Games with fairies

Chapter 236 White-Eyed Wolf

Ruan Mei, dressed in black robe, was solemn and cold.

The atmosphere outside Wuliu Alley was already tense and a fight was about to break out.

However, when Ruan Mei walked through everyone indifferently and came to the field, even the half-demon in Liehaitang lowered their claws subconsciously.

The tense atmosphere in the bloody killing field that was already about to conflict temporarily calmed down.

Xie Shanhai, the helmsman of Liehaitang who shouted "It's useless even if Shen Yan is here", when he saw Ruan Mei's appearance, his eyes were cold and his face was ugly at first.

But when Ruan Mei came closer, a smile appeared on Xie Shanhai's fat face.

"Sister Mei, you didn't accompany the leader on his missionary tour."

Ruan Mei, the leader of the Law Enforcement Hall, was supposed to be on the list of accompaniments for the leader's sermon tour.

But at this time, he appeared in Tianjiao City.

Facing Xie Shanhai's smile, Ruan Mei responded with her usual indifference.

She looked at Xie Shanhai coldly, and then glanced at Li Muyang.

Finally, he said: "You two thought that I was not in the city, so you two planned to rebel...right?"

Ruan Mei's tone was stern.

But Li Muyang looked calm, as if he was not the one being scolded at all.

Xie Shanhai spread his hands and said: "Sister Mei, it doesn't make sense to say that. In the Blood Lotus Sect and in Tianjiao City, no one knows that our Liehaitang is very loyal. Every time we rush to kill our Liehaitang, we are at the forefront. Be the first and be the last.”

"If we want to say which helmsman is the most loyal, our Liehai Hall deserves it."

"Brothers gathered here today not to rebel."

"It's just that the brothers have long complained about the overbearing style of this leader Li."

"He relied on the support of the young lady, so he became domineering in the city and bullied the good. I don't know how many brothers fell into his hands and were abused by him in every possible way."

"Those brothers fought hard on the battlefield and finally finished the war. They deserved to enjoy peace and happiness, but they were picked on by this guy and humiliated wantonly."

"Of the four flags in the law enforcement hall, black and yellow, only his yellow flag uses the most severe punishments and the most cruel methods."

"Brothers all say it's not that the Enforcement Hall is bad, nor is it the leader or the lady who is wrong, it's just that the lady was deceived by this devil sect brat."

"Today I heard that this devil sect son of a bitch was bullying people in Sin Alley again, so the brothers from Liehai Hall rushed over. Our brothers from the Four Great Xiang Halls and the Seventh Branch Helms fought hard to get Tianjiao City. Why? Let a little demon sect kid who seeks glory behind his master’s back be arrogant?”

Xie Shanhai said, and became indignant: "You didn't see the majesty of this kid just now. Those brothers in the crime alley haven't done anything yet. This kid had to harass them three times and kill thirty people at the slightest disagreement." Several people."

Xie Shanhai said, squatting on the ground and picking up a bloody severed arm, and said indignantly: "Look! This is the arm of my cousin Liehai!"

"The corpses here are all those of my brothers! Their blood is not cold yet!"

"And the reason for killing them is just because they entered the criminal alley!"

"Obviously, this Li Muyang killed more than thirty people in a row despite being punishable by a maximum of thirty floggings!"

"Sister Mei, you are the leader of the Law Enforcement Hall. Tell me, is it possible for your Law Enforcement Hall to kill people at will? The disciples of our major branches of the Xiang Hall are really as cheap as grass. You can do whatever you want in the Law Enforcement Hall. kill?!"

Xie Shanhai said angrily, and directly smashed the bloody broken arm at Li Muyang.

Li Muyang in the crowd was expressionless, but Bu Hongsheng and Yu Liufu behind him stepped forward at the same time and stopped the arm.

Seeing this scene, Xie Shanhai sneered disdainfully, but ignored Li Muyang.

He just looked at Ruan Mei in front of him, his eyes calm but full of oppression.

"Sister Mei, you have to give my brothers an explanation today!"

"Why can the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall kill people at will?"

Xie Shanhai's voice was not loud, but it clearly spread throughout the streets outside Wuliu Lane.

The Liehaitang half-demon crowd outside the Sin Alley roared one after another.

"Explain! Explain!"

Hundreds of half-demon roared in unison, shaking the night sky.

The momentum seemed to shake away the dark clouds in the sky.

The people in the Law Enforcement Hall who were in the midst of it all had the illusion that they were surrounded by thousands of demons and demons, as if their lives were on the line.

After more than ten seconds, the roaring in unison stopped.

Ruan Mei looked at the densely packed half-demon crowding the streets in front of her indifferently.

Finally, he looked at Li Muyang: "Why do you want to kill someone?"

Ruan Mei asked coldly with a cold tone.

But Li Muyang's reaction was calm.

He pointed at the dozen half-demon holding hostages in the sin alley, and said calmly: "They broke into the sin alley privately, ignored the law, and provoked the laws of this religion in the street."

"According to the laws of this religion, I have no problem killing them."

Li Muyang explained the reasons in a concise and concise manner.

The moment he finished speaking, the air outside Wuliu Alley seemed to freeze.

Everyone looked shocked, even Xie Shanhai, who was full of fat, looked at him in surprise, as if he had seen a ghost.

As the flag-bearer of the Law Enforcement Hall, Li Muyang responded so strongly to the questioning from his immediate boss, showing no sign of weakness or cowardice.

——Ruan Mei is none other than Shen Yan, the closest confidant who helped him rise to power!

This Li Muyang didn't even give Ruan Mei face?

This situation made the half-demon outside Wuliu Lane look at each other in shock.

It wasn't until Xie Shanhai's loud laughter burst out that the silence outside Wuliu Alley was broken.

"Hahahaha! So brave! Hahahahaha..."

"Sister Mei, you seem to have a white-eyed wolf! He doesn't even listen to your words, this guy's tail is really up to the sky!"

Xie Shanhai laughed so wildly that all the fat on his body was shaking. His tone was extremely sarcastic, and he mocked Ruan Mei unscrupulously.

However, Ruan Mei's next response stunned him.

"...Is there something wrong with what Li Banner said?" Ruan Mei said with a cold face: "Trespassing into the criminal alley, provoking laws, resisting laws, and disobeying the law. The leader of our law enforcement banner has the right to sentence Lingchi!"

"This is the canon written by the leader himself. If you have any opinions, you can go to the leader to raise them."

"For these thirty-odd people, this death is just the beginning. After they are resurrected, I will have people put them in prison and receive three Lingchi punishments."

"Not once less!"

Ruan Mei's tone was cold and tough, leaving no room for change.

Xie Shanhai, who originally smiled wildly and wantonly, completely froze on his face.

Its face darkened.

The group of Liehaitang half-demon behind it were all ready to move.

In Wuliu Alley under the night, the sinister whispers of Xie Shanhai and the Birds of Prey rang out.

"Sister Mei, Sister Mei, are you really going to keep this white-eyed wolf to the end..."

Xie Shanhai's face was sinister, with a gaping mouth on his fat face, revealing a huge bloody mouth with sharp fangs, like a monster.

And the hundreds of half-demon behind him looked hideous in the night, with thousands of blood-red eyes shining brightly in the darkness.

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