Games with fairies

Chapter 225 Will you come again tomorrow?

Li Muyang, who saw the girl's happy smile through the perspective of the green knife mantis, fell silent again.

The girl at this moment smiled innocently and cutely, innocently and innocently.

But the cuter she smiles and the happier she looks, the more miserable she looks given her life and circumstances.

Even Li Muyang, who considered himself hard-hearted and unsympathetic, couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he saw this little girl's cheerful smile.

Li Muyang in the barrel sighed softly.

The Green Knife Mantis in the game wrote a line of words on the ground.

[If you throw food into the Sifang Ding, will you receive it? 】

"Yeah, yes, you just need to secretly throw it into the cauldron!"

The girl suddenly became happy when she saw Li Muyang's question: "Do you want to bring me food?"

The girl's eyes were full of expectation.

Li Muyang's response was slightly cold.

[I will look back to see if there is a chance]

After controlling the green knife mantis to write this sentence, Li Muyang controlled the huge mantis to turn around and walk towards the depths of the ghost mist.

This girl's life experience is a bit pitiful, but Li Muyang can't do anything to help her.

Now that he has found out the reality of this place, Li Muyang will not waste time and continue to go back to the ghost mist to hunt for evolution.

But a girl's voice came from behind.

"It's okay if it doesn't work. Just come and talk to me when you have time."

"Li Muyang, will you come tomorrow?"

The girl's voice was full of anticipation and a little bit of anxiety.

The giant mantis in the ghost mist was silent for a moment, then raised its huge jade-green blade arm and waved it gently in response.

Next, the ten-foot-long giant mantis disappeared into the mist.

Only the girl named Shen Miao was left standing at the top of the city, watching her figure leave with envy.


"Go wherever you want."

The girl sighed with envy, suddenly remembered something, and shouted loudly to the mist outside.

"Then I'll wait for you tomorrow!"

Just like that, Li Muyang's evolutionary hunting game suddenly had a daily task that had to be completed every day.

——Go to that noisy ghost town every day to chat with the girl.

The huge green knife mantis has amazing attack power, but it has taken the path of beast transformation. It has no refined bones and cannot speak.

Li Muyang can only communicate with the girl by writing.

And his stay was not long every day, basically only ten minutes.

Writing communication is too cumbersome and a waste of time.

Although the girl has a strong desire to talk, she always has endless topics to talk about when she sees Li Muyang every day.

As long as Li Muyang wants to know something, the girl will answer it without reservation.

She observes the outside world from two perspectives, one perspective is on her sister Shen Yan, and the other perspective is on the current leader of the Blood Lotus Sect.

She could see what Shen Yan and the Blood Lotus Cult Leader were doing every day.

It just so happens that these two people are the top beings in the Blood Lotus Sect today.

Li Muyang really had a clear understanding of the current situation of the Blood Lotus Religion through her.

The Blood Lotus Sect, which had just repelled the Demon Refining Sect's attack and finally gained a foothold in Tianjiao City, should have been prospering.

However, this sect that used to be scattered in all directions, with each major branch fighting on its own, is now being forcibly kneaded together, and differences are constantly emerging.

When the demon sect's army pressed on, these differences could not completely disappear.

Now that the peace talks have ended, the Demon Sect has withdrawn its troops, and the external pressure has temporarily disappeared, the differences and disputes among the hall masters and incense masters of the major branches have suddenly become fierce.

Even Shen Yan's prestige was somewhat useless at this time.

Shen Miao told Li Muyang that in the past few days, several helmsmen and incense masters of the Blood Lotus Religion had quarreled several times in the city lord's mansion, and even made a move on two occasions.

Regarding the direction in which Tianjiao City will expand, the helmsmen and incense masters all expressed different opinions.

Li Muyang was not interested in the disputes between the top leaders of the Blood Lotus Sect, but he could vaguely feel from reality that the smell of gunpowder in this Sky Horn City was getting stronger.

Outside the courtyard where he lived, Shen Yan arranged for several martial artists who were accomplished in physical training to serve as guards.

Although Shen Yan didn't say the reason, Li Muyang knew that she was preparing for revenge from Nangong Ting and Liu Hucheng.

In the eyes of Shen Yan and the Blood Lotus Cult Leader, Li Muyang, the Martial God Tyrant, is a good seedling worth cultivating.

But in the eyes of others, that may not be the case.

Li Muyang felt these changes in the Blood Lotus Religion and said nothing. He just wrote this information in a report letter every three days and sent it back to the Demon Sect headquarters.

Again, he didn't believe Gong Yang Hong could swallow this breath.

On the fifth day after meeting the lonely girl Shen Miao, Li Muyang received an invitation that he could not refuse.

——The leader of the Blood Lotus Sect will invite Li Muyang to the banquet tonight.

The person who sent the invitation was surprisingly Shen Yan who was very busy on weekdays.

"The leader has great expectations for you and wants to see you again and talk to you."

Shen Yan smiled and handed over the invitation.

It was obviously a hot summer day, but her white fingers were a little cold.

On the night when Tianjiao City held a celebration banquet, Li Muyang met the Blood Lotus Cult leader under the introduction of Shen Yan, and the two briefly chatted.

But there were a lot of people at the banquet at that time, and Li Muyang was quickly taken down by Shen Yan.

And tonight's invitation is a family dinner.

The leader of the Blood Lotus actually invited Li Muyang to his home for dinner.

For such high regard, other people would have burst into tears with gratitude.

Li Muyang also cooperated and pretended to be touched. After bathing and changing clothes, he went out with Shen Yan.

The two of them stepped onto Shen Yan's exquisite and sturdy carriage, escorted by a dozen monster knights, and headed through the streets of the city towards the leader's mansion.

At this time, Tianjiao City has returned to its former prosperity.

Although it has fallen into the night, the streets are full of people and brightly lit.

Shen Yan leaned against the window, smiling and chatting softly with Li Muyang, chatting about some interesting things.

The woman's faint laughter and the noise of the market outside the car window merged into a peaceful picture of time.

Li Muyang was in the middle of it, and he calmed down and stopped thinking about things in the game.

But at this moment, the traveling carriage suddenly stopped.

The noisy street sounds outside the car window disappeared without knowing when.

A certain gloomy pressure vaguely appeared in the air that suddenly became dead.

Outside the carriage door curtain, the deep voice of the flag owner Ruan Mei sounded.

"...Miss, it's Du Qi."

As soon as Ruan Mei's voice fell, a man's carefree laughter sounded in front of her.

"The guy in the car is called Li Muyang, right?"

"Grandpa Du Qi, the banner master of Yubo Hall, has been famous for you for a long time. I heard that you are very strong. You broke through the tens of thousands of half-demon army of Liehai Hall on Pingyang Hill by yourself."

"Do you dare to come down and walk two rounds with me?!"

The man's arrogant laughter sounded. Shen Yan in the car rubbed her brows in distress and said.

"People from Yuhaitang Liu Churen..."

After saying that, Shen Yan looked at Li Muyang and added: "This person has been pursuing Nangong Ting for two years."

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