Games with fairies

Chapter 224 You are quite nice

On the collapsed city wall, the girl in white drooled and looked at Li Muyang expectantly.

The giant mantis in the ghostly mist was silent.

A girl who was sacrificed by her father's blood when she was born and whose soul was trapped in the Sifang Cauldron. She grew up in the Sifang Cauldron... This little girl will not become the weapon spirit of the Sifang Cauldron, right?

But she could see what was happening outside, at least what was happening around her twin sister Shen Yan.

I saw my sister eating all kinds of delicacies since childhood, being loved by her parents, and becoming the eldest lady respected by everyone in the Blood Lotus Sect.

And she grew up alone in this ghost town, but she had never tasted the taste of human was very pitiful.

But Li Muyang did not dare to show mercy easily.

This little girl can see through the green knife mantis and see Li Muyang who is controlling him from behind. This is too terrible.

If she told other people in the Blood Lotus Sect about this, how would Li Muyang explain it?

Li Muyang remained silent and controlled the green knife mantis to write words on the ground.

[Can’t you ask the leader or your sister to send you delicious food? If you want to eat, just tell them and they won't refuse, right? 】

Li Muyang carefully wrote such probing words.

But after the girl on the city wall saw this line of writing, she pouted and said unhappy.

"I can see what my sister and Leader Fang are doing, but I can't talk to them. They can't hear me either, otherwise I would have asked them to get me some delicious food."

"Every time they throw into the cauldron, they are all vicious and annoying practitioners. They ask me to eat those practitioners... Bah, bah, bah! They have no taste at all! I won't eat them!"

The little girl innocently said terrible things.

Li Muyang felt a little numb after hearing this.

Eat cultivators... Is this little girl really the weapon spirit of Sifang Ding?

But this little girl said that she refused to eat those practitioners...

Li Muyang looked at the Blood Lotus believers wandering around the city and found that although the ghosts of these Blood Lotus believers kept making noisy sounds, they were just obsessive words repeated back and forth, and they were not conscious.

The ghosts in the city have no consciousness, and the girl cannot communicate with the outside world.

Doesn't that mean that she stays here alone, although she can see everything in the outside world, but she is isolated from the world?

Although Li Muyang didn't have to worry about being exposed, he still couldn't bear it.

Sighing, Li Muyang controlled the green knife mantis to write a line of words on the ground.

[This is an incarnation of me, also trapped here. The outside is not a human world, and there are no pastries and snacks you want]

Li Muyang's concise and concise words broke the girl's expectations.

But the girl who saw this line did not feel disillusioned at all. Instead, she said to the green knife mantis.

"But your true body is still in Tianjiao City, right? My sister went to see you half an hour ago."

"You can find me some delicious food in the city and secretly pour it into the Sifang Ding."

"As long as you pour those delicious foods into the Sifang Ding, I can eat them."

The girl looked at Li Muyang expectantly, eager to try.

"It's very simple! You just need to pour the delicious food into the Sifang Ding, and you don't have to do anything else. I can eat it!"

"The scary guy in the cauldron doesn't even bother to eat as a practitioner, so he has to feed me every time. If you pour the delicious food in, he won't fight with me!"

The little girl's two simple sentences revealed another important message.

Li Muyang looked at the innocent girl in front of him who was unprepared for him and told her secrets one after another, and sighed silently.

The information came so easily this time, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

This is the first time I encountered a situation where the other party took the initiative to explain without any need for clichés.

The green knife mantis wrote on the ground again: "The scary guy in the cauldron?" What is it? 】

"It's the weapon spirit of the Sifang Cauldron," the girl pointed at the phantom of the huge cauldron in the city behind her, and said, "That guy is resting and sleeping inside the cauldron. No matter how noisy you are, you can't wake it up."

"That's why my dad let me come in and let me take the place of that horrible guy who was sleeping."

"Every time someone from the Blood Lotus Sect dies and their souls return to the Sifang Cauldron, I help them reshape their bodies and send them back."

"But doing these things requires a lot of spiritual power. So you have to feed the guy sleeping in the Sifang Cauldron with many, many practitioners. When that guy is full, the cauldron will have the spiritual power to resurrect the people of the Blood Lotus Sect. "

The girl said this and was very unhappy.

"That guy is so annoying. Even when he is asleep, he is fierce and ugly."

"It's boring to stay with this scary guy who only knows how to sleep every day."

Having said this, the girl looked at the Green Knife Mantis and invited her with great anticipation: "Li Muyang, do you want to come in and take a look?"

"I'll take you to see that scary guy. That guy looks so ugly! He's just sleeping in the cauldron!"

"No one in this tripod has ever been able to talk to me, and you are the first one!"

The girl was very happy.

That kind of joy made her whole body almost fly, and her whole body seemed to be shining.

But this youthful and cheerful joy, reflected in her life of being locked up in a square tripod and growing up, makes her look even more tragic.

Li Muyang was a little emotional and a little curious.

[By the way, you don’t seem to hate your father or the people of the Blood Lotus Sect at all]

This girl has been locked up in the Sifang Cauldron since she was a child and grew up. She is alone and unable to communicate with the outside world, but she can see everything happening in the outside world.

After being influenced by his eyes and ears like this, he should be an avenger with twisted hatred and wishing to destroy the Blood Lotus Sect.

But the girl's eyes were full of optimism and cheerfulness, without any hatred. Instead, she worked conscientiously for the Blood Lotus Sect... It was very unreasonable.

Seeing that Li Muyang was puzzled, the girl tilted her head and thought for a while before saying.

"Actually, I also think I should hate them. According to common sense, I should hate them."

"But I just can't hate it."

The girl said to Li Muyang with an innocent face: "Maybe my father did something to me when he sacrificed his blood to me."

"I grew up in Dingli, but I don't have any hatred. On the contrary, I am happy every day. Although staying here is boring and lonely, I am just happy."

"So I thought, since I'm having a good time every day, I shouldn't overthink it."

"Anyway, I had a great time."

When the girl said this, she looked at the Green Knife Mantis with a smile and said, "By the way... Li Muyang, you asked me so many questions. Are you caring about me and feeling sorry for me?"

"You are very nice, much better than when you were with my sister."

"When you were with her, I could feel that you were very perfunctory. Hee hee..."

The girl was happy because of this small difference.

At this moment, her eyes were narrowed in laughter, like a little fox that had stolen a chicken.

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