Games with fairies

Chapter 230 Crime Alley

"It is said that if a believer of the Blood Lotus Sect dies, he can be resurrected through the Sifang Cauldron."

"Then the Blood Lotus Religion should have more and more followers over the years since its establishment. How come there were only hundreds of thousands of followers before the previous uprising?"

Under the city wall filled with ghostly fog, Li Muyang curiously controlled the green knife mantis and wrote: "Where are the former believers of the Blood Lotus Sect? And where are the past helmsmen and leaders?"

"They must have become immortal after making a blood oath, right? Why didn't I see them?"

Li Muyang was very curious about this matter.

Because until now, no one in the Blood Lotus Sect had discussed with him in detail the details of the miracle of resurrection from the dead.

The only one who can ask for the answer now is the girl in front of him.

But Shen Yan, who was wearing a plain white robe on the city wall, tilted her head. She was very surprised when she saw Li Muyang's question.

"Eh? Haven't I told you before?"

Shen Miao tilted her head and thought for a while: "It seems that I have never said that..."

The girl mumbled and told Li Muyang the secret without hesitation.

"The Blood Lotus Sect obtained the Sifang Ding a long time ago, but the Sifang Ding has been sleeping."

"Being able to truly use the power of the Sifang Ding will have to wait until my father becomes the leader."

"He sacrificed my blood to the Sifang Ding. My soul took the lead in the Sifang Ding and replaced the sleeping spirit in the Sifang Ding. Only then did the Sifang Ding have the power to resurrect the dead."

After Shen Miao explained, the huge mantis raised its blade arm again to write something.

Then he quickly said: "Brother-in-law wants to ask where my father is...right?"

It was too troublesome for the giant mantis to write and communicate on the ground, so Shen Miao was considerate and helped Li Muyang save the trouble.

The huge mantis retracted its blade arm and nodded.

Shen Miao said happily: "My father's soul has disappeared, so you can't see him."

Seeing that Li Muyang seemed puzzled, Shen Miao explained.

"The resurrection power of the Sifang Ding is not free."

"Every time you are resurrected, in addition to consuming spiritual power to reshape the body, you also need to consume the soul power of the resurrected person...that is, the life span."

"The higher the cultivation level of a person, the more lifespan it takes to resurrect."

"Once a mortal is resurrected, half a year of their lifespan will be consumed."

"And for a practitioner in the Qi Refining Realm, it takes one year of life to be resurrected."

"Three years are required for the foundation building stage, ten years are required for the core formation stage, thirty years are required for the cave profound stage, and seventy years are required for the divine movement stage."

"The Zifu realm is the most powerful. A resurrection in the Zifu realm requires two hundred years of life."

After Shen Miao finished speaking, she shrugged: "My father was resurrected twice and exhausted his life span, so his soul was gone."

The explanation of the girl in white made Li Muyang silent.

The path to immortality in this world has been cut off. Even the most powerful person in the world of spiritual practice, the Zi Mansion, can only live for 500 years at most.

There is only one example of an alien like Aoba Master who has lived for thousands of years without dying since the end of the Dharma Era.

It seems that the Immortal Artifact Sifang Ding cannot be resurrected indefinitely.

But this is common sense.

No matter how powerful the Sifang Cauldron is, it is nothing more than an immortal weapon.

If it could allow people to be reborn infinitely, it would be too great and completely exceed the power that an immortal weapon should have.

However, Shen Miao's father died due to exhaustion of his lifespan. The way of death was beyond Li Muyang's expectation.

He had previously wondered whether Fang Yingtian had been plotted to seize power.

I didn’t expect it to be a normal transfer of power.

"So your father actually died of natural causes, wasn't he plotted by Fang Yingtian?" Li Muyang controlled the Green Knife Mantis and wrote these words underground.

The girl on the wall nodded in approval: "Yes, although Uncle Fang is a bad guy, petty-minded, vindictive, cunning, and murderous, but compared to my father, he is already a good person with a bottom line."

Shen Miao happily talked about her father.

"My father is a real scumbag. He offends people everywhere. The Blood Lotus Sect almost fell apart in his hands. It was only because of my uncle who stabilized the situation after he became the leader that the Blood Lotus Sect did not collapse."

