Games with fairies

Chapter 229 Brother, you and Elder Yan

Chapter 229 Brother, you and Elder Yan...

The current situation in the Blood Lotus Religion is chaotic.

At this juncture, Fang Yingtian forcibly promoted Li Muyang in the name of caring for his niece.

Such blatant favoritism will inevitably irritate those people in the Blood Lotus Sect who are dissatisfied with Shen Yan, and will also irritate Li Muyang's enemies.

"I'm probably the bait that Fang Yingtian deliberately threw to attract the attention of the thorn."

Li Muyang sighed: "Those people don't dare to mess with Fang Yingtian, and they may not dare to touch Shen Yan. But they should have the courage to touch me, and they are very big."

"Once that group of people attacks me and violates the Blood Lotus Sect's new rules, Fang Yingtian will become famous as a group of thorns."

Now that the rules of the Law Enforcement Hall have been established, the phenomenon of private fighting in Tianjiao City has been barely contained.

At this time, Li Muyang, as the banner leader of the Law Enforcement Hall, has a special status. Once he is attacked, things could be big or small.

Whether Fang Yingtian is killing people or suppressing thorns, he can always stand on the moral high ground.

Li Muyang had vaguely guessed the plan of this insidious devil. It was clear that he was to be used as a target, to lure the snake out of its hole, so that he could find an excuse to rectify the academic affairs.

Seeing that Li Muyang was so clear, Li Yuechan immediately blinked playfully.

"Wow! It turns out there is such a deeper meaning...Brother, your adult world is so dirty and sinister," the girl sighed in surprise.

Li Muyang rolled his eyes and glared at the cheap sister, but he was too lazy to expose this malicious and cute guy: "Go back and tell Elder Yan, I know what I know and I won't take it lightly."

"As for when to act...has Elder Yan said anything?"

Li Muyang didn't want to stay in this evil cult any more.

It's best to act as soon as possible.

But Li Yuechan shook her head: "Elder Yan hasn't said the specific time of action yet."

"Anyway, my current mission is to stay here, monitor the city lord's palace next to it, and contact you by the way."

Li Yuechan said, gently turning her palm, and a dark red pill appeared in her hand.

"This is the top-grade elixir that Elder Yan asked for. After taking it, it can greatly enhance one's blood and body."

"Brother, if you are in danger, take this pill and no one in the city will be able to kill you."

After Li Muyang took the elixir, he carefully put the pill away.

Li Yuechan, who was dressed as a maid and even looked like someone else, straightened up and said with a smile: "Master Li, your dishes have been served. If you have any other orders, I will leave first."

Li Yuechan's eyes were flowing, charming and playful, and even her tone of voice was lifelike. She was clearly an ordinary maid who was trying to flatter someone in authority.

Although Li Muyang still has something to say, this is really not the place to talk.

He could only suppress the thought of reminiscing and chatting, and nodded calmly: "Step back."

The maid, who was kneeling respectfully beside him, stood up with a slight smile.

"As ordered..."

Li Yuechan stood up with a slight smile.

But the moment she stood up, her upper body suddenly tilted towards Li Muyang.

The girl's face came directly to the side of Li Muyang's face.

The distance between the two was so close that they could smell each other's scent.

The girl's warm breath gently sprayed into Li Muyang's cochlea.

And her narrow, low moans quietly sounded in Li Muyang's ears.

"Brother, you and Elder Yan are actually together...right?"

The girl's voice was lowered to the lowest level, as low as the sound of mosquitoes.

Even Li Muyang, who was very close, could barely hear clearly.

However, the moment he heard these words, Li Muyang's head exploded instantly, and a chill rose from his back and spread to his whole body in an instant.


Li Muyang raised his head in shock and looked at the maid in front of him.

But he saw that the maid had already distanced herself from him with a smile, and said in a respectful and humble tone: "Sir, please use it slowly..."

She retreated to the door with a smile. Finally, under Li Muyang's shocked gaze, she blinked mischievously and mouthed the words "I will keep it a secret."

The girl opened the door with a smile and stepped out.

Li Muyang was left sitting in the room with a stunned look on his face.

"...This dead girl!"

After a few seconds of silence, Li Muyang covered his face and sighed helplessly, knowing that he was being teased by this scheming girl.

But after thinking about it carefully, I don’t think it’s strange.

Others may not be able to tell, but Li Yuechan must have guessed something.

At the beginning of the turmoil in Tianjiao City, it was clear that Li Muyang could turn around and run away, but Li Muyang had to go back to save people.

Moreover, the person he saved was not Ning Wan'er, whom he liked before, but the aloof Elder Yan.

This matter is very suspicious.

Others didn't know about this, but Li Yuechan witnessed it with her own eyes.

Coupled with Li Muyang's subsequent behavior at Pingyang Post, as well as Yan Xiaoru's various reactions after becoming an undercover agent, they almost all made it clear to Li Yuechan that there was some kind of special relationship between Yan Xiaoru and her brother.

No matter how well Yan Xiaoru hides it, she can hide it from others, but it is difficult to hide it from Li Yuechan, a clever little scumbag.

"If you want others to know, you have to do nothing except yourself."

Li Muyang sighed and murmured: "This matter cannot be kept secret forever."

The cheap sister's teasing reminded Li Muyang.

He must have enough power before his relationship with Yan Xiaoru is exposed.

If he was also a powerful person in the Purple Mansion, would Yan Xiaoru still need to worry about keeping it secret?

No matter what Yan Xiaoru's obsession is, if Li Muyang becomes a powerful person in the Zifu, the situation will be different.

When the time comes to become a powerful master of the Zi Mansion, holding the Jinghong Immortal Sword, even the head of the Demon Sect will have to nod and agree to the marriage.

Li Muyang closed his eyes, lay on the couch, and gently exhaled a breath.

The game with the fairies begins!

Being interrupted by the cheap sister, I suddenly lost my mood to eat in peace.

I just want to continue liver evolution in the game.

The evolution value of the Green Knife Mantis has now reached 97%.

If you kill one or two more residual souls, you can evolve again and move toward level 10.

The power of the 10th-level Green Knife Mantis is so powerful that even those in the Immortal Ascension Realm will have to stay away.

In this Tianjiao City where everyone's cultivation level has been reduced, it is almost possible to walk sideways.

If this operation led by Yan Xiaoru fails, Li Muyang will release the Green Knife Mantis and cause a lot of trouble in Tianjiao City.

As long as the Green Knife Mantis evolves to level 10, Li Muyang will be confident that he can escape unscathed after making a big fuss in Tianjiao City.

Li Muyang must destroy this shit Blood Lotus Sect.

If this group of monsters hadn't suddenly jumped out to cause trouble, Li Muyang would have been waiting to die in the Demon Sect and playing games with peace of mind.

Nangong Ting, Liu Hucheng, and Fang Yingtian, the leader of the Blood Lotus Sect.

Li Muyang closed his eyes and had already put these people on his must-kill list.

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