Games with fairies

Chapter 211 The Benefits of Pouting

In Tianjiao City, Qu Shihong, who once again reviewed the report that the evil tiger descended from the mountain to eat people and attacked the grain truck, disappeared. After reading the report for a few seconds, he habitually gave it a review and threw it aside.

He picked up the next report and started reviewing it.

But as soon as the next report was opened, Qu Shihong paused as he picked up his pen.

His brows furrowed slightly.

"An evil tiger eats people? Attacks a grain truck?"

He vaguely remembered that he had reviewed such reports several times in the past month.

But every time he paid little attention to it and simply skipped the review.

Now that I think about it... isn't the frequency of these evil tigers coming down the mountain to eat people a little too high?

And they attack grain trucks every time?

Qu Shihong quickly picked up the lost report and opened it to read.

The content of the report was very simple. A big tiger with an eye-catching white forehead came down the mountain and attacked a convoy transporting food. It killed more than thirty people, burned the food and grass, and swallowed the elixir.

Although this kind of thing is a bit weird, it is not strange.

After the evil tiger in the mountains reaches a certain age, it will gradually open up its spiritual intelligence and even gain some supernatural powers, turning into a ferocious demon-like creature and committing evil.

There is no time to worry about an evil tiger now, it is normal to ignore it.

Unless this evil tiger only attacks grain trucks every time, and attacks too many times...

Qu Shihong raised his head and ordered: "Go and find all the reports on the evil tiger cannibalism incident and send them to me."

Qu Shihong gave instructions to the clerk under his hand, and someone immediately went to deal with the matter.

When his subordinates presented all sixteen related reports to the table, Qu Shihong realized something was wrong when he saw the seventeen thick reports stacked together.

"A vicious mountain tiger suddenly came down to eat people? Attacked grain trucks seventeen times in a row?"

Qu Shihong stacked seventeen reports together and said to his subordinates.

"Send these seventeen reports to the lady and ask her to make a decision."

Sky Horn City, which had been busy dealing with frontline affairs, finally realized that there was something wrong with that evil tiger.

In the same gloomy rain, Li Muyang, who was dormant on the cliff, was slightly confused.

"...Did I remember it wrong?"

He closed his eyes and was in the game.

At this time, he was in a limited time level and had just defeated the enemy.

In the past month, Li Muyang used Wushanjun to clear seventeen time-limited levels, and he was already familiar with the task of attacking transport vehicles.

But this time, when he controlled Wu Shanjun to rush out of the darkness, killed half of the Blood Lotus Sect disciples on the official road and scared away the other half, Li Muyang, who was about to burn the carriage with a torch in his mouth, was suddenly attracted to his attention.

There was a corpse lying on its back next to the carriage. It had been slapped away by Mr. Wushan. Half of its chest was covered in blood and flesh, and it looked like it was dead.

But on the face of this Blood Lotus Sect believer, there was a very obvious blue birthmark.

There was even a disgusting mole hair growing on this birthmark.

Li Muyang usually doesn't attack other people's looks. After all, appearance is natural, but such a unique appearance still made him couldn't help but take a second look.

He vaguely remembered that during an attack mission three days ago, there was also a Blood Lotus Cult believer with such birthmarks and moles.

But that man was killed by Lord Wushan. His body was bloody and bloody, and his death was miserable.

But now, only three days have passed, and an identical corpse appears again...

Li Muyang frowned: "It's evil!"

"Did I meet two identical twins?"

But will twins have identical birthmarks and fetal hair?

Li Muyang lowered his head and began to examine the corpses on the ground one by one. He was surprised to find that several of them looked familiar and seemed to have been seen several times.

The strange situation made Li Muyang frown.

"I killed the same person twice?"

"Is it a system problem? Or..."

Li Muyang raised his head and looked in the direction of Tianjiao City...


The scorching sun shines on the vast land.

The huge flying boat suspended high in the sky overlooks the vast land ahead.

But no spaceship just flew into the area ahead.

Thick clouds shrouded the land.

It has been raining continuously over the past month. The followers of the Blood Lotus Sect, bathed in the continuous rain, seemed to be blessed by some kind of power.

Not only are those monster cavalry far more powerful than ordinary monsters, but even the mortal believers of the Blood Lotus Sect are also astonishingly powerful.

Hundreds of thousands of people dispersed, and they were able to block the six-way general attack of the Demon Refining Sect's millions of troops.

But the big shots in the Demon Refining Sect were not easy to get along with, and they soon noticed something was wrong.

"...When a follower of the Blood Lotus Sect dies in battle, the body will definitely be recovered and recovered."

"Some seriously injured people, with only one arm or even half an ear left, will be found and taken away as much as possible... This is a bit abnormal."

Millions of troops attacked for thirty days regardless of the cost of casualties. The mortal army on the side of the Demon Refining Sect suffered heavy casualties, and the death pensions distributed had almost exceeded 200,000 people.

As for the Blood Lotus Sect, the number of casualties was at least 40,000.

But with such a huge number of casualties, there was no decrease in the number of Blood Lotus Sect members.

They seemed to have a steady stream of troops being replenished.

"Trying to find out the source of the Blood Lotus Cult soldiers' recruitment, this matter is a bit weird..."

The sect leader Gong Yanghong issued such an order.

The fierce attack lasted for more than a month, and jokes about the Demon Refining Sect and Gong Yanghong began to spread outside.

This made Gong Yanghong, who always cherished feathers and valued reputation, unbearable.

On the cliff, Li Muyang received the level settlement reward and returned to reality.

He was going to eat some spiritual rice to cope with the meal, and then continue playing games.

But the chat group that had been silent for a long time suddenly started to tremble.

[Wei Suyi: Is Cang Susan still alive? 】

[Wei Suyi: You said last month that you were going to explore the Blood Lotus Sect...what happened? 】

The group of friends who had always avoided Li Muyang like the god of plague actually took the initiative to talk to Li Muyang today.

Li Muyang was immediately curious.

[Cang Susan: No. 1, are you not afraid of me anymore? 】

[Wei Suyi:... Let’s get down to business! 】

Li Muyang thought for a while and decided to throw today's discovery into the group to deceive the group members and see how they would react.

These group members' understanding of the Blood Lotus Sect is definitely better than his.

[Cang Susan: I discovered an interesting little thing and am planning to share it with everyone]

[Cang Susan: On the territory of the Blood Lotus Sect, I killed one person... twice! 】

[Cang Su San: Do you think the evil door is not evil? 】

Li Muyang deliberately made his words very vague. People who don't know the details will definitely be confused after reading this sentence.

However, after he finished speaking, everyone in the group fell silent.

Obviously, except for Zi Weiheng, everyone else's profile pictures are on.

But they fell into collective silence.

Just when Li Muyang thought that these guys were going to go offline again, Jing Muyan, who was almost silent, spoke again.

[Jing Muyan: The evil power of the Sifang Cauldron has been completely activated...]

Obviously, these guys know the reason, even know it very clearly.

Just when Li Muyang was thinking about how to continue defrauding these guys, Wei Suyi suddenly said something.

[Wei Suyi: Cangsu San, are you interested in destroying the Sifang Ding? If you can destroy the Sifang Ding, all of us are willing to owe you a favor and do whatever we can for you! 】

Wei Suyi's sudden words made Li Muyang stunned for a moment.

Three question marks appeared above my head.

A group of mysterious Zifu bosses all promised to do something for him within their power... What kind of hell-level mission could this be a reward for?

Isn't it too much to overstate the wealth?

Li Muyang suddenly became wary.

[Cang Susan: What? You guys want to trick me into dying? 】

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