Shen Miao commented: "However, my father's achievement of discovering the wonderful use of the Sifang Cauldron is enough to put him at the forefront among the previous leaders of the Blood Lotus Religion."

"With the Sifang Ding, Uncle Fang can develop the Blood Lotus Sect from falling apart into the momentum it has today."

This girl who was sacrificed to blood since she was a child had indeed been cast on some kind of evil spell that bound her emotions.

She is always optimistic and cheerful, always innocent.

Even when he talks about his scumbag father, he is happy and without any hatred.

Li Muyang controlled the green knife mantis and nodded, indicating that he understood.

"I know, I have to be more careful about your Uncle Fang in the future."

Shen Miao could always see Fang Yingtian's every move, and she should be the person who had the most say on Fang Yingtian's character.

Fang Yingtian, the leader of the Blood Lotus Cult, was indeed not that friendly.

After a few simple perfunctory words to Shen Miao, Li Muyang controlled the Green Knife Mantis to turn around and leave amid the girl's enthusiastic call of "Brother-in-law, come and play with me tomorrow~".

The evolution value of the Green Knife Mantis is already 97%, and it can evolve again with only 3%.

With this value, you can evolve by hunting two remnant souls, which can be completed tonight.

Half an hour later, the Green Knife Mantis crossed the long wilderness, carefully bypassing the powerful wandering souls, and finally came to a dilapidated ruins under the guidance of the system arrows.

A pale ghost was wandering in the ruins. After the Green Knife Mantis stepped into this area, the danger value under the health bar rose to 40.

General danger.

Li Muyang controlled the green knife mantis and rushed forward.

"Flag Master, we caught a madman!"

In the yamen of the Law Enforcement Hall, Li Muyang, who was sitting in the courtyard drinking tea, looked up when he heard the noise and saw several followers of Huang Ziqi dragging a man covered in blood in.

The lotus robe on this person has three petals. It is the most common official rank in the Blood Lotus Sect and the third-grade lotus, which generally governs fifty people.

But at this time, he was beaten with blood all over his body and was dragged in like a dead dog by the followers of the Law Enforcement Hall. He looked miserable.

Li Muyang, who had just finished signing official duties and was about to rest for a while, was slightly surprised when he saw his subordinates dragging such a person in.

"What law did this man break?"

Generally, although prisoners who are arrested are dissatisfied, they do not dare to resist the law enforcement hall disciples in public.

With the miserable appearance of a dog beaten to death and covered in blood, it was obvious that he was unconvinced and resisted arrest, so he was violently surrendered by the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Li Muyang's eyes were curious, and his subordinates reported the man's mistakes.

"Returning to the flag master, this person is a third-grade lotus member of Liehai Hall, and his name is Dai Shan. Last night he secretly entered Sin Alley and slept there all night..."

The report from his subordinates made Li Muyang frown.

"It's Sin Alley again..."

The Sin Alleys are several alleys designated by Fang Yingtian, the leader of the Blood Lotus Cult, in the city. The female relatives and practitioners of the wealthy families in Tianjiao City in the past were placed under house arrest.

According to the rules of the Blood Lotus Sect, these immortal cultivating families who relied on the Demon Refining Sect in the past were born guilty.

The captured practitioners who were stranded in the city, as well as their family members and relatives, were all imprisoned in various sin alleys.

These people will be sacrificed to the Sifang Ding with blood in the future and turned into the spiritual power of the Sifang Ding.

However, ordinary people are not allowed to enter the Sin Alley to prevent the practitioners and family members inside from escaping.

But in reality, this ban exists in name only.

In Li Muyang's eyes, the several alleys in the Sin Alley, where female relatives and female practitioners were detained, had become a place of right and wrong.

From time to time, leaders and even banner masters from the Blood Lotus Sect would enter Sin Alley and stay overnight.

Even the formerly high-ranking demon sect witches and young ladies from aristocratic families are no different from ordinary people now that their cultivation has been reduced, and they are unable to resist these strong men of the Blood Lotus Sect.

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