruto: "Oh nothing. I just want to say congratulations."

3rd: "Congratulations? For what Naruto?"

Naruto: "Being old of course."

3rd: "Being old? I don't think that it's such a good thing."

Naruto: "No no. It's extremely good. You see, I look at shinobis all the time and I noticed that most of them are still young. Meaning that none of them actually reached an age where they could be considered old. So far, you are the only person I know that has so I must congratulate you. You lived this long while others didn't. Isn't that a great thing to celebrate?"

3rd: "What's your point Naruto?"

Naruto: "My point is that you managed to come this far into your natural life. That would mean that either you are a coward or a manipulator or a liar or a criminal or simply ignorant. What do you think?"

3rd: "That's quite an accusation Naruto." He said as his slightly angry. "Why would you say that?"

Naruto: "I mean. Am I wrong?"

3rd: "Yes you are. I am none of those things you accuse me off. I am the Third Hokage young man." He slammed his hand on his desk. The Anbus started sweating in the shadows. They questioned themselves as to why Naruto is angering the Third. Inu was was also with this group.

Naruto: "Ok then. Let's start from the beginning. You say that you are the Third Hokage but why is it that your civilians and your civilian council seem to have more power than you?"

3rd: "What do you mean?"

Naruto: "Remember how I told you that I was being overcharged at shops or I was being denied entry?"

3rd: "Yes. I told the council about it and they said that it would be effective immediately that you would be treated as a normal civilian like all the others."

Naruto: "Uh-huh. Except, that never happened you see." The Third raised his eyebrows. "From the look on your face, you probably didn't even know about it. That's where your ignorance and your lies are. Now, let's continue to manipulation.

Remember when I was six-years-old but I was in the forest instead, making fish when you first came to me. The next day was when you treated me to ramen and created this great impression on my child self. Do you remember that?"

3rd: "Yes..."

Naruto: "At that time, nobody was ever kind. I always thought that the world was simply against me and yet, there was a kind grandfather who was being nice. Who gave me free food and talked to me like a normal human being in my time of need." Naruto's face looked sharp. "You used that weakness to make sure that I would never hate this village and that I would have this person as someone important enough to make me stay here. You know, I always suspected something but I just couldn't tell what until recently, everything started making sense."

3rd: "..." 'It really did seem like that but I just wanted to treat him because he was living in the woods! I never would've thought that my act of kindness could be looked at in this way. No. Perhaps it was my subconsciousness that was doing the manipulating and Naruto is indeed right. Otherwise, why didn't I approach him sooner? Why didn't I adopt him on the day he was born? Why did I listen to the council?' Naruto clapped loudly to get his attention.

Naruto: "You can't be dozing off old man. I'm not done yet." He stared right in the Third's eyes. "As for the criminal aspect, let me ask you a question."

3rd: "What is it?"

Naruto: "Why are the older generation causing problems when they could be solving it for the next?"

3rd: "..." 'I don't know how to answer that.'

Naruto: "Yeah. That's what I expected. Because the thing is, the conflict that this village is in with both outside and inside enemies are simply ridiculous."

3rd: "..."

Naruto: "You should know that I now have sensory powers right? Emotion sensing?" The Third nodded. "Well, I'm going to explain it to you. It's not emotion-sensing but negative emotion-sensing and do you know what I sense? Enemies. Everywhere. Some are against me. Some are against this entire village. Can you believe it?"

3rd: "..."

Naruto: "Do you know what was the cause of these negative emotions?" The Third didn't say anything but looked blankly at Naruto. "War. Missions. Shinobi. Power. Greed." Naruto swore that he saw the Third cringe a little. "These factors not only caused enemies to be born from outside sources but also inside your village. Did you ever do anything about it?"

3rd: "I tried okay? I did my best at that time and at that moment. Of course, enemies will be born due to war. That's what war is but it was not out fault. We only retaliated. Are you telling me that I should have done that?"

Naruto: "No. I simply think that you should've crushed them. I think that you should've punished them so much that they would have to think twice before ever making a threat to the Leaf. That's what I would've done but your kindness probably didn't let you right? Do you think that peace will cause your unreasonable enemies to stop what they are doing and drop their arms?"

3rd: "..."

Naruto: "Don't worry. I'll let you figure that later. Let's move on to the last accusation. Being a liar."

3rd: "How did I lie Naruto?" No longer did he have that same authoritativeness in his voice but rather a sense of helplessness.

Naruto: "Begin with my heritage then."

3rd: "What heritage are you talking about Naruto?"

Naruto: "Oh you don't know? Then you must be the worst Hokage in history."

3rd: "Naruto. What are yo-".

Naruto: "Uzumaki." Naruto cut him off. "The Uzumaki clan. You said to me that I didn't have a clan so why is it that I found that not only was the Leaf allied with the Uzumakis but our founder also had an Uzumaki wife!"

3rd: "*Sigh*Naruto. I'm sorry for lying to you but it's for your good."

Naruto: "Perfect. Now let's go the second lie. My parents."

3rd: "We've been through this already. You were abandoned at the orphanage." This ticked off Naruto.

Naruto: "If the Anbu wasn't here and I was strong enough, I would've made you watch your family die." He growled a bit. "How dare you say that they abandoned me!" He said loudly. His eyes glowed blue a little for a second and lightning could be bȧrėly seen forming in his fingers. The 3rd had a gut feeling that told him that Naruto knew who his parents were. Predicting that this conversation will lead in that direction, he decided to make his Anbu leave.

3rd: "Anbus you are dismissed."

Anbu: "But sir."

3rd: "Go."

Anbu: "Yes sir." They left.

3rd: "I kept it all from you so that I could keep you safe Naruto."

Naruto: "Safe? Is telling everyone that I am Nine-Tails safe?"

3rd: "I didn't do that. It was a leak."

Naruto: "Of course you didn't." he said sarcastically. "You just simply watched an innocent child be attacked and hated by the entire village. Another case of ignorance."

3rd: "That was not how it was supposed to go. Your identity should've been private in the first place due to how sėnsɨtɨvė it is. Besides, your father had another major country as his enemy so imagine what they would do if they knew of your existence."

Naruto: "Unbelievable. You're just giving excuses."

3rd: "No I'm not."

Naruto: "Really? You're telling me that the strongest nation cannot keep a child safe?"

3rd: "..."

Naruto: "Look. I don't want your damn apology. I want my house back and my right to shop at normal prices returned."

3rd: "Okay. I can do both. You can take my word for that."

Naruto: "Sure. I'll see how much your words are worth in the next few days." He turned to leave but then he turned around because he remembered something. "Also, give me my money that is mine in the first place."

3rd: "*Sigh* Okay." 'Why didn't I give it to him in the first place?'

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