Games with fairies

Chapter 210 Something seems wrong

On the official road flowing with blood, the beautiful tiger Wushanjun controlled by Li Muyang stood and roared in the moonlight.

Half of the dozens of soldiers escorting the grain and grass were killed by Wushanjun, and the remaining half ran away.

Wushanjun's combat power is so strong that he can easily abuse these ordinary soldiers.

But after killing more than 20 mortals in a row, Li Muyang discovered that Wushanjun's evolution method was different from that of the Green Knife Mantis.

This tiger's only way to gain evolutionary points is to eat humans.

Green Knife Mantis can gain evolution points by attacking all animals, but Wushanjun can only gain evolution points by attacking living people.

And the evolution value obtained by killing a living person is very low.

He killed more than 20 people and gained only 3.7% evolution value.

"The evolutionary potential of this tiger is indeed inferior to that of the Green Knife Praying Mantis."

Apart from anything else, since the only target he can devour is human beings, Wushanjun is just too short of the Green Knife Mantis.

The Green Knife Mantis has 120% of its evolutionary potential. As long as it is a living, moving creature, it can devour and evolve.

However, Lord Wushan was able to kill the soldiers of the Blood Lotus Sect and rob their supplies.

Li Muyang controlled Wu Shanjun to rush towards the carts of military rations. The colorful tiger held a fire in his mouth and burned all the general's rations. Then he swallowed the elixir in the convoy, turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

[The dungeon spiritual object has been swallowed, the evolution value is +13%, and the hostility of the Blood Lotus Religion is +3%. Do you want to receive the current reward? 】

[Note: After the rewards are settled, this copy level will be permanently closed]

The same process as the limited-time game. After clearing this limited-time level, you can no longer enter the instance after receiving the reward.

Li Muyang did not hesitate and directly chose to receive it.

The evolution value of Wushanjun in the field of vision has increased by 13%.

But the next stage of evolution is still some distance away.

As for the Blood Lotus Sect's hostility +3%... Li Muyang didn't care.

After controlling the beautiful tiger back to the forest, Li Muyang cut off the call directly.

The efficiency of evolving only by killing people is too low. He doesn't plan to practice the role of Wushanjun.

Although this tiger is very powerful at the beginning, the upper limit is too low and the upgrade is too slow. Its only function is to brush mobs and burn the Blood Lotus's food and grass.

Now that he had successfully destroyed the Blood Lotus Sect's food and grass, Li Muyang reloaded the file and returned to the perspective of the Green Knife Mantis.

The emerald green mantis is dormant in the mountain forest.

Li Muyang controlled this mantis with an evolutionary potential of 120% and jumped towards a hornet in front of him.

After the simple fight, the evolution value of the Green Knife Mantis increased by 3%, and the evolution progress bar in the field of vision increased a little.

Li Muyang controlled the green knife mantis to swallow the hornet queen on the ground, and then selected a cicada lying on the tree as the target of attack.

The Green Knife Mantis leaps up, its light and long body like a delicate jade creation, magnificent and beautiful.

And its sharp blade arm swung through the air, and the cicada lying on the tree trunk was immediately penetrated, and the harsh cicada sound disappeared...

Li Muyang began to control the Green Knife Mantis, wandering in the mountains and forests, constantly looking for flying insects and birds that could be seen in the field of vision to attack.

When night falls, Li Muyang's Green Knife Mantis has accumulated enough evolution points and begins to evolve again.

The evolution this time took a little time. Li Muyang went to "Deadly Weeds" and accompanied the little weeds on a trip for two hours. Only when he returned to "Endless Evolution" did he see the evolution of the Green Knife Mantis.

After evolving twice in a row, the Green Knife Mantis is now nearly half a meter long.

The long and narrow arm sword even vaguely reflected light under the moonlight, giving it a jade-like texture.

The blood bar on the head of the Green Knife Mantis has an additional title.

[Emerald Knife Mantis (Level 3)]

Looking at the half-meter-long green knife mantis, Li Muyang couldn't help but switch his perspective and keep looking at it.

The Green Knife Mantis that has evolved to the third stage has not only become larger in size, but also has become more elegant in appearance.

Li Muyang rarely used the word beauty to describe things, but this half-meter-long mantis with green body and no variegated colors was so beautiful that it looked like it was carved from jade.

After the Green Knife Mantis evolves to stage 3, its combat power becomes stronger.

At this time, the green knife mantis can expand its hunting range to small animals such as mountain rats and bats.

When Li Muyang attacked small insects such as hornets and cicadas, the amount of evolution points gained dropped sharply.

It is obvious that the system encourages the Green Knife Mantis to attack creatures of the same level or even higher levels, and does not give Li Muyang the chance to get stuck with bugs and keep killing flying insects to gain points.

Li Muyang controlled the green knife mantis in the mountain forest to jump up in the night, attack the bats hanging upside down on the treetops, and continue the journey of evolution.

At the same time, there was an official road about five hundred miles away from the cliff where Li Muyang lived.

Forty-three Blood Lotus soldiers held torches and escorted the carriage forward.

This land has been completely occupied by them. Although the Blood Lotus soldiers holding torches are escorting important food, grass and elixirs, they are relaxed and not much vigilant.

The laughter spread among the team escorting the grain and grass, and echoed in the surrounding dark mountains and forests.

However, amidst the swaying of the torch, a burly and huge black shadow vaguely appeared on the official road ahead.

The black shadow stood tightly on the official road, like a huge stone.

The soldiers escorting the grain and grass were stunned for a moment and stopped subconsciously.

The moonlight fell on the official road at this moment, reflecting the burly and penetrating colorful shadow of the tiger on the official road.

A sinister aura seemed to reverberate in the air.

The soldiers of the Blood Lotus Sect suddenly shouted in terror.

"Tiger! It's tiger!"

"The eye-catching white-fronted tiger!"

In Tianjiao City, reports about evil tigers descending from the mountains to eat people were quickly passed to the former city lord's palace.

The mansion that used to symbolize the authority of the Demon Sect and the identity of the city lord has now become a temporary office space for Miss Shen of the Blood Lotus Sect to handle military affairs and war reports from all parties.

The continuous attacks from the Demon Refining Sect have put tremendous pressure on everyone in the Blood Lotus Sect.

Even with the blessing of the ancient immortal weapon Sifang Ding, the followers of the Blood Lotus Sect still had a difficult time resisting.

After all, this war is a six-pronged general attack with less than 200,000 troops to withstand millions of troops.

Although reports of evil tigers coming down the mountain to eat people and destroying grain trucks were passed to the city lord's palace, such trivial matters were naturally not eligible to be brought to Miss Shen's desk.

After a brief review by Banner Master Qu Shihong under Miss Shen, this incident of an evil tiger cannibalizing people was ignored.

After all, the current war situation is urgent. In order to withstand the six-pronged general attack of the Demon Refining Sect on the front line, the Blood Lotus Sect has deployed almost all its combat forces. How can there be any spare power to eliminate an evil tiger that occasionally comes down the mountain?

The report of the evil tiger eating people was just ignored and no one paid attention to it.

Until similar incidents of vicious tiger cannibalism occurred again and again in the next month, a total of seventeen times... grain trucks were destroyed seventeen times, and the number of casualties reached four hundred The Blood Lotus Sect, which had many people, finally came to their senses and realized something was abnormal.

"...This evil tiger in the mountains specializes in robbing my religion's grain truck?"

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